Вручение октябрь 2010 г.

Премия вручена за 2009 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: октябрь 2010 г.

Cовременный роман

Сэнди Аулт 0.0
The Mary Higgins Clark Award-winning author returns with BLM agent Jamaica Wild.

In the midst of tracking a wounded mountain lion, Jamaica is forced to seek refuge in an old abandoned Indian School when a snowstorm hits. Exploring, Jamaica discovers the desecrated body of an elderly Anglo woman, frozen on the floor. After the storm, the FBI takes over the murder investigation, but Jamaica remains haunted by the frozen woman. As the dead of winter settles, arctic temperatures threaten the survival of the mountain lions-but time reveals that there is something far more dangerous tracking Jamaica...

Исторический роман

Ким Визе 0.0
Falon Macvail is barely fourteen years old when her family is forced to flee their home in Scotland, leaving behind everything she's ever known in the hands of greedy landowners. As their beloved country struggles through a time of great civil unrest and class upheaval, Falon and her family travel to a raw wilderness called Texas. Far from the threat of their murderous evictors, the Macvail family must carve out a new life amidst the dangers of a new frontier. When the rumblings of a war with Mexico begin and an implacable enemy invades from the south, ravaging the countryside and leaving a trail of death and destruction behind them, Falon must take a stand once more and find the courage to protect those in her care from the enemy crouching on her doorstep.

Книга для детей и молодежи

Рэндалл Платт 0.0
A heart of steel can’t be stolen—unless the thief is Hellie Jondoe. It’s 1918. A war of nations is ending and a worldwide flu epidemic just heating up, but to thirteen-year-old Hellie, the only battle that counts is her own survival. An orphan by four, a beggar by six, Hellie—as apprentice pickpocket to her brother Harry—is now “the best dang cannon of moveable property between Satan’s Circus and Hell’s Kitchen.” She’s as tough as she is resourceful . . . on her own turf. But after a gang shootout coerces Hellie to head west on an orphan train, her plans to jump track are quickly derailed. Landing in the Hidden Hills, a ranch outside Pendleton, Oregon, Hellie meets her match in the domineering Scholastica Gorence, an elderly ranch woman to whom she is indentured for three years. To make matters worse, Hellie becomes the unwilling caretaker of Lizzie, a nearly blind girl, and Joey, a crippled toddler. The last thing Hellie wants is a family, but she is strapped with one now. There’s a time to cut and run, a time to stay and fight. Choosing which is right takes savvy, guts, and heart . . . all compelling Hellie to dig down deep.


Жанетта Калхун Миш 0.0
Both homespun and sophisticated, this book of poems and family memories carries a bite: the author is an Oklahoma woman with a history of hard traveling and a feminist intellectual with a formidable critical vocabulary. She writes in a language of solidarity, affirmation, and love. The story of the daughter who left home, traveled the country, and returned to do her family proud is still worth telling: add to that the heartbreak, lustiness, traditional wisdom, Okie determination, and Indian legacy of these poems and you have quite a bundle. The historic family photographs are breathtaking in their own right: beyond any job of archaeology, they speak the world they portray.

Оригинальная книга в мягкой обложке

Джейн Киркпатрик 0.0
Returning to her Midwest roots, award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick draws a page from her grandmother's photo album to capture the interplay between shadow and light, temptation and faith that marks a woman's pursuit of her dreams.

She took exquisite photographs,
but her heart was the true image exposed.

Fifteen-year-old Jessie Ann Gaebele loves nothing more than capturing a gorgeous Minnesota landscape when the sunlight casts its most mesmerizing shadows. So when F.J. Bauer hires her in 1907 to assist in his studio and darkroom, her dreams for a career in photography appear to find root in reality.

With the infamous hazards of the explosive powder used for lighting and the toxic darkroom chemicals, photography is considered a man' s profession. Yet Jessie shows remarkable talent in both the artistry and business of running a studio. She proves less skillful, however, at managing her growing attraction to the very married Mr. Bauer.

This luminous coming-of-age tale deftly exposes the intricate shadows that play across every dream worth pursuing–and the irresistible light that beckons the dreamer on.

Документальная книга

Линда М. Хасселстром 0.0
Suitable for those who are curious about the state of contemporary West, this book offers a report from the front, where nature and human aspirations are often at odds, and where the concepts of community and mutual responsibility are being redefined.

Научная публицистика

Линда Гордон 0.0
We all know Dorothea Lange’s iconic photos—the “Migrant Mother” holding her child, the gaunt men forlornly waiting in breadlines—but few know the arc of her extraordinary life. In this sweeping account, renowned historian Linda Gordon charts Lange’s journey from polio-ridden child to wife and mother, to San Francisco portrait photographer, to chronicler of the Great Depression and World War II. Gordon uses Lange’s life to anchor a moving social history of twentieth-century America, re-creating the bohemian world of San Francisco, the Dust Bowl, and the Japanese American internment camps. She explores Lange’s growing radicalization as she embraced the democratic power of the camera, and she examines Lange’s entire body of work, reproducing more than one hundred images, many of them previously unseen and some of them formerly suppressed. Lange reminds us that beauty can be found in unlikely places, and that to respond to injustice, we must first simply learn how to see it.