Вручение 24 февраля 2015 г.

Премия вручена за 2014 год.

Лауреатами также названы:
в номинации Журнал года - Журнал "Nightmare"
Издательство года - Severed Press
Подкаст года - Booked. Podcast
Кинофильм года - Сквозь снег (реж. Пон Чжун Хо)/Snowpiercer (dir. Bong Joon-ho)
Телесериал года - Настоящий детектив (реж. Кэри Фукунага, Джон Краули, Джастин Лин, ...) (1-й сезон) /True Detective
Книжная обложка года - Джоел Воллмер (Дэвид Джеймс Китон "The Last Projector")
Joel Vollmer
Тату-художник года - Ollie Tye (Cosmic Monsters)
Британское событие года - Dead by Dawn (кинофестиваль)

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 24 февраля 2015 г.

Роман года

Джош Малерман 3.7
Оно ждет тебя за порогом. Оно... нечто ужасное, нечто такое, чего ни в коем случае нельзя разглядывать. Потому что один лишь взгляд на это существо? устройство? человека? грозит безумием и гибелью.

Человечество перестало существовать. Горстка выживших прячется в заброшенных домах с заколоченными окнами, не решаясь выйти наружу. Мэлани, мать-одиночка с двумя детьми, решается наконец бежать из своего дома-тюрьмы — бежать туда, где, по слухам, еще есть люди, туда, где безопасно.

Ей предстоит ужасное испытание: двадцать миль вниз по реке в ненадежной лодке, с завязанными глазами, полагаясь лишь на острый слух ее малышей. Четырехлетних детей, которые росли и учились различать звуки в темноте маленьких душных комнат.
Одно неверное движение — и они обречены. Кто-то ходит рядом, кто-то постоянно следит за ними — обычное животное или монстр?
Lauren Beukes 2.8

Второе место.

"Scary as hell and hypnotic. I couldn't put it down...I'd grab it if I were you." --Stephen King

A criminal mastermind creates violent tableaus in abandoned Detroit warehouses in Lauren Beukes's new genre-bending novel of suspense.

Detective Gabriella Versado has seen a lot of bodies. But this one is unique even by Detroit's standards: half boy, half deer, somehow fused together. As stranger and more disturbing bodies are discovered, how can the city hold on to a reality that is already tearing at its seams?

If you're Detective Versado's geeky teenage daughter, Layla, you commence a dangerous flirtation with a potential predator online. If you're desperate freelance journalist Jonno, you do whatever it takes to get the exclusive on a horrific story. If you're Thomas Keen, known on the street as TK, you'll do what you can to keep your homeless family safe--and find the monster who is possessed by the dream of violently remaking the world.

If Lauren Beukes's internationally bestselling The Shining Girls was a time-jumping thrill ride through the past, her Broken Monsters is a genre-redefining thriller about broken cities, broken dreams, and broken people trying to put themselves back together again.

Сборник рассказов года

Stephen Graham Jones 0.0
This collection of fifteen stories taps into the horrors and fears of the supernatural as well as the everyday. Included are two original stories, several rarities and out of print tales, as well as a few "best of the year" inclusions. Stephen Graham Jones is a master storyteller. What does happen after the people lights have gone off? Crack the spine and find out. With an introduction by Joe R. Lansdale.

Stephen Graham Jones is the author of fifteen novels and five collections, and has some two hundred stories published. Stephen's been an NEA Fellow and has won the Texas Institute of Letters Award for Fiction and the Independent Publishers Award for Multicultural fiction. He's forty-two, married with a couple of kids, and lives in Boulder, Colorado.

WINNER, Short Story Collection, THIS IS HORROR
Джон Ф. Д. Тафф 0.0

Второе место.

THE END IN ALL BEGINNINGS is a collection of horror that's a literary tour de force through the emotional pain and personal anguish of the human condition. Praised as one of the best collections of heartfelt and gut-wrenching horror written in recent history, it's a disturbing trip through the ages exploring the painful tragedies of life, love and loss.

Each of the five masterfully written novellas included in THE END IN ALL BEGINNINGS examine complex themes running the gamut from the loss of childhood innocence, to the dreadful reality of survival after everything we hold dear is gone, to some of the most profound aspects of human tragedy.

As one of the best storytellers of the modern age, John F.D. Taff takes readers on a skillfully balanced emotional journey into nostalgia, through personal pain and beyond the everyday terrors that are uncomfortably real over the course of the human lifetime. His straight-forward, nuanced writing style is at times darkly comedic, often deeply poetic and always accurate in the most terrifying of ways.

Evoking the literary styles of horror legends Mary Shelley, Edgar Allen Poe and Bram Stoker, in THE END IN ALL BEGINNINGS also pays homage to modern genre masters Stephen King, Ramsey Campbell, Ray Bradbury, Rod Serling and Clive Barker, solidifying author John F.D. Taff as modern horror's new King of Pain.

Антология года

Чак Паланик, Ричард Томас, Деннис Уидмайер 3.7
Кто может написать так же, как Чак Паланик?
А может, эти начинающие литераторы пишут даже лучше Паланика?
Мастер лично отметил достижения молодых талантов, предоставив им место на своем фанатском веб-сайте в качестве дискуссионной площадки, и затем, отобрав лучших из лучших, смешал в палитре этого дебюта сатиру и хоррор, лирику и шок, курьез и мечту.
Рассказы, представленные в этом сборнике, получили сотни отзывов со стороны профессионалов и обычных читателей, благодаря которым авторы смогли довести их до совершенства.

Второе место.

The New Black is a collection of twenty neo-noir stories exemplifying the best authors currently writing in this dark sub-genre. A mixture of horror, crime, fantasy, science fiction, magical realism, and the grotesque—all with a literary bent—these stories are the future of genre-bending fiction.

The table of contents includes the following authors and stories: Stephen Graham Jones, "Father Son, Holy Rabbit," Paul Tremblay, "It's Against the Law to Feed the Ducks," Lindsay Hunter, "That Baby," Roxane Gay, "How," Kyle Minor, "The Truth and All Its Ugly," Craig Clevenger, "Act of Contrition," Micaela Morrissette, "The Familiars," Richard Lange, "Fuzzyland," Benjamin Percy, "Dial Tone," Roy Kesey, "Instituto," Craig Davidson, "Rust and Bone," Rebecca Jones-Howe, "Blue Hawaii," Joe Meno, "Children Are the Only Ones Who Blush," Vanessa Veselka, "Christopher Hitchens," Nik Korpon, "His Footsteps are Made of Soot," Brian Evenson, "Windeye," Craig Wallwork, "Dollhouse," Tara Laskowski, "The Etiquette of Homicide," Matt Bell, "Dredge," and Antonia Crane, "Sunshine for Adrienne."

Книжная обложка года

Дэвид Джеймс Китон 0.0
In this hysterical fever dream of a novel, meet an unhinged paramedic turned porn director uprooted from an ever-shifting '80s fantasy. Discover a crime that circles back through time to a far-reaching cover-up in the back of an ambulance. Reveal a manic tattoo obsession and how it conspires to ruin the integrity of a film and corrupt identity itself. Unravel the mystery surrounding three generations of women and the one secret they share. And follow two amateur terrorists, whose unlikely love story rushes headlong toward a drive-in apocalypse.