Вручение 12 ноября 2016 г.

Премия за 2015 год.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: Civil Service Club, Лондон Дата проведения: 12 ноября 2016 г.

Дети ночи

Майкл Числетт 0.0
Sarob Press is pleased to present a bumper first hardcover collection of ghostly stories by Michael Chislett. These thirteen stories are mostly set in or around the author’s fictional London borough of Milford and the suburb of Mabbs End (possibly some of the most haunted of London locations). Although Mr Chislett’s very original voice shines brightly in every story, a few also subtly (or not so) reveal his influences ... especially Angela Carter, MR James & Arthur Machen. Some of the stories have previously appeared in the excellent Supernatural Tales magazine (edited by David Longhorn) and some in Rosemary Pardoe’s superb Ghosts & Scholars journal. “The Old Geezers” previously appeared in The Silent Companion (the fiction journal of “A Ghostly Company”). The novelette “The Changelings” and the story “Held in Common” are both original to this volume.
These are not your usual hauntings ... in the city of ghosts there are no rules. And not everything is as it might, at first, appear.
There is darkness ... and there is light ... and, often, it’s not easy to spot the difference!
Don’t Miss Out! Order Your Copy Now!
Крис Ридделл 4.1
Самые известные и уважаемые писатели всего мира приезжают в огромный особняк Грянул-Гром-Холл вместе со своими любимыми питомцами для участия в литературно-собачьей выставке. В то же время что-то (или кто-то) загадочное появляется в доме лорда Гота — странные отпечатки лап, вой по ночам и подозрительно пожёванные ботинки. Сумеют ли Ада и её друзья раскрыть секрет таинственного незнакомца до следующей полной луны?
Ян Эдвардс 0.0
All adeptly told, often with a sense of locale and time neatly placed within the narratives. Her family history informs and inspires some of her stories. Folklore figures as a focus in more than one story, whether urban myth or historical lore. But ghostly they are and deceptively disturbing.
Vaughn Entwistle 0.0
It is October 1859, and notorious philanderer Lord Geoffrey Thraxton cares for nothing except his own amusement. After humiliating an odious literary critic and surviving the resulting duel, he boasts of his contempt for mortality, and insults the attending physician. It is a mistake he will come to regret. When Thraxton becomes obsessed with a mysterious woman who appears to him one fog-shrouded night in Highgate Cemetery, he unwittingly provides the doctor with the perfect means to punish a man with no fear of death…
Дэвид Митчелл 3.7
Итак, добро пожаловать в проулок Слейд. Его не так-то легко отыскать в лабиринте улочек лондонской окраины. Найдите в стене маленькую черную железную дверь. Ни ручки, ни замочной скважины; но дотроньтесь до двери — и она откроется. Вас встретит залитый солнцем старый сад и внушительный особняк — слишком роскошный для этого района, слишком большой для этого квартала. Вас пригласят зайти, и вы не сможете отказаться…
Мэрион Питман 0.0
Pitman has created an array of characters that you will love and detest in equal measures. Music in the Bone is a fabulous collection, easy to pick up on your lunch break and read a few stories, or as I did all in one sitting. It appeals to most audiences as the stories cross genres from horror into fantasy. They are simple stories that somehow cover every theme, you will finish this book with a head that is overflowing and a heart too big for your chest.