Вручение 1958 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Висконсин Дата проведения: 1958 г.

Полка Льюиса Кэрролла

Eleanor Farjeon 4.5
In The Little Bookroom, Eleanor Farjeon mischievously tilts our workaday world to reveal its wonders and follies. Her selection of her favorite stories describes powerful—and sometimes exceedingly silly—monarchs, and commoners who are every bit their match; musicians and dancers who live for aft rather than earthly reward; and a goldfish who wishes to "marry the Moon, surpass the Sun, and possess the World."
Кэтрин Кейт Кобленц 0.0
A blue kitten is born once in a blue moon in a town in Vermont. His destiny is to find a friendly hearth and inspire its owner with the beauty and wisdom of the river's song.
Рэйчел Филд 2.0
Rachel Field wrote A Prayer for a Child for her own daughter, before sharing it with children around the world. Rachel Field’s other books for children include Newbery Medalist Hitty, Her First Hundred Years; Calico Bush; and Hepatica Hawks.
Richard Atwater, Florence Atwater 4.0
The lovable Mr. Popper dreams of being an intrepid Antarctic explorer, living life among the penguins alongside his hero, Admiral Drake. So he is shocked one day when the admiral responds to his fan letter by sending him a real, live penguin! Soon, this penguin is joined by another and before long Mr. Popper has an ice-rink in the basement and a dozen delightful penguins living in his house. With barely enough money to feed his family and an increasing demand for raw fish and canned shrimp, what can the wonderfully imaginative Mr. Popper do but train his penguins and then take the show on the road!
Джеймс Клойд Боуман 3.0
“Pecos Bill had the strangest and most exciting experience any boy ever had. He became a member of a pack of wild Coyotes, and until he was a grown man, believed that his name was Cropear, and that he was a full-blooded Coyote. Later he discovered that he was a human being and very shortly thereafter became the greatest cowboy of all time. This is how it all came about.”

A Newbery Honor book in 1938, James Bowman’s PECOS BILL is the perfect introduction to a great American comic hero and to the delights of the American tall tale. Jolted off the back of his westward-bound pioneer family’s covered wagon, four-year-old Bill is left in the dust by his eighteen wawling and brawling siblings and never-suspecting mom and dad. Raised by coyotes as one of their own, Bill retains a natural innocence while developing a host of supernatural powers. When he finds out that he is a man, not a coyote, and returns to confront the often inhuman human world, those powers will come in handy. Bill never uses them maliciously, always for good, or simply to amaze and amuse.
James Bowman was a fine folklorist and an outstanding storyteller and he relates Pecos Bill’s wild deeds in a plainspoken voice that highlights their wonderful swagger and charm. With lively color and black-and-white illustrations by Laura Bannon, Bowman’s PECOS BILL remakes bedrock American myth into a novel full of high adventure, outrageous fantasy, laughter, and sheer fun.
Глен Раундз 0.0
Ten tales of Paul Bunyan including how he built the Rockies, how the rain fell up one spring, and how Paul stops a river from whistling.
Кэрол Райри Бринк 4.7
"Caddie Woodlawn," which has been captivating young readers since 1935, was awarded the John Newbery Medal for the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. Now it is in a brand-new edition with lively illustrations by Trina Schart Hyman. In her new foreword, Carol Ryrie Brink lovingly recalls the real Caddie, who was her grandmother, and tells how she often "sat spellbound, listening, listening!" as Caddie told stories of her pioneer childhood. Children everywhere will love redheaded Caddie with her penchant for pranks. Scarcely out of one scrape before she is into another, she refuses to be a "lady, " preferring instead to run the woods with her brothers. Whether she is crossing the lake on a raft, visiting an Indian camp, or listening to the tales of the circuit rider, Caddie's adventures provide an exciting and authentic picture of life on the Wisconsin frontier in the 1860s. And readers will discover, as Caddie learns what growing up truly means, that it is not so very different today.
Лора Инглз Уайлдер 4.3
МАЛЕНЬКИЙ ДОМИК В БОЛЬШИХ ЛЕСАХ — первая из семи книг знаменитой эпопеи Лоры Инглз Уайлдер о ее детстве. История дружной семьи, состоящей из мамы, папы и трех маленьких девочек, живущих в лесах Висконсина, где не было ни электричества, ни магазинов, где всё нужно было уметь делать самим.
Книга публикуется в классическом переводе Мери Беккер.
A. A. Milne 4.6
The characters of Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Tigger, Kanga and Roo are based upon the real nursery toys belonging to A. A. Milne's son, Christopher Robin, and their adventures are set in the Ashdown Forest, where Milne and his family lived. Many of the Forest scenes lovingly depicted by E.H. Shepard can still be enjoyed today.
Pooh and Piglet are adventuring again with their friends in Hundred Acre Wood. Tigger finds out whatTiggers like, Piglet does a Very Grand Thing and Christopher Robin and Pooh discover a wonderful Enchanted Place.

Формат: 12,8 см x 19,8 см
Фрэнсис Элиза Ходгстон Бернетт 4.4
Маленькая девочка Мэри, сирота, приезжает из Индии, где она потеряла своих родителей, к своему дяде в Йоркшир. Мэри чувствует себя одинокой и ненужной. Предоставленная сама себе, она изучает большой дом дяди и однажды обнаруживает таинственный сад. Мэри пытается разгадать его загадку, и вскоре жизнь всех меняется.
Хью Лофтинг 4.2
Вы, разумеется, слышали о докторе Дулиттле! Да-да, это тот самый добрый доктор, который живёт в маленьком городке Паддлби-на-Болоте и лечит зверей. Историю его удивительной жизни и приключений ровно сто лет назад рассказал английский писатель Хью Лофтинг, а чуть позже переложил на русский язык Корней Иванович Чуковский.
Впрочем, дедушка Корней многое изменил в этой истории - кое о чём он решил умолчать, а кое-что, наоборот, добавил от себя. Даже самого? доктора зовут у него иначе - Айболит.
Сказочная повесть, которую вы прочтёте в этой книге, гораздо больше похожа на ту, что вышла из-под пера Лофтинга. Ведь переводчик у неё теперь другой - это современный детский писатель и лучший друг всех животных Станислав Востоков.
Для детей младшего школьного возраста.
Кеннет Грэм 4.2
Герои смешной, а иногда грустной сказки, так полюбившейся и маленьким, и взрослым читателям, - звери, наделенные трогательными и подчас смешными человеческими качествами. Множество захватывающих приключений ожидают любознательного Крота, деликатного Рэта, мудрого Барсука и легкомысленного Тоуда в истории, сочиненной когда-то Кеннетом Грэмом для своего маленького сына.
Сказка "Ветер в ивах" принесла Грэму шумный успех, была переведена на десятки языков, постоянно переиздается во многих странах мира и давно стала классикой детской литературы. А знаменитый мультипликатор Уолт Дисней снял по этой книге популярный мультфильм.
Beatrix Potter 4.3
Naughty little Peter Rabbit wants some radishes from the farmer's garden. But how will he escape when the farmer spots him?
Read it yourself is a series of character stories and traditional tales, written in a simple way for children who are learning to read.

For children who are ready to take their first steps in reading.
Рене Гийо 5.0
Originally in French for children about a boy king who goes in search of a new royal elephant.
Эсфирь Слободкина 4.6
This story about a peddler and a band of mischievous monkeys is filled with warmth, humor, and simplicity and teaches children about problem and resolution. Children will delight in following the peddler’s efforts to outwit the monkeys and will ask to read it again and again. Caps for Sale is an excellent easy-to-read book that includes repetition, patterns, and colors, perfect for early readers.