
Премия Марка Твена
Стэйси Маканулти 0.0
"After seventh graders Benji and Felix "borrow" $20 from a lost wallet, the billionaire owner challenges them to spend over $5 million dollars in thirty days in order to learn life lessons about money"--
Премия Марка Твена
Р. Дж. Паласио 4.9
Миллионы читателей «Чуда» знают Джулиана как главного обидчика Августа Пулмана. Но Джулиан очень изменился — и всё благодаря истории, которую он услышал от бабушки и которую вы узнаете, прочитав «Белую птицу». Трогательная и страшная, эта книга — о еврейской девочке и французском мальчике, который прятал её от нацистов. «Доброта требует мужества. В те дни, когда доброта могла стоить всего — свободы, жизни, — она стала чудом», — говорит бабушка. И всё же в любые времена находятся люди, способные не бояться и помогать другим.
Премия Марка Твена
Шэрон Дрейпер 0.0

Собрано 1 057 голосов.

"You’re so exotic!” “You look so unusual.” “But what are you really?”

Eleven-year-old Isabella is used to these kinds of comments - her father is black, her mother is white - but that doesn't mean she likes them. And now that her parents are divorced (and getting along WORSE than ever), Isabella feels more like a push-me-pull-me toy.

One week she’s Isabella with her dad, his girlfriend Anastasia, and her son Darren living in a fancy house where they are one of the only black families in the neighborhood. The next week she’s Izzy with her mom and her boyfriend John-Mark in a small, not-so-fancy house that she loves.

Being split between Mom and Dad is more than switching houses, switching nicknames, switching backpacks: it’s also about switching identities. If you’re only seen as half of this and half of that, how can you ever feel whole?
Премия Марка Твена
Mary Downing Hahn 4.0
Against the ominous backdrop of the influenza epidemic of 1918, Annie, a new girl at school, is claimed as best friend by Elsie, a classmate who is a tattletale, a liar, and a thief. Soon Annie makes other friends and finds herself joining them in teasing and tormenting Elsie. Elsie dies from influenza, but then she returns to reclaim Annie's friendship and punish all the girls who bullied her. Young readers who revel in spooky stories will relish this chilling tale of a girl haunted by a vengeful ghost
Премия Марка Твена
James Ponti 0.0
Get to know the only kid on the FBI Director’s speed dial and several international criminals’ most wanted lists all because of his Theory of All Small Things in this hilarious start to a brand-new middle grade mystery series.
So you’re only halfway through your homework and the Director of the FBI keeps texting you for help…What do you do? Save your grade? Or save the country?
If you’re Florian Bates, you figure out a way to do both.
Florian is twelve years old and has just moved to Washington. He’s learning his way around using TOAST, which stands for the Theory of All Small Things. It’s a technique he invented to solve life’s little mysteries such as: where to sit on the on the first day of school, or which Chinese restaurant has the best eggrolls.
But when he teaches it to his new friend Margaret, they uncover a mystery that isn’t little. In fact, it’s HUGE, and it involves the National Gallery, the FBI, and a notorious crime syndicate known as EEL.
Can Florian decipher the clues and finish his homework in time to help the FBI solve the case?
Премия Марка Твена
Кимберли Брубэйкер Брэдли 5.0
Nine-year-old Ada has never left her one-room apartment. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada’s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn’t waste a minute—she sneaks out to join him.

So begins a new adventure of Ada, and for Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take the two kids in. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read, and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan—and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. But in the end, will their bond be enough to hold them together through wartime? Or will Ada and her brother fall back into the cruel hands of their mother?

This masterful work of historical fiction is equal parts adventure and a moving tale of family and identity—a classic in the making.
Премия Марка Твена
Дианна Дориси Вингет 0.0
A moving middle-grade story about love, loss, and the unlikely places we find home.

Poppy's life has been turned upside down after her grandma (and guardian) had a stroke and ended up in the hospital. But Poppy is working on a plan to help Grandma Beth so their life together can go back to normal. But when she witnesses an armed robbery, "back to normal" slips even further out of her reach. To keep Poppy safe, the budget-strapped police devise an unusual "witness protection program," wherein Poppy will stay with Detective Brannigan's mother. Soon Poppy is feeling almost at home, even making sort-of friends with a girl named Lizzie and definitely friending Gunner, a beautiful dog with an uncertain fate. But it's still not home. So while she and Lizzie navigate a rocky friendship and plot to save Gunner's life, Poppy also tries to figure out a new plan to save Grandma Beth and their home, all while avoiding a dangerous robber who might be searching for her. But what if Grandma Beth can never come home and the robber is put behind bars? What will happen to Poppy then?
Премия Марка Твена
Крис Грабенстейн 4.4
12-летний Кайл и его одноклассники даже подумать не могли, чем обернется праздник по случаю открытия новой библиотеки. Великий Луиджи Лимончелло, непревзойденный придумщик компьютерных и настольных игр, сделал так, что, оказавшись в библиотеке, ребята оказались в настоящей игре: победит тот, кто первым выберется через потайной выход из библиотеки. Но где он, этот выход? У Кайла и его друзей есть ровно 24 часа и шифрованные подсказки – они ловко спрятаны буквально повсюду: в книгах, в архивных коробках, на потолке и даже на читательских билетах. Чем же закончится ночь в библиотеке?
Премия Марка Твена
Р. Дж. Паласио 4.6
Август Пулман пришел учиться в пятый класс школы Бичера. Он новенький, значит, ему будет нелегко. А если учесть, что прежде он никогда в школе не учился, то нелегко вдвойне. И все же новая школа - это всегда новые друзья. Но желающих дружить с Августом не так много: ведь у этого вполне обыкновенного десятилетнего мальчишки совершенно необыкновенное лицо. Из-за сложного комплекса врожденных аномалий оно больше похоже на страшную маску; и то, что Август вообще живет, - настоящее медицинское чудо. С чем он столкнется в школе - об этом, кажется, догадывается любой из нас: дети бывают жестоки. А вот чем закончится его первый учебный год, можно узнать, только прочитав эту книгу, полную любви, боли и смеха - как и сама жизнь.
Премия Марка Твена
Lisa McMann 0.0
When Alex finds out he is Unwanted, he expects to die. That is the way of the people of Quill. Each year, all the thirteen-year-olds are labeled as Wanted, Necessary, or Unwanted. Wanteds get more schooling and train to join the Quillitary. Necessaries keep the farms running. Unwanteds are set for elimination.
It’s hard for Alex to leave behind his twin, Aaron, a Wanted, but he makes peace with his fate—until he discovers that instead of a “death farm,” what awaits him is a magical place called Artimé. There, Alex and his fellow Unwanteds are encouraged to cultivate their creative abilities and use them magically. Everything Alex has ever known changes before his eyes, and it’s a wondrous transformation.
But it’s a rare, unique occurrence for twins to be divided between Wanted and Unwanted, and as Alex and Aaron's bond stretches across their separation, a threat arises for the survival of Artim that will pit brother against brother in an ultimate magical battle.
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