
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Jackie Kay 0.0
"Supremely humane.... Kay leaves us with a broad landscape of sweet tolerance and familial love". The New York Times Book Review

In her starkly beautiful and wholly unexpected tale, Jackie Kay delves into the most intimate workings of the human heart and mind and offers a triumphant tale of loving deception and lasting devotion.

The death of legendary jazz trumpeter Joss Moody exposes an extraordinary secret, one that enrages his adopted son, Colman, leading him to collude with a tabloid journalist. Besieged by the press, his widow Millie flees to a remote Scottish village, where she seeks solace in memories of their marriage. The reminiscences of those who knew Joss Moody render a moving portrait of a shared life founded on an intricate lie, one that preserved a rare, unconditional love.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Anne Michaels 3.7
Athos and I stood together on deck and looked across the water at the bright city. From this distance no one would guess the turmoil that had torn apart Greece . The sea began to darken, and Athens, glowing in the distance, seemed to float on the horizon like a bright ship.

Jakob Beer is seven years old when he is rescued from the ruins of a buried village in Nazi-occupied Poland. He is the only one of his family to have survived the invasion. Adopted by his saviour, the Greek geologist Athos, Jakob must steel himself to excavate the horrors of his own history.

A novel of astounding beauty and wisdom, Fugitive Pieces is a profound meditation on the resilience of the human spirit and love's ability to restore even the most damaged of hearts.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Шеймас Дин 3.9
"Чтение в темноте" - дебютный роман Ш. Дина. Во многом это автобиографическое сочинение. В центре сюжета - жизнь семейства ирландских католиков, связанных судьбой с движением ИРА. В реальные действия убедительно вплетены ирландские сказания и мифы, исполненные поэзии.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Джеймс Бакен 0.0
The final battle of the Cold War is about to begin a secret battle for the divided heart of Germany."
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Candia McWilliam 0.0
This is the story of six characters sailing a yacht from Tahiti to New Zealand. Three of them are Scottish, and as they sail from island to island, each colonised in its different way, the small northern country that has formed them exerts its own magnetic pull.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Pat Barker 3.4
It is the spring of 1918, and Britain is faced with the possibility of defeat by Germany. A belaguered government and a vengeful public target two group as scapegoats: pacifists and homosexuals. Many are jailed, others lead dangerous double lives, the "the eye in the door" becomes a symbol of the paranoia that threatens to destroy the very fabric of British society.

Central to this novel are such compelling, richly imagined characters as the brilliant and compassionalte Dr. William Rivers; his most famous patient, the poet Siegfried Sassoon; and Lieutenant Billy Prior, who plays a central rold as a domestic intelligence agent. The Eye in the Door is a triumph that equals Regeneration and the third novel in the trilogy, the 1995 Booker Prize-winning The Ghost Road, establishing Pat Barker's place in the very forefront of contemporary novelists.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Аласдер Грей 4.0
`Бедные-несчастные` - прихотливо построенный любовный роман с элементами фантастики, готики и социальной сатиры. В нем сталкиваются различные версии весьма увлекательных событий, происходящих в Шотландии в конце XIX века.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Полин Мелвилл 0.0
A collection of short stories dealing with post-colonial life in the Caribbean, notably in the author's native Guyana, as well as of some stories set in London. Many of the characters, most of them displaced people from former colonies struggling to come to terms with a new life in Britain, attempt to find an identity, to reconcile their past and to escape from the restlessness hinted at in the title.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Кэрол Лейк 0.0
In this collection of linked short stories the author paints a haunting picture of the contemporary British inner city and provides social comment on the poverty and unemployment of the 1980s.
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