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Amanda Peters 2.0
July 1962. A Mi’kmaq family from Nova Scotia arrives in Maine to pick blueberries for the summer. Weeks later, four-year-old Ruthie, the family’s youngest child, vanishes. She is last seen by her six-year-old brother, Joe, sitting on a favorite rock at the edge of a berry field. Joe will remain distraught by his sister’s disappearance for years to come.

In Maine, a young girl named Norma grows up as the only child of an affluent family. Her father is emotionally distant, her mother frustratingly overprotective. Norma is often troubled by recurring dreams and visions that seem more like memories than imagination. As she grows older, Norma slowly comes to realize there is something her parents aren’t telling her. Unwilling to abandon her intuition, she will spend decades trying to uncover this family secret.
Roxanna Asgarian 0.0
The shocking, deeply reported story of a murder-suicide that claimed the lives of six children—and a searing indictment of the American foster care system.

On March 26, 2018, rescue workers discovered a crumpled SUV and the bodies of two women and several children at the bottom of a cliff beside the Pacific Coast Highway. Investigators soon concluded that the crash was a murder-suicide, but there was more to the story: Jennifer and Sarah Hart, it turned out, were a white married couple who had adopted the six Black children from two different Texas families in 2006 and 2008. Behind the family's loving facade, however, was a pattern of abuse and neglect that went ignored as the couple withdrew the children from school and moved across the country. It soon became apparent that the State of Texas knew very little about the two individuals to whom it had given custody of six children—with fateful consequences.

In the manner of Adrian Nicole LeBlanc's Random Family and other classic works of investigative journalism, Roxanna Asgarian’s We Were Once a Family is a revelation of vulnerable lives; it is also a shattering exposé of the foster care and adoption systems that produced this tragedy. As a journalist in Houston, Asgarian became the first reporter to put the children’s birth families at the center of the story. We follow the author as she runs up against the intransigence of a state agency that removes tens of thousands of kids from homes each year in the name of child welfare, while often failing to consider alternatives. Her reporting uncovers persistent racial biases and corruption as children of color are separated from birth parents without proper cause. The result is a riveting narrative and a deeply reported indictment of a system that continues to fail America’s most vulnerable children while upending the lives of their families.
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Джулия Оцука 3.9
Это жгучая интимная история о матерях и дочерях, единении и отчужденности, и свете в конце тоннеля.

Люди разного возраста, пола, круга общения ходят в бассейн. На дорожках бассейна они находят чувство общности, утешение и смысл. Однако, когда на дне появляется трещина, все меняется. Без ежедневной медитативной рутины Элис постепенно теряет связь с реальностью. Подобно воде, уходящей из бассейна, ее память утекает в никуда, а дочь Элис чувствует, как ее мать, неотвратимо ускользающая от нее, становится на самом деле только ближе, как исчезает многолетняя трещина между ними. Написанный в завораживающей элегической манере роман настраивает на принятие естественного хода вещей и утверждает, что все совершающееся в мире разумно, во всем есть щемящая и преображающая красота.
Эд Йонг 0.0
The Earth teems with sights and textures, sounds and vibrations, smells and tastes, electric and magnetic fields. But every animal is enclosed within its own unique sensory bubble, perceiving but a tiny sliver of an immense world. This book welcomes us into previously unfathomable dimensions - the world as it is truly perceived by other animals.
We encounter beetles that are drawn to fires, turtles that can track the Earth's magnetic fields, fish that fill rivers with electrical messages, and humans that wield sonar like bats. We discover that a crocodile's scaly face is as sensitive as a lover's fingertips, that the eyes of a giant squid evolved to see sparkling whales, that plants thrum with the inaudible songs of courting bugs, and that even simple scallops have complex vision. We learn what bees see in flowers, what songbirds hear in their tunes, and what dogs smell on the street. We listen to stories of pivotal discoveries in the field, while looking ahead at the many mysteries which lie unsolved.
In An Immense World, author and acclaimed science journalist Ed Yong coaxes us beyond the confines of our own senses, allowing us to perceive the skeins of scent, waves of electromagnetism, and pulses of pressure that surround us. Because in order to understand our world we don't need to travel to other places; we need to see through other eyes.
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Том Лин 0.0
Orphaned young, Ming Tsu, the son of Chinese immigrants, is raised by the notorious leader of a California crime syndicate, who trains him to be his deadly enforcer. But when Ming falls in love with Ada, the daughter of a powerful railroad magnate, and the two elope, he seizes the opportunity to escape to a different life. Soon after, in a violent raid, the tycoon’s henchmen kidnap Ada and conscript Ming into service for the Central Pacific Railroad.

Battered, heartbroken, and yet defiant, Ming partners with a blind clairvoyant known only as the prophet. Together the two set out to rescue his wife and to exact revenge on the men who destroyed Ming, aided by a troupe of magic-show performers, some with supernatural powers, whom they meet on the journey. Ming blazes his way across the West, settling old scores with a single-minded devotion that culminates in an explosive and unexpected finale.

Written with the violent ardor of Cormac McCarthy and the otherworldly inventiveness of Ted Chiang, The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu is at once a thriller, a romance, and a story of one man’s quest for redemption in the face of a distinctly American brutality.
Ханиф Абдурракиб 0.0
A stirring meditation on Black performance in America from the New York Times bestselling author of Go Ahead in the Rain

At the March on Washington in 1963, Josephine Baker was fifty-seven years old, well beyond her most prolific days. But in her speech she was in a mood to consider her life, her legacy, her departure from the country she was now triumphantly returning to. “I was a devil in other countries, and I was a little devil in America, too,” she told the crowd. Inspired by these few words, Hanif Abdurraqib has written a profound and lasting reflection on how Black performance is inextricably woven into the fabric of American culture. Each moment in every performance he examines—whether it’s the twenty-seven seconds in “Gimme Shelter” in which Merry Clayton wails the words “rape, murder,” a schoolyard fistfight, a dance marathon, or the instant in a game of spades right after the cards are dealt—has layers of resonance in Black and white cultures, the politics of American empire, and Abdurraqib’s own personal history of love, grief, and performance.

Abdurraqib writes prose brimming with jubilation and pain, infused with the lyricism and rhythm of the musicians he loves. With care and generosity, he explains the poignancy of performances big and small, each one feeling intensely familiar and vital, both timeless and desperately urgent. Filled with sharp insight, humor, and heart, A Little Devil in America exalts the Black performance that unfolds in specific moments in time and space—from midcentury Paris to the moon, and back down again to a cramped living room in Columbus, Ohio.
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Джеймс Макбрайд 4.0
В сентябре 1969 года неуклюжий, капризный, старый церковный дьякон по прозвищу Спортивный Пиджак, вваливается во двор жилого комплекса в Южном Бруклине, вытаскивает из кармана пистолет 38-го калибра и на глазах у всех стреляет в упор в местного наркоторговца Динса Клеменса. Когда-то Клеменс был подающим надежды питчером в бейсбольной команде, которую тренировал Пиджак. Все гадают, почему Пиджак подстрелил наркоторговца.

Распутывая историю, автор рассказывает обо всех, кто имеет к ней отношение: Клеменсе, свидетелях афроамериканцах и латиноамериканцах, белых соседях, местных полицейских, членах баптистской церкви, где Пиджак был дьяконом, итальянских гангстерах и самом Пиджаке. По мере того как повествование углубляется, становится ясно, что жизни персонажей, оказавшихся в бурном водовороте Нью-Йорка 1960-х годов, пересекаются неожиданным образом. Когда правда все же всплывает, Макбрайд показывает нам, что не все секреты нужно скрывать, что лучший способ вырасти — это встретить перемены без страха, и что семена любви лежат в надежде и сострадании.

Входит в десятку лучших романов 2020 года по версиям New York Times, Goodreads, Entertainment Weekly и TIME Magazine, номинант премии «Киркус» 2020 года. Одна из любимых книг года Барака Обамы и рекомендация книжного клуба Опры Уинфри.

Компания Sister Pictures, стоящая за производством «Чернобыля», приступает к разработке нового сериала — телеадаптации романа «Deacon King Kong». Сценарий к проекту напишет автор оригинального произведения, лауреат премии National Book Awards Джеймс МакБрайд.
Ребекка Гиггз 0.0
When writer Rebecca Giggs encountered a humpback whale stranded on her local beachfront in Australia, she began to wonder how the lives of whales shed light on the condition of our seas. Fathoms: The World in the Whale blends natural history, philosophy, and science to explore: How do whales experience ecological change? Will our connection to these storied animals be transformed by technology? What can observing whales teach us about the complexity, splendour, and fragility of life? In Fathoms, we learn about whales so rare they have never been named, whale songs that sweep across hemispheres in annual waves of popularity, and whales that have modified the chemical composition of our planet’s atmosphere. We travel to Japan to board the ships that hunt whales and delve into the deepest seas to discover the plastic pollution now pervading the whale’s undersea environment.

In the spirit of Rachel Carson and Rebecca Solnit, Giggs gives us a vivid exploration of the natural world even as she addresses what it means to write about nature at a time of environmental crisis.
Художественная книга
Валериа Луиселли 4.2
Мать, отец, сын и дочь отправляются в роуд-трип из Нью-Йорка в Аризону. Их пункт назначения — Апачерия, место, которое апачи когда-то называли домом. Но грандиозное путешествие прерывают печальные новости по радио: тысячи детей-иммигрантов потерялись в пустыне при попытке пересечь юго-западную границу США. Грядет перелом — как в стране, так и в судьбе семьи...

Рассказанный несколькими голосами, сочетающий в себе слова, звуки и образы, «Архив потерянных детей» представляет собой образец литературной виртуозности. Это история о том, как мы документируем свой опыт и запоминаем то, что для нас важнее всего. Она погружает нас в жизнь одной семьи, рождая сочувствие и исследуя природу справедливости и равенства в наше время.
Адам Хиггинботам 4.7
The definitive, dramatic untold story of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, based on original reporting and new archival research.

April 25, 1986, in Chernobyl, was a turning point in world history. The disaster not only changed the world’s perception of nuclear power and the science that spawned it, but also our understanding of the planet’s delicate ecology. With the images of the abandoned homes and playgrounds beyond the barbed wire of the 30-kilometer Exclusion Zone, the rusting graveyards of contaminated trucks and helicopters, the farmland lashed with black rain, the event fixed for all time the notion of radiation as an invisible killer.

Chernobyl was also a key event in the destruction of the Soviet Union, and, with it, the United States’ victory in the Cold War. For Moscow, it was a political and financial catastrophe as much as an environmental and scientific one. With a total cost of 18 billion rubles—at the time equivalent to $18 billion—Chernobyl bankrupted an already teetering economy and revealed to its population a state built upon a pillar of lies.

The full story of the events that started that night in the control room of Reactor No.4 of the V.I. Lenin Nuclear Power Plant has never been told—until now. Through two decades of reporting, new archival information, and firsthand interviews with witnesses, journalist Adam Higginbotham tells the full dramatic story, including Alexander Akimov and Anatoli Dyatlov, who represented the best and worst of Soviet life; denizens of a vanished world of secret policemen, internal passports, food lines, and heroic self-sacrifice for the Motherland. Midnight in Chernobyl, award-worthy nonfiction that reads like sci-fi, shows not only the final epic struggle of a dying empire but also the story of individual heroism and desperate, ingenious technical improvisation joining forces against a new kind of enemy.
Художественная книга
Rebecca Makkai 4.2
A dazzling new novel of friendship and redemption in the face of tragedy and loss set in 1980s Chicago and contemporary Paris, by the acclaimed and award-winning author Rebecca Makkai

In 1985, Yale Tishman, the development director for an art gallery in Chicago, is about to pull off an amazing coup, bringing in an extraordinary collection of 1920s paintings as a gift to the gallery. Yet as his career begins to flourish, the carnage of the AIDS epidemic grows around him. One by one, his friends are dying and after his friend Nico's funeral, the virus circles closer and closer to Yale himself. Soon the only person he has left is Fiona, Nico's little sister.

Thirty years later, Fiona is in Paris tracking down her estranged daughter who disappeared into a cult. While staying with an old friend, a famous photographer who documented the Chicago crisis, she finds herself finally grappling with the devastating ways AIDS affected her life and her relationship with her daughter. The two intertwining stories take us through the heartbreak of the eighties and the chaos of the modern world, as both Yale and Fiona struggle to find goodness in the midst of disaster.

“A page turner...An absorbing and emotionally riveting story about what it’s like to live during times of crisis." —New York Times Book Review.
Kiese Laymon 3.8
In this powerful and provocative memoir, genre-bending essayist and novelist Kiese Laymon explores what the weight of a lifetime of secrets, lies, and deception does to a black body, a black family, and a nation teetering on the brink of moral collapse.

Kiese Laymon is a fearless writer. In his essays, personal stories combine with piercing intellect to reflect both on the state of American society and on his experiences with abuse, which conjure conflicted feelings of shame, joy, confusion and humiliation. Laymon invites us to consider the consequences of growing up in a nation wholly obsessed with progress yet wholly disinterested in the messy work of reckoning with where we’ve been.

In Heavy, Laymon writes eloquently and honestly about growing up a hard-headed black son to a complicated and brilliant black mother in Jackson, Mississippi. From his early experiences of sexual violence, to his suspension from college, to his trek to New York as a young college professor, Laymon charts his complex relationship with his mother, grandmother, anorexia, obesity, sex, writing, and ultimately gambling. By attempting to name secrets and lies he and his mother spent a lifetime avoiding, Laymon asks himself, his mother, his nation, and us to confront the terrifying possibility that few in this nation actually know how to responsibly love, and even fewer want to live under the weight of actually becoming free.

A personal narrative that illuminates national failures, Heavy is defiant yet vulnerable, an insightful, often comical exploration of weight, identity, art, friendship, and family that begins with a confusing childhood—and continues through twenty-five years of haunting implosions and long reverberations.
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Дженнифер Иган 3.5
Америка времен Великой депрессии. Эдди Керриган со своей дочерью, двенадцатилетней Анной, приезжает к своему другу мистеру Стайлзу, владельцу ночных клубов. Его дом, роскошный трехэтажный особняк, стоящий у самого моря, больше всего поражает Анну. А еще странное напряжение, которое сквозило между мистером Стайлзом и ее отцом. Последнее время дела у Эдди шли плохо. Может быть, именно это заставило его встретиться с этим явно непростым господином. Тот день она вспоминала часто, уже после того, как она выросла, как пропал отец и как она устроилась – немыслимое для девушки дело – на работу водолазом. Впрочем, США вступили во Вторую мировую войну и любые свободные руки были на вес золота. И вдруг она вновь встречает мистера Стайлза, и эта встреча не только прольет свет на загадку таинственного исчезновения Эдди Керригана, но и перевернет всю жизнь юной девушки.
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Colson Whitehead 3.9
Cora is a slave on a cotton plantation in Georgia. Life is hell for all the slaves, but especially bad for Cora; an outcast even among her fellow Africans, she is coming into womanhood—where even greater pain awaits. When Caesar, a recent arrival from Virginia, tells her about the Underground Railroad, they decide to take a terrifying risk and escape. Matters do not go as planned—Cora kills a young white boy who tries to capture her. Though they manage to find a station and head north, they are being hunted.
Matthew Desmond 4.8
From Harvard sociologist and MacArthur "Genius" Matthew Desmond, a landmark work of scholarship and reportage that will forever change the way we look at poverty in America

In this brilliant, heartbreaking book, Matthew Desmond takes us into the poorest neighborhoods of Milwaukee to tell the story of eight families on the edge. Arleen is a single mother trying to raise her two sons on the $20 a month she has left after paying for their rundown apartment. Scott is a gentle nurse consumed by a heroin addiction. Lamar, a man with no legs and a neighborhood full of boys to look after, tries to work his way out of debt. Vanetta participates in a botched stickup after her hours are cut. All are spending almost everything they have on rent, and all have fallen behind.

The fates of these families are in the hands of two landlords: Sherrena Tarver, a former schoolteacher turned inner-city entrepreneur, and Tobin Charney, who runs one of the worst trailer parks in Milwaukee. They loathe some of their tenants and are fond of others, but as Sherrena puts it, “Love don’t pay the bills.” She moves to evict Arleen and her boys a few days before Christmas.

Even in the most desolate areas of American cities, evictions used to be rare. But today, most poor renting families are spending more than half of their income on housing, and eviction has become ordinary, especially for single mothers. In vivid, intimate prose, Desmond provides a ground-level view of one of the most urgent issues facing America today. As we see families forced into shelters, squalid apartments, or more dangerous neighborhoods, we bear witness to the human cost of America’s vast inequality—and to people’s determination and intelligence in the face of hardship.

Based on years of embedded fieldwork and painstakingly gathered data, this masterful book transforms our understanding of extreme poverty and economic exploitation while providing fresh ideas for solving a devastating, uniquely American problem. Its unforgettable scenes of hope and loss remind us of the centrality of home, without which nothing else is possible.
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Вьет Тхань Нгуен 4.1
Вьетнамская война подходит к концу. Падение Сайгона лишь вопрос времени. Это понимают все. Американцы медленно выводят свои войска из страны. Теперь уже бывший президент отдал приказ к отступлению и бежал. Готовится к эвакуации и один из высокопоставленных генералов, мечтавших превратить Вьетнам в цветущий рай с американским образом жизни. Вместе с ним должен покинуть родину и главный герой, самый преданный его офицер, правая рука, а по совместительству двойной агент, работающий и на США, и на СССР. Он, за весь роман ни разу не названный по имени, уже давно перестал различать своих и чужих и никак не может понять, на чьей же стороне сражается. Опустошенный, измотанный нескончаемой бойней, среди разрухи и хаоса он пытается понять, кто же победил в этой войне и победил ли хоть кто-то? Но впереди его ждут еще большие трудности, ведь тот, кто сочувствовал всем, рискует рано или поздно стать для всех врагом.
Sally Mann 0.0
In this groundbreaking book, a unique interplay of narrative and image, Mann's preoccupation with family, race, mortality, and the storied landscape of the American South are revealed as almost genetically predetermined, written into her DNA by the family history that precedes her.

Sorting through boxes of family papers and yellowed photographs she finds more than she bargained for: "deceit and scandal, alcohol, domestic abuse, car crashes, bogeymen, clandestine affairs, dearly loved and disputed family land . . . racial complications, vast sums of money made and lost, the return of the prodigal son, and maybe even bloody murder."

In lyrical prose and startlingly revealing photographs, she crafts a totally original form of personal history that has the page-turning drama of a great novel but is firmly rooted in the fertile soil of her own life.
Художественная книга
Энтони Дорр 4.2
"Весь невидимый нам свет" — последний роман от лауреата многих престижных литературных премий Энтони Дорра. Эта книга, вынашивавшаяся более десяти лет, немедленно попала в списки бестселлеров — и вот уже который месяц их не покидает. "Весь невидимый нам свет" рассказывает о двигающихся, сами того не ведая, навстречу друг другу слепой французской девочке и робком немецком мальчике, которые пытаются, каждый на свой манер, выжить, пока кругом бушует война, не потерять человеческий облик и сохранить своих близких. Это книга о любви и смерти, о том, что с нами делает война, о том, что невидимый свет победит даже самую безнадежную тьму.
Bryan Stevenson 4.3
A powerful true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us, and a clarion call to fix our broken system of justice—from one of the most brilliant and influential lawyers of our time

Bryan Stevenson was a young lawyer when he founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice dedicated to defending those most desperate and in need: the poor, the wrongly condemned, and women and children trapped in the farthest reaches of our criminal justice system. One of his first cases was that of Walter McMillian, a young man who was sentenced to die for a notorious murder he insisted he didn’t commit. The case drew Bryan into a tangle of conspiracy, political machination, and legal brinksmanship—and transformed his understanding of mercy and justice forever.

Just Mercy is at once an unforgettable account of an idealistic, gifted young lawyer’s coming of age, a moving window into the lives of those he has defended, and an inspiring argument for compassion in the pursuit of true justice.
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Донна Тартт 4.3
Роман, который лауреат Пулитцеровской премии Донна Тартт писала более 10 лет, — огромное эпическое полотно о силе искусства и о том, как оно — подчас совсем не так, как нам того хочется — способно перевернуть всю нашу жизнь. 13-летний Тео Декер чудом остался жив после взрыва, в котором погибла его мать. Брошенный отцом, без единой родной души на всем свете, он скитается по приемным домам и чужим семьям — от Нью-Йорка до Лас-Вегаса, — и его единственным утешением, которое, впрочем, чуть не приводит к его гибели, становится украденный им из музея шедевр голландского старого мастера.
Дорис Гудуин 5.0
Процесс слияний и поглощений создает могущественные корпорации, войны перемещаются в далекие страны, а разрыв между богатыми и бедными растет.

"Трибуна: Теодор Рузвельт, Уильям Говард Тафт и золотой век журналистики" - этот подзаголовок возвращает нас в эпоху заголовков, которые должны придавать силы и уверенность

Билл Гейтс включил эту книгу в список своих рекомендаций. Гейтс считает, что в книге Дориса Кернса Гудвина можно найти уроки для современного мира. Он отмечает, что Теодору Рузвельту были необходимы средства массовой информации для достижения социальных перемен.

"Хотя он пытался провести ряд политических реформ в начале своей карьеры, он не был по-настоящему успешным, пока журналисты не помогли изменить общественное создание", - написал Гейтс в своем блоге.
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Ричард Форд 3.6
Когда родители пятнадцатилетних Дела и Бернер, добропорядочные и скромные люди, решают внезапно ограбить банк, жизнь подростков полностью переворачивается. Отныне не только все пойдет у них иначе, они сами станут иными. Дел, прирожденный наблюдатель, разглядывает происходящее с ним и вокруг него с интересом ученого, пытаясь осмыслить суть и течение жизни, но ее водовороты увлекают его, затягивают, швыряют в полный хаос из событий и не-событий. Ограбление банка, три убийства, одинокая жизнь в прериях, встреча со странными и опасными людьми, словно явившимися прямиком из романов Достоевского – вовсе не этого ждал пятнадцатилетний мальчишка накануне обычного школьного года. Но вместо школы – путешествие в Канаду, мистическую и невозможную страну, столь обыкновенную и столь иную, в место, которое находится на грани всего – сна и яви, реального и ирреального, будничного и невероятного.

«Канада» – это состояние души, внутренний побег. По какую бы сторону границы человек не оказался, он остается тем, кем был. Человек не меняется, потому что не он управляет судьбой, а судьба управляет им. Роман Ричарда Форда настолько эмоционально захватывающий, что сложно представить себе, что-то более совершенное. Форд по сути дал название доселе не названному состоянию души – канада. Романы больших идей – редкая птица в современной литературе, а "Канада" еще и полна завораживающе прекрасных описаний, поразительных мыслей, ироничных диалогов и тонких душевных перестроений.
Тимоти Иган 0.0
How a lone man's epic obsession led to one of America's greatest cultural treasures: Prize-winning writer Timothy Egan tells the riveting, cinematic story behind the most famous photographs in Native American history -- and the driven, brilliant man who made them.

Edward Curtis was charismatic, handsome, a passionate mountaineer, and a famous photographer, the Annie Leibovitz of his time. He moved in rarefied circles, a friend to presidents, vaudeville stars, leading thinkers. And he was thirty-two years old in 1900 when he gave it all up to pursue his Great Idea: to capture on film the continent’s original inhabitants before the old ways disappeared.

An Indiana Jones with a camera, Curtis spent the next three decades traveling from the Havasupai at the bottom of the Grand Canyon to the Acoma on a high mesa in New Mexico to the Salish in the rugged Northwest rain forest, documenting the stories and rituals of more than eighty tribes. It took tremendous perseverance - ten years alone to persuade the Hopi to allow him into their Snake Dance ceremony. And the undertaking changed him profoundly, from detached observer to outraged advocate. Eventually Curtis took more than 40,000 photographs, preserved 10,000 audio recordings, and is credited with making the first narrative documentary film. In the process, the charming rogue with the grade school education created the most definitive archive of the American Indian.

His most powerful backer was Theodore Roosevelt, and his patron was J. P. Morgan. Despite the friends in high places, he was always broke and often disparaged as an upstart in pursuit of an impossible dream. He completed his masterwork in 1930, when he published the last of the twenty volumes. A nation in the grips of the Depression ignored it. But today rare Curtis photogravures bring high prices at auction, and he is hailed as a visionary. In the end he fulfilled his promise: He made the Indians live forever.
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