Вручение 4 ноября 2018 г.

Специальная премия для профессионалов:
Лауреаты - не авторы:
Харри Броквэй за подготовку издания сборника "Writing Madness"
Данель Олсон за подготовку издания сборника "Writing Madness"
Чарлз Коулмен Финли за редакторскую работу в журнале F&SF
Айрин Галло арт-директор издательств Tor Books и Tor.com
Лесли С. Клингер за подготовку издания "The New Annotated Frankenstein"
Грег Кеттер за создание издательства "DreamHaven Books"

Специальная премия непрофессионалам:
Джастина Айрлэнд за журнал "FIYAH: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction"
Трой Виггинс за журнал "FIYAH: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction"
Скотт Г. Эндрюс за он-лайн журнал "Beneath Ceaseless Skies"
Хаалида Мухаммад-Али за подкаст "PodCastle"
Джен Альберт за подкаст "PodCastle"
Р. Б. Расселл за издательство "Tartarus Press"
Розали Паркер за издательство "Tartarus Press"
Линн М. Томас за журнал "Uncanny Magazine"
Майкл Дэмиан Томас за журнал "Uncanny Magazine"

Лучший художник:
Грегори Мэнчесс
Викто Най
Омар Райан
Рима Стайнс
Фиона Стэплз

Страна: США Место проведения: Балтимор, штат Мэриленд Дата проведения: 4 ноября 2018 г.


Victor LaValle 3.1
Apollo Kagwa has had strange dreams that have haunted him since childhood. An antiquarian book dealer with a business called Improbabilia, he is just beginning to settle into his new life as a committed and involved father, unlike his own father who abandoned him, when his wife Emma begins acting strange. Disconnected and uninterested in their new baby boy, Emma at first seems to be exhibiting all the signs of post-partum depression, but it quickly becomes clear that her troubles go far beyond that. Before Apollo can do anything to help, Emma commits a horrific act—beyond any parent’s comprehension—and vanishes, seemingly into thin air.

Thus begins Apollo’s odyssey through a world he only thought he understood to find a wife and child who are nothing like he’d imagined. His quest begins when he meets a mysterious stranger who claims to have information about Emma’s whereabouts. Apollo then begins a journey that takes him to a forgotten island in the East River of New York City, a graveyard full of secrets, a forest in Queens where immigrant legends still live, and finally back to a place he thought he had lost forever. This dizzying tale is ultimately a story about family and the unfathomable secrets of the people we love.
Fonda Lee 4.1
Нефритовый город. Здесь современные технологии смешались с древними традициями, и только здесь добывают магический нефрит — минерал, дающий необыкновенные силы. Семья — это долг, Нефрит — сила, но Честь — превыше всего. Так считают кланы братства Зеленых Костей. Жажда власти толкает главу одного из кланов пойти против кодекса чести нефритовых воинов. Разгорается война Зеленых Костей, ставкой в которой становится сама жизнь.
Шеннон А. Чакраборти 4.3
Нари живёт в Каире, промышляя мелким воровством. Она не верит в магию, но понимает любой язык, а её раны исцеляются сами. Неверие делает её беспечной, и ритуальная песнь, легкомысленно спетая на языке, названия которому Нари не знает, призывает самого настоящего джинна. Легенды не лгут. Магия существует. Как и скрытый от глаз людей Дэвабад – город джиннов, куда, спасая от смерти, несет ее на ковре-самолете прекрасный дэв Дара. Там, опутанная придворными интригами, Нари ждёт тайна её происхождения.
Теодора Госс 3.6
Это роман, основанный на произведениях, относящихся к классике научной фантастики и литературы ужасов. Он посвящён группе замечательных женщин, объединивших усилия, чтобы раскрыть секрет серии жестоких убийств и ещё более великую тайну собственного происхождения. Мэри Джекил, одинокая и оставшаяся без гроша после смерти родителей, интересуется загадочным прошлым своего отца. Единственным ключом служат намёки на то, что где-то поблизости может обретаться бывший друг и убийца отца Эдвард Хайд; к тому же за сведения, способствующие его поимке, назначена награда... которая решила бы все насущные финансовые проблемы Мэри. Однако преследование приводит её к дочке Хайда Диане, злобной девочке, выросшей у монахинь. С помощью Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона Мэри продолжает искать неуловимого Хайда, и скоро ей удаётся сдружиться с другими женщинами. Все они появились на свет в результате ужасных экспериментов: Беатриче Рапачини, Кэтрин Моро и Джастин Франкенштейн. Когда их расследование приводит к раскрытию тайного общества аморальных, помешанных на власти учёных, ужасы прошлого возвращаются. Теперь чудовищам предстоит одолеть чудовищное зло.
John Crowley 4.2
Dar Oakley—the first Crow in all of history with a name of his own—was born two thousand years ago. When a man learns his language, Dar finally gets the chance to tell his story. He begins his tale as a young man, and how he went down to the human underworld and got hold of the immortality meant for humans, long before Julius Caesar came into the Celtic lands; how he sailed West to America with the Irish monks searching for the Paradise of the Saints; and how he continuously went down into the land of the dead and returned. Through his adventures in Ka, the realm of Crows, and around the world, he found secrets that could change the humans’ entire way of life—and now may be the time to finally reveal them.
Daryl Gregory 4.3
A generations-spanning family of psychics--both blessed and burdened by their abilities--must use their powers to save themselves from the CIA, the local mafia, and a skeptic hell-bent on discrediting them in this hilarious, tender, magical novel about the invisible forces that bind us.

The Telemachus family is known for performing inexplicable feats on talk shows and late-night television. Teddy, a master conman, heads up a clan who possess gifts he only fakes: there's Maureen, who can astral project; Irene, the human lie detector; Frankie, gifted with telekinesis; and Buddy, the clairvoyant. But when, one night, the magic fails to materialize, the family withdraws to Chicago where they live in shame for years. Until: As they find themselves facing a troika of threats (CIA, mafia, unrelenting skeptic), Matty, grandson of the family patriarch, discovers a bit of the old Telemachus magic in himself. Now, they must put past obstacles behind them and unite like never before. But will it be enough to bring The Amazing Telemachus Family back to its amazing life?


Ellen Klages 4.0
San Francisco in 1940 is a haven for the unconventional. Tourists flock to the cities within the city: the Magic City of the World's Fair on an island created of artifice and illusion; the forbidden city of Chinatown, a separate, alien world of exotic food and nightclubs that offer "authentic" experiences, straight from the pages of the pulps; and the twilight world of forbidden love, where outcasts from conventional society can meet.

Six women find their lives as tangled with each other's as they are with the city they call home. They discover love and danger on the borders where magic, science, and art intersect.

Inspired by the pulps, film noir, and screwball comedy, Passing Strange is a story as unusual and complex as San Francisco itself from World Fantasy Award winning author Ellen Klages.
Simon Avery 0.0
Krisztina heard the song and she followed it across the city....
Winter in Budapest. In the midst of a terrible personal tragedy, singer/songwriter Krisztina Ligetti discovers she can hear songs of mortality. She spends her days following these songs until they lead her to people at the precipice of death. From the fading bars of their final breath, Krisztina takes the story of their lives and turns them into music.
When Krisztina is reunited with her father, a reclusive 60s pop star, she believes that she has finally found a way out of the darkness, but then she begins to receive news clippings detailing each of the deaths she has been witness to. A man in a porcelain mask who seems to be everywhere she looks and a faded writer who shares Krisztina's gift seem to know her, know that the past has a hold on them all, and that it won't stop until someone has paid the price.
Peter S. Beagle 3.8
laudio Bianchi has lived alone for many years on a hillside in Southern Italy’s scenic Calabria. Set in his ways and suspicious of outsiders, Claudio has always resisted change, preferring farming and writing poetry. But one chilly morning, as though from a dream, an impossible visitor appears at the farm. When Claudio comes to her aid, an act of kindness throws his world into chaos. Suddenly he must stave off inquisitive onlookers, invasive media, and even more sinister influences.

Lyrical, gripping, and wise, In Calabria confirms Peter S. Beagle's continuing legacy as one of fantasy's most legendary authors.
Stephen Graham Jones 3.0
Walking through his own house at night, a twelve-year-old thinks he sees another person stepping through a doorway. Instead of the people who could be there, his mother or his brother, the figure reminds him of his long-gone father, who died mysteriously before his family left the reservation. When he follows it he discovers his house is bigger and deeper than he knew.

The house is the kind of wrong place where you can lose yourself and find things you'd rather not have. Over the course of a few nights, the boy tries to map out his house in an effort that puts his little brother in the worst danger, and puts him in the position to save them . . . at terrible cost.
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