Победители — стр. 2

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Патриция Холлис 0.0
New in paperback, this is the compelling biography of Jennie Lee (1904-1988), the beautiful and passionate daughter of a Scottish miner who rose to become a pioneering woman MP. Regarded as one of the finest political biographies of recent years, this book studies a remarkable woman whose stormy political career culminated in her becoming the first Minister for the Arts, and details the moving and intimate story of her marriage to Aneurin Bevan. 'a truly magnificent biography in every sense: a moving portrait of Jennie herself, a most scrupulous painting of the political background, an unchallengable account of Jennie's record as a Minister'
Полли Тойнби
Научно-популярная книга по политике
Полли Тойнби / Polly Toynbee
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Питер Годвин 0.0
After his father's heart attack in 1984, Peter Godwin began a series of pilgrimages back to Zimbabwe, the land of his birth, from Manhattan, where he now lives. On these frequent visits to check on his elderly parents, he bore witness to Zimbabwe's dramatic spiral downwards into thejaws of violent chaos, presided over by an increasingly enraged dictator. And yet long after their comfortable lifestyle had been shattered and millions were fleeing, his parents refuse to leave, steadfast in their allegiance to the failed state that has been their adopted home for 50 years.Then Godwin discovered a shocking family secret that helped explain their loyalty. Africa was his father's sanctuary from another identity, another world.WHEN A CROCODILE EATS THE SUN is a stirring memoir of the disintegration of a family set against the collapse of a country. But it is also a vivid portrait of the profound strength of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.
Айан Белл
Айан Белл / Ian Bell
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Фергал Кин 5.0
When President Habyarimana’s jet was shot down in April 1994, Rwanda erupted into a hundred-day orgy of killing – which left up to a million dead. Fergal Keane travelled through the country as the genocide was continuing, and his powerful analysis reveals the terrible truth behind the headlines.

‘A tender, angry account … As well as being a scathing indictment – Keane says the genocide inflicted on the Tutsis was planned well in advance by Hutu leaders – this is a graphic view of news-gathering in extremis. It deserves to become a classic’ Independent.
Мелани Филлипс
Мелани Филлипс / Melanie Phillips
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Фионнуала О'коннор 0.0
An invaluable source for students of the Northern Irish conflict, this is a courageous examination of the monolith of northern Catholicism and of the intricate realities behind it. O Connor is one of Ireland's leading political journalists and a highly respected commentator. Her book, based on extensive interviews, is the first study of the Catholic community in Northern Ireland. It examines Catholic attitudes to Britain, the Republic of Ireland, the Catholic Church, and Protestants and the IRA campaign.
Пол Фут
Пол Фут / Paul Foot
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Anatol Lieven 0.0
World attention has focused on the newly independent Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania, as they struggle to become politically and economically viable. In this book, Anatol Lieven presents an intimate and engaging portrait of the history and culture of the Baltic states from their ancient origins to their contemporary status. He explores the culture and personality of the Baltic peoples, their religious and racial differences, their relations with Russia and with the West, and their prospects for the future. Lieven begins by describing the ancient Baltic peoples, their conquest by the Christians, the evolution of the Lithuanian empire and their union with Poland, and the experience of the Baltic provinces under the Russian Empire. He then looks at the countries' first struggle for independence in 1918, the failure of democracy and the establishment of authoritarian regimes, and the Soviet annexation of the Baltic in 1940. Lieven discusses the class structure of the Baltics and the ethnic tensions that have existed between the Germans, Jews, Poles, and Russians who live there. Drawing on a wide range of sources including interviews, newspaper accounts, and his own observations, he describes and analyzes the rise of national movements in each of the three countries after Glastnost. He concludes by discussing the new constitutions and the elections of 1992, the current forces of order, the demolition of the Soviety economies, and the possibilities for democracy and Europeanization or for ethnic conflict and nationalist dictatorship.
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