Вручение 1992 г.

Председатель: Максим Якубовский (Maxim Jakubowski)
от Британской Ассоциации научной фантастики (BSFA) — Кив Маквей (Kev McVeigh), Сесиль Нурс (Cecil Nurse)
от Фонда научной фантастики (SFF) — Роз Кэвини (Roz Kaveney), Нейл Гейман (Neil Gaiman)
от Международного фонда научной политики (ISPF) — Морис Голдсмит (Maurice Goldsmith)

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: Лондон Дата проведения: 1992 г.


Pat Cadigan 3.4
Synners are synthesizers - not machines, but people. They take images from the brains of performers, and turn them into a form which can be packaged, sold and consumed. This book is set in a world where new technology spawns new crime before it hits the streets.

In SYNNERS the line between technology and humanity is hopelessly slim; the human mind and the external landscape have fused to the point where any encounter with reality is incidental.

A classic novel from one of the founders and mainstays of the cyberpunk movement
Стивен Бакстер 3.7
В этой вселенной сила притяжения непостоянна, а потому земной корабль, когда-то пролетавший мимо Туманности, попросту развалился. Те, кто выжил, из его обломков соорудили Плот, который стал их пристанищем. Но Туманность гибнет, и людям надо искать пути к спасению.
Дэн Симмонс 4.4
Паломники, отправившиеся в предыдущем романе цикла к Гробницам Времени на планете Гиперион, достигают цели и ищут Шрайка, чтобы сразиться с ним или обратиться с просьбой. Но он находит каждого из них сам, неожиданно и беспощадно. Тем временем правительство человеческой Гегемонии в ожидании новостей с планеты Гиперион оттягивает момент жесткого разрыва с ИскИнами, обеспечивающими человечеству возможность связи и мгновенного передвижения между планетами: «Может ли рыба объявить войну воде, в которой плавает?».
Richard Paul Russo 0.0
San Francisco was turning into a jungle--more and more people living in cars, more and more mobs roaming the streets, more and more dangers in day-to-day living.

Rheinhardt was a sculptor who did the best he could in San Francisco... until they drafted his best friend to fight in South America... until his artist's colony turned into a home for spoiled no-talents... until his girlfriend began to ask him where he was going... until he felt like he couldn't stand it any more.

Justinian was a mystery man, a Vietnam vet who stalked Rheinhardt quietly, waiting for the right moment. Waiting to take him to Subterranean Gallery.

"Subterranean Gallery is a day-after-tomorrow SF novel with an authentically funky lived-in quality that immediately convinces the reader that its characters and settings are real, that the urban future of the United States is likely to be very much the way Russo imagines it, and that people of compassion and creativity may still find it in themselves to bring forth from oppression and desolation a revivifying hope. Reading Subterranean Gallery is an engrossing, gut-wrenching experience--but ultimately and uplifting one as well." -Michael Bishop, author of The Secret Ascension
Gwyneth Jones 0.0
When humanoid aliens invade Earth early in the twenty-first century, they claim to desire only a peaceful settlement, but their presence changes the world in disturbing ways
Paul J. McAuley 0.0
For Dorthy Yoshida - abused earthborn Talent and prime player in the secret history of the galaxy - the seeds of destiny were sown a million years in the past...when a giant sun exploded and vast civilizations died in the subsequent blood feuding of ten thousand alien family nations. Or perhaps it all began a dozen years before her birth - when a Greater Brazilian flyby drone was destroyed above a red dwarf star, drawing an uncomprehending human race into a thousand-millennia-old genocidal conflict that was not their own. And now Dorthy's extraordinary mental ability to touch the past and the future has made her the pawn of a wealthy immortal's vengeance - rocketing her to the black hole at the core of the galaxy, and into the perilous heart of a fanatical religious sect's relentless search for hidden gods. For it is here that the final battle must ultimately be fought against a fearsome, invisible Enemy who has harnessed the powers of creation to obliterate a universe. And it is Dorthy Yoshida who stands at the frontlines of the war for tomorrow - unknowingly possessing the answers to the mysteries of eternity...and the key to preventing the apocalyptic unraveling of space and time.