Вручение март 2016 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Миссури Дата проведения: март 2016 г.

Премия Марка Твена

Крис Грабенстейн 4.4
12-летний Кайл и его одноклассники даже подумать не могли, чем обернется праздник по случаю открытия новой библиотеки. Великий Луиджи Лимончелло, непревзойденный придумщик компьютерных и настольных игр, сделал так, что, оказавшись в библиотеке, ребята оказались в настоящей игре: победит тот, кто первым выберется через потайной выход из библиотеки. Но где он, этот выход? У Кайла и его друзей есть ровно 24 часа и шифрованные подсказки – они ловко спрятаны буквально повсюду: в книгах, в архивных коробках, на потолке и даже на читательских билетах. Чем же закончится ночь в библиотеке?
Сэйдж Блэквуд 4.2
Герой этой истории, мальчик Джинкс, вырос в Урвальде – сверхъестественном, первобытном лесу, полном опасностей. Главное правило жителей леса — не сходить со знакомой тропы, чтобы непопасть в лапы голодных троллей, коварных оборотней, ведьм и чародеев. Герою предстоят волнующие испытания, в ходе которых он взрослеет, закаляет характер и открывает в себе необычные качества. Новые приключения ждут читателей в книгах «Магия Джинкса» и «Пламя Джинкса». Трилогия «Джинкс» получила множество международных наград. Издается в России впервые.

Джинкса, брошенного в Урвальде отчимом, берет к себе волшебник Симон, который попеременно то вообще не обращает на мальчика внимания, то неохотно начинает понемногу учить его магии. У самого Джинкса есть способность, но после того как Симон опробует на Джинксе запретное заклинание, это шестое чувство исчезает, оставляя за собой пустоту, подобную «сплошному белому пятну в голове». Джинкс пускается в путь по Урвальду, чтобы попытать счастья и вернуть себе эту способность, встречая на Тропе – единственной безопасной дороге в лесу – рыцарски-наивного Ривена и опрометчиво правдивую Эльфвину. Всех троих предостерегали против злого волшебника, известного под именем Костоправ, который, как говорят, способен высосать душу человека через соломинку.
Но что, если Костоправ, соперник Симона, – единственный, кто может рассказать Джинксу, как вернуть его волшебную силу (и между делом снять те заклятия, которые гнетут двух его друзей)? С другой стороны, что, если это ловушка? Текучие диалоги, непринужденные взаимодействия между персонажами, атмосфера и обстановка, одновременно знакомая и оригинальная (в число опасностей Урвальда входят не только тролли, вампиры и оборотни, но и ведьмы, ездящие на маслобойках), – все это делает роман увлекательным и захватывающим чтением с первых же строк. Под простодушным, покладистым внешним обликом Джинкса скрывается стальной стержень – характер, которому предстоят новые испытания в будущих продолжениях.
Меган Фрейзер Блейкмор 0.0
Ephraim Appledore-Smith is an ordinary boy, and up until his father's stroke he lived an ordinary life. But all that changes when his family moves to the Water Castle-their ancestral home in the small town of Crystal Springs. Mallory Green's family has always been the caretakers of the Water Castle-and the guardians of its secrets. She has been raised to protect the legendary Fountain of Youth, hidden on the estate grounds. But ever since her mom left, she's stopped believing in magic.Will Wylie's family has been at war with the Applegates for generations, all because of the Water Castle's powerful secrets. But Will has rejected legend and magic, putting all his faith in science. When Ephraim learns of the Fountain, he's sure finding it can cure his dad. With Mallory and Will's help, the trio embarks on a mission that brings them deep into their families' shared history, through every secret room in the Water Castle, and on a quest that will blur the lines of magic and science, creativity and discovery, leaving readers left to wonder: Do you believe in the unbelievable?
Клэр Вандерпул 0.0
At the end of World War II, Jack Baker, a landlocked Kansas boy, is suddenly uprooted after his mother’s death and placed in a boy’s boarding school in Maine. There, Jack encounters Early Auden, the strangest of boys, who reads the number pi as a story and collects clippings about the sightings of a great black bear in the nearby mountains.

Newcomer Jack feels lost yet can’t help being drawn to Early, who won’t believe what everyone accepts to be the truth about the Great Appalachian Bear, Timber Rattlesnakes, and the legendary school hero known as The Fish, who never returned from the war. When the boys find themselves unexpectedly alone at school, they embark on a quest on the Appalachian Trail in search of the great black bear.

But what they are searching for is sometimes different from what they find. They will meet truly strange characters, each of whom figures into the pi story Early weaves as they travel, while discovering things they never realized about themselves and others in their lives.
Holly Goldberg Sloan 4.4
In the tradition of Out of My Mind, Wonder, and Mockingbird, this is an intensely moving middle grade novel about being an outsider, coping with loss, and discovering the true meaning of family.

Willow Chance is a twelve-year-old genius, obsessed with nature and diagnosing medical conditions, who finds it comforting to count by 7s. It has never been easy for her to connect with anyone other than her adoptive parents, but that hasn’t kept her from leading a quietly happy life . . . until now.

Suddenly Willow’s world is tragically changed when her parents both die in a car crash, leaving her alone in a baffling world. The triumph of this book is that it is not a tragedy. This extraordinarily odd, but extraordinarily endearing, girl manages to push through her grief. Her journey to find a fascinatingly diverse and fully believable surrogate family is a joy and a revelation to read.
Андреа Бети 0.0
Robbie Darko is a magician. An old-school, pull-a-rabbit-out-of-your-hat-style magician. Robbie loves magic and he’s good at it—sort of. Despite his best efforts, passion, and practice, something always goes wrong with his tricks, landing Robbie in trouble. Enter crotchety Grandma Melvyn, who calls everyone “Trixie” and complains about everything. When Grandma Melvyn moves in and takes over his room, Robbie discovers that she was once an internationally renowned magician and learns about the heartache that turned her into a bitter woman. Against all odds, Robbie and Grandma Melvyn form an uneasy alliance to show the world—or at least the kids of Hobson Elementary School—that he is a true magician. Shortly after a successful talent show, Grandma Melvyn performs a final disappearing act, and Robbie learns a little about the true meaning of magic.
Written with pitch-perfect middle-grade humor and unforgettable characters, this gem of a novel will stay with readers long after Dorko the Magnificent has taken his final bow.
Мэттью Коди 0.0
This reimagining of the Robin Hood legend tells the story of the young boy behind the bandit hero's rise to fame.

Will Shackley is the son of a lord, and though just thirteen, he’s led a charmed, protected life and is the heir to Shackley House, while his father is away on the Third Crusade with King Richard the Lionheart.

But with King Richard’s absence, the winds of treason are blowing across England, and soon Shackley House becomes caught up in a dangerous power struggle that drives Will out of the only home he’s ever known. Alone, he flees into the dangerous Sherwood Forest, where he joins an elusive gang of bandits readers will immediately recognize.

How Will helps a drunkard named Rob become one of the most feared and revered criminals in history is a swashbuckling ride perfect for anyone who loves heroes, villains, and adventure.
Дебора Хопкинсон 0.0
Eel has troubles of his own: As an orphan and a “mudlark,” he spends his days in the filthy River Thames, searching for bits of things to sell. He’s being hunted by Fisheye Bill Tyler, and a nastier man never walked the streets of London. And he’s got a secret that costs him four precious shillings a week to keep safe. But even for Eel, things aren’t so bad until that fateful August day in 1854—the day the deadly cholera (“blue death”) comes to Broad Street.

Everyone believes that cholera is spread through poisonous air. But one man, Dr. John Snow, has a different theory. As the epidemic surges, it’s up to Eel and his best friend, Florrie, to gather evidence to prove Dr. Snow’s theory—before the entire neighborhood is wiped out.
Генри Кларк 0.0
When River, Freak, and Fiona discover a mysterious sofa sitting at their bus stop, their search for loose change produces a rare zucchini-colored crayon. Little do they know this peculiar treasure is about to launch them into the middle of a plot to conquer the world!

The kids' only hope is to trap the plot's mastermind when he comes to steal the crayon. But how can three kids from the middle of nowhere stop an evil billionaire? With the help of an eccentric neighbor, an artificially intelligent domino, a DNA-analyzing tray, two hot air balloons, and a cat named Mucus, they just might be able to save the planet.

This clever comic adventure from debut author Henry Clark is a truly original and utterly wacky story about the importance of intelligence and curiosity in a complacent world.
Дженнифер Чолденко 0.0
Alcatraz Island in the 1930s isn't the most normal place to grow up, but it's home for Moose Flanagan, his autistic sister, Natalie, and all the families of the guards. When Moose's dad gets promoted to Associate Warden, despite being an unlikely candidate, it's a big deal. But the cons have a point system for targeting prison employees, and his dad is now in serious danger. After a fire starts in the Flanagan's apartment, Natalie is blamed, and Moose bands with the other kids to track down the possible arsonist. Then Moose gets a cryptic note from the notorious Al Capone himself. Is Capone trying to protect Moose's dad too? If Moose can't figure out what Capone's note means, it may be too late.

"Superlative historical fiction." -- School Library Journal (starred review for Al Capone Shines My Shoes)
Анджела Сервантес 0.0
Wanted: One amazing forever home for one amazing sixth grader.

"My name is Gaby, and I'm looking for a home where I can invite my best friend over and have a warm breakfast a couple of times a week. Having the newest cell phone or fancy clothes isn't important, but I'd like to have a cat that I can talk to when I'm home alone."

Gaby Ramirez Howard loves volunteering at the local animal shelter. She plays with the kittens, helps to obedience train the dogs, and writes adoption advertisements so that the strays who live there can find their forever homes: places where they'll be loved and cared for, no matter what.

Gaby has been feeling like a bit of a stray herself, lately. Her mother has recently been deported to Honduras and Gaby is stuck living with her inattentive dad. She's confident that her mom will come home soon so that they can adopt Gaby's favorite shelter cat together. When the cat's original owners turn up at the shelter, however, Gaby worries that her plans for the perfect family are about to fall apart.
Лисл Шуртлиф 4.2
В волшебном королевстве, где твое имя – твоя судьба, двенадцатилетний мальчик Румп становится объектом всевозможных шуток. Но когда он находит старую прялку, кажется, что удача поворачивается к нему лицом. Румп выясняет, что обладает даром превращать пряжу в золото. Его лучшая подруга Красная Шапочка предупреждает его, что магия таит в себе опасность. И она оказывается права. С каждым мотком пряжи он только больше погружается в проклятие. Чтобы разрушить его, Румп должен отправиться в опасное приключение, отбиваясь от фей, троллей, отравленных яблок и до безобразия глупой королевы. Все складывается против него, но имея отвагу и надежное плечо друга (а еще немного дерзкого чувства юмора), он должен добиться успеха.