Вручение декабрь 2016 г. — стр. 3

Дата проведения: декабрь 2016 г.

Лучшая историческая проза

Graham Moore 4.0
A thrilling novel based on actual events, about the nature of genius, the cost of ambition, and the battle to electrify America—from the Oscar-winning screenwriter of The Imitation Game and New York Times bestselling author of The Sherlockian

New York, 1888. Gas lamps still flicker in the city streets, but the miracle of electric light is in its infancy. The person who controls the means to turn night into day will make history—and a vast fortune. A young untested lawyer named Paul Cravath, fresh out of Columbia Law School, takes a case that seems impossible to win. Paul’s client, George Westinghouse, has been sued by Thomas Edison over a billion-dollar question: Who invented the light bulb and holds the right to power the country?

The case affords Paul entry to the heady world of high society—the glittering parties in Gramercy Park mansions, and the more insidious dealings done behind closed doors. The task facing him is beyond daunting. Edison is a wily, dangerous opponent with vast resources at his disposal—private spies, newspapers in his pocket, and the backing of J. P. Morgan himself. Yet this unknown lawyer shares with his famous adversary a compulsion to win at all costs. How will he do it?

In obsessive pursuit of victory, Paul crosses paths with Nikola Tesla, an eccentric, brilliant inventor who may hold the key to defeating Edison, and with Agnes Huntington, a beautiful opera singer who proves to be a flawless performer on stage and off. As Paul takes greater and greater risks, he’ll find that everyone in his path is playing their own game, and no one is quite who they seem.
Уэйна Дай Рэндел 2.0
There is no easy path for a woman aspiring to power. . . .

A concubine at the palace learns quickly that there are many ways to capture the Emperor’s attention. Many paint their faces white and style their hair attractively, hoping to lure in the One Above All with their beauty. Some present him with fantastic gifts, such as jade pendants and scrolls of calligraphy, while others rely on their knowledge of seduction to draw his interest. But young Mei knows nothing of these womanly arts, yet she will give the Emperor a gift he can never forget.

Mei’s intelligence and curiosity, the same traits that make her an outcast among the other concubines, impress the Emperor. But just as she is in a position to seduce the most powerful man in China, divided loyalties split the palace in two, culminating in a perilous battle that Mei can only hope to survive.

The first volume of the Empress of Bright Moon duology paints a vibrant portrait of ancient China—where love, ambition, and loyalty can spell life or death—and the woman who came to rule it all.
Eowyn Ivey 4.6
In the winter of 1885, Lieutenant Colonel Allen Forrester sets out with his men on an expedition into the newly acquired territory of Alaska. Their objective: to travel up the ferocious Wolverine River, mapping the interior and gathering information on the region’s potentially dangerous native tribes. With a young and newly pregnant wife at home, Forrester is anxious to complete the journey with all possible speed and return to her. But once the crew passes beyond the edge of the known world, there’s no telling what awaits them.

With gorgeous descriptions of the Alaskan wilds and a vivid cast of characters — including Forrester, his wife Sophie, a mysterious Eyak guide, and a Native American woman who joins the expedition – To The Bright Edge of the World is an epic tale of one of America’s last frontiers, combining myth, history, romance, and adventure.
Кэтлин Гриссом 0.0
Glory over Everything: Beyond The Kitchen House

A novel of family and long-buried secrets along the treacherous Underground Railroad.

The author of the New York Times bestseller and beloved book club favorite The Kitchen House continues the story of Jamie Pyke, son of both a slave and master of Tall Oakes, whose deadly secret compels him to take a treacherous journey through the Underground Railroad.

Published in 2010, The Kitchen House became a grassroots bestseller. Fans connected so deeply to the book’s characters that the author, Kathleen Grissom, found herself being asked over and over “what happens next?” The wait is finally over.

This new, stand-alone novel opens in 1830, and Jamie, who fled from the Virginian plantation he once called home, is passing in Philadelphia society as a wealthy white silversmith. After many years of striving, Jamie has achieved acclaim and security, only to discover that his aristocratic lover Caroline is pregnant. Before he can reveal his real identity to her, he learns that his beloved servant Pan has been captured and sold into slavery in the South. Pan’s father, to whom Jamie owes a great debt, pleads for Jamie’s help, and Jamie agrees, knowing the journey will take him perilously close to Tall Oakes and the ruthless slave hunter who is still searching for him. Meanwhile, Caroline’s father learns and exposes Jamie’s secret, and Jamie loses his home, his business, and finally Caroline.

Heartbroken and with nothing to lose, Jamie embarks on a trip to a North Carolina plantation where Pan is being held with a former Tall Oakes slave named Sukey, who is intent on getting Pan to the Underground Railroad. Soon the three of them are running through the Great Dismal Swamp, the notoriously deadly hiding place for escaped slaves. Though they have help from those in the Underground Railroad, not all of them will make it out alive.
Ян Мак-Гвайр 3.8
Охота на китов — занятие для настоящих мужчин! На судне, идущем по направлению к Антарктике, встретились двое бездушных людей: опустившийся гарпунер Генри Дракс и военный врач Патрик Самнер, скрывающийся от следствия. Первый прослыл жестоким, опустившимся человеком, второй — беглец, который скрывается от суда за выдуманной биографией. Дракс опасается за свое будущее на борту корабля, а Самнер — за собственную шкуру. Остаться в живых должен только один из них…
Paulette Jiles 4.1
In the aftermath of the American Civil War, an aging itinerant news reader agrees to transport a young captive of the Kiowa back to her people in this morally complex, multi-layered novel of historical fiction from the author of Enemy Women that explores the boundaries of family, responsibility, honor, and trust.

Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd travels through northern Texas, giving live readings from newspapers to paying audiences hungry for news of the world. An elderly widower who has lived through three wars and fought in two of them, the captain enjoys his rootless, solitary existence.

In Wichita Falls, he is offered a $50 gold piece to deliver a young orphan to her relatives in San Antonio. Four years earlier, a band of Kiowa raiders killed Johanna’s parents and sister; sparing the little girl, they raised her as one of their own. Recently rescued by the U.S. army, the ten-year-old has once again been torn away from the only home she knows.

Their 400-mile journey south through unsettled territory and unforgiving terrain proves difficult and at times dangerous. Johanna has forgotten the English language, tries to escape at every opportunity, throws away her shoes, and refuses to act “civilized.” Yet as the miles pass, the two lonely survivors tentatively begin to trust each other, forming a bond that marks the difference between life and death in this treacherous land.

Arriving in San Antonio, the reunion is neither happy nor welcome. The captain must hand Johanna over to an aunt and uncle she does not remember—strangers who regard her as an unwanted burden. A respectable man, Captain Kidd is faced with a terrible choice: abandon the girl to her fate or become—in the eyes of the law—a kidnapper himself.
Мадлен Тьен 4.0
Семья Мари Цзян иммигрировала из Китая в Канаду и осела в Ванкувере. Здесь, после самоубийства отца, Мари вместе с матерью разбирает его бумаги и постепенно погружается в удивительную, жестокую и кровавую историю Китайской Народной Республики, от гражданской войны и культурной революции до событий на площади Тяньаньмэнь. Судьба трех поколений семьи Мари оказывается накрепко связанной с судьбой семьи еще одной эмигрантки – Ай Мин. События настоящего и прошлого наслаиваются друг на друга, а произведение постепенно становится масштабной эпической сагой о жизни людей, брошенных в безжалостные жернова великих перемен, грандиозных свершений и больших надежд.
Дженнифер С. Браун 0.0
In 1935, Dottie Krasinsky is the epitome of the modern girl. A bookkeeper in Midtown Manhattan, Dottie steals kisses from her steady beau, meets her girlfriends for drinks, and eyes the latest fashions. Yet at heart, she is a dutiful daughter, living with her Yiddish-speaking parents on the Lower East Side. So when, after a single careless night, she finds herself in a family way by a charismatic but unsuitable man, she is desperate: unwed, unsure, and running out of options.

After the birth of five children—and twenty years as a housewife—Dottie’s immigrant mother, Rose, is itching to return to the social activism she embraced as a young woman. With strikes and breadlines at home and National Socialism rising in Europe, there is much more important work to do than cooking and cleaning. So when she realizes that she, too, is pregnant, she struggles to reconcile her longings with her faith.

As mother and daughter wrestle with unthinkable choices, they are forced to confront their beliefs, the changing world, and the fact that their lives will never again be the same….
Шона Янг Райан 4.0
A stunning story of love, betrayal, and family, set against the backdrop of a changing Taiwan over the course of the twentieth century.

February 28, 1947: Trapped inside the family home amid an uprising that has rocked Taipei, Dr. Tsai delivers his youngest daughter, the unnamed narrator of Green Island, just after midnight as the city is plunged into martial law. In the following weeks, as the Chinese Nationalists act to crush the opposition, Dr. Tsai becomes one of the many thousands of people dragged away from their families and thrown into prison. His return, after more than a decade, is marked by alienation from his loved ones and paranoia among his community—conflicts that loom over the growing bond he forms with his youngest daughter. Years later, this troubled past follows her to the United States, where, as a mother and a wife, she too is forced to decide between what is right and what might save her family—the same choice she witnessed her father make many years before.

As the novel sweeps across six decades and two continents, the life of the narrator shadows the course of Taiwan’s history from the end of Japanese colonial rule to the decades under martial law and, finally, to Taiwan’s transformation into a democracy. But, above all, Green Island is a lush and lyrical story of a family and a nation grappling with the nuances of complicity and survival, raising the question: how far would you be willing to go for the ones you love?
Линда Коэн Лойгман 4.2
Brooklyn, 1947: In the midst of a blizzard, in a two-family brownstone, two babies are born, minutes apart. The mothers are sisters by marriage: dutiful, quiet Rose, who wants nothing more than to please her difficult husband; and warm, generous Helen, the exhausted mother of four rambunctious boys who seem to need her less and less each day. Raising their families side by side, supporting one another, Rose and Helen share an impenetrable bond forged before and during that dramatic winter night.

When the storm passes, life seems to return to normal; but as the years progress, small cracks start to appear and the once deep friendship between the two women begins to unravel. No one knows why, and no one can stop it. One misguided choice; one moment of tragedy. Heartbreak wars with happiness and almost, but not quite, wins. Moving and evocative, Lynda Cohen Loigman's debut novel The Two-Family House is a heart-wrenching, gripping multigenerational story, woven around the deepest of secrets.

Лучшая фантастика

Джоан Роулинг, Джек Торн, Джон Тиффани 3.3

Собрано 128 543 голоса.

Пьеса Джека Торна "Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя" создана на основе оригинальной истории от Дж.К. Роулинг, Джона Тиффани и Джека Торна. Это восьмая книга о Гарри Поттере и первая официальная сценическая постановка. Настоящая версия сценария является финальной и включает дополнительные материалы: генеалогическое древо семьи Гарри Поттера, хронологию важнейших событий в жизни Гарри Поттера и беседу Джона Тиффани и Джека Торна о сценарии.
Виктория Шваб 4.3
Гости со всего мира съезжаются а Красный Лондон на Игры стихий — состязание лучших магов. Роскошные балы, изысканные наряды, сияние огней, музыка, смех — безумный вихрь, в котором не узнать, кто прячется под маской. Но возможно, за легким кокетством скрываются подлинные чувства, а за шуткой — душевная боль? Кто ты? И где твое место в одном из четырех Лондонов?
Брендон Сандерсон 4.5
Прошло больше трехсот лет с тех пор, как мир возродился из пепла, и теперь в Эленделе царит прогресс, дарующий новые технологии: электричество, автомобили, фотографию. Но древние предания не забыты. Говорят, Браслеты Скорби – мифическая метапамять, принадлежавшая Вседержителю, – не были уничтожены в Пепельном Катаклизме, они все еще ждут своего часа. В столицу вернулся кандра-исследователь и принес изображения этой реликвии, с надписями на непонятном языке. Чтобы раскрыть тайну, Ваксиллиуму Ладриану и его друзьям предстоит отправиться в город Новый Серан, и очередное расследование позволит им глубже проникнуть в планы Круга, зловещего тайного общества.
Карен Мари Монинг 4.3
Наш мир — лишь занавес, за которым прячется совершенно иная вселенная. Там властвуют невидимые человеческому глазу Фейри — светлые и темные эльфы. Но все Фейри так или иначе смертельно опасны для человека. А в особенности для тех, кто может их увидеть. И вот теперь древняя стена между человеческим миром и миром Фейри разрушена, ткань Вселенной повреждена. Наша земля на грани исчезновения. Спасение — в давно утерянной Песне творения. Но поиски Песни опасны и непросты. На улицах Дублина идет настоящая война миров, в центре которой — Мак, ее друзья и возлюбленный. Девушке предстоит лицом к лицу встретиться со старыми страхами, древним злом, предательством и всепобеждающей силой любви. Удастся ли Мак избавиться от власти «Синсар Дабх» — Книги вечности? И сможет ли она спасти все, что ей дорого, не лишившись собственной жизни?

Книги Карен Мари Монинг читают и любят фанаты по всему миру. Необычные герои и захватывающий мистический сюжет, тонкая грань между реальностью и фантазией — именно за это романы Монинг удостоены ряда престижных международных премий и наград, среди которых престижная награда RITA и «Книга года» международного интернет-сервиса для читателей Goodreads за лучшее паранормальное фэнтези.
Patricia Briggs 3.3
Mercy Thompson has been hailed as “a heroine who continues to grow and yet always remains true to herself.”* Now she’s back, and she’ll soon discover that when the fae stalk the human world, it’s the children who suffer...

Tensions between the fae and humans are coming to a head. And when coyote shapeshifter Mercy and her Alpha werewolf mate, Adam, are called upon to stop a rampaging troll, they find themselves with something that could be used to make the fae back down and forestall out-and-out war: a human child stolen long ago by the fae.

Defying the most powerful werewolf in the country, the humans, and the fae, Mercy, Adam, and their pack choose to protect the boy no matter what the cost. But who will protect them from a boy who is fire touched?
Charlie Jane Anders 3.7
From the editor-in-chief of io9.com, a stunning novel about the end of the world--and the beginning of our future

Childhood friends Patricia Delfine and Laurence Armstead didn't expect to see each other again, after parting ways under mysterious circumstances during high school. After all, the development of magical powers and the invention of a two-second time machine could hardly fail to alarm one's peers and families.

But now they're both adults, living in the hipster mecca San Francisco, and the planet is falling apart around them. Laurence is an engineering genius who's working with a group that aims to avert catastrophic breakdown through technological intervention into the changing global climate. Patricia is a graduate of Eltisley Maze, the hidden academy for the world's magically gifted, and works with a small band of other magicians to secretly repair the world's ever-growing ailments. Little do they realize that something bigger than either of them, something begun years ago in their youth, is determined to bring them together--to either save the world, or plunge it into a new dark ages.

A deeply magical, darkly funny examination of life, love, and the apocalypse.
Ilona Andrews 4.8
Mercenary Kate Daniels knows all too well that magic in post-Shift Atlanta is a dangerous business. But nothing she’s faced could have prepared her for this...

Kate and the former Beast Lord Curran Lennart are finally making their relationship official. But there are some steep obstacles standing in the way of their walk to the altar...

Kate’s father, Roland, has kidnapped the demigod Saiman and is slowly bleeding him dry in his never-ending bid for power. A Witch Oracle has predicted that if Kate marries the man she loves, Atlanta will burn and she will lose him forever. And the only person Kate can ask for help is long dead.

The odds are impossible. The future is grim. But Kate Daniels has never been one to play by the rules...
Эми Хармон 4.2
Однажды жестокий король Золтев убил мою мать из-за ее волшебного дара. Чтобы скрыть и мой дар, она приказала мне навек замолчать. Прошло много лет, и молодой король Тирас, сын Золтева, захватил меня в плен.

Все, о чем я мечтаю, - стать свободной, вновь обрести голос. Но для этого нужно убежать. А я - пленница маминого проклятия, молодого короля и... любви к нему. Он не похож на злого отца. Каждую ночь Тирас борется с чудовищем внутри себя. И каждую ночь, проигрывая битву, исчезает на несколько дней. В королевстве, где веками истреблялась магия, единственная сила, способная даровать свободу нам обоим, - любовь. Но слышит ли король мои слова?
Anne Bishop 0.0
Fourth in the “flawless” (The Reading Café) New York Times bestselling series from the author of Vision in Silver.

For centuries, the Others and humans have lived side by side in uneasy peace. But when humankind oversteps its bounds, the Others will have to decide how much humanity they’re willing to tolerate—both within themselves and within their community...

Since the Others allied themselves with the cassandra sangue, the fragile yet powerful human blood prophets who were being exploited by their own kind, the delicate dynamic between humans and Others changed. Some, like Simon Wolfgard, wolf shifter and leader of the Lakeside Courtyard, and blood prophet Meg Corbyn, see the new, closer companionship as beneficial—both personally and practically.

But not everyone is convinced. A group of radical humans is seeking to usurp land through a series of violent attacks on the Others. What they don’t realize is that there are older and more dangerous forces than shifters and vampires protecting the land that belongs to the Others—and those forces are willing to do whatever is necessary to protect what is theirs...
Даринда Джонс 4.6
С горем пополам совмещая работу частного детектива с круглосуточными обязанностями ангела смерти, за всю жизнь Чарли Дэвидсон сумела найти ответы на множество вопросов. Например, почему она видит мертвых людей? Что за сверхъестественное существо постоянно ее преследует? Как вытащить жвачку из волос сестры, пока та не проснулась?
Однако никогда прежде перед Чарли не стоял вопрос о том, как заманить в ловушку не одного злобного бога, а сразу трех. А поскольку эти боги пришли на землю, чтобы убить ее дочь, у Чарли нет выбора. Она обязана выследить их, поймать в ловушку и вышвырнуть из нашего мира. Беда в том, что один из них давным-давно украл ее сердце. Сможет ли Рейзер, бог смерти и разрушения, отказаться от своих целей или все-таки останется верен братьям? Это лишь некоторые из вопросов, на которые Чарли должна как можно скорее найти ответы. Добавьте сюда бездомную девочку, которая пытается спасти свою жизнь, невиновного человека, ошибочно обвиненного в убийстве, и медальон из божественного стекла, из-за которого в сверхъестественном мире воцарился полнейший хаос, и станет ясно, что у Чарли опять дел по горло. Если ей удастся разобраться с богами, грозящими уничтожить наш мир, мы спасены. А если нет…
N. K. Jemisin 4.1

The season of endings grows darker as civilization fades into the long cold night. Alabaster Tenring – madman, world-crusher, savior – has returned with a mission: to train his successor, Essun, and thus seal the fate of the Stillness forever.

It continues with a lost daughter, found by the enemy.

It continues with the obelisks, and an ancient mystery converging on answers at last.

The Stillness is the wall which stands against the flow of tradition, the spark of hope long buried under the thickening ashfall. And it will not be broken.
Кен Лю 4.1
Кен Лю, популярный китайско-американский писатель, троекратный обладатель премии «Хьюго», а также других премий и наград, представляет сборник рассказов «Бумажный зверинец и другие истории». В этом сборнике прошлое смыкается с будущим, мифология Древнего Китая прорастает в реалии современного мира, боги сходят со страниц ветхих манускриптов, чтобы помочь простым людям, попавшим в беду, а героем способен стать любой человек, осознающий свою ответственность перед современниками и не лишенный чувства порядочности. Опасные космические странствия и мудрые советы Царя Обезьян, вера, способная свернуть горы, и умолчание, приводящее к геноциду сотен тысяч жизней, – творческий диапазон Кена Лю поражает воображение!
Майкл Салливан 4.1
Это случилось за многие, многие века до того, как в мире Элан заговорили о легендарной "Рийрии". Случилось в те далекие времена, когда мир этот был еще молод…
Эланом правил тогда могущественный народ фрэев - чернокнижников и магов, считавших "рхунов" (так они называли людей) почти животными, недостойными жизни за границами бесплодных земель дикого Рхулина, а невежественные рхуны почитали своих жестоких владык за бессмертных богов.
Но все изменилось, когда чаша терпения людей переполнилась, и человек совершил невозможное - убил фрэя! Рабы восстали под предводительством бесстрашной Персефоны. А вскоре к повстанцам подтянулись даже мятежные фрэи, недовольные существующим порядком вещей.
Kevin Hearne 4.5
Iron Druid Atticus O'Sullivan, hero of Kevin Hearne's epic New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series, has a point to make—and then drive into a vampire's heart.

When a druid has lived for two thousand years like Atticus, he's bound to run afoul of a few vampires. Make that legions of them. Even his former friend and legal counsel turned out to be a bloodsucking backstabber. Now the toothy troublemakers—led by power-mad pain-in-the-neck Theophilus—have become a huge problem requiring a solution. It's time to make a stand.

As always, Atticus wouldn't mind a little backup. But his allies have problems of their own. Ornery archdruid Owen Kennedy is having a wee bit of troll trouble: Turns out when you stiff a troll, it's not water under the bridge. Meanwhile, Granuaile is desperate to free herself of the Norse god Loki's mark and elude his powers of divination—a quest that will bring her face-to-face with several Slavic nightmares.

As Atticus globetrots to stop his nemesis Theophilus, the journey leads to Rome. What better place to end an immortal than the Eternal City? But poetic justice won't come without a price: In order to defeat Theophilus, Atticus may have to lose an old friend.
Дэниел О'Мэлли 4.2
When secret organizations are forced to merge after years of enmity and bloodshed, only one person has the fearsome powers—and the bureaucratic finesse—to get the job done. Facing her greatest challenge yet, Rook Myfanwy Thomas must broker a deal between two bitter adversaries:

The Checquy—the centuries-old covert British organization that protects society from supernatural
threats, and…
The Grafters—a centuries-old supernatural threat.

But as bizarre attacks sweep London, threatening to sabotage negotiations, old hatreds flare. Surrounded by spies, only the Rook and two women, who absolutely hate each other, can seek out the culprits before they trigger a devastating otherworldly war.
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