Вручение 1997 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1997 г.

Премия Тёрбера

Ян Фрэйзер 0.0
When Ian Frazier's first collection of humorous essays, Dating Your Mom, was published in 1986, Time's reviewer Paul Gray called it "hilarious" and warned readers to" read sparingly... By 1996 another collection may appear." And he was rights. Frazier's new collection, Coyote v. Acme, includes twenty-two more side-splitting glimpses into some of the more oddball corners of the American mind. The title essay imagines the opening statement of an attorney for cartoon character Wile E. Coyote in a product liability suit against the Acme Company, supplier of unpredictable rocket sleds and faulty spring-powered shoes. Other essays are about the golfing career of comedian Bob Hope, a commencement address given by a Satanist college president, a suburban short story attacked by Germans, the problem of issues versus non-issues, and the theories of revolutionary stand-up comedy from Comrade Stalin.
Эл Франкен 0.0
Rush Limbaugh claims his talent is on loan. With this book, Franken demonstrates that he owns. The frankly Democratic author's shtick reminds us how much of a free ride conservatives have gotten in the mainstream media. For instance, he really drives home the weirdness of the conservatives' preachiness about "family values" in light of Newt Gingrich's and Bob Dole's first marriages, and Rush Limbaugh's first, second and third marriages. And he has great fun with Rush's and Newt's miraculous draft deferments in a chapter where he imagines all of the great conservative "chicken-hawks" out on a Vietnam war patrol under the leadership of Ollie North.
Дэвид Седарис 3.5
Дэвид Седарис явно стоит особняком среди авторов современных бестселлеров в категории "Художественная литература". Писателем Дэвид Седарис стал в сорок лет, но его дебют в жанре юмористической прозы быстро принес ему успех. В 2001 г. журнал "Тайм" признал Седариса юмористом года, а в 2004 его книга "Одень свою семью в вельвет и коттон" поднялась на первую строчку списка "Нью-Йорк таймс". Сборник "Нагишом" состоит из семнадцати историй, написанных от первого лица. Умение подметить необычное и смешное в заурядных на первый взгляд ситуациях делает литературную манеру Седариса неповторимой.