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Raymond Briggs 4.4
Illustrated in full color, this is a wordless story. The pictures have "the hazy softness of air in snow." A little boy rushes out into the wintry day to build a snowman, which comes alive in his dreams that night. The boy invites him home and in return is taken on a flight high above the countryside.
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Роберт Кормье 3.8
Четырнадцатилетний Джерри Рено всего-то и сделал, что отказался продавать шоколадные конфеты, которыми по традиции торговали все ученики школы. Но с этого началась настоящая война. Война, в которую втянулись преподаватели, ученики и тайное школьное общество Стражей. Как обычные подростки превращаются в толпу и до чего могут дойти в травле белой вороны? Где находится грань между бездействием и соучастием в жестокости? Чем закончится шоколадная война и удастся ли Джерри отстоять себя и свой выбор?
Роман Роберта Кормье, впервые опубликованный в 1974 году, был восторженно принят критикой. Его сравнивали с "Повелителем мух" Уильяма Голдинга. В Соединенных Штатах книга вызвала бурные дискуссии и, несмотря на сопротивление части учителей, была включена в школьную программу. В 1988 году роман экранизировали.
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Лоуренс Еп 0.0
Moon Shadow was eight when he sailed from China to join his father Windrider in America. Windrider lived in San Francisco's Chinatown and worked in a laundry. Moon Shadow had never seen him.
But he soon loved and respected this father, a man of genius, a man with a fabulous dream. And with Moon Shadow's help, Windrider was willing to endure the mockery of the other Chinese, the poverty, and the longing for his wife and his own country to make his dream come true.

Inspired by the account of a Chinese immigrant who made a flying machine in 1909, Laurence Yep's historical novel beautifully portrays the rich traditions of the Chinese community as it made its way in a hostile new world.
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Урсула К. Ле Гуин 4.1
Первый же роман знаменитого цикла о Земноморье поставил Урсулу Ле Гуин в ряды выдающихся мастеров фэнтези, наряду с Дж.Р.Р.Толкиеном и К.Льюисом. В замысловатом лабиринте сказочной страны Земноморье немудрено и заблудиться, но ведомому фантазией и талантом Урсулы Ле Гуин читателю не грозит столь незавидная участь. Продуманный до мелочей, раскрашенный сочными красками мир заключает в себе неповторимое обаяние, под власть которого уже попали миллионы любителей фантастики во всем мире.
Земноморье - мир, где среди бесконечного пространства воды затерялись сотни больших и маленьких островов. Там все еще жива магия, которой обучают на острове Рок, в школе волшебников.
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Бернард Вабер 0.0
A cranky neighbor puts Lyle in the zoo but experiences a change of heart when the crocodile saves him from a fire.
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Давид Хердян 0.0
David Kherdian re-creates his mother's voice in telling the true story of a childhood interrupted by one of the most devastating holocausts of our century. Vernon Dumehjian Kherdian was born into a loving and prosperous family. Then, in the year 1915, the Turkish government began the systematic destruction of its Armenian population.
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Нэнси Уиллард 0.0
Anatole’s search for wild fennel to cure his grandmother’s asthma takes him on a fantastic voyage. “This is a book for those who revel in the unexpected, in wonderful invention, in powerful and vivid and even mystical fancy. McPhail’s fine line illustrations are as lively, detailed, and well-realized as the book itself.”--School Library Journal
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Кэтрин Патерсон 4.3
Имя американской писательницы Кэтрин Патерсон широко известно за пределами Соединенных Штатов. Её литературное мастерство было отмечено огромным количеством международных и национальных наград в области детской литературы, среди которых медаль Х.К. Андерсена, премия А. Линдгрен и две медали Ньюбери. Писательница находит в себе смелость говорить о таких «неудобных» вещах, как боль, непонимание, одиночество и даже смерть. Истории Патерсон не всегда хорошо заканчиваются, но они всегда проникнуты надеждой. Именно такие книги помогают юному человеку взрослеть.
Десятилетний Джесси Эронс здорово рисует, только мало кто об этом знает. Родители едва сводят концы с концами — им не до фантазий сына, а сестры, если проведают, примутся донимать насмешками. Но вот однажды у Джесси появляется новая соседка — его сверстница Лесли Бёрк. Она совсем не такая, как остальные его одноклассники: и одета странно, и телевизора у нее нет. Зато она знает кучу разных историй и с ней можно разговаривать, о чем угодно. И даже вместе отправиться в сказочную страну — Терабитию…
В этой пронзительной и мудрой книге речь идет мужестве быть самим собой и о том, как тяжелая утрата помогает стать сильнее и обрести собственный путь. В 1978 году за роман «Мост в Терабитию» Кэтрин Патерсон была награждена самой почетной премией США в области детской литературы — медалью Ньюбери.
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Верна Аардема 0.0
The opening pages of the book set the scene as the expectant onlookers gather before the drawn curtain. Then, as the play begins, the perspective shifts and reader becomes the real audience to this unique performance.
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William Steig 4.0
Sylvester can’t believe his luck when he finds a magic pebble that can make wishes come true. But when a lion jumps out at him on his way home, Sylvester is shocked into making a wish that has unexpected consequences. After overcoming a series of obstacles, Sylvester is eventually reunited with his loving family. Illustrated with William Steig’s glowing pictures, this winner of the Caldecott Medal is beloved by children everywhere.
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Джон Степто 0.0
One day my momma told me, "You know you're gonna have a little friend come stay with you." And I said, "Who is it?" and "For how long?" That's when Stevie moved in with his crybaby self. He played with my toys and broke them, and he left dirty footprints all over my bed. But then Stevie left again, and I missed him. I missed playing Cowboys and Indians on the stoop and watching cartoons in the morning. Maybe... just maybe, Stevie wasn't so bad after all.
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Норма Фокс Мэйзер 0.0
Eight short stories portray teenage girls, young women, mothers, and grandmothers who deeply affect the lives of those around them.
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Джулия Каннингем 0.0
After he is befriended by a sign painter, a confused runaway finds trust and a purpose for living.
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Ильзе Коэн 0.0
The memoirs of a German girl who became a leader among the Hitler Youth while her Social Democratic family kept from her the secret of her partial Jewish heritage.
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Питер Спайер 0.0
The bee and the fox, the sheep and the ox--two of each kind trudged aboard Noah's famous vessel. Peter Spier uses his own translation of a seventeenth-century Dutch poem about this most famous menagerie.
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Соня Левитин 0.0
A fictionalized account of the 1841 Bidwell-Bartleson expedition which included seventeen-year-old Nancy Kelsey, the first American woman to journey from Missouri to California.
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Глен Раундз 0.0
A sign painter and a giant bull snake cause a commotion when they replace Buffalo Bill as official buffalo hunters for the United States Army.
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Natalie Babbitt 4.3
Doomed to—or blessed with—eternal life after drinking from a magic spring, the Tuck family wanders about trying to live as inconspicuously and comfortably as they can. When ten-year-old Winnie Foster stumbles on their secret, the Tucks take her home and explain why living forever at one age is less a blessing that it might seem. Complications arise when Winnie is followed by a stranger who wants to market the spring water for a fortune.
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Фелис Холман 0.0
An ALA Best Books for Young Adults
An ALA Notable Children's Book
An ALA Best of the Best Books for Young Adults
The Horn Book Fanfare List

Desperate, driven, harassed to the breaking point, Slake decides to go underground—into the sheltering depths of the New York City Subway where he ends up staying for one hundred and twenty-one days. This is the story about survival, and about a 13-year-old misfit's attempts to find footing in a hostile and threatening world.
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Нэнси Уиллард 0.0
The wallpaper above Anatole’s bed is dotted with islands and shepherds and small boats decorated with roses. While gazing at the figures one afternoon, Anatole is sucked into the wallpaper itself. Includes the stories Gospel Train and The Wise Soldier of Sellebak.
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William Steig 0.0
Abel's place in his familiar, mouse world has always been secure; he had an allowance from his mother, a comfortable home, and a lovely wife, Amanda. But one stormy August day, furious flood water carry him off and dump him on an uninhabited island. Despite his determination and stubborn resourcefulness--he tried crossing the river with boats and ropes and even on stepping-stones--Abel can't find a way to get back home. Days, then weeks and months, pass. Slowly, his soft habits disappear as he forages for food, fashions a warm nest in a hollow log, models clay statues of his family for company, and continues to brood on the problem of how to get across the river--and home. Abel's time on the island brings him a new understanding of the world he's separated from. Faced with the daily adventure of survival in his solitary, somewhat hostile domain, he is moved to reexamine the easy way of life he had always accepted and discovers skills and talents in himself that hold promise of a more meaningful life, if and when he should finally return to Mossville and his dear Amanda again.
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Баббис Фриис-Баастад 0.0
When Mikkel's older handicapped brother accidentally hurts someone and is threatened by that boy's friends, Mikkel resolves the situation in an unusual and interesting way.
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Норма Фокс Мэйзер 0.0
After spending almost a year with cave people from an earlier time, a young girl is transported back to the present greatly changed, both by her experience and by the fact that no one believes her.
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Harve Zemach, Margot Zemach 2.0
Duffy and the Devil was a popular play in Cornwall in the nineteenth century, performed at the Christmas season by groups of young people who went from house to house. The Zemachs have interpreted the folk tale which the play dramatized, recognizable as a version of the widespread Rumpelstiltskin story. Its main themes are familiar, but the character and details of this picture book are entirely Cornish, as robust and distinctive as the higgledy-piggledy, cliff-hanging villages that dot England's southwestern coast from Penzance to Land's End.

The language spoken by the Christmas players was a rich mixture of local English dialect and Old Cornish (similar to Welsh and Gaelic), and something of this flavor is preserved in Harve Zemach's retelling. Margot Zemach's pen-and-wash illustrations combine a refined sense of comedy with telling observation of character, felicitous drawing with decorative richness, to a degree that surpasses her own past accomplishments.

Duffy and the Devil is a 1973 New York Times Book Review Notable Children's Book of the Year and Outstanding Book of the Year, a 1974 National Book Award Finalist for Children's Books, and the winner of the 1974 Caldecott Medal.
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Virginia Hamilton 2.0
Mayo Cornelius Higgins sits on his gleaming, forty-foot steel pole, towering over his home on Sarah's Mountain. Stretched before him are rolling hills and shady valleys. But behind him lie the wounds of strip mining, including a mountain of rubble that may one day fall and bury his home.

M.C. dreams of escape for himself and his family. And, one day, atop his pole, he thinks he sees it -- two strangers are making their way toward Sarah's Mountain. One has the ability to make M.C.'s mother famous. And the other has the kind of freedom that M.C. has never even considered.
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Элис Чайлдресс 0.0
Benjie can stop using heroin anytime he wants to. He just doesn't want to yet. Why would he want to give up something that makes him feel so good, so relaxed, so tuned-out? As Benjie sees it, there's nothing much to tune in for. School is a waste of time, and home life isn't much better. All Benjie wants is for someone to believe in him, for someone to believe that he's more than a thirteen-year-old junkie. Told from the perspectives of the people in his life-including his mother, stepfather, teachers, drug dealer, and best friend-this powerful story will draw you into Benjie's troubled world and force you to confront the uncertainty of his future.
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Вера Кливер 0.0
Fourteen-year-old Fern and her family face challenges and hardships when they move to a farm in South Dakota.
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Братья Гримм 4.4
Эта красочно иллюстрированная книжка познакомит малыша со сказкой Братьев Гримм БЕЛОСНЕЖКА в пересказе Сергея Кузьмина.

"Давным-давно одна добрая королева родила дочку, но сама умерла. У девочки были голубые глаза и белоснежное лицо, поэтому назвали ее Белоснежкой."

Для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
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Эдвард Ардиззон 4.1
Книга "Тим и отважный капитан" читается на одном дыхании. Сюжет от первой до последней страницы держит читателя в напряжении.
Юный Тим страстно мечтал стать моряком, но он ещё слишком мал для настоящего плавания. Как только представился случай, мальчик тайком проник на корабль. Он трудился наравне с взрослыми, схватывал на лету все тонкости морского дела и стал любимцем всей команды. Когда корабль попал в ужасный шторм, Тим чуть не погиб. Он с честью выдержал настоящие морские испытания и проявил себя прирождённым мореплавателем.
История о храбром Тиме придётся по душе маленьким романтикам, мечтающим о приключениях и подвигах. Для дошкольного возраста и первого самостоятельного чтения.
Для дошкольного возраста.
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Астрид Линдгрен 4.5
В книге знаменитой шведской писательницы Астрид Линдгрен рассказывается о веснушчатой озорной девчонке с рыжими косичками. Пеппи Длинныйчулок не только фантазёрка и выдумщица, но и самый настоящий, верный друг. Она умеет превратить любое дело в приключение, не унывает ни в какой ситуации и всегда остаётся сама собой.
Увлекательную повесть-сказку в классическим переводе Лилианны Лунгиной проиллюстрировала замечательная художница Надежда Бугославская.
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Энн Холм 4.5
David's entire twelve-year life has been spent in a grisly prison camp in Eastern Europe. He knows nothing of the outside world. But when he is given the chance to escape, he seizes it. With his vengeful enemies hot on his heels, David struggles to cope in this strange new world, where his only resources are a compass, a few crusts of bread, his two aching feet, and some vague advice to seek refuge in Denmark. Is that enough to survive?
David's extraordinary odyssey is dramatically chronicled in Anne Holm's classic about the meaning of freedom and the power of hope.
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Дебора Кроуфорд 0.0
Traces the lives of four women who struggled for civil rights and justice in seventeenth-century America.
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Джин Расселл Ларсон 0.0
Jack's adventures begin when he tries to salvage the esteem he lost by putting salt instead of sugar in the Captain's tea.
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Marilyn Harris 0.0
A diary of a young girl's experiences during the three months she spends in Canada after running away from her troubled home.
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Шарлотт Бэйкер 0.0
Cockleburr Quarters is a little black community with a big puppy problem. Eight of them and the mammy‐dog are under the church, and the preacher wants them out before he has a flea problem. Dolph, from across the street, is a dog wanting boy who gets them out and then they're his problem to house, feed, clean up after, and find homes for. But he can't take them to his home because his mother says dogs are Public Enemy number one to her vegetable garden. And he can't take them food from home because there is not always enough for the two grownups, and the six growing that are already there.
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Джулиус Лестер 0.0
Delightfully funny animal stories and beautifully detailed paintings certain to captivate children.
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Джеральд Макдермотт 0.0
Anansi the Spider is one of the great folk heroes of the world. He is a rogue, a mischief maker, and a wise, lovable creature who triumphs over larger foes.

In this traditional Ashanti tale, Anansi sets out on a long, difficult journey. Threatened by Fish and Falcon, he is saved from terrible fates by his sons. But which of his sons should Anansi reward? Calling upon Nyame, the God of All Things, Anansi solves his predicament in a touching and highly resourceful fashion.

In adapting this popular folktale, Gerald McDermott merges the old with the new, combining bold, rich color with traditional African design motifs and authentic Ashanti language rhythms.
Anansi the Spider is a 1973 Caldecott Honor Book.
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Джейн Йолен 0.0
Though her father seeks to protect her from all unpleasant things, a young princess is intrigued by the voice of the wind that tells her of worlds beyond the palace walls.
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Линд Уорд 0.0
Told only in pictures, this is the story of a lonely farm boy who confuses his dreams of adventure on a winged pony with reality.
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Джулиус Лестер 0.0
Meet Rambler, a runaway slave roaming the countryside with a guitar, who knows the only way to stay free is to keep moving. Louis is another runaway, fleeing the plantation where he was raised, because he is about to be sold. And Jake and Mandy's marriage is damaged by slavery—and destroyed by freedom. Here is the African-American experience, brought alive by a master storyteller.
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Юри Суль 0.0
A festive and frothy demonstration of how a compulsion to buy ""only the best"" can lead to too much of a good thing. The Boom family's overstuffed homeliness is tempered by Zemach's blushing pinks and soft browns.
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Александр Хилл Ки 0.0
Who is the strange boy who can talk to animals and read people's minds? Where does he come from?

The boy, Jon, has lost his memory and does not know. he only knows that he has fallen through the forgotten door to the strange planet, Earth, and that he is in great danger

Soon the family who befriends him is in great danger, too. There is very little time left. Jon must find the secret way back to his planet--before it's too late.
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Рассел Хобан 0.0
Both Ma Otter and her son, Emmet, hope to win the $50 talent show prize and surprise each other with a special Christmas present.
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Virginia Hamilton 0.0
Junior Brown, an overprotected three-hundred pound musical prodigy who's prone to having fantasies, and Buddy Clark, a loner who lives by his wits because he has no family whatsoever, have been on the hook from their eighth-grade classroom all semester.

Most of the time they have been in the school building -- in a secret cellar room behind a false wall, where Mr. Pool, the janitor, has made a model of the solar system. They have been pressing their luck for months...and then they are caught. As society -- in the form of a zealous assistant principal -- closes in on them, Junior's fantasies become more desperate, and Buddy draws on all his resources to ensure his friend's well-being.
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Уильям Пен дю Буа 0.0
It takes the koalas seven years to learn to use the circus equipment they find and to put together an act.
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Джеймс Форман 0.0
While the scourge of Nazism was at its height in Germany, claiming millions of victims, Han Scholl and his sister Sophie began to produce leaflets denouncing Hitler and all that he stood for. Despite increasing danger the work went on. They knew that the Gestapo would eventually catch up to them and they would disappear without a trace. They also knew that their efforts made little difference in the titanic struggle taking place in the world, yet they continued to risk their lives.
Hans and Sophie are drawn from history. They were real people, students at Munich University in 1942. Neither one wanted to be a martyr. They were young; there was much to look forward to; life, even during war times, was sweet. But the burden of conscience forced them to act.
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Нина Костерина 4.7
Нет, ничем не успела себя прославить в жизни московская школьница Нина Костерина. Слишком рано оборвалась ее жизнь, жизнь, которая по-настоящему лишь начиналась для девушки. В ноябре 1941 года Нина Костерина ушла в партизанский отряд. Она считала, что ее место на фронте. И, кроме того, где-то в душе ее таилась надежда, что своим поступком она облегчит участь отца, верного коммуниста, безвинно арестованного в годы беззаконий. Нина Костерина уже не вернулась домой, к своему дневнику. Она, как сказано в извещении, присланном ее матери, "проявив геройство и мужество, погибла при выполнении боевого задания в декабре 1941 года" .
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Вирджиния Каль 0.0
A long time ago there lived over the waters, a Duchess, a Duke and their family of daughters.
Everything went smoothly and happily in this large family, until one day the Duchess decided to make:
A lovely light luscious delectable cake
Would she take the cook's advice? No, she would not. The Duchess put many things into the cake, adding the yeast six times for good measure. So the cake rose, and the Duchess with it - and how were they to get her down again?
It is Gunhilde, the youngest of the daughters, who suggests a happy solution.
This charming story, with its lively pictures and delightful combinations of words is fun for children - and fun for adults to read aloud.
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Джулия Каннингем 0.0
Gilly is forced to go to an orphanage, but sullen and uncooperative, he gets thrown out. He is taken on by a carpenter, but soon realizes he has put his head in a noose and must fly for his life.

This is the story of a boy who discovers himself, who basically comes to grips with that most contemporary of problems, the isolation of the individual. It is told within the near-classic framework of the story of the orphan who survives and escapes maltreatment to find love, but it is told in frank, literate terms in the lingo of today's youngsters. And it has, as an additional dimension, a touch of the Gothic tale, a tinge of terror and a shade of romanticism. (The New York Herald Tribune)

A reissue of the novel that dramatically changed children's literature in the 20th century.
Julia Cunningham's ground-breaking novel, first published in 1965 and unavailable in any edition for a decade, is reissued for a whole new generation of readers to call their own.
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Джей Уильямс 0.0
A young New Englander is unaware of the strange power in the Indian relic, a stone-carved bird, he finds buried in a cave.
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Robert C. O'Brien 4.1
Some extraordinary rats come to the aid of a mouse family in this Newbery Medal Award–winning classic by notable children’s author Robert C. O’Brien.

Mrs. Frisby, a widowed mouse with four small children, is faced with a terrible problem. She must move her family to their summer quarters immediately, or face almost certain death. But her youngest son, Timothy, lies ill with pneumonia and must not be moved. Fortunately, she encounters the rats of NIMH, an extraordinary breed of highly intelligent creatures, who come up with a brilliant solution to her dilemma. And Mrs. Frisby in turn renders them a great service.
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Фридрих де ла Мотт Фуке 4.3
Литературный успех немецкого писателя-романтика Фридриха де ла Мотт Фуке - вполне значимой фигуры в Германии 1810-х годов - оказался кратковременным. Единственным произведением этого «излишне плодовитого», по словам его современника Людвига Тика, литератора, выдержавшим проверку временем, стала сказочная повесть УНДИНА. Но в России и с ней Фуке не повезло: блестящий стихотворный перевод Василия Андреевича Жуковского полностью затмил фигуру немецкого автора. С тех пор полтора столетия историю о влюблённой русалке в России даже не пытались переводить. Именно «романтическая сказка Жуковского» в начале XX века публиковалась с цветными иллюстрациями английского художника Артура Рэкхема, изначально созданными к повести Фуке.
Прозаический перевод УНДИНЫ был сделан уже в XX веке филологом-германистом, исследователем литературы XVII-XVIII столетий Ниной Александровной Жирмунской.
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James Weldon Johnson 0.0
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us.

Written by James Weldon Johnson in 1900 to celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday, "Lift Every Voice and Sing" has become an anthem for African Americans in the struggle for equality.

Bryan Collier's vibrant, stunning artwork offers an inspirational and rousing interpretation of this powerful song that continues to influence and shape new generations of children today.
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Марджери Уильямс 4.6
Каждая игрушка, будь то красивая кукла, деревянная лошадка или заводная машинка, мечтает стать настоящей. Но такое не происходит по мановению волшебной палочки, и Вельветовый Кролик однажды узнал эту тайну от старого и мудрого друга. Если хочешь стать настоящим, нужно, чтобы тебя по-настоящему полюбили. Тогда волшебство детской комнаты исполнится и... случится чудо.
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Эллис Кредл 0.0
Hetty and Hank live in a small cabin in the mountains and although cozy, they are poor and have never owned a pair of shoes. "They each wanted a beautiful shining pair that sang, 'Creaky-squeaky-creaky-squeaky,' every time they walked."

However, Mammy and Pappy give them reasons they cannot have them, such as, "You can't find shoes like that in these hills!" and "We've everything we need right here in these hills." So they go to Granny who gives them an idea to plant turnip seeds and when they grow into "fine big turnips" they can take them down down the mountain to town to sell for a pair of shoes. So that is just what Hetty and Hank do.
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Sheila Burnford 4.5
The Incredible Journey, by Scottish author Sheila Burnford, is a children's book first published by Hodder, which tells the story of three pets as they travel 300 miles (480 km) through the Canadian wilderness searching for their beloved masters.

It depicts the suffering and stress of an arduous journey, together with the unwavering loyalty and courage of the three animals. The story is set in the northwestern part of Ontario, Canada which has many lakes, rivers, and widely dispersed small farms and towns.
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Эстер Р. Хауциг 0.0
It is June 1941. The Rudomin family has been arrested by the Russians. They are "capitalists, enemies of the people". Forced from their home and friends in Vilna, Poland, they are herded into crowded cattle cars. Their destination: the endless steppe of Siberia.
For five years, Esther and her family live in exile, weeding potato fields and working in the mines, struggling for enough food and clothing to stay alive. Only the strength of family sustains them and gives them hope for the future.
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Кристин Хантер 0.0
A fourteen-year-old girl tries to reconcile her dreams and hopes for the future with the harsh and often unpleasant realities of life in the African American section of town.
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Мэри К. Стил 0.0
Grandfather said they were headed for the Better Place, but Dilar suspected they were headed nowhere, simply following the dark underground river blindly. And so one night he leaped onto a shelf of rock and watched the flotilla of the Raft People disappear. And from there he found his way Outside, into a world so beautiful and strange he could only suppose he had died-a world of day, and sun, of trees and sky.
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Розмэри Сатклиф 3.8
The Abbey of New Minster means safety to Lovel. It is the reign of Henry I in England, and the monks protect Lovel from the people who think that, because of his crooked back and healing skills, he must be a witch. And, he has nowhere else to go.

Then he meets Rahere, the King's Jester, in the abbey - and makes a bargain that will take Lovel to London, to establish a life of his own at the great hospital of St Bartholomew.
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Рэндалл Джаррелл 4.0
This is the story of how, one by one, a man found himself a family. Almost nowhere in fiction is there a stranger, dearer, or funnier family -- and the life that the members of The Animal Family live together, there in the wilderness beside the sea, is as extraordinary and as enchanting as the family itself.
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Филлип Вирек 0.0
Set in the Pemigewasset Wilderness of New Hampshire in the 1960s. Paul starts out on this trip thinking that he a a "loser" since he is not good at sports, etc. At the end of this survival trip, he ends up believing in himself. A fine journey towards self-reliance and finding oneself.
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Бетти Келен 0.0
Story of Gautama Buddha that illustrates why his life and teachings became the inspiration for Eastern thought.
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Astrid Lindgren 4.6
No one knows when he came to the farm, no one has ever seen him, but everyone knows it is the troll Tomten who walks about the lonely old farmhouse on a winter's night, talking to all the animals and reminding them of the promise of Spring.
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Джулиус Лестер 0.0
A Newbery Honor Book

What was it like to be a slave? Listen to the words and learn about the lives of countless slaves and ex-slaves, telling about their forced journey from Africa to the United States, their work in the fields and houses of their owners, and their passion for freedom. You will never look at life the same way again.

"The dehumanizing aspects of slavery are made abundantly clear, but a testament to the human spirit of those who endured or survived this experience is exalted."—Children's Literature
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Уильям Ховард Армстронг 0.0
A landmark in children's literature, winner of the 1970 Newbery Medal and the basis of an acclaimed film, "Sounder" traces the keen sorrow and the abiding faith of a poor African-American boy in the 19th-century South. Winner, 1970 Newbery Medal Notable Children's Books of 1940- 1970 (ALA) 1970 Fanfare Honor List (The Horn Book) "Best of the Best" Children's Books 1966- 1978 (SLJ) Outstanding Children's Books of 1969 (NYT) Best for Young Readers (NYTBR) 1970 Lewis Carroll Shelf Award Children's Books of 1969 (Library of Congress) Children's Books of the Year (CSA) Some Select Children's Books of 1969 (Publishers Weekly) Notable Books for the Portrayal of the Black in Children's Literature (Top of the News) Mark Twain Award (Missouri) 1973 Nene Award (Hawaii) 1975 Sue Hefley Children's Book Award (Louisiana)
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Теодор Тейлор 5.0
Read Theodore Taylor’s classic bestseller and Lewis Carroll Shelf Award winner The Cay.
Phillip is excited when the Germans invade the small island of Curaçao. War has always been a game to him, and he’s eager to glimpse it firsthand–until the freighter he and his mother are traveling to the United States on is torpedoed.
When Phillip comes to, he is on a small raft in the middle of the sea. Besides Stew Cat, his only companion is an old West Indian, Timothy. Phillip remembers his mother’s warning about black people: “They are different, and they live differently.”
But by the time the castaways arrive on a small island, Phillip’s head injury has made him blind and dependent on Timothy.
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Джесс Стюарт 0.0
For Shan, it began as an ordinary summer's day. He was doing what he liked best, walking barefoot down a wellworn cow path to a clover field where he knew a sweet apple tree grew.
Then he met Old Ben, a big bull black snake, sunning himself in the clover, and that summer day and all the days that followed, until early fall, became extraordinary.

"The only good snake is a dead snake." That's what Shan's father had always said. But Old Ben with his gentle, friendly ways changed that saying and brought a new understanding about snakes to every member of Shan's family. --This text refers to the hardcover edition of this title
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Оливер Баттеруорт 5.0
Young Nate Twitchell is surprised when one of the hens on his family farm lays a giant egg. After a painstaking wait, Nate is even more surprised when it hatches and out pops a baby triceratops that he names Uncle Beazley! But when Nate decides to keep the dino and raise it on his own, he has no idea what he's getting himself into. As Uncle Beazley grows, Nate and his family realize they are not equipped to take care of a full-sized dinosaur, and so with the help of their scientist friend, Nate and Uncle Beazley set off for the NationalMuseum in Washington, D.C., on the hunt for the perfect home for a modern-day dinosaur---then the real trouble begins!

The Enormous Egg was originally published in 1956 and has been a classic in children's literature ever since. This brand new edition features amazing new illustrations from Eisner-award winning graphic novelist Mark Crilley (creator of Akiko and Miki Falls).
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Alan Garner 4.1
When Colin and Susan are pursued by eerie creatures across Alderley Edge, they are saved by the Wizard. He takes them into the caves of Fundindelve, where he watches over the enchanted sleep of one hundred and forty knights. But the heart of the magic that binds them - Firefrost, also known as the Weirdstone of Brisingamen - has been lost. The Wizard has been searching for the stone for more than 100 years, but the forces of evil are closing in, determined to possess and destroy its special power. Colin and Susan realise at last that they are the key to the Weirdstone's return. But how can two children defeat the Morrigan and her deadly brood?
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Betsy Byars 4.5
Tom dislikes spending the summer on his aunt's farm until he discovers a black fox in the forest and tracks her to her den.
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Филипп Даффилд Стонг 0.0
On Cattermole’s 100 Best Children’s Books of the 20th Century list and a 1936 Newbery Honor Book, this children’s classic is sure to please children of all ages. What do you do when a moose takes over your town? Three young boys try to save a moose through the cold Minnesota winter.
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Zilpha Keatley Snyder 4.8
Even to Melanie, who knew that you could never predict what a new kid would be like, April Hall was something of a surprise. One look at her stringy upswept hair, false eyelashes, and ragged fox fur collar, convinced Melanie that April was not going to be easy to integrate into the sixth grade at Wilson School.
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Элизабет Энрайт 0.0
Summer has a magic all its own.

When Portia sets out for a visit with her cousin Julian, she expects fun and adventure, but of the usual kind: exploring in the woods near Julian's house, collecting stones and bugs, playing games throughout the long, lazy days.

But this summer is different.

On their first day exploring, Portia and Julian discover an enormous boulder with a mysterious message, a swamp choked with reeds and quicksand, and on the far side of the swamp...a ghost town.

Once upon a time the swamp was a splendid lake, and the fallen houses along its shore an elegant resort community. But though the lake is long gone and the resort faded away, the houses still hold a secret life: two people who have never left Gone-Away...and who can tell the story of what happened there.
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Сид Флейшмен 0.0
"There's been so much tomfool nonsense told about McBroom's wonderful one-acre farm?." It's a good thing Farmer Josh McBroom is back, setting matters straight in this pair of hilarious, homespun, illustrated chapter books, issued in an easy-to-read paperback format for the very first time!What better way to find out how it all began than by starting at the beginning-as McBroom, his wife, and their 11 redheaded children pack up their homestead and head West!
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Глен Раундз 0.0
Traces the season-to-season activities of a band of wild horses as they raise their young, evade enemies, and survive the rigors of their badlands home.
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Харди Граматки 0.0
"I am delighted to know that this classic piece of Americana, Little Toot, will be enjoyed by readers of all ages for years go come." --Eric Carle

First published in 1939, this classic story of the energetic tugboat is brought to new life in this restored edition. With the help and support of Hardie Gramatky's estate, to mark the 100th anniversary of his birth, we have used archived first editions and Hardie's original paintings to restore Little Toot to its full glory, bringing back a richness of color that has been lost in decades of reprintings. This new edition also features several of the artist's full-color manuscript sketches, never before seen in print, and reintroduces the book's exquisite original endpapers.
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Вейман Б. Джонс 0.0
Sole survivor of a Comanche raid on the wagon train taking him East to school, a fifteen-year-old boy wanders the prairie until he meets and becomes the unwilling companion of a strange old Cherokee who is bent on an unusual mission.
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Морин Дейли 5.0
Until the summer before college, Angie Morrow didn't really date. Her mother didn't like her to go out much. But no one -- not even Angie's mother -- can resist the charm of strikingly handsome Jack Duluth. His good looks grab Angies's attention from the moment in June when Jack throws Angie a smile at McKight's drugstore. And on their first date sailing under the stars -- when Jack leans in and whispers to Angie, You look nice with the wind in your hair, the strange new feeling s begin. Tingles, prickles, warmth: the tell-tale signs of romance. It's the beginning of an unforgettable summer for Angie, full of wonder, warmth, tears, challenge, and love.Maureen Daly had created a love story so honest that it has withstood the test of time, winning new fans for more than six decades. Today, this classic is enjoyed by many who think of it as the quintessential love story, and as a glimpse of love in the 1940's; a refreshing alternative to modern love stories, reflecting the beauty and innocence of new love.
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Л. М. Бостон 5.0
L. M. Boston's thrilling and chilling tales of Green Knowe, a haunted manor deep in an overgrown garden in the English countryside, have been entertaining readers for half a century.

There are three children: Toby, who rides the majestic horse Feste; his mischievous little sister, Linnet; and their brother, Alexander, who plays the flute. The children warmly welcome Tolly to Green Knowe... even though they've been dead for centuries.

But that's how everything is at Green Knowe. The ancient manor hides as many stories as it does dusty old rooms.

And the master of the house is great-grandmother Oldknow, whose storytelling mixes present and past with the oldest magic in the world.
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