Вручение 26 апреля 2006 г.

За произведения изданные в 2005 году.

Председатель: Пол Кинкейд (Paul Kincaid)
Стюарт Картер (Stuart Carter)
Саймон Морден (Simon Morden)
Дэвид Прингл (David Pringle)
Грэхем Слейт (Graham Sleight)
Дейв Палмер (Dave Palmer) – от Музея Науки

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: Кинотеатр «Apollo», Лондон Дата проведения: 26 апреля 2006 г.


Geoff Ryman 3.0
As pervasive technology ensures the rapid spread of pop culture and information access, few corners of the planet remain untouched. One of those few is Kizuldah, Karzistan - a tiny rice-farming village, predominantly Chinese Buddhist but with a strong Muslim presence, among whom sharply intelligent though illiterate Mae Chung, a self-styled fashion expert guiding the village women in dress, make-up and hairstyling, is an informal leader.

When the UN decides to test the radical new technology Air, Mae is boiling laundry and chatting with elderly Mrs Tung. The massive surge of Air energy swamps them, and when the test is finished, Mrs Tung is dead, and Mae has absorbed her 90 years of memories. Rocked by the unexpected deaths and disorientation, the UN delays fully implementing Air, but Mae sees at once that her way of life is ending. Half-mad, struggling with information overload, the resentment of much of the village, and a complex family situation, she works fiercely to learn what she needs to ride the tiger of change.
Кадзуо Исигуро 4.0
На пороге коренных перемен в жизни Кэтрин Ш. вспоминает свое детство, юность и молодые годы. Жизнь полна тайн и загадок, надежд, потерь и разочарований. Кто она и где ее место становится ясно героине и читателям по ходу романа.
Аластер Рейнольдс 4.2
В 2057 году спутник Сатурна Янус внезапно сошел с орбиты и устремился за пределы Солнечной системы. До сих пор никто не подозревал, что эта гигантская глыба — искусственное образование, детище инопланетных технологий. Угнаться за ней способен только корабль охотников на кометы, добытчиков космического льда. Капитану Белле Линд предложено отправиться вслед за беглой луной, ведь для человечества это долгожданный шанс установить контакт с внеземным разумом. Белла не могла предположить, что люди, поручившие ей эту миссию, без колебаний оставят в беде ее экипаж.
Чарльз Стросс 3.8
История будущего человечества, в которой события развиваются очень быстро. И вот уже нельзя отличить реальность от вируальности, живое от неживого, и нет конца ускорению преобразования реальности, запущенному когда-то одним компьютерным пиратом.
Ken MacLeod 0.0
Humanity has spread to every star within 500 light-years of its half-forgotten origin, coloring the sky with a haze of habitats. Societies rise and fall. Incautious experiments burn fast and fade. On the fringes, less modified humans get on with the job of settling a universe that has, so far, been empty of intelligent life.The ancient starship But the Sky, My Lady! The Sky! is entering orbit around a promising new system after a four hundred year journey. For its long-lived inhabitants, the centuries have been busy. Now a younger generation is eager to settle the system. The ship is a seed-pod ready to burst.Then they detect curious electromagnetic emissions from the system's Earth-like world. As the nature of the signals becomes clear, the choices facing the humans become stark.On Ground, second world from the sun, a young astronomer searches for his system's outermost planet. A moving point of light thrills, then disappoints him. It's only a comet. His physicist colleague Orro takes time off from trying to invent a flying-machine to calculate the comet's trajectory. Something is very odd about that comet's path.They are not the only ones for whom the world has changed."We are not living in the universe we thought we lived in yesterday. We have to start learning the world all over again."
Liz Williams 0.0
In the far-distant future a flooded and shattered Earth is governed by the iron hand of the Martian Matriarchy. Martian warrior Dreams-of-War is not pleased to be dispatched to Earth to guard a young girl called Lunae from an unknown threat. The clone of an extraordinary heritage, Lunae ages with unnatural speed and has the special talent of being able to alter time.

Having arrived at the half-ruined city of Fragrant Harbour where Lunae lives with her malignant grandmothers and a member of the genetically modified race known as the kappa, Dreams-of-War encounters a host of intrigues centring on the sinister presence of an alien mission station nearby. When her protege is nearly assassinated, the Martian warrior is forced to flee with Lunae to the flooded northern islands of what was once Japan. But then the child and the kappa go missing en route, leaving Dreams-of-War determined to return to the plains of Mars in order to discover the truth about Martian rule over Earth, and the nature of the intrigues behind it...