Вручение 1999 г.

За произведения изданные в 1998 году.

Председатель: Пол Кинкейд (Paul Kincaid)
от Британской Ассоциации научной фантастики (BSFA) — Клэр Брейли (Claire Brialey), Таня Браун (Tanya Brown)
от Фонда научной фантастики (SFF) — Джон Клют (John Clute), Фара Мендельсон (Farah Mendlesohn)

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: Лондон Дата проведения: 1999 г.


Tricia Sullivan 0.0
The Wilds of T'Nane are uninhabitable, but the frontiersmen and women based there are doing their best to terraform it just enough to make life bearable. They are aided by the AI Ganesh who regulates the systems that keep the station running and by the scientists who use cyber-assisted Dreaming to boost their capabilities. When Azamat Marcsson throws the system into chaos and disappears, Kalypso Deed is staring certain death in the face. She must get Marcsson back on line fast. But when she finds him, Marcsson pulls Kalypso deeper into trouble than she may ever be able to escape.
Элисон Синклер 3.6
“Чужие” явились на нашу планету – с заманчивым предложением! Новая, увлекательная жизнь и новое будущее для ВСЕХ землян, которые согласятся последовать за пришельцами к далеким звездам, – шанс, от которого трудно отказаться! Однако – неожиданно добровольцы, вступившие на борт инопланетного корабля, понимают, что оказались В ЛОВУШКЕ. В мышеловке, которая захлопнулась. И теперь “заманчивое будущее”, похоже, грозит обернуться для людей трудным, долгим “тестом” на право считаться РАЗУМНЫМИ СУЩЕСТВАМИ.
Кристофер Прист 3.4
В маленьком техасском городке Абилин от пули психопата погибли несколько мирных граждан и агент ФБР, муж Терезы Саймонс. В этот же самый день в британском городке Булвертон, на другом краю мира, еще один психопат устроил похожую бойню. Есть ли связь между этими двумя событиями? Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, Тереза летит в Англию и начинает собственное расследование.
Ken MacLeod 0.0
Ellen May Ngewthu is a soldier and leader of the Cassini Division, the elite defense force of the utopian Solar Union. Here in the twenty-fourth century, the forts of the Division, in orbit around Jupiter, are the front line in humanity's long standoff with the unknowable post-humans godlike beings descended from the men and women who transformed themselves with high technology centuries ago.

The post-humans' capacities are unknown . . . but we know they disintegrated Ganymede, we know they punched a wormhole into Jovian space, and we know that the very surface of the solar system's largest planet has been altered by them. Worse, we know that they have been bombarding the inner solar system with powerful data viruses for generations.

Now Ellen has a plan to rid humanity of this threat once and for all. But she needs to convince others to mistrust the post-humans as much as she does. In the process, much will be revealed--about history, about power, and about what it is to be human.
John Barnes 0.0
Welcome to the Thousand Cultures-- in which humanity's hundreds of settled worlds are finally coming back together, via the recently invented technology of instantaneous travel. And in which Giraut and Margaret work as professional diplomats, helping to finess the stresses and strains of so much abrupt new contact among wildly diverse cultures.
Питер Делакорт 0.0
Here's a genre you don't run into every day--a political time-travel novel. If you enjoyed A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, or Back to the Future you'll definitely want to give this a tumble. A brilliant physicist has discovered a time machine from the 22d century languishing in an obscure Paris technical museum, but is too old to try it out himself. Fortunately he meets up with a bored travel writer (our hero) who is up for the mission. The physicist, a political liberal, has only one request of him: when you go back in time, divert B-movie actor Ronald Reagan from becoming president. The writer makes the trip (several times), meets Reagan (several times), but ... well, let's just say changing the entire course of modern American politics isn't easy. And there's the additional problem of falling in love with a luscious blonde who's been dead since 1938.