Вручение 18 мая 2002 г.

За произведения изданные в 2001 году.

Премию и чек в размере 2002 фунтов стерлингов вручил Чайна Мивиль (China Mieville) 18 мая 2002 года в Музее науки (Science Museum).

Председатель: Пол Кинкейд (Paul Kincaid)
от Британской Ассоциации научной фантастики (BSFA) — Пол Биллинджер (Paul Billinger), Тони Каллен (Tony Cullen)
от Фонда научной фантастики (SFF) — Лиз Сорбут (Liz Sourbut), Лиза Таттл (Lisa Tuttle)
от Музея Науки (Science Museum) — Дуг Миллард (Doug Millard)

Специальная награда: Фред Кларк (брат сэра Артура) за заслуги перед «премией Артура Ч. Кларка»

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: Лондон Дата проведения: 18 мая 2002 г.


Gwyneth Jones 0.0
Three extraordinary people in some most extraordinary times: It's Dissolution Summer and as the United Kingdom prepares to break up into separate nations, the Counterculturals have gathered for a festival where everything's allowed. Among them is a talented little brat called Fiorinda, rock and roll princess by birth, searching for her father, the legendary Rufus O'Niall. Instead, she finds Ax Preston, the softly spoken guitarman with bizarre delusions about saving the country from the dark ages. Together with Sage Pender, techno-wizard king of the lads, they join the pop-icon team that's supposed to make the government look cool. Rock Legends. True Romance. A stunning fantasy about England.
Питер Гамильтон 3.7
Земля медленно умирает, и жизнь на ней практически невозможна.
Человечество колонизирует все новые и новые планеты – но колонисты немедленно становятся легкой добычей многочисленных пиратских и бандитских кланов.
Наступает эра космических "джентльменов удачи" – эра преступлений, подвигов и легенд.
И самая загадочная из этих легенд – история о "городе благоденствия" Мему-Бей, где, как говорят, хранится таинственное сокровище, обеспечивающее местным обитателям долголетие и процветание.
Легенды лгут?
Но отчего же, тогда Мему-Бей – единственная из колоний Земли, которой не страшны набеги "космических рэкетиров" – "взыскателей недоимок", чье ремесло – повинуясь приказам "крестных отцов" криминальных кланов, дочиста обирать колонистов?
Что же все-таки хранится в "городе благоденствия"?
"Пиратский принц" Лоренс Ньютон, одержимый легендой о сокровище, готов положить жизнь на поиски истины в легенде…
Justina Robson 0.0
In the near future, psychologist Natalie Armstrong sees her work become crucial to a military project for creating mind-control. Meanwhile, Jude Westhorpe is tracking a Cold War defector. Somehow Jude and Natalie meet to face trouble together.
Jon Courtenay Grimwood 0.0
Part mystery, part speculative fiction, and wholly unforgettable, Jon Courtenay Grimwood's celebrated Arabesk series portrays the dark, hard-boiled story of a man out to prove his innocence in an alternate world where the facts aren't always the same as the truth . . . and murder isn't the worst that can happen.
It's a twenty-first century hauntingly familiar--and yet startlingly different from our own. Here the United States brokered a deal that ended World War I, and the Ottoman Empire never collapsed. And lording it over all sits the complex, seductive, and bloodthirsty North African metropolis of El Iskandryia. Almost nothing is what it seems to be in El Isk, and Ashraf Bey is no exception.
Neither the rich Ottoman aristocrat everyone thinks he is, nor the minor street criminal once shipped off to prison when he fell foul of his Chinese Triad employers-the fact is that Raf has as little idea who he is as anyone else.
With few clues and no money, all Raf has is a surname hinting at noble heritage and an arranged marriage to a woman who hates him. But nothing Ashraf al Mansur learns about himself is as unexpected--or as terrifying--as the brutal murder he's accused of committing. Now, as a hunted man with the welfare of a precocious young girl in his irresponsible hands, Raf must race after a killer through an unforgiving city as foreign to him as the truth he'll uncover about himself.
Connie Willis 0.0
One of those rare, unforgettable novels that are as chilling as they are insightful, as thought-provoking as they are terrifying, award-winning author Connie Willis's Passage is an astonishing blend of relentless suspense and cutting-edge science unlike anything you've ever read before.

It is the electrifying story of a psychologist who has devoted her life to tracking death. But when she volunteers for a research project that simulates the near-death experience, she will either solve life's greatest mystery -- or fall victim to its greatest terror.

At Mercy General Hospital, Dr. Joanna Lander will soon be paged -- not to save a life, but to interview a patient just back from the dead. A psychologist specializing in near-death experiences, Joanna has spent two years recording the experiences of those who have been declared clinically dead and lived to tell about it.

It's research on the fringes of ordinary science, but Joanna is about to get a boost from an unexpected quarter. A new doctor has arrived at Mercy General, one with the power to give Joanna the chance to get as close to death as anyone can.

A brilliant young neurologist, Dr. Richard Wright has come up with a way to manufacture the near-death experience using a psychoactive drug. Dr. Wright is convinced that the NDE is a survival mechanism and that if only doctors understood how it worked, they could someday delay the dying process, or maybe even reverse it. He can use the expertise of a psychologist of Joanna Lander's standing to lend credibility to his study.

But he soon needs Joanna for more than just her reputation. When his key volunteer suddenly drops out of the study, Joanna finds herself offering to become Richard's next subject. After all, who better than she, a trained psychologist, to document the experience?

Her first NDE is as fascinating as she imagined it would be -- so astounding that she knows she must go back, if only to find out why this place is so hauntingly familiar. But each time Joanna goes under, her sense of dread begins to grow, because part of her already knows why the experience is so familiar, and why she has every reason to be afraid....

And just when you think you know where she is going, Willis throws in the biggest surprise of all -- a shattering scenario that will keep you feverishly reading until the final climactic page is turned.
Paul McAuley 0.0
In 2026, a strange fungus-like organism is growing in the Pacific Ocean, threatening Earth's entire food chain. Christened the slick, this bizarre life form contains alien DNA that may have come from the planet Mars. To uncover the secret of the slick, Dr. Mariella Anders is recruited by NASA to join an urgent mission to the Red Planet.