Вручение март 2011 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Миссури Дата проведения: март 2011 г.

Премия Трумэна

Сьюзен Коллинз 4.4
В наказание за восстание против своей столицы Капитолия, двенадцать Дистриктов государства Панем должны каждый год предоставлять по одному юноше и одной девушке для участия в Голодных Играх: смертельной схватки до последнего живого участника.
Текст произведения снабжен грамматическим комментарием и словарем, в который вошли все слова, содержащиеся в тексте.
Благодаря этому книга подойдет для любого уровня владения английским языком.
Майкл Грант 3.9

Второе место.

В мгновение ока все исчезли. Кроме молодых.

Остались дети, подростки. И ни одного взрослого. Также внезапно исчезли телефоны, интернет, телевидение. И помощи ждать не от кого. И нельзя выяснить, что же случилось.

Угрожает голод. Верховодят хулиганы. Жуткое создание притаилось неподалеку. Животные мутируют. Да и сами подростки меняются, развивая новые таланты – невообразимые, опасные, смертельные силы – которые усиливаются день ото дня. Это устрашающий новый мир. Стороны выбраны, грядет битва. Маргиналы против золотой молодежи. Хулиганы против слабаков. Могущественные против бессильных. А время на исходе: в свой пятнадцатый день рождения ты исчезнешь, как и все остальные…
Стейси Декейсер 0.0

Третье место.

Angry that her dad (once again) fails to be at the train station when she arrives in New York City, fifteen-year-old Victoria has had it with her divorced parents and their broken promises. Earlier on the train ride, Victoria witnesses some rough treatment towards a little two-year-old boy. Victoria then watches as his teen mom stashes her son in the bathroom and exits the train. When Victoria spots the mom arguing with a guy over what appears to be drug money, she makes a split second decision. She boards the next train out, taking the toddler with her. Victoria's determined not to let this kid fall through the cracks so she resolves to stay on the run until everyone responsible starts keeping their promises. In this fast-paced thriller, the action revolves around a frustrated but strong-willed teen girl who finds herself as both rescuer and abductor of a child at risk.
Мэри Пирсон 3.8
Жирная точка автомобильной аварии с многоточием беспамятства. Восклицательный знак боли и вопросительный.
"Кто я?" Please enter username.
А потом новый дом и родители, которых не помнишь, слова, смысл которых не понимаешь. И тайна, проникающая в сны, мучающая, требующая найти ответ. Твои друзья погибли в аварии? Какой ценой воскресла ты?
Майкл Спрэдлин 0.0
Blending history and fiction into a potent concoction of adventure and suspense, this trilogy tells the remarkable tale of Tristan, an orphan, whose life is forever changed when a group of Knights Templar stop to rest for the night at the Abbey where he was raised.

Abandoned at the Abbey sixteen years ago, the arrival of the Knights Templar transforms Tristan's quiet existence. When he is appointed squire for the mysterious Sir Thomas, he soon becomes swept up in the chaos of the Crusades. Shocked by the bloodthirsty battles and loss of life, Tristan begins to doubt what he is fighting for - until he is made keeper of the most sacred relic: the Holy Grail. With the heavy weight of history and duty now upon him, Tristan's adventure has truly begun. Making both enemies and allies along the way, including the wayward Robard Hode, will Tristan succeed in safely bringing the Holy Grail home?
Бонни Рамтун 0.0
WHEN TORIN SINCLAIR’S mom gets a job as the town doctor in Snow Park, Colorado, Tor can’t wait to learn to snowboard. But on Tor’s first night there, a member of the high school snowboarding team dies. “It’s the curse,” everyone whispers. Tor’s new friends Drake and Raine explain that there’s an old Native American curse on the doctors of the town. Snow Park can never get a doctor to stay. Tor and his friends must piece together a mystery involving an old mine, a Ute curse, the entire snowboarding team—who just might be blood doping in order to win competitions— and an attempt to save the wild river otters of Colorado. But to complete the puzzle, will Tor have to ride the deadly White Gates? And how will he survive the avalanche that follows?
Брайан Миль 0.0
ARE YOU UP to your neck in bloodsucking vampire stories?

Tired of those tales about dentally enhanced dark lords?

Before I wrote this book I thought all vampires were night-stalking, fangpopping, bloodsucking fiends. Then I met Morning McCobb. He’s a vegan vampire who drinks a soy-blood substitute called Blood Lite. He believes staking should be a hate crime. And someday he hopes to march in a Vampire Pride Parade. He was also the first vampire to out himself and try to show people of mortality, like you and me, that vampires are just another minority with special needs. Trust me—this is like no other vampire book you’ll ever feed on.

So, as my buddy Morning says, “Pop the lid, and suck it up.â€
Дженнифер Энн Коглер 0.0
Fern communicates with her dog, blisters from just moments in the sun, and has correctly predicted the daily weather for more than two years. Even so, she's always seemed to be a normal twelve-year-old girl . . . until one day when Fern closes her eyes in class and opens them seconds later on a sandy beach miles away from school. When Fern disappears again, this time to a place far more dangerous, she begins to realize exactly "how" different she is.

With the help of her twin brother, Sam, Fern struggles to gain control of her supernatural powers. The arrival of a sinister vampire in town--who seems to have an alarming interest in Fern's powers--causes Fern to question her true identity. Who "is" she? More importantly, who can she count on? Soon Fern finds herself in the middle of a centuries-old battle--one that could destroy Fern and endanger everyone she loves.
Allegra Goodman 2.0
From New York Times bestselling author Allegra Goodman comes a post apocalyptic novel about love, loss, and the power of human choice.

Honor and her parents have been reassigned to live on Island 365 in the Tranquil Sea. Life is peaceful there, the color of the sky is regulated by Earth Mother, a corporation that controls New Weather, and it almost never rains. Everyone fits into their rightful and predictable place. . . .

Except Honor. She doesn't fit in, but then she meets Helix, a boy with a big heart and a keen sense for the world around them. Slowly, Honor and Helix begin to uncover a terrible truth about life on the Island: Sooner or later, those who are unpredictable disappear . . . and they don't ever come back.
Стефани Став-Бодин 4.3
Eli and his family have lived in the underground Compound for six years. The world they knew is gone, and they've become accustomed to their new life. Accustomed, but not happy. No amount of luxury can stifle the dull routine of living in the same place, with only his two sisters, only his father and mother, doing the same thing day after day after day. As problems with their carefully planned existence threaten to destroy their sanctuary―and their sanity―Eli can't help but wonder if he'd rather take his chances outside. Eli's father built the Compound to keep them safe. But are they safe―really?
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