Вручение 1991 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Дата проведения: 1991 г.

Художественная литература

Allan Gurganus 0.0
In these eleven stories, Allan Gurganus--author of the highly acclaimed Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All--gives heartbreaking and hilarious voice to the fears, desires and triumphs of a grand cast of Americans.

Here are war heroes bewildered by the complex negotiations of family life, former debutantes called upon to muster resources they never knew they had, vacationing senior citizens confronted by their own bravery, and married men brought up short by the marvelous possibilities of entirely different lives. Written with flair, wit, and deep humanity, this award-winning volume confirms Allan Gurganus as one of the finest writers of our time.
Дж. М. Кутзее 4.0
В Кейптауне (Южная Африка) от рака умирает старый профессор. Госпожа Керрен, всю жизнь боровшаяся с ложью и зверствами, но фактически изолированная от реальных ужасов режима апартеида, теперь вынуждена заставить себя смириться с неправдой, царящей вокруг. В большом письме к дочери, давно сбежавшей в Америку, героиня перечисляет странные события последних дней. Она пишет о пожаре в "черном" городке по соседству и обнаруживает простреленное тело сына местного служащего: подросток-активист, скрывающийся в ее доме, убит силами безопасности. В минуту отчаяния единственным человеком, с кем она может поделиться своей болью и гневом, оказывается бездомный алкоголик, неожиданно появляющийся на пороге ее дома.
Сандра Сиснерос 3.0
A collection of stories by Sandra Cisneros, the winner of the 2019 PEN/Nabokov Award for Achievement in International Literature. The lovingly drawn characters of these stories give voice to the vibrant and varied life on both sides of the Mexican border with tales of pure discovery, filled with moments of infinite and intimate wisdom.
Annie Ernaux 0.0
A Woman’s Story is Annie Ernaux’s "deeply affecting account of mothers and daughters, youth and age, and dreams and reality" (Kirkus Reviews). Upon her mother’s death from Alzheimer’s, Ernaux embarks on a daunting journey back through time, as she seeks to "capture the real woman, the one who existed independently from me, born on the outskirts of a small Normandy town, and who died in the geriatric ward of a hospital in the suburbs of Paris." She explores the bond between mother and daughter, tenuous and unshakable at once, the alienating worlds that separate them, and the inescapable truth that we must lose the ones we love. In this quietly powerful tribute, Ernaux attempts to do her mother the greatest justice she can: to portray her as the individual she was. She writes, "I believe I am writing about my mother because it is my turn to bring her into the world."


Николас Леманн 0.0
A New York Times bestseller, the groundbreaking authoritative history of the migration of African-Americans from the rural South to the urban North. A definitive book on American history, The Promised Land is also essential reading for educators and policymakers at both national and local levels.


Т. Г. Уоткинс 0.0
An enormously readable yet impeccably researched biography of FDR's most visible (and volatile) New Dealer--a man whose life spanned the closing of the frontier and the opening of the American Imperium. Black-and-white photographs.

Нынешний интерес

Юджин Джозеф Дионн-младший 0.0
In this new edition of his national bestseller, E. J. Dionne brings up to date his influential proposals for a politics that can and must find a balance between rights and obligations, between responsibility and compassion.
From the New, Updated Introduction:
"At the heart of Why Americans Hate Politics is the view that ideas shape politics far more than most accounts of public life usually allow. I believe ideas matter not only to elites and intellectuals, but also to rank and file voters. Indeed, I often think that the rank and file see the importance of ideas more clearly than the elites, who often find themselves surprised by the rise of the movements that arise from the bottom up and shape our politics."


Филип Левин 0.0
Winner of the National Book Award in 1991

“This collection amounts to a hymn of praise for all the workers of America. These proletarian heroes, with names like Lonnie, Loo, Sweet Pea, and Packy, work the furnaces, forges, slag heaps, assembly lines, and loading docks at places with unglamorous names like Brass Craft or Feinberg and Breslin’s First-Rate Plumbing and Plating. Only Studs Terkel’s Working approaches the pathos and beauty of this book. But Levine’s characters are also significant for their inner lives, not merely their jobs. They are unusually artistic, living ‘at the borders of dreams.’ One reads The Tempest ‘slowly to himself’; another ponders a diagonal chalk line drawn by his teacher to suggest a triangle, the roof of a barn, or the mysterious separation of ‘the dark from the dark.’ What Work Is ranks as a major work by a major poet . . . very accessible and utterly American in tone and language.”
—Daniel L. Guillory, Library Journal
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