Вручение 1 июля 2021 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, улица Пикадилли, Fortnum & Mason Дата проведения: 1 июля 2021 г.

Премия Десмонда Эллиота

А. К. Блэйкмор 3.6
Англия, 1643 год. Вся страна охвачена пуританским пылом. В маленьком городе Мэннингтри после войны совсем не осталось мужчин, а в сердцах женщин, предоставленных самим себе, пылает ужас проклятия.

Ребекка Уэст, живущая с одной только матерью, страдает от тоскливой рутины, которую лишь изредка оживляет ее увлечение красивым молодым клерком Джоном Идсом. Но вот на шахматной доске Мэннингтри появляется новая фигура – не кто иной, как Мэтью Хопкинс.

Загадочный, набожный человек, одетый с ног до головы в черное, он становится владельцем постоялого двора «Торн» и начинает интересоваться, чем занимаются женщины на задворках этой убогой общины.

Опасные слухи о шабашах, сговорах и колдовстве теперь угрожают таким женщинам, как Ребекка… И будущее Мэннингтри, которое одинаково пугает и волнует, оказывается в руках одного человека.
Ребекка Уотсон 3.0
In the formally experimental tradition of Grief Is the Thing with Feathers and Ducks, Newburyport comes a dazzlingly original shot-in-the-arm of a novel that reveals one young woman's every thought over the course of twenty-four hours.

little scratch tells the story of an unnamed woman living in a world of office politics, clock-watching and emoji-texting as she relays what it takes to get through mundanity in the wake of a recent sexual assault.
Formatted in continuously interweaving columns that chart the feedback loop of memory, the senses, and modern distractions with witty precision, our narrator becomes increasingly anxious as the day moves on; and increasingly intent on distracting herself. Must she really drink eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated? Does the word "rape" apply to what happened to her? Why is the etiquette of the women's bathroom so fraught? Does the colleague who keeps offering to make her tea know something? And why can't she stop scratching?
Fiercely moving and slyly profound, little scratch is a fearless and defiantly playful look at how our minds function in-- and survive--the darkest moments.
Эли Уильямз 3.4
Словарь — ненадежный рассказчик.

Особенно словарь, зараженный маунтвизелями.

*маунтвизель (сущ.), фиктивная словарная статья, намеренно вставленная в словарь или энциклопедию для защиты авторских прав.

Гораздо безопаснее читать новеллы.

*новелла (сущ.), небольшая повесть, обыкновенно о любви. Но и они зачастую оказываются романами...

*роман1(сущ.), повествовательное произведение со сложным сюжетом и многими героями, большая форма эпической прозы.

*роман2(сущ.), любовные отношения.

Чем бы ни прикидывалась эта книга, не верьте ей на слово. Может оказаться, что этого слова не существует, и вы останетесь ни с чем!
Пол Мендес 4.0
Rainbow Milk is an intersectional coming-of-age story, following nineteen-year-old Jesse McCarthy as he grapples with his racial and sexual identities against the backdrop of a Jehovah's Witness upbringing and the legacies of the Windrush generation.

In the Black Country in the 1950s, ex-boxer Norman Alonso is a determined and humble Jamaican who has moved to Britain with his wife to secure a brighter future for themselves and their children. Blighted with unexpected illness and racism, Norman and his family are resilient in the face of such hostilities, but are all too aware that they will need more than just hope to survive.

At the turn of the millennium, Jesse seeks a fresh start in London - escaping from a broken immediate family, a repressive religious community and the desolate, disempowered Black Country - but finds himself at a loss for a new centre of gravity, and turns to sex work to create new notions of love, fatherhood and spirituality.

Rainbow Milk is a bold exploration of race, class, sexuality, freedom and religion across generations, time and cultures. Paul Mendez is a fervent new writer with an original and urgent voice.
Калеб Азума Нельсон 3.4
Они встретились в баре. Оба лондонцы, оба выпускники частных школ, оба темнокожие. Он — фотограф, она — танцовщица. Когда они встретились, то почувствовали, будто знали друг друга всю жизнь. Но могут ли двое людей найти утешение в любви в мире, за принадлежность к которому каждый день приходится бороться?
Наис Долан 3.4
Ava moved to Hong Kong to find happiness, but so far, it isn’t working out. Since she left Dublin, she’s been spending her days teaching English to rich children—she’s been assigned the grammar classes because she lacks warmth—and her nights avoiding petulant roommates in her cramped apartment.

When Ava befriends Julian, a witty British banker, he offers a shortcut into a lavish life her meager salary could never allow. Ignoring her feminist leanings and her better instincts, Ava finds herself moving into Julian’s apartment, letting him buy her clothes, and, eventually, striking up a sexual relationship with him. When Julian’s job takes him back to London, she stays put, unsure where their relationship stands.

Enter Edith. A Hong Kong–born lawyer, striking and ambitious, Edith takes Ava to the theater and leaves her tulips in the hallway. Ava wants to be her—and wants her. Ava has been carefully pretending that Julian is nothing more than an absentee roommate, so when Julian announces that he’s returning to Hong Kong, she faces a fork in the road. Should she return to the easy compatibility of her life with Julian or take a leap into the unknown with Edith?

Politically alert, heartbreakingly raw, and dryly funny, Exciting Times is thrillingly attuned to the great freedoms and greater uncertainties of modern love. In stylish, uncluttered prose, Naoise Dolan dissects the personal and financial transactions that make up a life—and announces herself as a singular new voice.
Дж. Е. Менса 0.0
'I'd always known that I was Brown. Black was different though; it came announced. Black came with expectations, of rhythm and other things that might trip me up.' Imani is a foundling. Rescued as a baby and raised by nuns on a remote Northumbrian island, she grows up with an ever-increasing feeling of displacement. Full of questions, Imani turns to her shadow, Amarie, and her friend, Harold. When Harold can't find the answers, she puts it down to what the nuns ca
Дориэнн Ни Гриофа 4.0
A true original. In this stunningly unusual prose debut, Doireann Ni Ghriofa sculpts essay and autofiction to explore inner life and the deep connection felt between two writers centuries apart. In the 1700s, an Irish noblewoman, on discovering her husband has been murdered, drinks handfuls of his blood and composes an extraordinary poem. In the present day, a young mother narrowly avoids tragedy. On encountering the poem, she becomes obsessed with its parallels with her own life, and sets out to track down the rest of the story. A devastating and timeless tale about one woman freeing her voice by reaching into the past and finding another's.
Энди Чарман 0.0
Spring, 1840. In the Dorset market town of Wimborne Minster, a young choirboy drowns himself. Soon after, the choirmaster—a belligerent man with a vicious reputation—is found murdered, in a discovery tainted as much by relief as it is by suspicion. The gaze of the magistrates falls on four local men, whose decisions will reverberate through the community for years to come.

So begins the chronicle of Crow Court, unravelling over fourteen delicately interwoven episodes, the town of Wimborne their backdrop: a young gentleman and his groom run off to join the army; a sleepwalking cordwainer wakes on his wife’s grave; desperate farmhands emigrate. We meet the composer with writer’s block; the smuggler; a troupe of actors down from London; and old Art Pugh, whose impoverished life has made him hard to amuse.

Meanwhile, justice waits…