Вручение март 2013 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Миссури Дата проведения: март 2013 г.

Премия Марка Твена

Шэрон Дрейпер 4.5
У Мелоди фотографическая па­мять. Она помнит все, что видела и слышала за одиннадцать лет своей жизни, а слова и звуки имеют для нее вкус и цвет. Она умнее всех в школе. Вот только никто об этом не догадывается. Учителя думают, что девочка не поддается обучению, и из урока в урок повторяют с ней первые буквы алфавита. Казалось бы, куда проще - объяснить окружающим, сколько всего ты знаешь, что любишь, чего хо­чешь. Но попробуй объясни, если тело совсем тебя не слушается и простая человеческая речь ка­жется недоступной роскошью... И все же скоро настанет день, когда Мелоди получит возмож­ность произнести первые в своей жизни слова. Услышат ли ее?
Джон Гришэм 3.7
Фильмы, снятые по романам Джона Гришэма, с замиранием сердца смотрят зрители во всех странах. В них снимались величайшие звезды Голливуда - Том Круз, Джулия Робертс, Сьюзан Сарандон, Томми Ли Джонс, Мэтью Макконнахи - всех не перечислить. Однако даже самым яростным фанатам фильмов "по Гришэму" известно: экранизации всегда уступают оригиналам произведений "короля судебного триллера" - всемирных бестселлеров, переведенных на 38 языков и изданных фантастическим тиражом в 275 000 000 экземпляров. Ведь Гришэм - лучший в своем жанре, и никому с ним не сравниться. Идеальное убийство. Нет ни свидетелей ни улик. Преступника вот-вот оправдают. Кто восстановит справедливость? Тринадцатилетний мальчишка Тео Бун!
От школьного приятеля ему становится известна очень важная информация, способная изменить ход процесса. Но неужели кто-то примет обычного подростка всерьез? Тео понимает: если он не вмешается, убийство станет ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЕМ БЕЗ НАКАЗАНИЯ…
Роб Буйе 4.5
"Нам не повезло - на свете существуют учителя", - думает Питер, отправляясь в пятый класс. Он еще не знает, что в этом году встретится с мистером Терраптом - учителем совершенно особенным. Очень скоро школа становится тем местом, куда интересно ходить и где учишься не только математике и биологии, но и отзывчивости, дружбе, ответственности. Вот только однажды, в середине зимы, неудачно брошенный снежок обернулся настоящей трагедией... Семь учеников одного класса: хулиган Питер, умница Джессика, интриганка Алексия, отличник Люк, добрячка Даниэль, тихоня Анна и молчун Джеффри - рассказывают нам эту историю, и их голоса, поначалу нестройные, постепенно сливаются в прекрасный хор. Прекрасный, потому что в нем слышны любовь, благодарность и надежда.
12 year old Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Fitzroy has got a murder on his hands and trouble on his tail. Henry, the hippopatamus at the brand-new nationally known FunJungle, has gone belly up. Even though it's claimed he died of natural causes, Teddy smells something fishy and it sure ain't the polar bear's lunch. Dealing with the zoo's top brass proves to be nothing but a waste of time. They want to see any trace of Henry's death disappear like yesterday's paper. So Teddy sets out to find the truth. With the help of Summer McCraken, a fiesty girl with secrets of her own, the two narrow down their prime suspects. Is it Martin Del Gato, FunJungle's head of operations who dislikes kids and hates animals even more? Or J.J McCraken, the owner of FunJungle and Summer's father, who has more concern for the dough he's raking in than the animals in the zoo? As their investigation goes on, Teddy gets squeezed on all sides to quit asking questions-- or Henry won't be the only one to turn up dead. The deeper Teddy and Summer get, the more the danger mounts -- because when it comes to hippo homicide, the truth can't be kept in a cage!
Matthew J. Kirby 3.0
Three ordinary children are brought together by extraordinary events. . . .

Giuseppe is an orphaned street musician who sees no way to escape from his ruthless master, until the day he finds an enchanted violin.

Frederick is an apprentice clockmaker with a past he cannot remember, who secretly works to build the most magnificent clockwork man the world has ever seen.

Hannah is a maid in a grand hotel, whose life is one of endless drudgery, until she encounters a mystifying new guest and learns of a hidden treasure.

As mysterious circumstances bring them together, the lives of these three children soon interlock, and they realize that each one holds the key to the others’ puzzles. Together, the three discover they have phenomenal power when they team up as friends, and that they can overcome even the darkest of fears.
Кэтлин Ван Клив 0.0
Eleven-year-old Polly Peabody knows her family's world-famous rhubarb farm is magical. The plants taste like chocolate, jewels appear in the soil, bugs talk to her, and her best friend is a rhubarb plant named Harry. But the most magical thing is that every single Monday, at exactly 1:00, it rains. Until the Monday when the rain just stops. Now it's up to Polly to figure out why, and whether her brother's mysterious illness and her glamorous aunt Edith's sudden desire to sell the farm have anything to do with it. Most of all, Polly has to make it start raining again before it's too late. Her brother's life, the plants' survival, and her family's future all depend on it. Kathleen Van Cleve has woven an unforgettable coming-of-age tale with all the heart and wonder of a Roald Dahl novel.
Adam Jay Epstein, Andrew Jacobson 4.2
THE FAMILIARS are the magical animal companions to a wizard or witch. When three young wizards-in-training get kidnapped by the evil queen of the land, it is up to their familiars to go a dangerous journey to rescue them. You'll meet Aldwyn, an orphan alley cat pretending to have telekinesis; Skylar, a know-it-all blue jay who can cast illusions; and Gilbert, a hapless tree frog with the ability to see visions of the future in pools of water. See what happens when these three animal assistants -- typically relegated to the background or found sitting quietly on their wizard's shoulders -- go on a heroic adventure of their own!
Пег Кехрет 0.0
Each day, Rusty feeds a dog that's left chained in the frigid weather with no shelter and no food or water. When he realizes that the dog's been injured, Rusty and his friend Andrew unchain the dog and take it. Are they stealing, or are they rescuing a dog in need? With the dog living in their secret hideout, the boys face multiple challenges, including a mysterious ghost dog that tries to lead them to a startling secret, Andrew's snoopy sister, and the escalating threats of the dog's abusive owner. The fast-paced suspense builds to a surprising conclusion, which will leave young readers cheering for Rusty's compassion and determination.
Джеймс Райли 0.0
Jack lives in a fantasy world. Really. He's the son of the infamous Jack who stole the magic beans from the giant, and he's working hard to restore his family's reputation. He finds the perfect opportunity when a "princess" lands in front of him, apparently from the land of Punk, as her Punk Princess t-shirt implies. May is from our world, and she's utterly confused to find herself in the midst of the fairy tale characters she has read about. But Jack and May have more in common than they realize--and together, they embark on a hilarious and wild adventure in this highly accessible, modern middle grade fantasy novel.

Half Upon a Time is the first book in the Half Upon a Time series.
Кейти Грант 0.0
Fourteen-year-old Chase lives with his mother, stepfather, and two siblings in the high country of Arizona, where they rent cabins and run a convenience store—both tourist-driven business that aren't doing very well. The family is considering a move back to Phoenix, where Chase's father lives and there are better opportunities both for parents and children. Chase, however, loves the high country and doesn't want to leave. In particular, he loves geocaching, a sort of a treasure-hunting game involving a GPS. While on a geocaching expedition, he encounters two young brothers, camping in the wilderness with their father. Something's not right, that much he can tell. He's curious enough to return repeatedly, hoping to figure out what is going on and how he can help. Eventually, he learns the brothers were kidnapped by their father from their mother, who has legal custody. Just as Chase's family is trying to decide what to do with their future, he has to decide what role he's going to play in the life of his new friends, Jack and Sam.
Сара Дефорд Уильямс 0.0
When sisters Sadie and Zuzu Brooks move to Salt Lake City, they discover a secret room in the attic of their new house, with a sign that reads "Palace Beautiful" and containing an old journal. Along with their neighbor, dramatic Belladonna Desolation (real name: Kristin Smith), they take turns reading the story of a girl named Helen living during the flu epidemic of 1918. The journal ends with a tragedy that has a scary parallel to Sadie and Zuzu?s lives, and the girls become obsessed with finding out what happened to Helen after the journal ends. Did she survive the flu? Is she still alive somewhere? Or could her ghost be lurking in the nearby graveyard?Sarah DeFord Williams has created a gripping read that covers two time periods, many fantastic characters, and a can't-put-it-down ending, all with delightful, extraordinary prose.
Эми Гордон 0.0
In this adventure-filled, middle-grade mystery, eleven-year-old Aiden and her friends aren't the only ones hot on the trail of gold stashed in the mysterious Ingle Building.