Вручение 1961 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Висконсин Дата проведения: 1961 г.

Полка Льюиса Кэрролла

Скотт О'Делл 4.3
Героиня книги - индейская девочка Карана, одна из всего племени осталась на небольшом островке у калифорнийского побережья. Карана сумела наладить жизнь в одиночестве, обеспечить себя едой и надежным убежищем. Самое главное для Караны - отношения с животными. Для неё "звери и птицы - те же люди, только со своим языком и своей манерой поведения. Без них жизнь на белом свете была бы очень тоскливой".
"Остров Голубых Дельфинов" получил в 1961 году медаль Ньюбери, а сам автор в 1972 году удостоился Золотой медали Ханса Кристиана Андерсена.
Eleanor Estes 5.0
Four Moffat children and a hard-working widowed mother live on New Dollar Street in Cranbury village. During kindergarten recess, one accidentally hitches a ride out of town on a boxcar. One winds up trapped in the breadbox outside the deli. One offers to escort a Salvation Army man to his destination - and accidentally bumps him from his horse-drawn wagon.
Дорис Гейтс 0.0
To Janey Larkin, the blue willow plate was the most beautiful thing in her life, a symbol of the home she could only dimly remember. Now that her father was an itinerant worker, Janey didn't have a home she could call her own or any real friends, as her family had to keep moving, following the crops from farm to farm. Someday, Janey promised the willow plate, with its picture of a real house, her family would once again be able to set down roots in a community.

Blue Willow is an important fictional account of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, and has been called The Grapes of Wrath for children. It won a Newbery Honor and many other awards.
Эрих Кестнер 4.3
Autobiography by the author of "Emil", detailing his childhood in Dresden and giving behind the scenes insight as to how some of the most famous children's books came to be written.
Маргарита де Анджели 3.0
As the son of a nobleman, Robin’s destiny is changed suddenly when he falls ill and loses the use of his legs. When the great castle of Lindsay is in danger, Robin discovers that there is more than one way to serve his king.
Маргарит Генри 0.0
On an island off the coasts of Virginia and Maryland lives a centuries-old band of wild ponies. Among them is the most mysterious of all, Phantom, a rarely seen mare that eludes all efforts to capture her--that is, until a young boy and girl lay eyes on her and determine that they can't live without her. The frenzied roundup that follows on the next "Pony Penning Day" does indeed bring Phantom into their lives, in a way they never would have suspected. Phantom would forever be a creature of the wild. But her gentle, loyal colt Misty is another story altogether.