Вручение июнь 2014 г.

Расселл Блэкфорд (Russell Blackford) — писатель и редактор;
Роб Джерранд (Rob Gerrand) — писатель, издатель и редактор;
Тесс Уильямс (Tess Williams) — писательница;
Сара Эндакотт (Sarah Endacott) — редактор журнала «Orb Speculative Fiction».

Страна: Австралия Место проведения: Continuum X, Мельбурн (6 - 9 июня 2014 г.) Дата проведения: июнь 2014 г.

Премия Нормы Хемминг

Найк Салуэй 0.0
Rupetta is a sewn hardback of 352 pages, printed lithographically, with silk ribbon marker, head and tailbands, and d/w.

Four hundred years ago, in a small town in rural France, a young woman creates the future in the shape of Rupetta. Part mechanical, part human, Rupetta’s consciousness is tied to the women who wind her. In the years that follow she is bought and sold, borrowed, forgotten and revered. By the twentieth century, the Rupettan four-fold law rules everyone’s lives, but Rupetta—the immortal being on whose existence and history those laws are based—is the keeper of a secret that will tear apart the world her followers have built in her name.
This stunning new novel by award-winning Australian writer Nike Sulway invokes the great tradition of European fantasy/horror fiction and moves it forward in a superbly imaginative, highly original fashion.

Nike Sulway is an Australian author who lives and works in Brisbane. In 2000, Nike won the Queensland Premier’s Literary Award for Best Emerging Queensland Author for her novel, The Bone Flute, which was released by UQP in 2001 and subsequently shortlisted in the Commonwealth Writers Awards. Her children’s book, What the Sky Knows, was published in May 2005 and shortlisted for the 2006 Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards. Her adult novel, The True Green of Hope was released in August 2005.
Кирстин Макдермотт 0.0
A creepy wooden dog that refuses to play dead.
A gifted crisis counsellor and the mysterious, melancholy girl she cannot seem to reach.
A once-successful fantasy author whose life has become a horror story - now with added unicorns.
An isolated woman whose obsession with sex dolls takes a harrowing, unexpected turn.

Four stories that will haunt you long after their final pages are turned.
Кэтрин Джинкс 0.0
Monsters have been infesting London's dark places for centuries, eating every child who gets too close. That's why ten-year-old Birdie McAdam works for Alfred Bunce, the bogler. With her beautiful voice and dainty looks, Birdie is the bait that draws bogles from their lairs so that Alfred can kill them.One life-changing day, Alfred and Birdie are approached by two very different women. Sarah Pickles runs a local gang of pickpockets, three of whom have disappeared. Edith Eames is an educated lady who's studying the mythical beasts of English folklore. Both of them threaten the only life Birdie's ever known.But Birdie soon realises she needs Miss Eames's help, to save her master, defeat Sarah Pickles, and vanquish an altogether nastier villain.Catherine Jinks, one of Australia's most inventive writers, has created a fast-paced and enthralling adventure story with edge-of-your-seat excitement and chills.
Кайли Чан 0.0
John and Emma head to Wales to try and work out who — or what — Emma is. But rather than providing a clear path to their long hoped-for marriage the answer could tear them apart forever. Emma will be forced to betray either John, her beloved Xuan Wu, or her past and birthright. To make matters worse, John’s celestial home at Wudangshan is under attack from the Demon King. Can John find the Emma he knows and love, and save Wudangshan from demonic destruction?
Эллис Нир 4.1
В лесу висит большая птичья клетка, а в ней — мертвая девочка. Да-да, Изола Уайльд видит много такого, чего не видят другие. Но когда мертвая девочка появляется у Изолы под окном, становится ясно, что ее угрозы — не пустой звук. В одиночку Изоле не справиться. Ее братья-принцы — эльфы, русалки и волшебные существа, словно сошедшие со страниц книги сказок, — защищают ее со всей свирепой силой любящих сердец.
Эллис Нир пишет умно и остро, виртуозно смешивая реальность и вымысел. Крепко держа читателя за руку, она уводит его в темный лес фантазии по стопам Нила Геймана и Анджелы Картер.
Эндрю Макрей 0.0
In a post-apocalyptic Australian landscape dominated by free-wheeling cyborgs, a young man searches for his lost lover who has been kidnapped by a rogue AI truck, the Brumby King. Along the way, he teams with Sinnerman, a cyborg truck with its own reasons for hating the Brumby King. Before his final confrontation with the brumbies, he must learn more about the broken-down world and his own place in it - and then face his worst fears. Wildly inventive, moving and exquisitely written, Trucksong is a coming-of-age story about how the only meaning to be found in a world in slow decay is that which you make for yourself.