Вручение январь 2013 г.

Премия вручена за 2012 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: январь 2013 г.

Премия Ассоциации книготорговцев Тихоокеанского Северо-Запада

Шерман Алекси 0.0
Sherman Alexie’s stature as a writer of stories, poems, and novels has soared over the course of his twenty-book, twenty-year career. His wide-ranging, acclaimed stories from the last two decades, from The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven to his most recent PEN/Faulkner award-winning War Dances, have established him as a star in modern literature.

A bold and irreverent observer of life among Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest, the daring, versatile, funny, and outrageous Alexie showcases all his talents in his newest collection, Blasphemy, where he unites fifteen beloved classics with fifteen new stories in one sweeping anthology for devoted fans and first-time readers.

Included here are some of his most esteemed tales, including "What You Pawn I Will Redeem," "This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,” "The Toughest Indian in the World,” and "War Dances.” Alexie’s new stories are fresh and quintessential—about donkey basketball leagues, lethal wind turbines, the reservation, marriage, and all species of contemporary American warriors.

An indispensable collection of new and classic stories, Blasphemy reminds us, on every thrilling page, why Sherman Alexie is one of our greatest contemporary writers and a true master of the short story.
Jonathan Evison 4.8
Ben was once a stay-at-home dad. Now, after a tragic accident left him with no home and no family, he is trying to rebuild his life with a career in caregiving. His first client is Trev, a sarcastic teenager with muscular dystrophy. In the mornings, Trev watches the weather channel in his wheelchair. In the evenings, he works on a giant wall map of America's weirdest tourist sites. He rarely leaves the house.
But when Trev's estranged father gets in touch, Ben breaks all the rules of caregiving by taking Trev on a road trip to visit him. Heading west in an ancient Winnebago via such roadside attractions as The Biggest Pit in the World and The Mormon Tabernacle, Ben and Trev crack jokes about girls, argue about fathers, philosophise about life and, slowly, start to mend their broken hearts.
Acutely moving, full of warmth and compassion, this is a life-affirming story about finding hope and redemption after terrible tragedy.
Eowyn Ivey 3.7
Alaska, 1920: a brutal place to homestead--and especially tough for recent arrivals Jack and Mabel. Childless, they are drifting apart. In a moment of levity during the season's first snowfall, they build a child out of snow. The next morning the snow child is gone--but they glimpse a young, blonde-haired girl running through the trees.
Люсия Перилло 0.0
Honored as one of the "100 Notable Books of 2012" by The New York Times Book Review"The poems in On the Spectrum of Possible Deaths are taut, lucid, lyric, filled with complex emotional reflection while avoiding the usual difficulties of highbrow poetry."—New York Times Book Review

"Perillo has long lived with, and written about, her struggle with debilitating multiple sclerosis. Her bracing sixth book of poems, published concurrently with her debut story collection, takes an unflinching, though not unsmiling, look at mortality. Perillo has a penchant for dark humor, for jokes that stick."—Publishers Weekly, starred review

"Perillo's poetic persona is funny, tough, bold, smart, and righteous. A spellbinding storyteller and a poet who makes the demands of the form seem as natural as a handshake, she pulls readers into the beat and whirl of her slyly devastating descriptions."—Booklist

"Whoever told you poetry isn't for everyone hasn't read Lucia Perillo. She writes accessible, often funny poems that border on the profane."—Time Out New York

"Lucia Perillo's much lauded writing has been consistently fine—with its deep, fearless intelligence; its dark and delicious wit; its skillful lyricism; and its refreshingly cool but no less embracing humanity." —Open Books: A Poem Emporium

The poetry of Lucia Perillo is fierce, tragicomic, and contrarian, with subjects ranging from coyotes and Scotch broom to local elections and family history. Formally braided, Perillo gathers strands of the mythic and mundane, of media and daily life, as she faces the treachery of illness and draws readers into poems rich in image and story.When you spend many hours alone in a room
you have more than the usual chances to disgust yourself—
this is the problem of the body, not that it is mortal
but that it is mortifying. When we were young they taught us
do not touch it, but who can keep from touching it,
from scratching off the juicy scab? Today I bit
a thick hangnail and thought of Schneebaum,
who walked four days into the jungle
and stayed for the kindness of the tribe—
who would have thought that cannibals would be so tender?

Lucia Perillo's Inseminating the Elephant (Copper Canyon Press, 2009) was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and received the Bobbitt award from the Library of Congress. She lives in Seattle, Washington.
Шерил Стрэйд 4.2
Когда жизнь становится черно-белой, когда нечего терять, нет ни цели, ни будущего, ни желания жить, люди порой решаются на отчаянные поступки. Потеряв мать, разрушив свой брак и связавшись с наркоманом, Шерил дошла до той черты, за которой зияла бездна. Ей нужна была веская причина, чтобы начать новую жизнь, перестать заниматься саморазрушением и попытаться спасти себя. И она в одиночку отправилась в пешее путешествие длиной 1770 км. Поход Шерил был не только трудным, но и опасным. Ей пришлось пройти 27 километров по палящей пустыне лишь с небольшим запасом воды, совершить несколько дневных переходов длиной в 30 километров, пройти по узкой тропе, расположенной выше 2 тысяч метров над уровнем моря, взобраться на заснеженную гору с рюкзаком, весящим 36 килограмм. Но что было сложнее – выдержать тяжелейшие условия или найти ответы на свои вопросы?
Откровенный и эмоциональный рассказ женщины, преодолевшей себя, вдохновляет на наведение порядка в собственной жизни. Чтобы прийти к себе, не обязательно отправляться в путешествие, иногда достаточно лишь взглянуть со стороны на то, как это уже кто-то сделал. Полное опасностей приключение, позволило Шерил кардинально изменить свою жизнь, обрести душевное равновесие и гармонию.
Дж. Уиллоу Уилсон 3.3
Хакер Алиф защищает неугодные его правительству сайты в маленькой стране Ближнего Востока. Ему и так хватает неприятностей, чего стоит хотя бы охотящаяся за ним Рука Господа – глава государственной службы безопасности! Но однажды Алиф становится обладателем «Тысячи и одного дня» –таинственной старинной рукописи, якобы продиктованной джинном. Что это – красивая легенда или ключ к программе, способной изменить мир? Чтобы разгадать эту загадку, Алифу придется вступить в смертельно опасную игру и призвать на помощь силы не только из нашего мира...