Вручение 3 ноября 2019 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, штат Калифорния Дата проведения: 3 ноября 2019 г.


C. L. Polk 3.8
C. L. Polk arrives on the scene with Witchmark, a stunning, addictive fantasy that combines intrigue, magic, betrayal, and romance.

One of Publishers Weekly's Most Anticipated Books of Spring 2018!

In an original world reminiscent of Edwardian England in the shadow of a World War, cabals of noble families use their unique magical gifts to control the fates of nations, while one young man seeks only to live a life of his own.

Magic marked Miles Singer for suffering the day he was born, doomed either to be enslaved to his family's interest or to be committed to a witches' asylum. He went to war to escape his destiny and came home a different man, but he couldn’t leave his past behind. The war between Aeland and Laneer leaves men changed, strangers to their friends and family, but even after faking his own death and reinventing himself as a doctor at a cash-strapped veterans' hospital, Miles can’t hide what he truly is.

When a fatally poisoned patient exposes Miles’ healing gift and his witchmark, he must put his anonymity and freedom at risk to investigate his patient’s murder. To find the truth he’ll need to rely on the family he despises, and on the kindness of the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen.
Ребекка Роанхорс 3.4
Большую часть мира накрыла Большая Вода, но резервация навахо Динета возродилась. На земли навахо вернулись боги и монстры.
Мэгги Хоски — убийца чудовищ, одарённая силой кровожадного клана.
В поисках пропавшей девочки, она становится последней надеждой жителей маленького городка. Но охота на монстра открывает ей нечто гораздо более страшное. Мэгги неохотно заручается поддержкой Кая Арвизо, знахаря-целителя, и вместе они отправляются в путь, чтобы разгадать подсказки древних легенд, обменяться одолжениями с обманщиками и сразиться с тёмным колдовством. Когда Мэгги узнает правду, ей придется противостоять своему прошлому — если она хочет выжить.
Ребекка Куанг 4.1
Когда Рин блестяще сдала Кэцзюй, общеимперский экзамен по отбору талантливой молодежи для учёбы в Академиях, это стало шоком для всех: для экзаменаторов, которые не могли поверить, что сирота из Петушиной провинции смогла пройти без обмана ; опекунов Рин, которые верили, что наконец-то смогут отдать её замуж с выгодой для своего преступного бизнеса; и для самой Рин, которая внезапно освободилась от рабского труда и отчаяния, составлявшего её повседневное существование. То, что она попала в Сайнгард, самую элитную военную школу в Никане, стало ещё большим сюрпризом.
Но сюрпризы бывают не только добрыми.
Потому что темнокожей крестьянке-южанке в Сайнгарде приходится нелегко. Преследуемая с самого начала одноклассниками за цвет своей кожи, бедность и пол, Рин обнаруживает, что обладает смертоносной, неземной силой — способностью к почти мифическому искусству шаманизма. Исследуя глубины своего дара с помощью безумного, на первый взгляд, учителя и психоактивных веществ, Рин узнает, что боги, почитаемые давно умершими, очень даже живы, и что овладение этими силами значит намного больше, чем просто выживание в школе.
Ибо, пока империя Никара почиет в мире, Федерация Муген за узким морем готовится к прыжку. Военизированная Федерация на десятилетия оккупировала Никан после Первой маковой войны, и с большим трудом была изгнана с континента во время Второй. И пока большинство благодушно дрейфуют по течению жизни, немногие знают, что Третья маковая война вот-вот вспыхнет...
Шаманские силы Рин, возможно, единственный шанс спасти её народ. Но когда она узнает больше о боге, избравшем её, о мстительном Фениксе, она начинает бояться, что победа может стоить ей человеческой сущности... и, может быть, уже слишком поздно.
Maria Dahvana Headley 0.0
From the perspective of those who live in Herot Hall, the suburb is a paradise. Picket fences divide buildings—high and gabled—and the community is entirely self-sustaining. Each house has its own fireplace, each fireplace is fitted with a container of lighter fluid, and outside—in lawns and on playgrounds—wildflowers seed themselves in neat rows. But for those who live surreptitiously along Herot Hall’s periphery, the subdivision is a fortress guarded by an intense network of gates, surveillance cameras, and motion-activated lights.

For Willa, the wife of Roger Herot (heir of Herot Hall), life moves at a charmingly slow pace. She flits between mommy groups, playdates, cocktail hour, and dinner parties, always with her son, Dylan, in tow. Meanwhile, in a cave in the mountains just beyond the limits of Herot Hall lives Gren, short for Grendel, as well as his mother, Dana, a former soldier who gave birth as if by chance. Dana didn’t want Gren, didn’t plan Gren, and doesn’t know how she got Gren, but when she returned from war, there he was. When Gren, unaware of the borders erected to keep him at bay, ventures into Herot Hall and runs off with Dylan, Dana’s and Willa’s worlds collide.
Dale Bailey 2.8
Failed father, failed husband, and failed scholar, Charles Hayden hopes to put his life back together with a new project: a biography of Caedmon Hollow, the long-dead author of a legendary Victorian children’s book, In the Night Wood, and forebear of his wife, Erin. Deep in mourning from the loss of their young daughter, they pack up their American lives, Erin gives up her legal practice, and the couple settles in Hollow’s remote Yorkshire mansion.
In the neighboring village, Charles meets a woman he might have loved, a child who could have been his own daughter, and the ghost of a self he hoped to bury. Erin, paralyzed by her grief, immerses herself in pills and painting images of a horned terror in the woods.
In the primeval forest surrounding Caedmon Hollow’s ancestral home, an ancient power is stirring, a long-forgotten king who haunts the Haydens’ dreams. And every morning the fringe of darkling trees presses closer.
Soon enough, Charles and Erin will venture into the night wood.
Soon enough, they’ll learn that the darkness under the trees is but a shadow of the darkness that waits inside us all.


Альетт де Бодар 3.8
Добро пожаловать в Пояс Рассыпанных Жемчужин – обитаемых орбитальных колец, где правят изгнанные ученые и могущественные семьи. Их сплачивают живые разумные корабли, перевозящие между звездами пассажиров и грузы. В этом обществе в коридорах и конференц-залах люди смешиваются с аватарами разумных кораблей, переплетаются физический и виртуальный миры, а окружающую обстановку легко модифицировать и приспособить под собеседника или под настроение.
Дочь Теней, транспортный корабль, снятый с военной службы после повреждения, теперь влачит жалкое существование, занимаясь изготовлением изменяющего сознание чая для комфорта космических путешественников. Между тем жесткой и эксцентричной ученой Лун Чау понадобился труп для научных исследований. Когда Лун Чау заходит в офис Дочери Теней, ту ждет неприятное, но несложное задание. Обследовав найденный труп и обнаружив, что произошло убийство, Лун Чау вынуждена провести расследование, втягивая в него и Дочь Теней.
По мере того как они углубляются в прошлое жертвы, Дочь Теней обнаруживает, что расследование связано и с мрачной биографией Лун Чау и, в конечном итоге, с невыносимо темной межзвездной пустотой…
Брук Боландер 3.5
In the early years of the 20th century, a group of female factory workers in Newark, New Jersey slowly died of radiation poisoning. Around the same time, an Indian elephant was deliberately put to death by electricity in Coney Island. These are the facts. Now these two tragedies are intertwined in a dark alternate history of rage, radioactivity, and injustice crying out to be righted. Prepare yourself for a wrenching journey that crosses eras, chronicling histories of cruelty both grand and petty in search of meaning and justice.
Шеннон Макгвайр 3.8
When Rini lands with a literal splash in the pond behind Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children, the last thing she expects to find is that her mother, Sumi, died years before Rini was even conceived. But Rini can’t let Reality get in the way of her quest – not when she has an entire world to save! (Much more common than one would suppose.) If she can't find a way to restore her mother, Rini will have more than a world to save: she will never have been born in the first place. And in a world without magic, she doesn’t have long before Reality notices her existence and washes her away. Good thing the student body is well-acquainted with quests... A tale of friendship, baking, and derring-do. Warning: May contain nuts.
Ф. Джели Кларк 3.0
Creeper, a scrappy young teen, is done living on the streets of New Orleans. Instead, she wants to soar, and her sights are set on securing passage aboard the smuggler airship Midnight Robber. Her ticket: earning Captain Ann-Marie’s trust using a secret about a kidnapped Haitian scientist and a mysterious weapon he calls The Black God’s Drums. But Creeper keeps another secret close to heart--Oya, the African orisha of the wind and storms, who speaks inside her head and grants her divine powers. And Oya has her own priorities concerning Creeper and Ann-Marie…


Emma Törzs 0.0
This is the everyday we spoke of.It's winter again: the sky's a deep, headstrong blue, and the sunlight pours through the open living-room windows because the heat's on too high in here and I can't turn it off.For weeks now, driving, or dropping a bag of groceries in the… sally bobbitt. the work to prevent suicide. ... I am hovering over this rug with a hair dryer on high in my hand I have finally, inevitably, spilled red wine on this impractically whitehousewarming hand-me-down from my cousin, whoclearly, and incorrectly, thought this was a good idea...
Мел Кассел 0.0
Впервые я заключаю сделку с индиговым ужом в четырнадцать лет. Он греется на куче камней у южной стены нашего дома — этакая небрежная чёрная линия, чем-то похожая на искажённую курсивную букву...
Аликс Э. Харроу 3.9
Есть всего два типа библиотекарей — обычные и ведьмы. И вторые всегда знают, в какой книге читатель нуждается больше всего. mirf.ru
Адам-Трой Кастро 0.0
In the few seconds she had before the light of her world winked out forever, the dying human being said the following ten things:
“Oh God.
“It hurts.
“It hurts.
“Help me.
“Somebody please help me.
“Holy Shit What Are You?”
“Oh, God.
“Mommy.” Her name was Robyn Howlett, and she was twenty-two years old. Robyn was an alien creature to me, product of conditions wholly at odds with those that produced my kind. She spoke in a language I had never heard. Nevertheless, I understood everything she said. It is the nature of my kind to understand everything that is spoken in our presence, a necessary adaptation given that we are often summoned by creatures as alien to us as we are to them, creatures who often cannot expand their minds enough to even perceive us.
Sarah Pinsker 5.0
A boy [searches] for real magic, seeking it out among the stalls of street magicians in his city, all of whom are merely performing illusions. His curiosity gets the attention of the Regent's court, who invites him in to learn how real magic can happen. But the ability to perform magic at the Regent's request has a price.


An anthology of award-winning, eye-opening, genre-defining science fiction, fantasy, and horror from Tor.com's first ten yearsSince it began in 2008 Tor.com has explored countless new worlds of fiction, delving into possible and impossible futures, alternate and intriguing pasts, and realms of fantasy previously unexplored. Its hundreds of remarkable stories span from science fiction to fantasy to horror, and everything in between. Now Tor.com is making some of those worlds available for the first time in print.This volume collects some of the best short stories Tor.com has to offer, with Hugo and Nebula Award-winning short stories and novelettes chosen from all ten years of the program. Including stories by: Charlie Jane Anders, N. K. Jemisin, Leigh Bardugo, Jeff VanderMeer, Yoon Ha Lee, Carrie Vaughn, Ken Liu, Kai Ashante Wilson, Kameron Hurley, Seth Dickinson, Rachel Swirsky, Laurie Penny, Alyssa Wong, Kij Johnson, David D. Levine, Genevieve Valentine, Max Gladstone, and many others.
Волшебники, чародеи, сверхлюди, обладающие воинственным, а порой и склочным характером и ведущие весьма странный образ жизни...

Последний сборник Гарднера Дозуа (1947—2018), одного из величайших редакторов и энтузиастов фантастики, расскажет читателю:
- о Джеке-попрыгунчике, неуловимом грабителе, попавшем в неожиданную ловушку;
- о последних днях Умирающей земли;
- о противостоянии Севера и Юга США, в котором ярчайшую роль играют магические модификаторы своих тел, поедающие кости волшебных созданий;
- о том, как опасна может быть ничем не ограниченная власть, и в первую очередь для обладающего этой властью; — о спонтанных превращениях и хитроумных магических уловках;
- о том, почему нельзя связываться с высшими силами, и о многом, многом другом.

17 любовно отобранных историй об интригах и приключениях в мире волшебства и магии!
Кто круче – роботы или феи? Гигантские уничтожители миров, способные сметать с лица земли целые города, или повелители магии, невидимые кукловоды, дергающие людей за ниточки страстей и иллюзий?
С одной стороны, роботы продолжают оставаться классическим научно-фантастическим явлением в литературе и средствах массовой информации, от рассказов и романов Айзека Азимова до ВАЛЛ-И, от миров Филипа К. Дика до Терминатора.
С другой стороны, феи — обожаемые иконы и бесспорные правители Страны фантазии, от Динь-Динь до Там Лин, от "Настоящей крови" до "Когда-то, давным-давно…". Эти два — народа, явления, феномена? — бесконечно забавные, неоднозначные и сложные. Когда мы противопоставим их друг другу, какая из сторон станет величайшим символом жанра всех времён?
Nominated for the World Fantasy Award, the Aurealis Award, and the Ditmar Award.

Sword and Sonnet contains twenty-three fantasy and science fiction stories featuring battle poets. A poet in search of the dragon her mother banished. A labyrinth that is the last sanctuary against the hunger consuming the world. A gunslinger who kills with a single word. A machete-wielding poet defending her street against the children of revenge. A spaceship-devouring poet who sings to the stars.
"Heh, heh, kiddies! So what do you think of our eye-popping cover on this volume? Doesn't it just blow your mind! It sure looks like that guy lost his head over it!

"In this latest edition of the world's longest-running annual showcase of horror and dark fantasy you will find explosive fiction from such authors as Peter Bell, Dennis Etchison, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Reggie Oliver, Angela Slatter, Michael Marshall Smith and Lisa Tuttle, amongst many others, along with the usual Overview of the Year in Horror and an informative Necrology.

"So pull yourself together and keep an eye out for the eruption of shocks in this latest compilation, bursting with the best in contemporary horror fiction! And don't forget, you heard it here first from..."


Паоло Бачигалупи, Тобиас Бакелл 0.0
Khaim, The Blue City, is the last remaining city in a crumbled empire that overly relied upon magic until it became toxic. It is run by a tyrant known as The Jolly Mayor and his devious right hand, the last archmage in the world. Together they try to collect all the magic for themselves so they can control the citizens of the city. But when their decadence reaches new heights and begins to destroy the environment, the people stage an uprising to stop them.

In four interrelated parts, The Tangled Lands is an evocative and epic story of resistance and heroic sacrifice in the twisted remains surrounding the last great city of Khaim. Paolo Bacigalupi and Tobias Buckell have created a fantasy for our times about a decadent and rotting empire facing environmental collapse from within--and yet hope emerges from unlikely places with women warriors and alchemical solutions.
Аманда Даунум 0.0
Drawing heavily on Lovecraftiana and myth, these are tales of devil’s bargains, love songs to monsters, and the people―human and otherwise―who inhabit liminal spaces. Ghosts, gods, and ghouls make their way as best they can, one step sideways from the mortals around them. Many are connected; some are puzzle pieces that don’t quite fit. Spanning a decade of writing, Still So Strange is Amanda Downum's first collection of short fiction, and includes stories originally released in Strange Horizons, Realms of Fantasy, and Weird Tales, as well as original, unpublished work.
Энди Дункан 0.0
In the tales gathered in An Agent of Utopia: New and Selected Stories you will meet a Utopian assassin, an aging UFO contactee, a haunted Mohawk steelworker, a time-traveling prizefighter, a yam-eating Zombie, and a child who loves a frizzled chicken―not to mention Harry Houdini, Zora Neale Hurston, Sir Thomas More, and all their fellow travelers riding the steamer-trunk imagination of a unique twenty-first-century fabulist.

From the Florida folktales of the perennial prison escapee Daddy Mention and the dangerous gator-man Uncle Monday that inspired "Daddy Mention and the Monday Skull" (first published in Mojo: Conjure Stories, edited by Nalo Hopkinson) to the imagined story of boxer and historical bit player Jess Willard in World Fantasy Award winner "The Pottawatomie Giant" (first published on SciFiction), or the Ozark UFO contactees in Nebula Award winner "Close Encounters" to Flannery O’Connor’s childhood celebrity in Shirley Jackson Award finalist "Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse" (first published in Eclipse) Duncan’s historical juxtapositions come alive on the page as if this Southern storyteller was sitting on a rocking chair stretching the truth out beside you.

Duncan rounds out his explorations of the nooks and crannies of history in two irresistible new stories, "Joe Diabo's Farewell" ― in which a gang of Native American ironworkers in 1920s New York City go to a show ― and the title story, "An Agent of Utopia" ― where he reveals what really (might have) happened to Thomas More’s head.
Н. К. Джемисин 0.0
In these stories, Jemisin sharply examines modern society, infusing magic into the mundane, and drawing deft parallels in the fantasy realms of her imagination. Dragons and hateful spirits haunt the flooded city of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In a parallel universe, a utopian society watches our world, trying to learn from our mistakes. A black mother in the Jim Crow south must figure out how to save her daughter from a fey offering impossible promises. And in the Hugo award-nominated short story “The City Born Great,” a young street kid fights to give birth to an old metropolis’s soul.
Марго Ланаган 0.0
Ghosts, deformed fairy tales, animal transformations, dystopic futures and twisted histories-these are the stuff of a Lanagan story.

An adolescent Hansel is enslaved by wicked tramp Grinnan during the Black Plague; a middle aged woman in country Australia has a last chance to save her swan-winged brother; Hans Christian Andersen's tinderbox shows up as a battered Bic cigarette lighter in a world of blasted cities and morals; gangs of sheela-na-gigs ride the city train system, unnerving the populace with their strange singing.

Phantom Limbs collects fourteen stories published in anthologies, magazines and small collections throughout the past decade, and adds one brand new story, 'The Tin Wife', to deliver an extended tour of the country of the weird.
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