Вручение 1971 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Висконсин Дата проведения: 1971 г.

Полка Льюиса Кэрролла

Фридрих де ла Мотт Фуке 4.3
Литературный успех немецкого писателя-романтика Фридриха де ла Мотт Фуке - вполне значимой фигуры в Германии 1810-х годов - оказался кратковременным. Единственным произведением этого «излишне плодовитого», по словам его современника Людвига Тика, литератора, выдержавшим проверку временем, стала сказочная повесть УНДИНА. Но в России и с ней Фуке не повезло: блестящий стихотворный перевод Василия Андреевича Жуковского полностью затмил фигуру немецкого автора. С тех пор полтора столетия историю о влюблённой русалке в России даже не пытались переводить. Именно «романтическая сказка Жуковского» в начале XX века публиковалась с цветными иллюстрациями английского художника Артура Рэкхема, изначально созданными к повести Фуке.
Прозаический перевод УНДИНЫ был сделан уже в XX веке филологом-германистом, исследователем литературы XVII-XVIII столетий Ниной Александровной Жирмунской.
James Weldon Johnson 0.0
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us.

Written by James Weldon Johnson in 1900 to celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday, "Lift Every Voice and Sing" has become an anthem for African Americans in the struggle for equality.

Bryan Collier's vibrant, stunning artwork offers an inspirational and rousing interpretation of this powerful song that continues to influence and shape new generations of children today.
Марджери Уильямс 4.6
Каждая игрушка, будь то красивая кукла, деревянная лошадка или заводная машинка, мечтает стать настоящей. Но такое не происходит по мановению волшебной палочки, и Вельветовый Кролик однажды узнал эту тайну от старого и мудрого друга. Если хочешь стать настоящим, нужно, чтобы тебя по-настоящему полюбили. Тогда волшебство детской комнаты исполнится и... случится чудо.
Эллис Кредл 0.0
Hetty and Hank live in a small cabin in the mountains and although cozy, they are poor and have never owned a pair of shoes. "They each wanted a beautiful shining pair that sang, 'Creaky-squeaky-creaky-squeaky,' every time they walked."

However, Mammy and Pappy give them reasons they cannot have them, such as, "You can't find shoes like that in these hills!" and "We've everything we need right here in these hills." So they go to Granny who gives them an idea to plant turnip seeds and when they grow into "fine big turnips" they can take them down down the mountain to town to sell for a pair of shoes. So that is just what Hetty and Hank do.
Sheila Burnford 4.5
The Incredible Journey, by Scottish author Sheila Burnford, is a children's book first published by Hodder, which tells the story of three pets as they travel 300 miles (480 km) through the Canadian wilderness searching for their beloved masters.

It depicts the suffering and stress of an arduous journey, together with the unwavering loyalty and courage of the three animals. The story is set in the northwestern part of Ontario, Canada which has many lakes, rivers, and widely dispersed small farms and towns.
Эстер Р. Хауциг 0.0
It is June 1941. The Rudomin family has been arrested by the Russians. They are "capitalists, enemies of the people". Forced from their home and friends in Vilna, Poland, they are herded into crowded cattle cars. Their destination: the endless steppe of Siberia.
For five years, Esther and her family live in exile, weeding potato fields and working in the mines, struggling for enough food and clothing to stay alive. Only the strength of family sustains them and gives them hope for the future.
Кристин Хантер 0.0
A fourteen-year-old girl tries to reconcile her dreams and hopes for the future with the harsh and often unpleasant realities of life in the African American section of town.
Мэри К. Стил 0.0
Grandfather said they were headed for the Better Place, but Dilar suspected they were headed nowhere, simply following the dark underground river blindly. And so one night he leaped onto a shelf of rock and watched the flotilla of the Raft People disappear. And from there he found his way Outside, into a world so beautiful and strange he could only suppose he had died-a world of day, and sun, of trees and sky.
Розмэри Сатклиф 3.8
The Abbey of New Minster means safety to Lovel. It is the reign of Henry I in England, and the monks protect Lovel from the people who think that, because of his crooked back and healing skills, he must be a witch. And, he has nowhere else to go.

Then he meets Rahere, the King's Jester, in the abbey - and makes a bargain that will take Lovel to London, to establish a life of his own at the great hospital of St Bartholomew.