Вручение 1972 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Висконсин Дата проведения: 1972 г.

Полка Льюиса Кэрролла

Джулиус Лестер 0.0
Meet Rambler, a runaway slave roaming the countryside with a guitar, who knows the only way to stay free is to keep moving. Louis is another runaway, fleeing the plantation where he was raised, because he is about to be sold. And Jake and Mandy's marriage is damaged by slavery—and destroyed by freedom. Here is the African-American experience, brought alive by a master storyteller.
Юри Суль 0.0
A festive and frothy demonstration of how a compulsion to buy ""only the best"" can lead to too much of a good thing. The Boom family's overstuffed homeliness is tempered by Zemach's blushing pinks and soft browns.
Александр Хилл Ки 0.0
Who is the strange boy who can talk to animals and read people's minds? Where does he come from?

The boy, Jon, has lost his memory and does not know. he only knows that he has fallen through the forgotten door to the strange planet, Earth, and that he is in great danger

Soon the family who befriends him is in great danger, too. There is very little time left. Jon must find the secret way back to his planet--before it's too late.
Рассел Хобан 0.0
Both Ma Otter and her son, Emmet, hope to win the $50 talent show prize and surprise each other with a special Christmas present.
Virginia Hamilton 0.0
Junior Brown, an overprotected three-hundred pound musical prodigy who's prone to having fantasies, and Buddy Clark, a loner who lives by his wits because he has no family whatsoever, have been on the hook from their eighth-grade classroom all semester.

Most of the time they have been in the school building -- in a secret cellar room behind a false wall, where Mr. Pool, the janitor, has made a model of the solar system. They have been pressing their luck for months...and then they are caught. As society -- in the form of a zealous assistant principal -- closes in on them, Junior's fantasies become more desperate, and Buddy draws on all his resources to ensure his friend's well-being.
Уильям Пен дю Буа 0.0
It takes the koalas seven years to learn to use the circus equipment they find and to put together an act.
Джеймс Форман 0.0
While the scourge of Nazism was at its height in Germany, claiming millions of victims, Han Scholl and his sister Sophie began to produce leaflets denouncing Hitler and all that he stood for. Despite increasing danger the work went on. They knew that the Gestapo would eventually catch up to them and they would disappear without a trace. They also knew that their efforts made little difference in the titanic struggle taking place in the world, yet they continued to risk their lives.
Hans and Sophie are drawn from history. They were real people, students at Munich University in 1942. Neither one wanted to be a martyr. They were young; there was much to look forward to; life, even during war times, was sweet. But the burden of conscience forced them to act.
Нина Костерина 4.7
Нет, ничем не успела себя прославить в жизни московская школьница Нина Костерина. Слишком рано оборвалась ее жизнь, жизнь, которая по-настоящему лишь начиналась для девушки. В ноябре 1941 года Нина Костерина ушла в партизанский отряд. Она считала, что ее место на фронте. И, кроме того, где-то в душе ее таилась надежда, что своим поступком она облегчит участь отца, верного коммуниста, безвинно арестованного в годы беззаконий. Нина Костерина уже не вернулась домой, к своему дневнику. Она, как сказано в извещении, присланном ее матери, "проявив геройство и мужество, погибла при выполнении боевого задания в декабре 1941 года" .
Вирджиния Каль 0.0
A long time ago there lived over the waters, a Duchess, a Duke and their family of daughters.
Everything went smoothly and happily in this large family, until one day the Duchess decided to make:
A lovely light luscious delectable cake
Would she take the cook's advice? No, she would not. The Duchess put many things into the cake, adding the yeast six times for good measure. So the cake rose, and the Duchess with it - and how were they to get her down again?
It is Gunhilde, the youngest of the daughters, who suggests a happy solution.
This charming story, with its lively pictures and delightful combinations of words is fun for children - and fun for adults to read aloud.
Джулия Каннингем 0.0
Gilly is forced to go to an orphanage, but sullen and uncooperative, he gets thrown out. He is taken on by a carpenter, but soon realizes he has put his head in a noose and must fly for his life.

This is the story of a boy who discovers himself, who basically comes to grips with that most contemporary of problems, the isolation of the individual. It is told within the near-classic framework of the story of the orphan who survives and escapes maltreatment to find love, but it is told in frank, literate terms in the lingo of today's youngsters. And it has, as an additional dimension, a touch of the Gothic tale, a tinge of terror and a shade of romanticism. (The New York Herald Tribune)

A reissue of the novel that dramatically changed children's literature in the 20th century.
Julia Cunningham's ground-breaking novel, first published in 1965 and unavailable in any edition for a decade, is reissued for a whole new generation of readers to call their own.
Джей Уильямс 0.0
A young New Englander is unaware of the strange power in the Indian relic, a stone-carved bird, he finds buried in a cave.
Robert C. O'Brien 4.1
Some extraordinary rats come to the aid of a mouse family in this Newbery Medal Award–winning classic by notable children’s author Robert C. O’Brien.

Mrs. Frisby, a widowed mouse with four small children, is faced with a terrible problem. She must move her family to their summer quarters immediately, or face almost certain death. But her youngest son, Timothy, lies ill with pneumonia and must not be moved. Fortunately, she encounters the rats of NIMH, an extraordinary breed of highly intelligent creatures, who come up with a brilliant solution to her dilemma. And Mrs. Frisby in turn renders them a great service.