Вручение январь 2011 г.

Премия вручена за 2010 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: январь 2011 г.

Премия Ассоциации книготорговцев Тихоокеанского Северо-Запада

Brady Udall 0.0
From a luminous storyteller, a highly anticipated new novel about the American family writ large.

Golden Richards, husband to four wives, father to twenty-eight children, is having the mother of all midlife crises. His construction business is failing, his family has grown into an overpopulated mini-dukedom beset with insurrection and rivalry, and he is done in with grief: due to the accidental death of a daughter and the stillbirth of a son, he has come to doubt the capacity of his own heart. Brady Udall, one of our finest American fiction writers, tells a tragicomic story of a deeply faithful man who, crippled by grief and the demands of work and family, becomes entangled in an affair that threatens to destroy his family’s future. Like John Irving and Richard Yates, Udall creates characters that engage us to the fullest as they grapple with the nature of need, love, and belonging.

Beautifully written, keenly observed, and ultimately redemptive, The Lonely Polygamist is an unforgettable story of an American family—with its inevitable dysfunctionality, heartbreak, and comedy—pushed to its outer limits.
Karl Marlantes 3.2
Matterhorn is a marvel--a living, breathing book with Lieutenant Waino Mellas and the men of Bravo Company at its raw and battered heart. Karl Marlantes doesn't introduce you to Vietnam in his brilliant war epic--he unceremoniously drops you into the jungle, disoriented and dripping with leeches, with only the newbie lieutenant as your guide. Mellas is a bundle of anxiety and ambition, a college kid who never imagined being part of a "war that none of his friends thought was worth fighting," who realized too late that "because of his desire to look good coming home from a war, he might never come home at all." A highly decorated Vietnam veteran himself, Marlantes brings the horrors and heroism of war to life with the finesse of a seasoned writer, exposing not just the things they carry, but the fears they bury, the friends they lose, and the men they follow. Matterhorn is as much about the development of Mellas from boy to man, from the kind of man you fight beside to the man you fight for, as it is about the war itself. Through his untrained eyes, readers gain a new perspective on the ravages of war, the politics and bureaucracy of the military, and the peculiar beauty of brotherhood.
Энтони Дорр 3.7
Впервые на русском — сборник Энтони Дорра, автора поразительного международного бестселлера «Весь невидимый нам свет» (роман получил Пулитцеровскую премию и стал финалистом Национальной книжной премии США) и сборника «Собиратель ракушек».

Семь трогательных, поэтичных историй о вечных и неразрешимых проблемах, о бескрайней природе и месте человека в ней, о непостижимости любви и невыносимости утраты, но в первую очередь — о памяти как о том, что придает жизни смысл, как о хрупкой нити, связывающей нас с другими людьми и с нашим собственным «я».

Как было сказано в одной из рецензий: «При чтении рассказов Дорра в нас пробуждается то восторженное чувство, которое мы испытываем лишь от сильной любви к близкому человеку или предмету наших занятий».
Сарали Лоуренс 0.0
An exquisite blend of memoir and nature writing, River House is the story of a young woman returning home to her family’s ranch and building a log house with the help of her father. An avid river rafter, Sarahlee Lawrence grew up in remote central Oregon and, by the age of twenty-one, had rafted some of the most dangerous rivers of the world as an accomplished river guide. But living her dream led her back to the place she least expected—her dusty beginnings and her family’s home.

River House is a beautiful story about a daughter’s return and her relationship with her father, whom she enlists to help brave the cold winter and build a log house by hand. Together, they work through the harsh winter, father helping daughter every step of the way.
Нэнси Перл
Нэнси Перл / Nancy Pearl
3 книги
1 в избранном

Премия вручена за серию книг "Book Lust".