
Роман года
Стивен Грэм Джонс 2.9
У Джейд Дэниэлс нет матери, отец жесток, а окружающим на нее просто наплевать. Есть причина озлобиться на город Пруфрок и его жителей. И еще большая причина — погрузиться в собственный мир фантазий, источником которых являются фильмы ужасов… особенно те, в которых маньяк в маске мстит за причинённое зло. Джейд знает эти фильмы буквально наизусть, помнит все сценарные ходы, героев и историю создания каждого хоррора.

И она рассказывает причудливую историю родного города так, словно это сюжет одного из таких фильмов. И глубокие воды озера Индиан окрашиваются в цвет крови, и возникает маньяк-убийца. Джейд, словно живая энциклопедия убийц в масках и с мачете, бензопилами или ножами в руках, точно предсказывает развитие событий, словно творит их, оставаясь в душе испуганной маленькой девочкой, которая легко плачет, горячо любит и отчаянно хочет найти свой дом.
Повесть года
Eric LaRocca 3.0
Sadomasochism. Obsession. Death.

A whirlpool of darkness churns at the heart of a macabre ballet between two lonely young women in an internet chat room in the early 2000s -- a darkness that threatens to forever transform them once they finally succumb to their most horrific desires.

What have you done today to deserve your eyes?
Сборник рассказов года
Джемма Файлс 0.0
Heard the one about the Airbnb that eats your dreams or the iron-crowned king who preys on his own bloodline from the air, still smoldering centuries after being burnt alive? How about the cloudy antique bottle you can wish your excess rage inside, or that crooked alley down which something waits to replace your disappointing child with a far more pleasant facsimile? We all know the truth, especially in times like these-in an anxiety-ridden, sleepless world such as ours, it's only ever our very worst dreams that come true. Here streets empty out and people pull themselves apart like amoebas, breeding murderous doppelgangers from their own flesh; houses haunt, ideas possess and a cold and alien moon stares down, whispering that it's time to spawn. New myths rise and ancient evils descend. From the seemingly mundane terrors of a city just like yours to all the most dark and distant places of a truly terrible universe, nothing is as it seems...not even that dimly-recalled cinematic memory you've been chasing all these years, the one you think might be just something you stumbled upon while flipping through channels after midnight. The one that still disturbs you enough to raise a cold sweat all over your body, whenever you try to will its details clear.
Антология года
Legendary editor, Ellen Datlow, collects today’s best horror writers in tribute to the genius of Shirley Jackson. Featuring Joyce Carol Oates, Josh Malerman, Paul Tremblay, Richard Kadrey, Stephen Graham Jones, Elizabeth Hand and more.

A collection of new and exclusive short stories inspired by, and in tribute to, Shirley Jackson.

Shirley Jackson is a seminal writer of horror and mystery fiction, whose legacy resonates globally today. Chilling, human, poignant and strange, her stories have inspired a generation of writers and readers.

This anthology, edited by legendary horror editor Ellen Datlow, will bring together today’s leading horror writers to offer their own personal tribute to the work of Shirley Jackson.
Роман года
Стивен Грэм Джонс 2.7
Четыре друга детства встречаются каждый год. Они устраивают охоту на оленя, чтобы забыть об этом до следующего года. Обычное дело, обычный трофей — так было всегда. До этого раза.

Прошло десять лет. Что-то начинает преследовать этих забывших свое наследие людей. Свирепый мстительный дух приходит к каждому, к одному за другим.

Природа мстит потерянному поколению, у которого и так нет ни шанса.
Повесть года
Laurel Hightower 3.0
How far would you go to bring back someone you love?

When Chris's son dies in a tragic car crash, her world is devastated. The walls of grief close in on Chris's life until, one day, a small cut on her finger changes everything.

A drop of blood falls from Chris's hand onto her son's roadside memorial and, later that night, Chris thinks she sees his ghost outside her window. Only, is it really her son's ghost, or is it something else—something evil?

Soon Chris is playing a dangerous game with forces beyond her control in a bid to see her son, Trey, alive once again.
Сборник рассказов года
Джон Лэнган 4.0
John Langan, author of the Bram Stoker Award-winning novel The Fisherman, returns with a new book of stories.

An aspiring actress goes to an audition with a mysterious director. An editor receives the last manuscript of his murdered friend. A young lawyer learns the terrible connection between her grandfather and an ancient race of creatures. A bodyguard drives her employer across a frozen road toward an immense hole in the earth. In these stories and others, John Langan maps the branches of his literary family tree, tracing his connections to the writers whose dark fictions have inspired his own.
Антология года
What happens when we make monsters? What happens when we make monsters of ourselves? Grotesque beings lurch from our darkest dreams. Vicious beasts stalk our twisted pasts. Lost souls haunt our deepest regrets. They are the blood on our hands. They are the obsessions in our heads. They are the vengeance in our hearts. They are Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors.

Edited by Bram Stoker Award-winning editors Doug Murano and Michael Bailey. Featuring a foreword by Alma Katsu, and illustrations throughout by HagCult
Роман года
Сара Рид 0.0
He’s run away from home. That’s what they say every time one of Charley Winslow’s friends vanishes from The Old Cross School for Boys.

It’s just a tall tale. That’s what they tell Charley when he sees the ragged grey figure stalking the abbey halls at night.

When Charley follows his pet insects to a pool of blood behind a false wall, he could run and let those stones bury their secrets. He could assimilate, focus on his studies, and wait for his father to send for him. Or he could walk the dark tunnels of the school’s heart, scour its abandoned passages, and pick at the scab of a family’s legacy of madness and murder.

With the help of Sam Forster, the school’s gardener, and Matron Grace, the staff nurse, Charley unravels Old Cross’ history and exposes a scandal stretching back to when the school was a home with a noble family and a dark secret—a secret that still haunts its halls with scraping steps, twisting its bones into a new generation of nightmares.
Повесть года
Чад Луцке 3.3
After being held against their will in a house used for sex trafficking, three girls plan their escape.

Alex: A hardened goth-punk who’s convinced she’s a vampire with a penchant for blood.

Stacia: A seventeen-year-old raised by an alcoholic mother, her fellow prisoners the only family she’s ever truly had.

Kammie: The youngest of the three--a mute who finds solace in a houseplant.

But does life outside the house offer the freedom they’d envisioned? Or is it too late, the scars too deep?

A coming-of-age tale of revenge that explores a friendship and the desperate lengths they will go through to ensure they stay united, held together by the scars that bind them.
Сборник рассказов года
Джон Лэнган 0.0
John Langan’s new book is certain to solidify his place among the strongest voices in modern literary horror. Placed together within the same cover for the first time, a theme emerges from the tales that binds and unites them–and it is signaled in the title of the book.

“These are stories of betrayal,” author John Langan confirms.

Apart from this thread, the stories are otherwise quite distinct from each other in terms of their characters, plots, settings, themes and even varieties of horror.

There’s “In Paris in the Mount of Kronos,” a snappy, neo-noirish, action packed Laird Barron-esque encounter with ancient malevolent forces; the dark, character-driven relationship dramas of “The Third Always Beside You” and “Renfrew’s Course”; the vaguely Lovecraftian horrors of “Bloom”; the atmospheric steampunk weirdness in the form of “The Unbearable Proximity of Mr. Dunn’s Balloons”; and apocalyptic surrealism in “Bos Uros”.

Finally, the title novella, Sefira, is about a woman who is chasing a succubus across the United States, while the novelette At Home in the Devil’s House offers a new, nightmarish concept of Hell.

Sefira and Other Betrayals contains stories previously published in such prestigious anthologies as Supernatural Noir, Blood and Other Cravings, Ghosts by Gaslight, Black Wings 2, Shadows Edge and others, and includes one original novella, Sefira, and an original novelette, At Home in the Devil’s House.
Антология года
Лэрд Баррон, Брайан Эвенсон, Майкл Вехунт, С. П. Мисковски, Гвендолин Кисте, Kristi DeMeester, Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, Robert S. Wilson, Зин Э. Роклин, Christopher Ropesпоказать всех 0.0
Winner of the 2019 This is Horror Award for Best Anthology!A Bram Stoker Award Finalist.From the Bram Stoker Award-nominated editor of the 2018 This is Horror Anthology of the Year, ASHES AND ENTROPY, comes a new vision of weird and horrific ambiguity. NOX PAREIDOLIA is fully illustrated by Luke Spooner and includes stories by Laird Barron, S.P. Miskowski, Brian Evenson, Kristi DeMeester, Michael Wehunt, Gwendolyn Kiste, Zin E. Rocklyn, Christopher Ropes, Doungjai Gam, Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, Carrie Laben, Kurt Fawver, David Peak, Don Webb and Duane Pesice, Paul Jessup, K.H. Vaughan, and more.
Роман года
Гвендолин Кисте 4.0
Something’s happening to the girls on Denton Street.
It’s the summer of 1980 in Cleveland, Ohio, and Phoebe Shaw and her best friend Jacqueline have just graduated high school, only to confront an ugly, uncertain future. Across the city, abandoned factories populate the skyline; meanwhile at the shore, one strong spark, and the Cuyahoga River might catch fire. But none of that compares to what’s happening in their own west side neighborhood. The girls Phoebe and Jacqueline have grown up with are changing. It starts with footprints of dark water on the sidewalk. Then, one by one, the girls’ bodies wither away, their fingernails turning to broken glass, and their bones exposed like corroded metal beneath their flesh.
As rumors spread about the grotesque transformations, soon everyone from nosy tourists to clinic doctors and government men start arriving on Denton Street, eager to catch sight of “the Rust Maidens” in metamorphosis. But even with all the onlookers, nobody can explain what’s happening or why—except perhaps the Rust Maidens themselves. Whispering in secret, they know more than they’re telling, and Phoebe realizes her former friends are quietly preparing for something that will tear their neighborhood apart.
Alternating between past and present, Phoebe struggles to unravel the mystery of the Rust Maidens—and her own unwitting role in the transformations—before she loses everything she’s held dear: her home, her best friend, and even perhaps her own body.
Повесть года
Betty Rocksteady 0.0

Glowing lights and figures in tattered robes force Sarah from her apartment. Outside, phosphorescent creatures infiltrate her every orifice. They want to know everything, especially the things she would rather forget.

Featuring 20 black and white illustrations.
Сборник рассказов года
Gemma Files 0.0
For almost thirty years, Shirley Jackson Award-winning horror author Gemma Files has consistently served up tale after tale celebrating monstrosity in all its forms: the imperfect, the broken, the beautifully alien and the sadly familiar. Her characters make their own choices and take their own chances, slipping from darkness into deeper darkness yet never losing their humanity—not even when they’re anything but.

An embittered blood-servant plots revenge against the vampires who own him; a little girl’s best friend seeks to draw her into an ancient, forbidden realm; two monster-hunting sisters cross paths with an amoral holler-witch again and again, battling both mortal authorities and immortal predators. From the forgotten angels who built the cosmos to the reckless geniuses whose party drug unleashes a plague, madness, monsters and murder await at every turn. And in “The Speed of Pain,” sequel to the International Horror Guild award-winning story “The Emperor’s Old Bones,” we find that even those who can live forever can’t outrun their own crimes….

Following in the footsteps of her critically praised Kissing Carrion, The Worm in Every Heart and We Will All Go Down Together, this is the first of two new Gemma Files collections from Trepidatio Publishing, bringing together nine of her best stories from the past ten years. So whether you’re returning to Files’s dark dreamlands or visiting for the first time, we advise you to get ready to review the—

Антология года
Nightscape Press is proud to present ASHES AND ENTROPY edited by Robert S. Wilson, an anthology of cosmic horror, noir and neo-noir including stories by Laird Barron, Damien Angelica Walters, John Langan, Kristi DeMeester, Jon Padgett, Lucy A. Snyder, Matthew M. Bartlett, Jessica McHugh, Tim Waggoner, and many more. Ashes and Entropy will be beautifully illustrated by Luke Spooner.

Our Kickstarter campaign ends very soon and we have many exciting and rare rewards to share with you. So, please, stand on the precipice with us as we prepare to dive down through the event horizon into the bleak and mind-shattering void of both the cosmos and of humanity.
Журнал года
VASTARIEN is a source of critical study and creative response to the corpus of Thomas Ligotti as well as associated authors and ideas. The journal includes nonfiction, literary horror fiction, poetry, artwork and non-classifiable hybrid pieces.

Vol. 1, Issue 1 Contents:

• Foreword to Teatro Grottesco
essay by Thomas Ligotti
•The Nightmare of His Art: The Horrific Power of the Imagination in "The Troubles of Dr. Thoss and "Gas Station Carnivals"
essay by W. Silverwood
•The Gods in Their Seats, Unblinking
short fiction by Kurt Fawver
• Affirmation of the Spirit: Consciousness, Transformation, and the Fourth World in Film
short fiction by Christopher Slatsky
•Try the Veal
poem by Robert Beveridge
•How to Construct a Gun from Your Own Flesh
short fiction by Michael Uhall
•Notes on a Horror
essay by Dr. Raymond Thoss
•"Eccentric to the Healthy Social Order" : Inversions of Family, Community, and Religion in Thomas Ligotti's "The Last Feast of Harlequin"
essau by Michael J. Abolafia
poem by Wade German
•Eraserhead as Antinatalist Allegory
essay by Colby Smith
•The Alienation of the Self: Marx, Polanyi, and Ligottian Horror
essay by S. L. Edwards
•The Theatre of Ovid
short fiction by Aaron Worth
•Infinite Light, Infinite Darkness short fiction by Martin Rose
•Night Walks: The Films of Val Lewton
essay by Michael Penkas
• Solar Flare
short fiction by Paul L. Bates
•Strange Bird
poem by Ian Mullins
•Nervous Wares & Abnormal Stares
short fiction by Devin Goff
•My Time at the Drake Clinic
short fiction by Jordan Krall
•Singing the Song of My Unmaking
short fiction by Christopher Ropes
•"They say I should kill myself and not try to spoil their enjoyment in being alive": An Interview with Thomas Ligotti
interview by Wojciech Gunia
Роман года
С. П. Мисковски 0.0
"First rule. Never open your story with a corpse. It's a cliché. If you do it to be ironic, I'll throw your manuscript in your face."

Greta didn't set out to solve a murder. But if the first thing you see when you come home after a long day at a lousy job is your own dead body, it can make even the most cynical non-starter in 1994 Seattle take an interest. Refusing to believe her dead eyes, the one-time theater editor at the city's least noteworthy periodical - now a bitter ghost haunting the streets and busways of the Emerald City - will happily break every rule of crime fiction to tell her story and prove she didn't die a lame-ass, suicidal Cobain imitator. If Greta manages to figure out who really killed her, in the process? That's just an extra shot in her overpriced espresso.

Hauntingly scary, darkly funny, and occasionally nostalgic, I Wish I Was Like You is one vengeful spirit's look at a city learning to embrace narcissism and the dead inhabitants who will always call it home
Повесть года
Stephen Graham Jones 3.0
Walking through his own house at night, a twelve-year-old thinks he sees another person stepping through a doorway. Instead of the people who could be there, his mother or his brother, the figure reminds him of his long-gone father, who died mysteriously before his family left the reservation. When he follows it he discovers his house is bigger and deeper than he knew.

The house is the kind of wrong place where you can lose yourself and find things you'd rather not have. Over the course of a few nights, the boy tries to map out his house in an effort that puts his little brother in the worst danger, and puts him in the position to save them . . . at terrible cost.
Сборник рассказов года
Лэрд Баррон, Филип Фракасси 0.0
"When you open this collection, you're headed down a dark alley within the precincts of the Twilight Zone. It's the kind of place where the wrong people get hurt; hazard is everywhere and it doesn't play favorites. The complacent won't find refuge here on the threshold of the void. Nobody is safe and nothing is sacred. Enjoy the ride."
– from the introduction by Laird Barron


BEHOLD THE VOID is nine stories of terror that huddle in the dark space between cosmic horror and the modern weird, between old-school hard-edged horror of the 1980's and the stylistic prose of today's literary giants.


Praise for Behold the Void:


“Fracassi…builds his horrific tales slowly and carefully…his powers of description are formidable; and he’s especially skillful at creating, and sustaining, suspense.” – The New York Times

“…think vintage King at his best.” – Rue Morgue Magazine (“Dante’s Pick”)

“…recalls the work of writers such as McCammon, King, and Bradbury.” – John Langan, LOCUS Magazine“With carefully drawn characters, vividly constructed situations, and deft description, Behold the Void offers the perfect blend of honest-to-goodness human nastiness and true supernatural creepiness. This is horror fiction at its best.” – Brian Evenson, author of A Collapse of Horses

“Everything here is damned near perfect… a first-rate collection.” Black Static

“Philip Fracassi is the next big horror writer to blow your mind. If you’re a fan of the horror genre at all, then this guy is a must-read.” – Lit Reactor

“These stories are scary, yes, but more than that, they’re haunting– they get inside you and they don’t go away.” – Ben Loory, author of Tales of Falling and Flying

“Fracassi’s Behold the Void is the perfect read for horror fans who expect authors to raise the bar and redefine what horror fiction means.” – Ronald Malfi, author of Bone White

“Fracassi is quickly building a reputation as a superior storyteller of incredible talent…. an author we must surely now hail as a leading light in the dark field of horror fiction.” – This Is Horror
Антология года
LOOMING LOW Volume I presents 26 wondrous and unsettling tales that represent some of the best writing from the new golden age of strange literature.
Роман года
Джон Лэнган 3.6
Голландский ручей – прекрасное место для рыбалки, живописный лесной уголок вдали от бесконечной суеты современной цивилизации. С ним связаны причудливые легенды о таинственном Рыбаке и о чудовищах, которых он ловил. Когда сюда приезжают Эйб и Дэн, два вдовца, потерявшие все самое дорогое в жизни, эти слухи кажутся им лишь очередной байкой, но постепенно рассказ о страшных событиях, которые случились в городе поблизости около века назад, о Рыбаке, монстрах и мертвецах вовлекают героев в историю мрачнее любого омута. Друзья еще не знают, что местные воды гораздо глубже, чем кажутся, и ведут в пространства, неподвластные человеку; что древние тайны не умерли до сих пор; что ад всегда рядом, а тем, кто отчаялся, вскоре выпадет шанс встретиться со всем, что они потеряли. Вот только цена за эту встречу будет непомерной.
Повесть года
Victor LaValle 3.3
People move to New York looking for magic and nothing will convince them it isn't there.

Charles Thomas Tester hustles to put food on the table, keep the roof over his father's head, from Harlem to Flushing Meadows to Red Hook. He knows what magic a suit can cast, the invisibility a guitar case can provide, and the curse written on his skin that attracts the eye of wealthy white folks and their cops. But when he delivers an occult tome to a reclusive sorceress in the heart of Queens, Tom opens a door to a deeper realm of magic, and earns the attention of things best left sleeping.

A storm that might swallow the world is building in Brooklyn. Will Black Tom live to see it break?
Сборник рассказов года
Ливия Луэллин 0.0
Horror fiction has long celebrated and explored the twin engines driving human existence. Call them what you like: Sex and Death, Love and Destruction, Temptation and Terror. While many may strive to reach the extremes, few authors manage to find the beauty that rests in the liminal space between these polar forces, the shuddering ecstasy encased within the shock. And then there’s Livia Llewellyn, an author praised for her dark, stirring, evocative prose and disturbing personal narratives.

Lush, layered, multifaceted, and elegant, the thirteen tales comprising Furnace showcase why Livia Llewellyn has been lauded by scholars and fans of weird fiction alike, and why she has been nominated multiple times for the Shirley Jackson Award and included in year’s best anthologies. These are exquisite stories, of beauty and cruelty, of pleasure and pain, of hunger, and of sharp teeth sinking into tender flesh.
Антология года
H.P. Lovecraft, the American master of horror, understood with horrible clarity that all things must die. After summer is winter, and life inevitably gives way to frozen sterility. In our modern world, we live cushioned existences, and congratulate ourselves on our supposed escape from the old dangers. We think ourselves caught out of nature’s reach by our technological wizardry. Safely cocooned. This foolishness blinds us to the truth that our elder forebears could not avoid. Engulfed by the rhythms of the world, they understood... Autumn means death.

There are far worse fates than mere death, of course. As blight spreads, the leaves wither and fall — as do the most important foundations of life. There is nothing more horrible than watching the sources of meaning in your world unravel before you. But these things we cherish are just pretty lies. In autumn’s cold grasp, the bright petals of our reality shrivel and die. Beneath them, there is nothing but the insanity of the howling void. Faced with inevitable, agonizing corruption, death is a gentle blessing.

The stories collected in "Autumn Cthulhu" reflect the darkest, most ancient truths of the season. Inside, you’ll find nineteen beautiful, terrifying glimpses of decay and loss inspired by Lovecraft’s work. Be sure that you want the burden of understanding before venturing further, though. The dissolving strands of mind, of love, of legacy within leave no room for merciful doubt.

The true meaning of life is that there is no meaning.
Роман года
Пол Тремблей 3.6
15 лет назад.

Жизнь семьи Барретт рушится, когда они узнают о диагнозе своей четырнадцатилетней дочери Марджори. У девочки все признаки острой шизофрении, и, к отчаянию родителей, врачи не в силах остановить ее безумие. Тогда Барретты обращаются к священнику, который предлагает провести обряд экзорцизма, веря в то, что в Марджори вселился демон. А чтобы покрыть бесконечные медицинские расходы, родители девочки соглашаются на участие в реалити-шоу...

Наше время.

Младшая сестра Марджори дает интервью известной писательнице, вспоминая события, которые произошли, когда ей было восемь лет. Ее воспоминания сильно отличаются от того, что транслировалось по телевидению. На поверхность начинают всплывать давно похороненные секреты, поднимающие непростые вопросы о памяти и реальности, науке и религии, а также о самой природе зла.
Повесть года
Лиза Маннетти 0.0
In Lisa Mannetti’s wonderfully disturbing novella, THE BOX JUMPER, we meet Leona Derwatt, Houdini’s assistant on and off stage, and one of his mistresses. Houdini not only takes her into his confidence, teaching her the intricacies of his magic, but teams with her as they confront and expose fraudulent psychics and mediums of their day. The tension in the story (based on Mannetti’s thorough research) involves Houdini’s conflicts with fake mediums (who may have been complicit in his death) and Leona’s continued run ins with the same phoney psychics later in her life.

“‘Magic’ is the operative word for this moody novella. The magic of Harry Houdini serves as an overriding backdrop here, but another kind of magic permeates these pages—the magic of fine writing. Don’t expect the usual linear plot, because there is no direct narrative. Vivid dreams, surreal images, hypnotic memories, all serve to flesh out an unsettling tale that sweeps us into a new fictional dimension. Read The Box Jumper and share the magic.”
— William F. Nolan, author of Logan’s Run and screenwriter of Burnt Offerings

“In Lisa Mannetti’s magical The Box Jumper, readers are treated to intriguing premises and finely wrought characterizations rooted in the hazy past of a bygone America. As usual, Mannetti’s driving narrative propels this fascinating portrait of illusionist Harry Houdini and the strange goings on in and around—even beyond—his world. Highly recommended to all who love a great story, excellent writing, and memorable characters with a haunting literary flair.”
— Jason V. Brock, author of Milton’s Children and Disorders of Magnitude
Сборник рассказов года
Damien Angelica Walters 0.0
WINNER, Short Story Collection of the Year, THIS IS HORROR
Contains the BRAM STOKER AWARD-nominated story "Sing Me Your Scars"

Sometimes a thread pulled through the flesh is all that holds you together. Sometimes the blade of a knife or the point of a nail is the only way you know you’re real. When pain becomes art and a quarter is buried deep within in you, all you want is to be seen, to have value, to be loved. But love can be fragile, folded into an origami elephant while you disappear, carried on the musical notes that build a bridge, or woven into an illusion so real, so perfect that you can fool yourself for a little while. Paper crumples, bridges fall, and illusions come to an end. Then you must pick up the pieces, stitch yourself back together, and shed your fear, because that is when you find out what you are truly made of and lift your voice, that is when you Sing Me Your Scars.

In her first collection of short fiction, Damien Angelica Walters weaves her lyrical voice through suffering and sorrow, teasing out the truth and discovering hope.
Антология года
In his house at R’lyeh, Cthulhu waits dreaming…

What are the dreams that monsters dream? When will the stars grow right? Where are the sunken temples in which the dreamers dwell? How will it all change when they come home?

Within these pages lie the answers, and more, in all-new stories by many of the brightest lights in dark fiction. Gathered together by Ross E. Lockhart, the editor who brought you The Book of Cthulhu, The Children of Old Leech, and Giallo Fantastique, Cthulhu Fhtagn! features nineteen weird tales inspired by H. P. Lovecraft.
Роман года
Джош Малерман 3.7
Оно ждет тебя за порогом. Оно... нечто ужасное, нечто такое, чего ни в коем случае нельзя разглядывать. Потому что один лишь взгляд на это существо? устройство? человека? грозит безумием и гибелью.

Человечество перестало существовать. Горстка выживших прячется в заброшенных домах с заколоченными окнами, не решаясь выйти наружу. Мэлани, мать-одиночка с двумя детьми, решается наконец бежать из своего дома-тюрьмы — бежать туда, где, по слухам, еще есть люди, туда, где безопасно.

Ей предстоит ужасное испытание: двадцать миль вниз по реке в ненадежной лодке, с завязанными глазами, полагаясь лишь на острый слух ее малышей. Четырехлетних детей, которые росли и учились различать звуки в темноте маленьких душных комнат.
Одно неверное движение — и они обречены. Кто-то ходит рядом, кто-то постоянно следит за ними — обычное животное или монстр?
Сборник рассказов года
Stephen Graham Jones 0.0
This collection of fifteen stories taps into the horrors and fears of the supernatural as well as the everyday. Included are two original stories, several rarities and out of print tales, as well as a few "best of the year" inclusions. Stephen Graham Jones is a master storyteller. What does happen after the people lights have gone off? Crack the spine and find out. With an introduction by Joe R. Lansdale.

Stephen Graham Jones is the author of fifteen novels and five collections, and has some two hundred stories published. Stephen's been an NEA Fellow and has won the Texas Institute of Letters Award for Fiction and the Independent Publishers Award for Multicultural fiction. He's forty-two, married with a couple of kids, and lives in Boulder, Colorado.

WINNER, Short Story Collection, THIS IS HORROR
Антология года
Чак Паланик, Ричард Томас, Деннис Уидмайер 3.7
Кто может написать так же, как Чак Паланик?
А может, эти начинающие литераторы пишут даже лучше Паланика?
Мастер лично отметил достижения молодых талантов, предоставив им место на своем фанатском веб-сайте в качестве дискуссионной площадки, и затем, отобрав лучших из лучших, смешал в палитре этого дебюта сатиру и хоррор, лирику и шок, курьез и мечту.
Рассказы, представленные в этом сборнике, получили сотни отзывов со стороны профессионалов и обычных читателей, благодаря которым авторы смогли довести их до совершенства.
Книжная обложка года
Дэвид Джеймс Китон 0.0
In this hysterical fever dream of a novel, meet an unhinged paramedic turned porn director uprooted from an ever-shifting '80s fantasy. Discover a crime that circles back through time to a far-reaching cover-up in the back of an ambulance. Reveal a manic tattoo obsession and how it conspires to ruin the integrity of a film and corrupt identity itself. Unravel the mystery surrounding three generations of women and the one secret they share. And follow two amateur terrorists, whose unlikely love story rushes headlong toward a drive-in apocalypse.
Роман года
Стивен Кинг 4.3
Дэнни Торранс, сын писателя, уничтоженного темными силами отеля «Оверлук», до сих пор тяготится своим необычайным даром. Ведь способность «сиять» вновь и вновь напоминает ему о трагических событиях, пережитых в детстве и едва не сломавших ему жизнь.
На плаву Дэнни поддерживает лишь работа в хосписе, где его способности помогают облегчить пациентам мучительную боль. Но однажды к Дэну приходит двенадцатилетняя девочка Абра, которая излучает «сияние» невероятной, немыслимой силы. И девочке этой угрожает смертельная опасность – на нее объявлена настоящая охота.
Дэн Торранс – единственный, кто может ее спасти…
Сборник рассказов года
Дэвид Джеймс Китон 0.0
Fish Bites Cop! Stories To Bash Authorities is a whole trunk of surprises. A collection of horror, dark crime, pulp, and slipstream lampoonery that gleefully rips on police officers, security guards, organized religion, firefighters, police officers, bounty hunters, dyslexic paramedics with dog complexes, police officers, military, middle management, and even more police officers. Bad Cop movies are usually just bad cop movies. It's time they paid for it.
Антология года
Booked. They've traveled the country tirelessly for two years, with stops in Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, Milwaukee, L.A., North Korea, The Dark Side of the Moon, and damn near every Waffle House along the way, all in order to bring you, the listener, over 150 episodes, over 75 authors. They've won awards, covered scoops, scandals, archived hours of authors acting badly. They've broken a few hearts on this journey - their voices can be like Russian Roulette in the headphones of the unsuspecting - but now they've called in their markers to leave their own stain on the literary landscape. And you're holding it in your hands, or your hook, which would probably tear the hell out of lesser books. But not this one. All original stories, multiple genres, never been seen, never been read. It's their way of giving back. Although these authors probably consider it more like theft. The Booked. Anthology. There's a period in the middle because it's that serious to say it out loud.
Роман года
Stephen Jones Graham 2.5
"The Last Final Girl is like Quentin Tarantino's take on The Cabin in the Woods. Bloody, absurd, and smart. Plus, there's a killer in a Michael Jackson mask." - Carlton Mellick III, author of Apeshit

Life in a slasher film is easy. You just have to know when to die.

Aerial View: A suburban town in Texas. Everyone's got an automatic garage door opener. All the kids jump off a perilous cliff into a shallow river as a rite of passage. The sheriff is a local celebrity. You know this town. You're from this town.

Zoom In: Homecoming princess, Lindsay. She's just barely escaped death at the hands of a brutal, sadistic murderer in a Michael Jackson mask. Up on the cliff, she was rescued by a horse and bravely defeated the killer, alone, bra-less. Her story is already a legend. She's this town's heroic final girl, their virgin angel.

Monster Vision: Halloween masks floating down that same river the kids jump into. But just as one slaughter is not enough for Billie Jean, our masked killer, one victory is not enough for Lindsay. Her high school is full of final girls, and she's not the only one who knows the rules of the game.

When Lindsay chooses a host of virgins, misfits, and former final girls to replace the slaughtered members of her original homecoming court, it's not just a fight for survival-it's a fight to become The Last Final Girl.
Рассказ года
Стивен Кинг, Джо Хилл 3.6
Кэл и Бекки, брат и сестра, пересекая страну на автомобиле, остановились у огромного поля высокой, с кукурузу, травы в штате Канзас, услышав зов маленького заблудившегося мальчика. Не раздумывая, они вошли в траву и тоже заблудились, а что хуже — потеряли друг друга. Но настоящий кошмар их ждет в глубине поля. Прочитайте до конца и выясните, почему же «если вам раньше нравились сардины, теперь вы никогда к ним не прикоснетесь…».
Сборник рассказов года
Гари Макмахон 0.0
The sound of shuffling footsteps across the old cell floor...
A soft voice like a strange tune echoing along the empty corridors...
Dim lights in the windows of the abandoned asylum...
Discarded case files that flip open to reveal the dreams of broken minds...
Welcome to a place where the boundaries of fact and fiction meet.
Acclaimed author Gary McMahon raids the archives of a notorious derelict mental asylum called the Daleside Institute to bring you stories of madness, horror and emotional trauma. In locations as diverse as suburban Germany, the London Underground, an Italian seaside resort and the inhospitable polar icecap, you will meet damaged people with broken lives. Here are terrifying accounts of love, hate, death and madness...
These are the Tales of the Weak and the Wounded
"If you love short stories, this is a must book for your collection. If you haven't read anything by Mr. McMahon this is a great place to start. One of the better collections of short stories I've read and I give it my highest recommendation, I will definitely be keeping my eyes out for more from Gary McMahon." - Famous Monsters of Filmland
"This is a great collection of stories and an excellent showcase for the highly talented Gary McMahon. There are enough images in here to haunt your dreams for months to come but there's also depth here, strong ideas and commentary. The best horror holds up a mirror to society, is grounded in reality and Tales of The Weak and The Wounded is an exemplar of this." - Dark Musings
Антология года
From Lovecraft to Borges to Gaiman, a century of intrepid literary experimentation has created a corpus of dark and strange stories that transcend all known genre boundaries. Together these stories form The Weird, and its practitioners include some of the greatest names in twentieth and twenty-first century literature. Exotic and esoteric, The Weird plunges you into dark domains and brings you face to face with surreal monstrosities. You won’t find any elves or wizards here...but you will find the biggest, boldest, and downright most peculiar stories from the last hundred years bound together in the biggest Weird collection ever assembled.
The Weird features 110 stories by an all-star cast, from literary legends to international bestsellers to Booker Prize winners: including William Gibson, George R. R. Martin, Stephen King, Angela Carter, Kelly Link, Franz Kafka, China Miéville, Clive Barker, Haruki Murakami, M. R. James, Neil Gaiman, Mervyn Peake, and Michael Chabon.
Комикс года
Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez 4.6
Locke & Key tells of Keyhouse, an unlikely New England mansion, with fantastic doors that transform all who dare to walk through them.... and home to a hate-filled and relentless creature that will not rest until it forces open the most terrible door of them all...! After the gruesome murder of their father, the Locke kids, Tyler, Kinsey and Bode move with their mother Nina to the ancestral family home, Keyhouse. They soon discover that the house is full of secrets when they start finding magical keys which hold impossible powers such as turning people into ghosts, or being able to erase someone's memories. They are not the only ones who know of the keys; a demonic creature known as Dodge is also after the keys, with the goal of opening the Black Door, which will allow the demons of hell to enter our world. The sprawling tale of the Locke family and their mastery of the 'whispering steel' thunders to new heights as the true history of the family is revealed to Tyler and Kinsey. Zack Wells assumes a new form, Tyler and Kinsey travel through time.

Tyler and Kinsey Locke have no idea that their now-deceased nemesis, Lucas "Dodge" Caravaggio, has taken over the body of their younger brother, Bode. With unrestricted access to Keyhouse, Dodge's ruthless quest to find the Omega Key and open the Black Door is almost complete. But Tyler and Kinsey have a dangerous key of their own — one that can unlock all the secrets of Keyhouse by opening a gateway to the past. The time has come for the Lockes to face theri own legacy and the darkness behind the Black Door. Because if they don't learn from their family history, they may be doomed to repeat it, and time is running out!

Colonel Adam Crais's minutemen are literally trapped between a rock and a hard place; in the first days of the Revolutionary War, they find themselves hiding beneath 120 feet of New England stone, with a full regiment of redcoats waiting for them in the daylight... and a door into hell in the cavern below. The black door is open, and it's up to a 16-year-old smith named Ben Locke to find a way to close it. The biggest mysteries of the Locke & Key series are resolved as Clockworks opens, not with a bang, but with the thunderous crash of English cannons.
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