Вручение 14 июля 2022 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, университетский колледж Дата проведения: 14 июля 2022 г.

Премия Оруэлла за политическую литературу

Claire Keegan 4.1
It is 1985, in an Irish town. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, Bill Furlong, a coal and timber merchant, faces into his busiest season. As he does the rounds, he feels the past rising up to meet him - and encounters the complicit silences of a people controlled by the Church.

Small Things Like These is an unforgettable story of hope, quiet heroism and tenderness.
Анук Арудпрагасам 3.5
Роман вошел в шорт-лист Букеровской премии 2021 года! Одна из лучших книг года по версии журнала Time. Понравится любителям романов Викрама Сета, Арундати Рой, Дипы Аннапара.

Молодой шриланкиец Кришан едет на север страны, растерзанный гражданской войной, чтобы присутствовать на похоронах Рани, сиделки своей бабушки. Рани потеряла на войне двух сыновей и, так и не оправившись от пережитого, страдала от посттравматического стрессового расстройства.

Была ли ее смерть несчастным случаем, самоубийством или убийством?

Одновременно с известием о смерти Рани Кришан получает письмо от своей бывшей девушки, индийской активистки Анджум, которую он все еще любит.

Поездка Кришана одновременно и географическое путешествие — к усеянному пальмами ландшафту севера Шри-Ланки, и психологическое — к травме войны и собственному прошлому.
Дж. О. Морган 2.0
the story of a new technology in eleven conversations
Наташа Браун 4.0
Come of age in the credit crunch. Be civil in a hostile environment. Go to college, get an education, start a career. Do all the right things. Buy an apartment. Buy art. Buy a sort of happiness. But above all, keep your head down. Keep quiet. And keep going.

The narrator of Assembly is a black British woman. She is preparing to attend a lavish garden party at her boyfriend’s family estate, set deep in the English countryside. At the same time, she is considering the carefully assembled pieces of herself. As the minutes tick down and the future beckons, she can’t escape the question: is it time to take it all apart?

Assembly is a story about the stories we live within – those of race and class, safety and freedom, winners and losers.And it is about one woman daring to take control of her own story, even at the cost of her life. With a steely, unfaltering gaze, Natasha Brown dismantles the mythology of whiteness, lining up the debris in a neat row and walking away.
Элис Альбиния 0.0
On an unnamed archipelago off the east coast of Britain, the impossible has come to pass. Women control the civic institutions. Decide how the islands' money is spent. Run the businesses. Tend to their families. Teach the children hope for a better world. They say that this gynotopia is Eva Levi's life's work, and that now she has disappeared, it will be destroyed. But they don't know about Cwen.

Cwen has been here longer than the civilisation she has returned to haunt. The clouds are her children, and the waves. Her name has ancient roots, reaching down into the earth and halfway around the world. The islands she inhabits have always belonged to women. And she will do anything she can to protect them.

This remarkable novel is a portrait of female power and female potential, both to shelter and to harm. What are we? Islanders or mainlanders, migrants or landowners, men or women, past or future? Or a mixture of them all? And how do we make sense of these islands we call home?
Изабель Вайднер 0.0
Sterling is arrested one morning without having done anything wrong. Plunged into a terrifying and nonsensical world, Sterling – with the help of their three best friends – must defy bullfighters, football players and spaceships in order to exonerate themselves and to hold the powers that be to account.

Sterling Karat Gold is Kafka’s The Trial written for the era of gaslighting – a surreal inquiry into the real effects of state violence on gender-nonconforming, working-class and black bodies.

Following the Goldsmiths Prize–nominated We Are Made of Diamond Stuff, Isabel Waidner’s latest novel proposes community, inventiveness and the stubborn refusal to lie low as antidotes against marginalisation and towards fiercer futures.
Одри Маги 4.3
Маленький ирландский остров живет своей жизнью, и ему решительно наплевать, что где-то есть Цивилизация и происходит Прогресс, а по соседству гремит гражданская война. Острову хватает своих радостей и проблем. Но однажды на острове появляются два чужака: английский художник и французский лингвист. Такое соседство мало кто способен снести без моральных потерь, а уж жители маленького острова и подавно. Тем более что в гущу медленного, но верного сползания к развязке оказывается вовлечен едва ли не единственный местный подросток: в очень медлительной местной жизни ему в рекордный срок предстоит пройти все те этапы становления, на которые у мировой культуры и цивилизации почему-то ушло много, много веков.
Джесси Гринграсс 4.0
In this powerful, highly anticipated novel from an award-winning author, four people attempt to make a home in the midst of environmental disaster.

Perched on a sloping hill, set away from a small town by the sea, the High House has a tide pool and a mill, a vegetable garden, and, most importantly, a barn full of supplies. Caro, Pauly, Sally, and Grandy are safe, so far, from the rising water that threatens to destroy the town and that has, perhaps, already destroyed everything else. But for how long?

Caro and her younger half-brother, Pauly, arrive at the High House after her father and stepmother fall victim to a faraway climate disaster—but not before they call and urge Caro to leave London. In their new home, a converted summer house cared for by Grandy and his granddaughter, Sally, the two pairs learn to live together. Yet there are limits to their safety, limits to the supplies, limits to what Grandy—the former village caretaker, a man who knows how to do everything—can teach them as his health fails.

A searing novel that takes on parenthood, sacrifice, love, and survival under the threat of extinction, The High House is a stunning, emotionally precise novel about what can be salvaged at the end of the world.
Yara Rodrigues Fowler 0.0
Born to a well-known political family in Olinda, Brazil, Catarina grows up in the shadow of her dead aunt, Laura. Melissa, a South London native, is brought up by her mum and a crew of rebellious grandmothers.

In January 2016, Melissa and Catarina meet for the first time, and, as political turmoil unfolds across Brazil and the UK, their friendship takes flight. Their story takes us across continents and generations - from the election of Lula to the London riots to the darkest years of Brazil's military dictatorship.

The novel builds on the unique voice of Yara's debut to create a sweeping novel about history, revolution and love. In it we see sisterhood and queerness, and, perhaps, glimpse a better way to live.