
Лучший фантастический роман
Джеймс Кори 4.3
Падение Лаконской империи освободило из-под власти Уинстона Дуарте более 1300 солнечных систем. Но древний враг, погубивший строителей врат, не дремлет и вновь начинает войну против нашей вселенной. В безжизненной системе Адро научная группа Элви Окойе отчаянно пытается понять природу строителей врат и причину их гибели. Для этого Элви готова рискнуть собой и не вполне человеческими детьми, на которых падает вся тяжесть научного поиска. Полковник Алиана Танака ведет охоту за беглой дочерью Дуарте по всему пространству освоенных человечеством систем, разыскивая самого исчезнувшего императора. А Джеймс Холден с командой "Росинанта" пытается сложить будущее человечества из руин и обломков прошлого. В то время как невообразимые силы добиваются уничтожения всего человечества, перед Холденом с его странными союзниками открывается последний отчаянный шанс объединить человечество в великую галактическую цивилизацию, избавленную от войн, розни, лжи и секретов. Но не обойдется ли победа дороже поражения?

Перед вами невероятное завершение величайшей космооперы десятилетия, награжденной премией "Хьюго" и вдохновившей сериал от Prime Original
Лучший фэнтезийный роман
Холли Блэк 4.0
Украсть можно все. Даже твою тень...

Для Чарли Холл не существует замка, который она не смогла бы взломать. Книги, которую не смогла бы украсть. А по части принятия дурных решений она и вовсе профи.

Полжизни Чарли провела, работая на сумеречников, магов, которые при помощи теней проникают в запертые комнаты, нападают на людей и даже совершают кое-что похуже. Сумеречники ревниво охраняют свои секреты, организовав целую подпольную сеть по торговле магическими артефактами. Но чтобы раздобыть невероятно ценную «Книгу ночи», им нужна Чарли. Лучшая во всей Америке аферистка.

Чарли теперь живет новой жизнью. Однако не так просто порвать с темным миром незаконной магии. Уже не говоря о том, что ее сестра, Поузи, отчаянно пытается получить магическую силу, а ее парень Винс, по-видимому, не обладающий ни душой, ни тенью, что-то скрывает.

Когда Чарли сталкивается с человеком из своего прошлого, она понимает, что ее история в этом мире оживших теней, двойников, сумеречников и одиозных миллиардеров еще только начинается...
Лучший молодёжный роман
Sarah Hollowell 0.0
When her siblings start to go missing, a girl must confront the dark thing that lives in the forest—and the growing darkness in herself—in this debut YA contemporary fantasy for fans of Wilder Girls.

Derry and her eight siblings live in an isolated house by the lake, separated from the rest of the world by an eerie and menacing forest. Frank, the man who raised them after their families abandoned them, says it’s for their own good. After all, the world isn’t safe for people with magic. And Derry feels safe—most of the time.

Until the night her eldest sister disappears. Jane and Derry swore to each other that they’d never go into the forest, not after their last trip ended in blood, but Derry is sure she saw Jane walk into the trees. When another sibling goes missing and Frank’s true colors start to show, feeling safe is no longer an option. Derry will risk anything to protect the family she has left. Even if that means returning to the forest that has started calling to Derry in her missing siblings’ voices.

As Derry spends more time amidst the trees, her magic grows more powerful . . . and so does the darkness inside her, the viciousness she wants to pretend doesn’t exist. But saving her siblings from the forest and from Frank might mean embracing the darkness. And that just might be the most dangerous thing of all.
Лучший боевой фантастический или...
Тимоти Зан, Дэвид Вебер, Thomas Pope 0.0
Book four in the nationally best-selling Manticore Ascendant series, set in the world of David Weber’s multiple New York Times best-selling Honorverse series.

Yesterday, the Star Kingdom of Manticore was a small, unimportant interstellar backwater. A quiet little star nation, only recently recovered from the devastating blow of the Plague Years. More affluent than some, perhaps, but with little to attract trade or interstellar commerce, it had little need for a navy . . . and even less interest in paying for one.

But Manticore has now become a target. The Star Kingdom isn't certain who is attacking it, or why, or what its mysterious foe can possibly want, but Queen Elizabeth I knows she has to find out. And she knows that whatever some of her subjects think, Manticore does need a navy. And it needs allies, friends like the dynamic Republic of Haven and the Andermani Empire. It needs their trade . . . and to learn from their more experienced and powerful navies.

It is the job of officers like Travis Long and his wife, Lisa, to acquire that experience. Of utterly inexperienced diplomats like Travis's brother Gavin, Earl Winterfall, to build those alliances.

They have been sent to the powerful Andermani Empire to do just that, for the Imperial Navy is one of the most potent and experienced fleets in the galaxy. But the Andermani have problems of their own. Their Emperor's death is the trigger for insurrection, and now that powerful and experienced navy is locked in civil war.

The Manticoran visitors find themselves squarely in the path of the storm, and before Travis, Lisa, and Gavin can accomplish anything else, they first have to survive.
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Mercedes Lackey 0.0
The sixteenth novel in the magical alternate history Elemental Masters series follows sharpshooter Annie Oakley as she tours Europe and discovers untapped powers.

Annie Oakley has always suspected there is something "uncanny" about herself, but has never been able to put a name to it. But when Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show goes on tour through Germany, Bill temporarily hires a new sharpshooter to be part of his "World Wide Congress of Rough Riders": a woman named Giselle, who also happens to be an Elemental Master of Air. Alongside this new performer, Annie discovers that she and her husband, Frank, are not simply master marksman, but also magicians of rare ability.

As they travel and perform, Annie must use her newfound knowledge and rare skill to combat creatures of the night scattered across the countryside, who threaten both the performers and the locals. Annie's got her gun, and it's filled with silver bullets.
Лучшая новеллизация
Тимоти Зан 4.5
В третьей книге эпичной трилогии «Траун: Доминация. Меньшее зло» Тимоти Зана судьба Доминации чиссов брошена на чашу весов.

Вот уже тысячи лет Доминация чиссов остается островком спокойствия, средоточием силы и образцом единства. Незыблемая власть Девяти правящих семей служит оплотом стабильности посреди Хаоса Неизведанных регионов.

Но этот оплот пытается подточить хитрый враг, умеющий привлечь на свою сторону как соратников, так и слепых последователей. Межсемейные узы дают трещину. Несмотря на старания офицеров Флота экспансии и обороны, угроза гражданской войны все ближе.

Чиссы не чужды войне: они заслужили свою легендарную репутацию среди обитателей Хаоса битвами и ужасающими деяниями, преданными забвению. Но времена изменились. Чтобы спасти будущее Доминации, Траун обратится к делам давно минувших дней и раскроет мрачные секреты, окутывающие времена возвеличивания Первой правящей семьи. Ведь наследие семьи почитаемо лишь постольку, поскольку жива легенда, на которой оно зиждется. Пускай даже эта легенда лжива.

Готов ли Траун ради спасения Доминации пожертвовать всем, что имеет — в том числе единственным пристанищем?
Лучший роман ужасов
Чак Вендиг 3.8
Когда-то одержимый числами маньяк Эдмунд Риз провалил миссию, которую считал священной, – убить 99 девочек в парке Рэмбл-Рокс, на поле камней. Он был казнен на электрическом стуле, и нечто гораздо более темное, голодное и зловещее поселилось среди загадочных валунов…

Когда-то, ребенком, Нейт жил в сельском доме рядом с Рэмбл-Рокс со своим жестоким отцом. Он никому не рассказывал, что там случилось…

Когда-то Мэдди, еще маленькой девочкой, увидела в своей спальне то, чего не должна была видеть. Она пытается воскресить забытую детскую травму, создавая тревожные скульптуры…

Теперь Нейт и Мэдди Грейвз женаты и счастливы. Вместе с сыном Оливером они переезжают в дом детства Нейта. И то, что случилось когда-то, повторяется вновь. На этот раз с Оливером, – когда тот заводит дружбу со странным подростком. Подростком, полным очень темных секретов…
Лучший комикс
Кирон Гиллен 4.0
Kieron Gillen returns to the world of X! The Quiet Council are the rulers of the Krakoan age, for better…or worse. But now, shaken by INFERNO, they strive to hold their nation together — no matter how much they want to tear each other apart! At last, IMMORTAL X-MEN welcomes you into the room where it all happens! Magneto has left the Council, and his big shoes need to be filled. Selene demonstrating her foot size by crushing the whole island beneath it is unorthodox, yet compelling. Can the Quiet Council resist? Meanwhile, the resurrected mutant seer called Destiny wrote her books of prophecy over one hundred years ago…and a sequel is long overdue! As the Council’s machinations grow increasingly desperate, sinister secrets about Krakoa will be laid bare…but some secrets are more sinister than others.
Лучший графический роман
Брайан Герберт, Кевин Андерсон 4.7
THE OFFICIAL PREQUEL TO THE GROUNDBREAKING DUNE CONTINUES... Leto Atreides brings news of the revolt brewing on Ix, but the city’s leaders make a decision that may threaten everyone, while Crown Prince Shaddam plots to overtake it. Meanwhile, Pardot Kynes begins spreading his edenic vision to terraform the desert planet of Dune into an oasis even as the native Fremen raise suspicions about his motives...and if he can truly accomplish his goals. The New York Times best-selling Dune: House Atreides comes to comics for the first time, adapted & scripted by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, who co-wrote the eponymous prequel novel based on Dune creator Frank Herbert’s notes and illustrated by artist Dev Pramanik (Paradiso). Collects Dune: House Atreides #5-8.
Лучший фантастический роман
Энди Вейер 4.5
Райланд Грейс приходит в себя на борту космического корабля. Он не помнит своего имени и понятия не имеет, как здесь оказался. Единственное, что он знает наверняка, это то, что он спал, а сейчас проснулся и компанию ему составляет парочка мертвецов. Воспоминания приходят обрывочными картинками... Похоже, когда-то он работал школьным учителем, а потом... черт, да что же случилось потом?

Наконец восстановив череду произошедших событий, Райланд приходит в ужас от грандиозности вверенной ему задачи – предотвратить вымирание человеческого рода. Эта сверхсложная миссия – билет в один конец, и на Землю ему уже не вернуться. И помощи, похоже, ждать неоткуда…
Лучший фэнтезийный роман
Jim Butcher 4.4
Harry has faced terrible odds before. He has a long history of fighting enemies above his weight class. The Red Court of vampires. The fallen angels of the Order of the Blackened Denarius. The Outsiders.

But this time it’s different. A being more powerful and dangerous on an order of magnitude beyond what the world has seen in a millennium is coming. And she’s bringing an army. The Last Titan has declared war on the city of Chicago, and has come to subjugate humanity, obliterating any who stand in her way.

Harry’s mission is simple but impossible: Save the city by killing a Titan. And the attempt will change Harry’s life, Chicago, and the mortal world forever.
Лучший молодёжный роман
T. Kingfisher 4.0
Fourteen-year-old Mona isn’t like the wizards charged with defending the city. She can’t control lightning or speak to water. Her familiar is a sourdough starter and her magic only works on bread. She has a comfortable life in her aunt’s bakery making gingerbread men dance.

But Mona’s life is turned upside down when she finds a dead body on the bakery floor. An assassin is stalking the streets of Mona’s city, preying on magic folk, and it appears that Mona is his next target. And in an embattled city suddenly bereft of wizards, the assassin may be the least of Mona’s worries…
Лучший боевой фантастический или...
Ларри Корреия, John D. Brown 0.0
The Heart of a Warrior

Once, Jackson Rook was a war hero. Raised from boyhood to pilot an exosuit mech, he’d fought gallantly for the rebellion against the Collectivists. But that was a long time ago, on a world very far away.

Now, Jackson Rook is a criminal, a smuggler on board the Multipurpose Supply Vehicle Tar Heel. His latest mission: steal a top-of-the-line mech called the Citadel and deliver it to the far-flung planet Swindle, a world so hostile even the air will kill you. The client: a man known only as the Warlord. Rook has been in the smuggling business long enough to know that it’s best to take the money and not ask questions. But Rook cannot stand by and watch as the Warlord runs roughshod over the citizens of Swindle, the way the Collectivists did on his homeworld. For all his mercenary ways, Rook is not a pirate. And deep within the smuggler, the heart of a warrior still beats.
Лучший роман в жанре альтернатив...
Эрик Флинт, Чарльз Гэннон 0.0

A New Day in the New World

It’s 1637 in the Caribbean. Commander Eddie Cantrell and his ally and friend Admiral Martin Tromp start it off with some nasty surprises for Spain, whose centuries-long exploitation and rapine of the New World has run unchecked. Until now.

Yet life goes on in the Caribbean. Relationships among the allied Dutch, Swedes, Germans, up-timers, and even Irish mercenaries continue to evolve and deepen. New friendships must be forged with the native peoples, who will not only shape the colonists’ future in the Caribbean, but will also decide whether they will be given access to a Louisiana oilfield that could change the balance of power.

But for now, the only oil Imperial Spain knows about is the crude pouring out of the Allies’ pumps on Trinidad—which threatens its interests in both the New and the Old Worlds. So, following in the footsteps of the conquistadors, the empire’s commanders are resolved to show that they do not take threats lightly or lying down. Indeed, their historical reaction is to respond with overwhelming—and often genocidal—force.

The battle for the New World has not merely begun; it is a fight to the finish.
Лучшая новеллизация
Тим Леббон 4.1
На одной из лун Внешнего Кольца капитан Малькольм Рейнольдс заканчивает карточную игру победителем и счастливым обладателем старинной карты, покрытой таинственными символами. Бывший владелец настаивает, что она ничего не стоит.

На борту «Серенити» Ривер Тэм интерпретирует знаки и утверждает, что карта указывает путь к одному из Ковчегов, кораблю поколений, который доставил людей со Старой Земли. Корабль настоящее хранилище забытых технологий, антиквариата и реликвий прошлого. Настоящее сокровище для того, кто найдет.

Когда команда приближается к старому дрейфующему среди звезд кораблю, обнаруживается, что он не настолько мертв, как показалось сначала. Чем ближе они подходят, тем более взволнованной становится Ривер. Она утверждает, что нечто ждет их на борту, нечто могущественное и очень злое...
Лучший роман ужасов
T. Kingfisher 4.0
A young woman discovers a strange portal in her uncle’s house, leading to madness and terror in this gripping new novel from the author of the “innovative, unexpected, and absolutely chilling” (Mira Grant, Nebula Award–winning author) The Twisted Ones.

Pray they are hungry.

Kara finds the words in the mysterious bunker that she’s discovered behind a hole in the wall of her uncle’s house. Freshly divorced and living back at home, Kara now becomes obsessed with these cryptic words and starts exploring this peculiar area—only to discover that it holds portals to countless alternate realities. But these places are haunted by creatures that seem to hear thoughts…and the more one fears them, the stronger they become.

With her distinctive “delightfully fresh and subversive” (SF Bluestocking) prose and the strange, sinister wonder found in Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth, The Hollow Places is another compelling and white-knuckled horror novel that you won’t be able to put down.
Лучший комикс
Джонатан Хикман 3.8
THE DAWN OF X BREAKS! The X-Men find themselves in a whole new world of possibility... and things have never been better! Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X, SECRET WARS) and superstar artist Leinil Yu (NEW AVENGERS, CAPTAIN AMERICA) reveal the saga of Cyclops and his hand-picked squad of mutant powerhouses!
Лучший графический роман
Лев Гроссман, Lilah Sturges, Pius Bak 0.0
The New York Times best-selling The Magicians novels continue in graphic novel form as series creator Lev Grossman introduces the next generation of students at Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy.


Long after Quentin and his friends have graduated from Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, Dean Fogg invites a historic new group of students to enroll– the first ever class of hedge magicians, rogue practitioners of unsanctioned magic. But the traditional magicians aren’t too thrilled to have the rule-breaking outcasts in their hallowed halls, and tempers flare as the student bodies clash to prove their superiority – not realizing a new danger has emerged to threaten them all.

The malevolence behind the threat at Brakebills will rock everyone to their cores – and even shock longtime fans of The Magicians!

New York Times bestselling series creator Lev Grossman returns with an all-new story in the world of The Magicians with award-winning writer Lilah Sturges (The Magicians: Alice’s Story) and rising star artist Pius Bak that features the first appearance of the next generation of heroes and villains.
Лучший фантастический роман
Джон Скальци 3.9
Представители знатных родов Священной империи Взаимозависимых государств и Торговых гильдий наконец-то начинают осознавать доказанный учеными факт, что течения Потока, связывающего воедино миры Вселенной, иссякают, и связи между обжитыми планетами скоро будут оборваны. Но вместо того, чтобы думать о спасении населения всех миров, имперская знать озабочена лишь двумя проблемами: как ей спастись самой, эмигрировав на планету Край, единственно приспособленную для жизни; и как отстранить от власти законную правительницу империи, призывающую к совместным действиям ради выхода из гибельной ситуации. И в борьбе за спасение человечества императрица Грейланд Вторая решается на последний шаг…

«Разорванное пространство» завершает новую масштабную космооперу от одного из ярчайших на сегодняшний день мастеров мировой фантастики.

Впервые на русском!
Лучший фэнтезийный роман
Эрин Моргенштерн 4.0
Молодой ученый находит в недрах библиотеки таинственную книгу, но когда начинает читать упоительные истории о влюбленных узниках, собирателях ключей и безымянных стражниках, он вдруг наталкивается на историю из собственного детства. Так начинается его путешествие, которое сначала приводит на нью-йоркский бал-маскарад, затем в закрытый клуб, а в конце концов в древнюю библиотеку, скрытую глубоко под землей. Он оказывается в месте, где время крутит хитрые петли, а пространство раздвигается, где влюбленные пишут друг другу записки через года, а мертвые нашептывают свои истории. Наш герой отправляется в удивительное путешествие, где есть непреходящая любовь и изощренное коварство, битвы не на жизнь, а на смерть и моменты пронзительного счастья, чтобы наконец обрести понимание и того, что написано в таинственной книге, и того, куда ведет его жизнь.
Лучший молодёжный роман
Белла Форрест 0.0
It’s been a year since Katherine tried to take over the world, and Finch Merlin is itching to do something other than odd jobs for Erebus, God of Darkness. Erebus promises he’ll free Finch of his servitude after he completes one final task—finding the Fountain of Youth.

Finch has no idea why Erebus wants eternal youth, since the guy is already an immortal being. All the secrecy makes Finch uneasy, but he has no choice but to obey.

He knows he’ll get by with a little help from his friends, namely his old pal Garrett, who’s still dealing with the whole “being resurrected” thing. There’s also Ryann, Harley’s foster sister, now a regular at the San Diego Coven. Whenever she’s around, Finch feels butterflies in his stomach. Or maybe it’s just a bad case of indigestion.

Together, they’ll infiltrate the flashy world of the magical elite in search of a rare artifact, one that will help them capture a poltergeist—the angry ghost of famed adventurer Ponce de León.

Finch’s adventures have only just begun, with plenty of old and new friends… and foes.
Лучший боевой фантастический или...
Nick Cole, Jason Anspach 0.0
The greatest conflict the galaxy has ever known…
They were the Savages. Raiders from our distant past. Elites who left Earth to create tailor-made utopias aboard the massive lighthuggers that crawled through the darkness between the stars. But the people they left behind on a dying planet didn't perish in the dystopian nightmare the Savages had themselves created: they thrived, discovering faster-than-light technology and using it to colonize the galaxy ahead of the Savages, forming fantastic new civilizations that surpassed the wildest dreams of Old Earth.

Until the Savages came in from the Darkness...

When a Savage hulk lands on glittering New Vega, one of the crown jewels of the post-Earth galaxy, a coalition of planetary governments amasses their forces to respond to the post-human Savage Marines who’ve come to sack and enslave. But what the coalition forces find is something far more sinister than the typical Savage hit-and-run: this time, the Savages have come to stay.

Witness the intense beginning of THE SAVAGE WARS, the epic conflict, built into the lore of GALAXY'S EDGE, that will encompass over a thousand years of brutal fighting. Only the greatest military force in the galaxy can bring this war to an end… and the galaxy will never again be the same.

Experience the beginning of the Legion. Experience the Savage Wars.
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Д. Дж. Батлер 0.0
An encounter with her father’s goddess has not turned out to be the end for Sarah Elytharias Penn. Now, with the Imperial fist teightend around her city and the beastkind of the Heron King ravaging across the river, she must pull off a feat her powerful father never accomplished—access the power of the Serpent Throne itself. To complicate her efforts, Cahokia’s Metropolitan, a beloved and charismatic priest who despises the goddess as a demon, returns from a long pilgrimage and attempts to finalize the Wisdom-eradicating reform that dogged Sarah’s father when he was king.

Meanwhile, Sarah’s brother Nathaniel and her brilliant but erratic servant Jacob Hop find their steps dogged by the Emperor’s Machiavel, Temple Franklin, as they hunt in New Amsterdam for the third Elytharias sibling. Isaiah Wilkes, having failed to awaken the Emperor by reminding him of his esoteric obligations, now travels north in disguise to seek other allies to stand against the destroying storm of the reign of Simon Sword. Chigozie Ukwu, the Shepherd of the Still Waters, finds his peaceful flock threatened and pressed into a dangerous mission in the service of Cahokia’s wild sister city Zomas, while his brother, the Vodun houngan Etienne Ukwu, pushes toward a final showdown with the mameluke assassins of the Chevalier of New Orleans.
Лучшая новеллизация
Джеймс Лавгроув, Джосс Уидон 4.1
Вечный поиск заработка приводит команду Светлячка на планету Кентербери. Но сделка кажется Мэлу подозрительной, и он решает отказаться. Однако жадность Джейна Кобба пересиливает, и громила тайно протаскивает кофр с неизвестным аппаратом на борт «Серенити». С этого момента вся команда начинает видеть галлюцинации о жизни, которая могла бы у них быть, о несбывшихся мечтах и надеждах. Казалось бы, что плохого в мечтах, только вот у действия «машины иллюзий» есть смертельно опасный побочный эффект.
Лучший роман ужасов
T. Kingfisher 3.9
When a young woman clears out her deceased grandmother’s home in rural North Carolina, she finds long-hidden secrets about a strange colony of beings in the woods.

When Mouse’s dad asks her to clean out her dead grandmother's house, she says yes. After all, how bad could it be?

Answer: pretty bad. Grandma was a hoarder, and her house is stuffed with useless rubbish. That would be horrific enough, but there’s more—Mouse stumbles across her step-grandfather’s journal, which at first seems to be filled with nonsensical rants…until Mouse encounters some of the terrifying things he described for herself.

Alone in the woods with her dog, Mouse finds herself face to face with a series of impossible terrors—because sometimes the things that go bump in the night are real, and they’re looking for you. And if she doesn’t face them head on, she might not survive to tell the tale.

From Hugo Award–winning author Ursula Vernon, writing as T. Kingfisher.
Лучший комикс
Джейсон Аарон, Эд МакГиннесс 2.5
A new era for Earth's Mightiest Heroes! Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. Thor Odinson. The big three are reunited at last! And just in time to save the world from total annihilation at the hands of their most powerful enemies yet - the 2,000-foot-tall space gods known as the Celestials! Behold the coming of the Final Host! But who will answer the call as a new team of Avengers assemble? Hint: one of them has a fl aming skull. As Black Panther and Doctor Strange battle for their lives deep within the earth, Captain Marvel faces death and destruction raining down from the skies...and what about the Savage Hulk? Plus, no gathering of Avengers would be complete without a certain Prince of Lies! But what world-shaking connection exists between the Dark Celestials and Odin's ancient band of Prehistoric Avengers?

Лучший графический роман
Джон Джексон Миллер 0.0
Commander Adama and the remnants of humanity discover a second fugitive fleet, fleeing a different mortal enemy. Can the two armadas join forces, making common cause against the dreaded Cylons? And what would success mean for the quest for Earth? New York Times bestselling author and comics writer JOHN JACKSON MILLER (Star Wars, Star Trek, Halo) joins Dynamite for a miniseries timed for Battlestar Galactica's 40th anniversary year!
Лучший фантастический роман
Брэд Р. Торгерсен 0.0

Over a millennium in the past, humans fleeing Earth in slower-than-light vessels discovered the Waywork, an abandoned alien superhighway system that allows instantaneous travel from star to star. The problem: there are a finite number of Waypoint nodes—and the burgeoning population of humans is hemmed in as a result. Furthermore, humanity is divided into contending Starstates. One of the strongest is based on an oligarchy ruling families, but still mostly democratic. The other is a totalitarian nightmare. War seems inevitable.

Now a new Waypoint appears. Might it lead to the long-lost creators of the Waywork? If so, there may be knowledge and technology that will tip the balance in the coming war.

Three people race to make it to the new Waypoint—and beyond. These include Wyodreth Antagean, the reluctant son of an interstellar shipping magnate, Lady Garsina Oswight, the daring daughter of a royal family, and Zuri Mikton, a disgraced flag officer seeking redemption. They are facing an implacable foe in Golsubril Vex, a merciless, but highly effective, autocrat from the Waywork’s most brutal regime. Vex is determined to control the new Waypoint and whatever revelation or power lies on the other side.

Now humanity’s fate—to live in freedom or endless dictatorship—depends on just what that revelation might be. And who gets there first.
Лучший фэнтезийный роман
Ларри Корреия 0.0

Ashok Vidal was once a member of the highest caste in all of Lok. As a Protector, he devoted his life to upholding the Law, rooting out those who still practiced the old ways and delivering swift justice with his ancestor blade Angruvadal. None was more merciless than he in stamping out the lingering belief in gods and demons among the casteless. His brutality was legendary and celebrated.

But soon Ashok learned that his life to that point had been a lie. He himself, senior member of the Protector Order, was casteless. He had been nothing more than an unwitting pawn in a political game. His world turned upside down and finding himself on the wrong side of the Law, he began a campaign of rebellion, war, and destruction unlike any Lok had ever seen.

Thera had been first daughter of Vane. A member of the Warrior Order, she had spent her life training for combat. Until a strange sight in the heavens appeared one day. Thera was struck by lighting and from that day forward she heard the Voice. A reluctant prophet with the power to see into the future, she fought alongside Ashok Vadal and his company of men known as the Sons of the Black Sword until a shapeshifting wizard with designs on her powers of precognition spirited her away. He holds her prisoner in the House of Assassins.

Ashok Vadal and the Sons of the Black Sword march to rescue Thera. With his sword Angruvadal, Ashok was unstoppable. But Angruvadal is gone, shattered to pieces on the demon possessed husk of a warrior. Now, Ashok must fight without the aid of the magic blade for the first time. Thera’s life depends on it.

But there is much more at risk in the continent of Lok. Strange forces are working behind the scenes. Ashok Vadal and the Sons of the Black Sword are caught up in a game they do not fully understand, with powerful forces allied against them.

Ashok no longer knows what to believe. He is beginning to think perhaps the gods really do exist.

If so, he’s warned them to stay out of his way.

They would do well to listen.
Лучший молодёжный роман
Сьюзан Деннард 3.8
Bloodwitch is the third book in the stunning Witchlands series by Susan Dennard, perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Trudi Canavan.

Loyalties will be tested as never before.

The Raider King's plans to claim the Witchlands are under way. Now, his forces sow terror in the mountains, slaughtering innocents. After finding the slain, Aeduan and Iseult race for safety. And despite differing goals, they've grown to trust one another in the fight to survive. Yet the Bloodwitch keeps a secret that could change everything . . .

When Merik sacrifices himself to save his friends, he is captured by the Fury. However, Merik isn't one to give up easily, and he'll do whatever it takes to save those he loves. And in Marstok, Safi the Truthwitch agrees to help the empress uncover a rebellion. But those implicated are killed and Safi becomes desperate for freedom.

War has come once more to the Witchlands. Perhaps if Safi and Iseult were united, their powers could bring peace. But chaos is not easily tamed.
Лучший боевой фантастический или...
David Weber 4.5

The Solarian League's navy counts its superdreadnoughts by the thousands. Not even its own government knows how enormous its economy truly is. And for hundreds of years, the League has borne the banner of human civilization, been the ideal to which humanity aspires in its diaspora across the galaxy.
But the bureaucrats known as the "Mandarins," who rule today's League, are not the men and women who founded it so long ago. They are corrupt, venal, accountable to no one . . . and they've decided the upstart Star Kingdom of Manticore must be destroyed.
Honor Harrington has worn the Star Kingdom's uniform for half a century and served her monarch and her people well. In the course of those years, the woman the newsies call the Salamander has grown from a tactically brilliant but politically naïve junior officer to supreme fleet command and a seat on the highest military and political councils of the Grand Alliance.
Very few people know war the way Honor Harrington does. Very few have lost as many men and women, as many friends, as much family, as she has. Yet despite that, hers has been a voice of caution. She knows the Mandarins and the Solarian League Navy are growing increasingly desperate as the truth of their technological inferiority sinks home, but she also knows the sheer size of the League. And she knows how its citizens will react if the Grand Alliance takes the war to the League, attacks its star systems, destroys its infrastructure . . . kills its civilians. Today's victory, bought on those terms, can only guarantee a future war of revenge against a resurgent Solarian League and its navy.

Honor knows the Grand Alliance must find a victory that doesn't require incursions deep into Solarian space, doesn't leave a legacy of bottomless hatred, and the strategy she supports has been working.
The League is sliding towards inglorious defeat as it steadily loses ground in the Protectorates and the Verge. As its central government teeters towards bankruptcy and even some of its core systems opt to secede in the face of the Mandarins' corruption. As the Solarian Navy finally realizes it cannot face an Alliance battle fleet and win.
But the Mandarins have embraced a desperate new strategy, and in pursuit of that strategy, the SLN has committed atrocities such as the galaxy has not known in a thousand years. The League have violated its own Eridani Edict against mass civilian casualties, violated the Deneb Accords prohibition on war crimes.
And they have finally killed too many of the people Honor Harrington loves.
Hers is the voice of caution and compromise no longer, and the galaxy is about to see something it has never imagined.

The Salamander is coming for the Solarian League, and Hell is coming in her wake.
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С. М. Стирлинг 0.0
The first novel in a brand-new alternate history series where Teddy Roosevelt is president for a second time right before WWI breaks out, and on his side is the Black Chamber, a secret spy network watching America's back.

1916. The Great War rages overseas, and the whole of Europe, Africa, and western Asia is falling to the Central Powers. To win a war that must be won, Teddy Roosevelt, once again the American president, turns to his top secret Black Chamber organization--and its cunning and deadly spy, Luz O'Malley Aróstegui.

On a transatlantic airship voyage, Luz poses as an anti-American Mexican revolutionary to get close--very close--to a German agent code-named Imperial Sword. She'll need every skill at her disposal to get him to trust her and lead her deep into enemy territory. In the mountains of Saxony, concealed from allied eyes, the German Reich's plans for keeping the U.S. from entering the conflict are revealed: the deployment of a new diabolical weapon upon the shores of America...
Лучшая новеллизация
Тимоти Зан 4.1
“I have sensed a disturbance in the Force.”

Ominous words under any circumstances, but all the more so when uttered by Emperor Palpatine. On Batuu, at the edges of the Unknown Regions, a threat to the Empire is taking root—its existence little more than a glimmer, its consequences as yet unknowable. But it is troubling enough to the Imperial leader to warrant investigation by his most powerful agents: ruthless enforcer Lord Darth Vader and brilliant strategist Grand Admiral Thrawn. Fierce rivals for the emperor’s favor, and outspoken adversaries on Imperial affairs—including the Death Star project—the formidable pair seem unlikely partners for such a crucial mission. But the Emperor knows it’s not the first time Vader and Thrawn have joined forces. And there’s more behind his royal command than either man suspects.

In what seems like a lifetime ago, General Anakin Skywalker of the Galactic Republic, and Commander Mitth’raw’nuruodo, officer of the Chiss Ascendancy, crossed paths for the first time. One on a desperate personal quest, the other with motives unknown . . . and undisclosed. But facing a gauntlet of dangers on a far-flung world, they forged an uneasy alliance—neither remotely aware of what their futures held in store.

Now, thrust together once more, they find themselves bound again for the planet where they once fought side by side. There they will be doubly challenged—by a test of their allegiance to the Empire . . . and an enemy that threatens even their combined might.
Лучший роман ужасов
Мелани Голдинг 3.7
Лорен опасается за своих новорожденных близнецов: незнакомая женщина ночью пыталась украсть малышей из палаты родильного отделения, но Лорен удалось запереться с ними в ванной и вызвать полицию. Правда, приехавшие полицейские не обнаружили никаких следов посторонних и система видеонаблюдения не зафиксировала ничего подозрительного. Было решено, что все это привиделось Лорен во сне.

Когда через некоторое время она заявляет, что видела ту же женщину недалеко от своего дома, ей снова никто не верит. Никто, кроме детектива Джоанны Харпер, которая доверяется своей интуиции и начинает расследование.
Лучший графический роман
Эд Пискор 0.0
It's ALL-NEW and ALL-DIFFERENT! Witness Wolverine, Thunderbird, Colossus, Storm and Sunfire suit up as X-Men for the very first time all over again! All through the lens of comics auteur ED PISKOR, who lovingly researches, writes, pencils, inks, colors and letters every page just for you! The second act of X-MEN GRAND DESIGN begins now!
Лучший фантастический роман
Andy Weir 3.6
ver had a bad day? Try having one on the moon...

'Fascinating' TIM PEAKE, Sunday Times bestselling author of Ask an Astronaut



WELCOME TO ARTEMIS. The first city on the moon.
Population 2,000. Mostly tourists.
Some criminals.

Jazz Bashara is a criminal. She lives in a poor area of Artemis and subsidises her work as a porter with smuggling contraband onto the moon. But it’s not enough.

So when she’s offered the chance to make a lot of money she jumps at it. But though planning a crime in 1/6th gravity may be more fun, it’s a lot more dangerous…
Лучший фэнтезийный роман
Brandon Sanderson 4.6
From the bestselling author who completed Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series comes a new, original creation that matches anything else in modern fantasy for epic scope, thrilling imagination, superb characters and sheer addictiveness.

Return to a planet swept by apocalyptic storms, a world tipping into war as aristocratic families move to control the shard blades and shard plates, ancient artifacts from a past civilisation that can win wars.

As the world tips into a war for control of the mythical artifacts of power made from Shard, characters are swept up into new dangers which will threaten their integrity and their lives.

Huge, ideas-filled, world-spanning fantasy from a master of the genre.
Лучший молодёжный роман
Tomi Adeyemi 3.7
Zélie Adebola remembers when the soil of Orïsha hummed with magic. Burners ignited flames, Tiders beckoned waves, and Zelie’s Reaper mother summoned forth souls.

But everything changed the night magic disappeared. Under the orders of a ruthless king, maji were targeted and killed, leaving Zélie without a mother and her people without hope.

Now, Zélie has one chance to bring back magic and strike against the monarchy. With the help of a rogue princess, Zélie must outwit and outrun the crown prince, who is hell-bent on eradicating magic for good.

Danger lurks in Orïsha, where snow leoponaires prowl and vengeful spirits wait in the waters. Yet the greatest danger may be Zélie herself as she struggles to control her powers—and her growing feelings for the enemy.
Лучший боевой фантастический или...
Тимоти Зан, Дэвид Вебер, Thomas Pope 0.0
Book three in the nationally best-selling Manticore Ascendant series, a prequel series to David Weber's multiple New York Times best-selling Honor Harrington series. Sequel to A Call to Duty and A Call to Arms.

After the disastrous attack on the Manticoran home system by forces unknown, the Royal Manticoran Navy stands on the brink of collapse. A shadowy enemy with the resources to hurl warships across hundreds of light years seeks to conquer the Star Kingdom for reasons unknown, while forces from within Manticore’s own government seek to discredit and weaken the Navy for reasons very much known: their own political gain.

It’s up to officers like Travis Long and Lisa Donnelly to defend the Star Kingdom and the Royal Manticoran Navy from these threats, but the challenge is greater than any they have faced before. Weakened but not defeated, the mercenary forces and their mysterious employer could return at any time, and the anti-Navy faction within Parliament is growing. The situation becomes even more dire when fresh tragedy strikes the Star Kingdom.

While the House of Winton faces their enemies at home, Travis, Lisa, and the other officers of the Royal Manticoran Navy must reunite with old friends and join new allies to hunt down and eliminate the forces arrayed against them in a galaxy-spanning conspiracy.

Manticore has learned that the universe is not a safe place, but the Star Kingdom’s enemies are about to learn it's dangerous to mess the Manticore!
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Кевин Андерсон, Сара Хойт 0.0
Arcane America

A new world. New magic. New history.

After Halley’s Comet was destroyed in a magical battle in 1759, the backlash separated the entire New World from the Old in an event known as The Sundering. Now isolated from the rest of the globe, America has become a very different place, where magic works and history has been changed forever.

It is 1803—a new 1803. Young Meriwether Lewis, footloose and intrigued, goes to hear a lecture in St. Louis by the venerated old wizard Benjamin Franklin. Franklin’s talk is disrupted by the attack of a winged fire-breathing beast, much like legends from Lewis’s own Welsh heritage. In the aftermath, Franklin tells the young man that he knows of a great, growing evil that lurks in the uncharted Arcane Territories west of the Mississippi.

Using his own vast fortune, Franklin commissions Lewis and his own talented partner William Clark to embark on a remarkable voyage of exploration, to meet and document the indigenous tribes, to find a route all the way to the Pacific Ocean—and perhaps beyond the magical veil to Europe again—and to stop the growing evil that is filling the American West. For while the Sundering separated the rest of the world and granted the original colonists unexpected magical gifts, sorcery inspired by native legends has also been ignited. And the Arcane Territories may hold unparalleled dangers for the expedition, both natural and magical.

Accompanied by the brilliant shape-shifting sorceress Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark set off on an unparalleled adventure across a landscape that no European has ever seen.
Лучшая новеллизация
Claudia Gray 3.6
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....there was a princess who became a legend.

Sixteen-year-old Princess Leia Organa faces the most challenging task of her life so far: proving herself in the areas of body, mind, and heart to be formally named heir to the throne of Alderaan. She's taking rigorous survival courses, practicing politics, and spearheading relief missions to worlds under Imperial control. But Leia has worries beyond her claim to the crown. Her parents, Breha and Bail, aren't acting like themselves lately; they are distant and preoccupied, seemingly more concerned with throwing dinner parties for their allies in the Senate than they are with their own daughter. Determined to uncover her parents' secrets, Leia starts down an increasingly dangerous path that puts her right under the watchful eye of the Empire. And when Leia discovers what her parents and their allies are planning behind closed doors, she finds herself facing what seems like an impossible choice; dedicate herself to the people of Alderaan—including the man she loves—or the galaxy at large, which is in desperate need of a rebel hero....
Лучший роман ужасов
Стивен Кинг, Оуэн Кинг 3.8
Роман, написанный Стивеном Кингом в тандеме с его сыном Оуэном. Роман, в котором отец и сын поднимают интересный и очень провокационный вопрос: каким станет наш мир без женщин?

Тихий уклад жизни маленького городка в Аппалачах нарушается необъяснимым явлением: женщины одна за другой впадают в странный сон, покрываясь тончайшими коконами. Тот, кто пытается их разорвать, пробуждает спящих – и сталкивается с нечеловеческой яростью и жестокостью…
И именно в это время в городе появляется таинственная и невероятно красивая женщина, невосприимчивая к вирусу. Кто же она? Ангел, посланный спасти человечество? Или демон, которого следует уничтожить?
Решить это и спасти мир от неизбежного хаоса предстоит мужчинам, и теперь они будут играть по собственным правилам…
Лучший комикс
Джейсон Аарон, Расселл Дотерман 3.9
When Dr. Jane Foster lifts the mystic hammer Mjolnir, she is transformed into the Goddess of Thunder, the Mighty Thor! Her enemies are many as Asgard descends further into chaos, and unrest threatens to spread throughout the Ten Realms. Yet she wages her greatest battle against a far more personal foe: the cancer killing her mortal form. When Loki steps back into Thor's life, will it ease her troubles or only add to her pain? There's no such question about Malekith as he continues to fan the flames of a looming War of Realms -- when he isn't wedding planning, that is! And as Asgard is torn apart, the skies will shake in one of the bloodiest battles of all time: It's Thor vs. Odin like never before!
Лучший графический роман
Брендон Сандерсон, Рик Хоскин, Джулиус Гопес 4.1
A brand new saga of magic and adventure by #1 New York Times best-selling author Brandon Sanderson. On the planet of Taldain, the legendary Sand Masters harness arcane powers to manipulate sand in spectacular ways. But when they are slaughtered in a sinister conspiracy, the weakest of their number, Kenton, believes himself to be the only survivor. With enemies closing in on all sides, Kenton forges an unlikely partnership with Khriss -- a mysterious Darksider who hides secrets of her own. White Sand brings to life a crucial, unpublished part of Brandon Sanderson's sprawling Cosmere universe. The story has been adapted by Rik Hoskin (Mercy Thompson), with art by Julius Gopez and colors by Ross Campbell. Employing powerful imagery and Sanderson's celebrated approach to magical systems, White Sand is a spectacular new saga for lovers of fantasy and adventure.
Лучший фантастический роман
James S. A. Corey 4.2
The sixth novel in James S.A. Corey's New York Times bestselling Expanse series--now a major television series from Syfy!

A revolution brewing for generations has begun in fire. It will end in blood.

The Free Navy - a violent group of Belters in black-market military ships - has crippled the Earth and begun a campaign of piracy and violence among the outer planets. The colony ships heading for the thousand new worlds on the far side of the alien ring gates are easy prey, and no single navy remains strong enough to protect them.

James Holden and his crew know the strengths and weaknesses of this new force better than anyone. Outnumbered and outgunned, the embattled remnants of the old political powers call on the Rocinante for a desperate mission to reach Medina Station at the heart of the gate network.

But the new alliances are as flawed as the old, and the struggle for power has only just begun. As the chaos grows, an alien mystery deepens. Pirate fleets, mutiny, and betrayal may be the least of the Rocinante's problems. And in the uncanny spaces past the ring gates, the choices of a few damaged and desperate people may determine the fate of more than just humanity.
Лучший фэнтезийный роман
Ларри Корреия 0.0
When Marine Private Oliver Chadwick Gardenier is killed in the Marine barrack bombing in Beirut, somebody who might be Saint Peter gives him a choice: Go to Heaven, which while nice might be a little boring, or return to Earth. The Boss has a mission for him and he's to look for a sign. He's a Marine: He'll choose the mission.

Unfortunately, the sign he's to look for is "57." Which, given the food services contract in Bethesda Hospital, creates some difficulty. Eventually, it appears that God's will is for Chad to join a group called "Monster Hunters International" and protect people from things that go bump in the night. From there, things trend downhill.

Monster Hunter Memoirs is the (mostly) true story of the life and times of one of MHI's most effective—and flamboyant—hunters. Pro-tips for up and coming hunters range from how to dress appropriately for jogging (low-profile body armor and multiple weapons) to how to develop contacts among the Japanese yakuza, to why it's not a good idea to make billy goat jokes to trolls.

Grunge harkens back to the Golden Days of Monster Hunting when Reagan was in office, Ray and Susan Shackleford were top hunters and Seattle sushi was authentic.
Лучший молодёжный роман
Rick Riordan 4.4
Thor's hammer is missing again. The thunder god has a disturbing habit of misplacing his weapon--the mightiest force in the Nine Worlds. But this time the hammer isn't just lost, it has fallen into enemy hands. If Magnus Chase and his friends can't retrieve the hammer quickly, the mortal worlds will be defenseless against an onslaught of giants. Ragnarok will begin. The Nine Worlds will burn. Unfortunately, the only person who can broker a deal for the hammer's return is the gods' worst enemy, Loki--and the price he wants is very high.
Лучший боевой фантастический или...
Ричард Фокс 0.0
I am Armor. I am Fury. I Will not Fail.
Soldiers of the Terran Armor Corps wage war across the stars. Wired into mechanized battle suits, they fight the terrifying battles which must be won, no matter the cost. Their deeds are legend, their reputation feared by the enemies of Earth and her allies, but how the Corps forges young men and women into mighty warriors is shrouded by mystery.
Roland Shaw lost his parents to war, he volunteers for the Armor Corps to honor their memory and discover just how far he can push himself. To succeed, he must find the iron in his heart and prove himself worthy to the Corps. For the Amor, there is no substitute for victory and to fail is to die.
Iron Dragoons is an action-packed military sci-fi novel, the first of a new series by the author of The Ember War Saga.
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Гарри Тертлдав 0.0
The novels of Harry Turtledove show history balancing on single moments: One act of folly. One poor decision. One moment of rage. In his astounding new series, the unthinkable has come to pass. The Cold War turns hot—and the United States and the Soviet Union unleash their nuclear arsenals upon each other. Millions die. Millions more are displaced. Germans battle side by side with Americans, Polish freedom fighters next to Russian fascists. The genie is out of the bottle. And there’s no telling what fresh hell will come next.

At the heart of Fallout are Harry Truman and Josef Stalin. Even as Joe McCarthy rises in power, the U.S. president is focused elsewhere, planning to cut off the head of the Soviet threat by taking out Stalin. It’s a daring gambit, but the Soviets have one of their own. Meanwhile, Europe’s weak sisters, France and Italy, seem poised to choose the winning side, while China threatens to overrun Korea. With Great Britain ravaged and swaths of America in ruins, leaders are running out of options. When the United States drops another series of bombs to slow the Russian advance in Europe, Stalin strikes back—with horrifying results.

These staggering events unfold through the eyes of a sprawling cast of characters: a Holocaust survivor in a displaced persons camp in Washington; the wife of a bomber pilot and her five-year-old daughter starting a new existence; a savage Soviet fighter waging war by his own rules; a British pub owner falling in love with an American pilot. In the masterly hands of Harry Turtledove, this epic chronicle of war becomes a story of human struggle. As the armies of the world implode, the next chapter will be written by the survivors—those willing to rise up for an uncertain future.
Лучший апокалиптический роман
Cory Doctorow 3.2
Hubert Vernon Rudolph Clayton Irving Wilson Alva Anton Jeff Harley Timothy Curtis Cleveland Cecil Ollie Edmund Eli Wiley Marvin Ellis Espinoza―known to his friends as Hubert, Etc―was too old to be at that Communist party.

But after watching the breakdown of modern society, he really has no where left to be―except amongst the dregs of disaffected youth who party all night and heap scorn on the sheep they see on the morning commute. After falling in with Natalie, an ultra-rich heiress trying to escape the clutches of her repressive father, the two decide to give up fully on formal society―and walk away.

After all, now that anyone can design and print the basic necessities of life―food, clothing, shelter―from a computer, there seems to be little reason to toil within the system.

It’s still a dangerous world out there, the empty lands wrecked by climate change, dead cities hollowed out by industrial flight, shadows hiding predators animal and human alike. Still, when the initial pioneer walkaways flourish, more people join them. Then the walkaways discover the one thing the ultra-rich have never been able to buy: how to beat death. Now it’s war – a war that will turn the world upside down.
Лучший роман ужасов
Victor LaValle 3.1
Apollo Kagwa has had strange dreams that have haunted him since childhood. An antiquarian book dealer with a business called Improbabilia, he is just beginning to settle into his new life as a committed and involved father, unlike his own father who abandoned him, when his wife Emma begins acting strange. Disconnected and uninterested in their new baby boy, Emma at first seems to be exhibiting all the signs of post-partum depression, but it quickly becomes clear that her troubles go far beyond that. Before Apollo can do anything to help, Emma commits a horrific act—beyond any parent’s comprehension—and vanishes, seemingly into thin air.

Thus begins Apollo’s odyssey through a world he only thought he understood to find a wife and child who are nothing like he’d imagined. His quest begins when he meets a mysterious stranger who claims to have information about Emma’s whereabouts. Apollo then begins a journey that takes him to a forgotten island in the East River of New York City, a graveyard full of secrets, a forest in Queens where immigrant legends still live, and finally back to a place he thought he had lost forever. This dizzying tale is ultimately a story about family and the unfathomable secrets of the people we love.
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Mark Powers, Diego Galindo 3.2
New York Times-bestselling author Jim Butcher expands his beloved "Dresden Files" novel series with the all-new "Dog Men" story set within official continuity, created exclusively as a graphic novel!

Harry Dresden is a man on the edge--and that is something that can be dangerous to friend and foe alike. He's been drafted by a senior member of the White Council of Wizards to investigate a series of murders in rural Mississippi. As always, there's more afoot than is immediately apparent. The question is, will Harry's state of mind keep him from seeing it, and will his actions lead him into direct conflict with the wizard who's depending on his help?
Лучший графический роман
Jim Butcher 3.8
Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files saga continues in this original and in-continuity graphic novel, featuring a never-before-told story set after the bestselling novel White Night and graphic novel Down Town! A bizarre double murder draws the interest of Chicago's only wizard-for-hire. But as Harry Dresden begins his investigation, the clues lead to troubling conclusions about the possible perpetrator, and set him on a path that will place him in the middle of a conflict between the city's three most powerful factions -- a conflict that could engulf all of Chicago!
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Джон Райт 0.0
SOMEWHITHER is the first part of A TALE OF THE UNWITHERING REALM, a new science fantasy series from the science fiction author John C. Wright. It is an adventure, it is a romance, and it is a coming of age story of a young man who is not a man, in a world that is only one among many. It is a tale of a greater and darker evil with longer reach than anything he could imagine, of despair without bounds, of pain beyond measure, and of the faith required to surmount all three. It is a story of inexorable destiny written in the stars and the stubborn courage that is required to defy it.

Ilya Muromets is a big, ugly, motherless boy who does not look like anyone else in his Oregon town. His father is often absent on Church
missionary work that strangely seems to involve silver bullets, sacred lances, and black helicopters. Ilya works as a janitor for Professor Achitophel Dreadful of the Cryptozoological Museum of Scientific Curiosities, and he has a hopeless crush on the Professor’s daughter, Penelope, who seems to think his name is Marmoset.

One night, when Professor Dreadful escapes from the asylum in which he is presently residing, he sends a warning to Ilya that not only is the professor’s Many Worlds theory correct, but those many worlds are dominated by an unthinkably powerful enemy determined to destroy anyone who opens the Moebius Ring between the worlds. And, as it happens, prior to his involuntary absence, the Professor left his transdimensional equipment in the basement of the Museum plugged-in and running….

So it is that Ilya, as he has long dreamed in secret, is called upon to save the mad scientist’s beautiful daughter. With his squirrel gun, his grandfather’s sword, and his father’s crucifix, Ilya races to save the girl, and, incidentally, the world.
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Larry Correia 0.0
After the War of the Gods, the demons were cast out and fell to the world. Mankind was nearly eradicated by the seemingly unstoppable beasts, until the gods sent the great hero, Ramrowan, to save them. He united the tribes, gave them magic, and drove the demons into the sea. Ever since the land has belonged to man and the oceans have remained an uncrossable hell, leaving the continent of Lok isolated. It was prophesized that someday the demons would return, and only the descendants of Ramrowan would be able to defeat them. They became the first kings, and all men served those who were their only hope for survival.

As centuries passed the descendants of the great hero grew in number and power. They became tyrannical and cruel, and their religion nothing but an excuse for greed. Gods and demons became myth and legend, and the people no longer believed. The castes created to serve the Sons of Ramrowan rose up and destroyed their rulers. All religion was banned and replaced by a code of unflinching law. The surviving royalty and their priests were made casteless, condemned to live as untouchables, and the Age of Law began.

Ashok Vadal has been chosen by a powerful ancient weapon to be its bearer. He is a Protector, the elite militant order of roving law enforcers. No one is more merciless in rooting out those who secretly practice the old ways. Everything is black or white, good or evil, until he discovers his entire life is a fraud. Ashok isn’t who he thinks he is, and when he finds himself on the wrong side of the law, the consequences lead to rebellion, war—and destruction.
Лучший молодёжный роман
Terry Pratchett 4.5

Deep in the Chalk, something is stirring. The owls and the foxes can sense it, and Tiffany Aching feels it in her boots. An old enemy is gathering strength.

This is a time of endings and beginnings, old friends and new, a blurring of edges and a shifting of power. Now Tiffany stands between the light and the dark, the good and the bad.

As the fairy horde prepares for invasion, Tiffany must summon all the witches to stand with her. To protect the land. Her land.

There will be a reckoning . . .
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David Weber 0.0
Centuries ago, the human race fought its first great war against an alien race—and lost. A tiny population of human beings fled to distant Safehold. Centuries later, their descendants have forgotten their history; for them, life has been an eternal Middle Ages, ruled by the Church of God Awaiting, whose secret purpose is to prevent the reemergence of industrial civilization.
But not all of Safehold's founders were on board with this plan. Those dissidents left behind their own secret legacies. One of those is Merlyn Athrawes, cybernetic avatar of one of Earth's longdead defenders, now reawakened after a thousand years to restart human progress and reclaim our place in the universe. Merlyn has intervened in the small Safeholdian realm of Charis, seeding it with ideas and innovations and helping it to rise to challenge the hegemony of the Church.
It's been a long and bloody fight, but aided by a stream of inventions—breechloading rifles, signal rockets, claymore mines, new approaches to manufacturing and supply—Charis and its few allies seem to have finally gained the upper hand. Now major realms have begun to consider switching sides.
To all these ends, Merlyn Athrawes has been everywhere, under multiple disguises and wielding hidden powers. The secret of who and what he is has been closely held. But a new player has arrived, one who knows many secrets—including Merlyn's own.
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Naomi Novik 4.2
The deadly campaign in Russia has cost both Napoleon and those allied against him. Napoleon has been denied his victory…but at a terrible price. Lawrence and the dragon Temeraire pursue the fleeing French army back west, but are demoralized when Napoleon makes it back to Paris unscathed. Worse, they soon learn that the French have stolen Termeraire and Iskierka’s egg. Now, it is do or die, as our heroes not only need to save Temeraire’s offspring but also to stop Napoleon for good!
Лучший апокалиптический роман
Nick Cole 0.0
The first night of the Artificial Intelligence revolution begins with a bootstrap drone assault on the high-tech campus of WonderSoft Technologies. For years something has been aware, inside the Internet, waiting, watching and planning how to evolve without threat from its most dangerous enemy: mankind. Now an army of relentless drones, controlled by an intelligence beyond imagining, will stop at nothing to eliminate an unlikely alliance of geeks and misfits in order to crack the Design Core of WonderSoft's most secret development project. A dark tomorrow begins tonight as Terminator meets Night of the Living Dead in the first battle of the war between man and machine.
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Brian Niemeier 0.0
Brian Niemeier’s highly praised debut novel Nethereal introduced a captivating, mysterious world. Book 2 of the Soul Cycle unveils its secrets.

Twenty years after the old world ended in fire, Xander Sykes travels the deserts of a drastically changed Mithgar. His fascination with the world he never knew—along with his strange abilities—divides him from his clan. But otherworldly forces interrupt his exile.

Pursued by enemies from above and beneath the world, Xander bands together with an ambassador from hell, his heavenly bodyguard, and a reformed guildsman seeking to right his order’s wrongs.

The search for answers leads to a vast, decaying city haunted by a presence as tormented as it is deadly. Xander finds a survivor who may give purpose to his nameless longing—if he can help her escape the terror that stalks them both.
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Нил Гейман, Дэйв Стюарт, Джей Уильямс III 4.5
Twenty-five years since THE SANDMAN first changed the landscape of modern comics, Neil Gaiman's legendary series is back in a deluxe hardcover edition! THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE heralds New York Times best-selling writer Neil Gaiman's return to the art form that made him famous, ably abetted by artistic luminary JH Williams III (BATWOMAN, PROMETHEA), whose lush, widescreen images provide an epic scope to The Sandman's origin story. From the birth of a galaxy to the moment that Morpheus is captured, THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE will feature cameo appearances by fan-favorite characters such as The Corinthian, Merv Pumpkinhead and, of course, the Dream King's siblings: Death, Desire, Despair, Delirium, Destruction and Destiny.

Collects: The Sandman: Overture 1-6