Вручение 2 ноября 2012 г.

Жюри: Грегори Бенфорд, Лоуренс Шен и Сьюзен Шварц (Gregory Benford, Lawrence M. Schoen, Susan Shwartz).

Страна: США Место проведения: OryCon 34, Портленд Дата проведения: 2 ноября 2012 г.


Kristine Kathryn Rusch 0.0
Boss, a loner, loved to dive derelict spacecraft adrift in the blackness of space.... But one day, she found a ship that would change everything - an ancient Dignity Vessel - and aboard the ship, the mysterious and dangerous Stealth Tech. Now, years after discovering that first ship, Boss has put together a large company that finds Dignity Vessels and "loose" stealth technology.

Following a hunch, Boss and her team come to investigate the city of Vaycehn, where 14 archeologists have died exploring the endless caves below the city. Mysterious "death holes" explode into the city itself for no apparent reason, and Boss believes stealth tech is involved. As Boss searches for the answer to the mystery of the death holes, she will uncover the answer to her Dignity Vessel quest as well - and one more thing, something so important that it will change her life and the universe forever.
Кендари Блэйк 3.8


«Она убийца, — говорю я себе. — Такая же, как они все». И сам в это не верю. Анна заворожила меня. Длинные черные волосы, словно плывущие по воде, бледная, очень светлая кожа, бездонные глаза… и платье, которое когда-то, говорят, было белым. Теперь с него капает алая кровь. Что сделало ее такой? В чем источник ее необычной силы? Я должен выяснить историю этой девушки… а потом уничтожить ее. Ведь Анна — призрак и не оставляет в живых никого из тех, кто переступает порог ее старого дома. А я тот, кто убивает опасных призраков.
Patricia Briggs 4.5


Car mechanic Mercy Thompson has always known there was something different about her, and not just the way she can make a VW engine sit up and beg. Mercy is a shapeshifter, a talent she inherited from her long-gone father. She's never known any others of her kind. Until now.

An evil is stirring in the depths of the Columbia River-one that her father's people may know something about. And to have any hope of surviving, Mercy and her mate, the Alpha werewolf Adam, will need their help...
Дэниел Уилсон 3.8


Вырастив экспериментальный искусственный интеллект люди выпустили джинна из бутылки. Осознав себя ИИ взял под контроль роботов и другую технику и объявил человечеству войну. Сможет ли человечество противостоять новой угрозе или будет сметено с лица земли...
Dave Duncan 0.0


When we left the Brothers Magnus, they had assembled in Cardice to help Anton Magnus defend the castle from attack by a neighboring state with a significant military advantage and several officers who at any moment could request help from saints-or, depending on your perspective, from the devil.

But Cardice has a secret weapon in the form of young Wulfgang Magnus, who can ask a few favors of his own from these devil-saints. The only problem is that Wulf is in love with Madlenka, the countess from Cardice who was forcibly married to Anton to explain why he's suddenly leading the country.

Even Wulf is unsure if family and political loyalty should override love. He's also beginning to realize that the magical battle he's stepped into has some serious rules that he doesn't know, and has no way to learn. And when several wild cards in every battle can tap into nearly limitless sources of magic, who knows how far and wide the battle might range?

This stunning continuation of the story begun in Speak to the Devil amps up the romance and intrigue, while letting readers spend more time with master fantasist Dave Duncan's unique, complex, and ornery-but-delightful characters.
When the Saints is a Kirkus Reviews Best of 2011 Science Fiction & Fantasy title.