Вручение 30 января 2015 г. — стр. 2

Премия вручена за 2014 год.

Страна: США Место проведения: г. Чикаго, штат Иллинойс Дата проведения: 30 января 2015 г.

Художественная книга

Nick Harkaway 4.0
Sergeant Lester Ferris is a good man in need of a rest. After a long career of being shot at, he's about to retire. The former British colony of Mancreu is the ideal place for him to serve out his time: a backwater island in legal limbo, belching toxic clouds of waste, and facing imminent destruction by an international community afraid for their own safety. Although there is an illicit Black Fleet lurking in the bay, Lester's brief is to sit tight and turn a blind eye. So he makes his rounds, drinks tea, and befriends a brilliant, Internet-addled street kid with a comic-book fixation.
But when Mancreu's fragile society erupts in violence, Lester has to become more than just an observer: he must rediscover the man of action he once was, and find out what kind of hero the island - and the boy - will need.
Кристина Энрикес 0.0
We had been planning our life here for so long. Filling out papers, hoping, praying, waiting. We had all of our dreams pinned on this place, but the pin was thin and delicate and it was too soon to tell whether it was going to hold much of anything at all.

When Alma Rivera arrives in Kirkwood, Delaware she is brim full of the promise and possibilities of her new American home. Hope that her luminous daughter Maribel will be helped by the specialist education the US can provide, and faith that her husband Arturo will flourish in a country that celebrates the hard-working and the talented.

But the reality of life without status, money, family and friends soon becomes apparent. And when violence casts its shadow, Alma realizes that her biggest mistake was assuming that everything that could go wrong in their lives already had . . .

In this tale of great imagination and grace, Cristina Henriquez gives voice to the stories of the displaced and unknown - the untold stories of our time that resonate for us all.
Марлон Джеймс 3.5
3 декабря 1976 года. Ямайка на пороге гражданской войны, а в гетто Кингстона льется кровь. В этот день «король регги» Боб Марли готовился к грандиозному концерту, призванному ослабить напряжение в ямайском обществе. Внезапно семеро стрелков, вооруженных автоматическим оружием, вломились к нему в дом и буквально изрешетили всё вокруг. Певец выжил – и даже провел концерт, несмотря на ранения в грудь и руку. Но неясные, темные слухи об этом покушении еще долго будоражили весь мир…
Эмили Сент-Джон Мандел 3.8
Кирстен Реймонд никогда не забудет последнее выступление Артура Линдера, известнейшего голливудского актера, умершего прямо на сцене во время постановки "Короля Лира". Через пару недель эпидемия смертельного грузинского гриппа опустошит и разрушит цивилизацию...

Спустя двадцать лет Кирстен вместе с маленькой театральной труппой "Дорожная симфония" бродит между поселениями выживших и пытается сохранить останки культуры. Но после прибытия в городок Сент-Дебора, обитель опасного самопровозглашенного пророка, жизнь актеров оказывается под угрозой.

Жуткая и одновременно лиричная, "Станция Одиннадцать" рассказывает историю об отношениях, поддерживающих нас, об эфемерном характере славы и о красоте мира, который мы знаем.

Впервые на русском языке!
Хилари Мантел 3.3
Изысканные, элегантные, умные, брутальные, насмешливые, а порой и откровенно бунтарские современные притчи о любви и сексе, семье и обществе, вышедшие из-под пера писательницы, читаются легко и с наслаждением, - однако серьезность тем заставляет задумываться над ними надолго и возвращаться к ним не раз.
Питер Маттиссен 0.0
In Paradise tells the story of a group of men and women who come together for a weeklong meditation retreat at the site of a World War II concentration camp, and the grief, rage and upsetting revelations that surface during their time together. Even as it probes the suffering, conflicts, and longings of these diverse characters, In Paradise raises provocative and unanswerable metaphysical questions: what responsibility comes with bearing witness to such cruelty and tragedy; and what insights into the nature of good and evil may be lost in the next decade or two, as the last survivors of and witnesses to the death camps pass away. In Paradise is Matthiessen s first work of fiction since Shadow Country, which won the National Book Award in 2008. Having participated in three Zen retreats at Auschwitz beginning in the 1990s, he had long wished to comment on the ongoing fallout of last century's global catastrophe, but as a non-Jewish American journalist, I felt unqualified to do so, I felt I had no right. But approaching it as fiction as a novelist, an artist I eventually decided that I did. Only fiction would allow me to probe from a variety of viewpoints the great strangeness of what I had felt.
Susan Minot 0.0
The long-awaited novel from the best-selling, award-winning author of Evening is a literary tour de force set in war-torn Africa.

Esther is a Ugandan teenager abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army and forced to witness and commit unspeakable atrocities, who is struggling to survive, to escape, and to find a way to live with what she has seen and done. Jane is an American journalist who has traveled to Africa, hoping to give a voice to children like Esther and to find her center after a series of failed relationships. In unflinching prose, Minot interweaves their stories, giving us razor-sharp portraits of two extraordinary young women confronting displacement, heartbreak, and the struggle to wrest meaning from events that test them both in unimaginable ways.

With mesmerizing emotional intensity and stunning evocations of Africa's beauty and its horror, Minot gives us her most brilliant and ambitious novel yet.
Патрик Несс 3.4
История древняя, как мир, несчастный юноша спас чудесного журавля. Птица обернулась прекрасной девушкой и стала его женой.

Эта история перенесена в наши дни.

Джордж - американец, который живет и работает в Лондоне. Ему сорок восемь лет, у него есть свой маленький бизнес, он разведен и несчастен гораздо больше, чем мог себе представить. Однажды ночью Джордж спасает раненого журавля. На следующий день он отправляется на работу, встречает потрясающей красоты женщину и моментально влюбляется.

Умная, романтическая, талантливая история, рассказанная одним из лучших писателей современной Англии.
Richard Powers 0.0
Seventy-year old avant-garde composer Peter Els opens the door one evening to find the police outside. His DIY microbiology lab - the latest experiment in his lifelong attempt to extract music from rich patterns beyond the ear's ability to hear - has come to the attention of Homeland Security. Panicked by the raid on his house, Els flees and turns fugitive, waiting for the evidence to clear him and for the alarm surrounding his activities to blow over. But alarm turns to national hysteria, as the government promises a panicked nation that the 'Bioterrorist Bach' will be found and brought to trial. As Els feels the noose around him tighten, he embarks on a cross-country trip to visit, one last time, the people in his past who have most shaped his failed musical journey. And through the help of these people - his ex-wife, his daughter, and his longtime artistic collaborator - Els comes up with a plan to turn this disastrous collision with national security into one last, resonant, calamitous artwork that might reach an audience beyond his wildest dreams.
Francine Prose 3.0
A richly imagined and stunningly inventive literary masterpiece of love, art, and betrayal, set in Paris from the late 1920s into the dark years of World War II, that explores the genesis of evil, the unforeseen consequences of love, and the ultimate unreliability of storytelling itself
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