Вручение март 2014 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Миссури Дата проведения: март 2014 г.

Премия Трумэна

Мэри Лю 4.1
Бестселлер New-York Times и многообещающий дебют в жанре young-adult антиутопии!

Год 2130-й. Лик Земли изуродован катастрофами. Там, где раньше были западные штаты США, теперь Республика, ведущая непрерывные войны с соседями.
Пятнадцатилетняя Джун принадлежит к элите нации. Ее отец занимает высокий пост, ее дом находится в процветающем районе, а сама девушка, обладающая способностями сродни гениальным, готовится к успешной карьере в высоких военных кругах. Совсем иначе складывается судьба у Дэя — мало того что он родился и вырос в трущобах, так теперь еще объявлен самым опасным преступником в стране.
Эти двое живут в совершенно разных мирах, и нет причин, чтобы их пути пересеклись. Но однажды погибает брат Джун, молодой офицер, и главным подозреваемым становится Дэй. Девушка хочет найти убийцу и отомстить, и кто-то заботливо предоставляет ей такую возможность…
Richard Paul Evans 3.9

Второе место.

My name is Michael Vey, and the story I’m about to tell you is strange. Very strange. It’s my story.

To everyone at Meridian High School, Michael Vey is an ordinary fourteen-year-old. In fact, the only thing that seems to set him apart is the fact that he has Tourette’s syndrome. But Michael is anything but ordinary. Michael has special powers. Electric powers.

Michael thinks he's unique until he discovers that a cheerleader named Taylor also has special powers. With the help of Michael’s friend, Ostin, the three of them set out to discover how Michael and Taylor ended up this way, but their investigation brings them to the attention of a powerful group who wants to control the electric children – and through them the world. Michael will have to rely on his wits, powers, and friends if he’s to survive.
Wendelin Van Draanen 4.2

Третье место.

An award-winning and inspiring novel. When Jessica's dreams are shattered, she puts herself back together—and learns to dream bigger than ever before.

Jessica thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident. She's not comforted by the news that she'll be able to walk with the help of a prosthetic leg. Who cares about walking when you live to run?

As she struggles to cope with crutches and a first cyborg-like prosthetic, Jessica feels oddly both in the spotlight and invisible. People who don't know what to say, act like she's not there. Which she could handle better if she weren't now keenly aware that she'd done the same thing herself to a girl with CP named Rosa. A girl who is going to tutor her through all the math she's missed. A girl who sees right into the heart of her.

With the support of family, friends, a coach, and her track teammates, Jessica may actually be able to run again. But that's not enough for her now. She doesn't just want to cross finish lines herself—she wants to take Rosa with her.

Winner of the Schneider Family Book Award
Алекс Флинн 3.4
Он вовсе не герой, а простой паренек, который подрабатывает после школы, помогая матери свести концы с концами. Но однажды в его жизнь вторгается самая настоящая магия, и это меняет все.
Теперь приходится ежеминутно рисковать, разрушая ведьмины чары, разговаривая с животными на их языке, сражаясь с великанами и мгновенно переносясь в пространстве. Но чего не сделаешь ради красавицы-принцессы, пообещавшей в награду выйти за тебя замуж? Пусть даже нет твердой уверенности в том, что она сдержит слово... и что твое чувство к ней — действительно любовь.
Рэй Карсон 3.8
С самого детства Элизе уготован особый путь. Она не только принцесса Оровале, но и избранная на служение высшими силами. Как гласит священный текст, раз в столетие Божественный камень выбирает себе носителя, которому суждено совершить нечто великое. Только вот Элиза совсем не чувствует себя готовой ни к каким свершениям. Ей шестнадцать, она толстая и некрасивая, у нее нет друзей, и она должна стать тайной супругой короля Алехандро, который женится на ней ради блага своего государства. Но однажды Элиза решает, что больше никому не позволит унижать ее и использовать в политических играх. Она обещает себе, что станет великой королевой и разгадает тайну своего служения.
Морин Джонсон 3.9
Жизнь может измениться в один миг.
Например, когда из маленького американского городка ты уезжаешь в многомиллионный Лондон.
Или когда узнаешь, что на лондонских улицах вновь орудует Джек Потрошитель.
Или когда начинаешь видеть людей, которых больше не видит никто.
Аврора Дево, обычная американская школьница, носящая имя утренней звезды, не знала, что отъезд в Англию — это еще не перемены.
Это лишь призрак перемен. А настоящие призраки ждут впереди…
Дженнифер Энн Коглер 0.0
On her fourteenth Halloween, Lizzy Mortimer sees her first death-specter.

Confused at first, Lizzy soon learns from her grandmother Bizzy that as Death Catchers, they must prevent fate from taking its course when an unjust death is planned-a mission that has been passed down from their ancestor, Morgan le Fay. Only, Lizzy doesn't expect one of her first cases to land her in the middle of a feud older than time between Morgan le Fay and her sister Vivienne le Mort. Vivienne hopes to hasten the end of the world by preventing Lizzy from saving King Arthur's last descendant-humanity's greatest hope for survival. It's up to Lizzy, as Morgan's earthly advocate, to outwit fate before it's too late.
Джефф Хирш 0.0
In the aftermath of a war, America’s landscape has been ravaged and two-thirds of the population left dead from a vicious strain of influenza. Fifteen-year-old Stephen Quinn and his family were among the few that survived and became salvagers, roaming the country in search of material to trade. But when Stephen’s grandfather dies and his father falls into a coma after an accident, Stephen finds his way to Settler’s Landing, a community that seems too good to be true. Then Stephen meets strong, defiant, mischievous Jenny, who refuses to accept things as they are. And when they play a prank that goes horribly wrong, chaos erupts, and they find themselves in the midst of a battle that will change Settler’s Landing--and their lives--forever.
John Stephens 4.2
This is the first thrilling book in the most exciting children's fantasy series since Harry Potter. They were taken from their beds one frozen night, when the world was covered in snow. The silhouette of a tall, thin man has haunted Kate ever since. Ten years on, Kate, Michael and Emma have grown up in a string of miserable orphanages, and all memories of their parents have faded to a blur. Arriving at Cambridge Falls, the children quickly realise there is something different about this place - and Kate feels sure she has seen the dark, crooked house before. As they explore, they discover an old, empty leather book. The moment they touch it, an ancient magical prophecy is set irrevocably in motion, and the children are thrown into a dangerous alternate reality of dark enchantments and terrifying monsters. Only they can prevent the terrible event that will ruin Cambridge Falls - and stop the world from falling into complete devastation.
Джинни Рорби 0.0
"I don't realize I'm crying until he glances at me. For a moment, I see the look of anguish in his eyes, then he blinks it away and slips off into the water. I immediately think of the gator. It's still down there somewhere..."

A science-class field trip to the Everglades is supposed to be fun, but Sarah's new at Glades Academy, and her fellow freshmen aren't exactly making her feel welcome. When an opportunity for an unauthorized side trip on an airboat presents itself, it seems like a perfect escape—an afternoon without feeling like a sore thumb. But one simple oversight turns a joyride into a race for survival across the river of grass. They're forced to walk out of the Everglades (they've got a knife, a small amount of Gatorade and some suspicious Spam). Sarah will have to count on her instincts—and a guy she barely knows—if they have any hope of making it back alive.

Lost in the River of Grass takes on the classic survival genre using one of the country's most unique wild places as a backdrop. It is in the tradition of survival stories like Hatchet or My Side of the Mountain, where the young protagonist finds herself as she struggles to survive in an unforgiving wilderness. In this tense, character-driven thriller, Sarah must overcome prejudice and the unforgiving wilderness in a struggle to survive.
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