Вручение 9 декабря 2021 г. — стр. 5

Дата проведения: 9 декабря 2021 г.

Лучшая историческая проза

Тейлор Дженкинс Рейд 4.3

Собрано 104 854 голосов.

Malibu: August 1983. It's the day of Nina Riva's annual end-of-summer party, and anticipation is at a fever pitch. Everyone wants to be around the famous Rivas: Nina, the talented surfer and supermodel; brothers Jay and Hud, one a championship surfer, the other a renowned photographer; and their adored baby sister, Kit. Together the siblings are a source of fascination in Malibu and the world over--especially as the offspring of the legendary singer Mick Riva.

The only person not looking forward to the party of the year is Nina herself, who never wanted to be the center of attention, and who has also just been very publicly abandoned by her pro tennis player husband. Oh, and maybe Hud--because it is long past time for him to confess something to the brother from whom he's been inseparable since birth.

Jay, on the other hand, is counting the minutes until nightfall, when the girl he can't stop thinking about promised she'll be there.

And Kit has a couple secrets of her own--including a guest she invited without consulting anyone.

By midnight the party will be completely out of control. By morning, the Riva mansion will have gone up in flames. But before that first spark in the early hours before dawn, the alcohol will flow, the music will play, and the loves and secrets that shaped this family's generations will all come bubbling to the surface.

Malibu Rising is a story about one unforgettable night in the life of a family: the night they each have to choose what they will keep from the people who made them . . . and what they will leave behind.
Мэгги Шипстед 4.3
Мэриен Грейвз была сорвиголовой всю свою жизнь. После встречи с пилотами-каскадерами она навсегда влюбляется в небо. В четырнадцать лет Мэриен бросает школу и встречает богатого бутлегера, который предоставляет ей самолет и оплачивает уроки пилотирования. В 1950 году она отправляется в свое самое захватывающее приключение — полет вокруг земного шара, и бесследно исчезает.

Полвека спустя Хэдли Бэкстер, скандально известная голливудская актриса, получает предложение сыграть Мэриен Грейвз. Возможно, эта роль поможет ей раскрыть тайну знаменитого исчезновения? И примириться с трагедией, которая изменила ее жизнь.
Lynda Rutledge 5.0
An emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America.

“Few true friends have I known and two were giraffes…”

Woodrow Wilson Nickel, age 105, feels his life ebbing away. But when he learns giraffes are going extinct, he finds himself recalling the unforgettable experience he cannot take to his grave.

It’s 1938. The Great Depression lingers. Hitler is threatening Europe, and world-weary Americans long for wonder. They find it in two giraffes who miraculously survive a hurricane while crossing the Atlantic. What follows is a twelve-day road trip in a custom truck to become Southern California’s first giraffes. Behind the wheel is the young Dust Bowl rowdy Woodrow. Inspired by true events, the tale weaves real-life figures with fictional ones, including the world’s first female zoo director, a crusty old man with a past, a young female photographer with a secret, and assorted reprobates as spotty as the giraffes.

Part adventure, part historical saga, and part coming-of-age love story, West with Giraffes explores what it means to be changed by the grace of animals, the kindness of strangers, the passing of time, and a story told before it’s too late.
Габриэла Гарсиа 3.5
Портрет трех поколений женщин, написанный на фоне стремительно меняющейся истории и географии. От Кубы до Майами, с девятнадцатого века и до наших дней они несут бремя памяти, огонь гнева и пепел разочарований.

Мария Изабель, Джанетт, Ана, Кармен, Глория - пять женщин, которые рассказывают свои истории, не оглядываясь на тех, кто хочет заставить их замолчать.

Пять женщин, чьи голоса с оглушительной силой обрушиваются на жизнь, которой они отказываются подчиняться.
Lisa Scottoline 4.3
What war destroys, only love can heal.

Elisabetta, Marco, and Sandro grow up as the best of friends despite their differences. Elisabetta is a feisty beauty who dreams of becoming a novelist; Marco the brash and athletic son in a family of professional cyclists; and Sandro a Jewish mathematics prodigy, kind-hearted and thoughtful, the son of a lawyer and a doctor. Their friendship blossoms to love, with both Sandro and Marco hoping to win Elisabetta's heart. But in the autumn of 1937, all of that begins to change as Mussolini asserts his power, aligning Italy's Fascists with Hitler's Nazis and altering the very laws that govern Rome. In time, everything that the three hold dear--their families, their homes, and their connection to one another--is tested in ways they never could have imagined.

As anti-Semitism takes legal root and World War II erupts, the threesome realizes that Mussolini was only the beginning. The Nazis invade Rome, and with their occupation come new atrocities against the city's Jews, culminating in a final, horrific betrayal. Against this backdrop, the intertwined fates of Elisabetta, Marco, Sandro, and their families will be decided, in a heartbreaking story of both the best and the worst that the world has to offer.

Unfolding over decades, Eternal is a tale of loyalty and loss, family and food, love and war--all set in one of the world's most beautiful cities at its darkest moment. This moving novel will be forever etched in the hearts and minds of readers.
Доуни Уолтон 0.0
A poignant fictional oral history of the beloved rock ‘n’ roll duo who shot to fame in the 1970s New York, and the dark, fraught secret that lies at the peak of their stardom.

Opal is a fiercely independent young woman pushing against the grain in her style and attitude, Afro-punk before that term existed. Coming of age in Detroit, she can’t imagine settling for a 9-to-5 job—despite her unusual looks, Opal believes she can be a star. So when the aspiring British singer/songwriter Neville Charles discovers her at a bar’s amateur night, she takes him up on his offer to make rock music together for the fledgling Rivington Records.

In early seventies New York City, just as she’s finding her niche as part of a flamboyant and funky creative scene, a rival band signed to her label brandishes a Confederate flag at a promotional concert. Opal’s bold protest and the violence that ensues set off a chain of events that will not only change the lives of those she loves, but also be a deadly reminder that repercussions are always harsher for women, especially black women, who dare to speak their truth.

Decades later, as Opal considers a 2016 reunion with Nev, music journalist S. Sunny Shelton seizes the chance to curate an oral history about her idols. Sunny thought she knew most of the stories leading up to the cult duo’s most politicized chapter. But as her interviews dig deeper, a nasty new allegation from an unexpected source threatens to blow up everything.

Provocative and chilling, The Final Revival of Opal & Nev features a backup chorus of unforgettable voices, a heroine the likes of which we’ve not seen in storytelling, and a daring structure, and introduces a bold new voice in contemporary fiction.
Nancy Harris, Натан Харрис 0.0
In the waning days of the Civil War, brothers Prentiss and Landry—freed by the Emancipation Proclamation—seek refuge on the homestead of George Walker and his wife, Isabelle. The Walkers, wracked by the loss of their only son to the war, hire the brothers to work their farm, hoping through an unexpected friendship to stanch their grief. Prentiss and Landry, meanwhile, plan to save money for the journey north and a chance to reunite with their mother, who was sold away when they were boys.

Parallel to their story runs a forbidden romance between two Confederate soldiers. The young men, recently returned from the war to the town of Old Ox, hold their trysts in the woods. But when their secret is discovered, the resulting chaos, including a murder, unleashes convulsive repercussions on the entire community. In the aftermath of so much turmoil, it is Isabelle who emerges as an unlikely leader, proffering a healing vision for the land and for the newly free citizens of Old Ox.

With candor and sympathy, debut novelist Nathan Harris creates an unforgettable cast of characters, depicting Georgia in the violent crucible of Reconstruction. Equal parts beauty and terror, as gripping as it is moving, The Sweetness of Water is an epic whose grandeur locates humanity and love amid the most harrowing circumstances.
Victoria Christopher Murray, Marie Benedict 3.8
In her twenties, Belle da Costa Greene is hired by J. P. Morgan to curate a collection of rare manuscripts, books, and artwork for his newly built Pierpont Morgan Library. Belle becomes a fixture in New York City society and one of the most powerful people in the art and book world, known for her impeccable taste and shrewd negotiating for critical works as she helps create a world-class collection.

But Belle has a secret, one she must protect at all costs. She was born not Belle da Costa Greene but Belle Marion Greener. She is the daughter of Richard Greener, the first Black graduate of Harvard and a well-known advocate for equality. Belle’s complexion isn’t dark because of her alleged Portuguese heritage that lets her pass as white—her complexion is dark because she is African American.

The Personal Librarian tells the story of an extraordinary woman, famous for her intellect, style, and wit, and shares the lengths she must go to—for the protection of her family and her legacy—to preserve her carefully crafted white identity in the racist world in which she lives.
Пип Уильямс 4.3
Роман о словах и жизни женщин. Захватывающая история и блестящее исследование того, как устная и письменная речь влияет на нас.

Эсме рождена в мире слов. Она проводит свое детство в Скриптории, садовом сарае в Оксфорде, где ее отец и команда преданных лексикографов отбирают слова для нового Оксфордского словаря английского языка. Эсме частенько прячется под сортировочным столом, подбирая падающие ненужные листочки со словами и цитатами и пряча их в старинный сундук — её собственный «Словарь потерянных слов». Но постепенно Эсме замечает, что одни слова ученые Оксфорда явно считают важнее других. А слова из мира женщин часто остаются забытыми и не записанными.

Когда Эсме решает создать собственный словарь, борьба за права женщин только набирает обороты, и он оказывается ее неотъемлемой частью.
Кристин Ханна 4.4
Эпический роман о любви, героизме и надежде, действие которого разворачивается на фоне одной из самых определяющих эпох в истории Америки — Великой депрессии.

Техас, 1934 год. Миллионы людей остались без работы, Великие равнины поражены многолетней засухой. Фермеры борются за сохранение остатков урожая, вода почти иссякла, пыль угрожает поглотить их всех. Регулярные пыльные бури превратили еще совсем недавно плодородный край в пустыню. В это страшное время семья Мартинелли, как и их соседи-фермеры, должна сделать мучительный выбор: остаться на земле, которую они любят, или отправиться на Запад, в Калифорнию, в поисках лучшей доли. Элса, мужественная женщина, к которой жизнь с юных лет не проявляла особой благосклонности, переживает, в первую очередь, за двух своих детей, которые уже забыли, что такое дождь, каково это — поесть досыта и как выглядит приличная одежда. Они уже давно не живут, а выживают, и настал момент, когда выбора у Элсы не остается: если она хочет спасти детей, то должна решиться и покинуть родной дом, отправиться в неведомое, надеясь, что там они обретут благополучие.

«Четыре ветра» — это неизгладимый портрет Америки и американской мечты, увиденный глазами неукротимой женщины, чья храбрость и жертвенность станут определяющими для целого поколения.
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