Вручение 20 октября 2019 г.

Лауреатами премии также стали:
Художник - Винс Хейг (Vince Haig);
Нехудожественное издание или сайт - Тим Мэйджор "Noise and Sparks" (серия статей)
Tim Major "Noise and Sparks";
Независимое издательство - Unsung Stories;
Периодическое издание - Журнал "Uncanny Magazine";
Фильм - Человек-паук: Через вселенные (реж. Боб Персичетти, Питер Рэмзи, Родни Ротман);
Аудио - Breaking the Glass Slipper (подкаст).

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: FantasyCon: Cities of Steel, Глазго Дата проведения: 20 октября 2019 г.

Лучший роман ужасов (Премия Августа Дерлета)

Catriona Ward 3.5
Eve and Dinah are everything to one another, never parted day or night. They are raised among the Children, a community of strays and orphans ruled by a mysterious figure they call Uncle. All they know is the grey Isle of Altnaharra which sits in the black sea off the wildest coast of Scotland.

Eve loves the free, savage life of the Isle and longs to inherit Uncle's power. She is untroubled save by her dreams; of soft arms and a woman singing. Dinah longs for something other.

But the world is at war and cannot be kept at bay. As the solitude of Altnaharra is broken, Eve's faith and sanity fracture. In a great storm, in the depths of winter, as the old year dies, the locals discover a devastating scene on the Isle.

Eve and Dinah's accounts of that night contradict and intertwine. As past and present converge, only one woman can be telling the truth. Who is guilty, who innocent?
Paul G. Tremblay 2.9
Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, with their closest neighbours more than two miles in either direction.
As Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young and friendly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologises and tells Wen, “None of what’s going to happen is your fault”. Three more strangers arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out: “Your dads won’t want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world.”
So begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are intertwined.
The Cabin at the End of the World is a masterpiece of terror and suspense from the fantastically fertile imagination of Paul Tremblay.
Рэмси Кэмпбелл 0.0
More than thirty years have passed since the events of Born to the Dark. Christian Noble is almost a century old, but his and his family’s influence over the world is stronger than ever. The latest version of their occult church counts Dominic Sheldrake’s son and the young man’s wife among its members, and their little daughter too. Dominic will do anything he can to break its influence over them, and his old friends Jim and Bobby come to his aid. None of them realise what they will be up against – the Nobles transformed into the monstrousness they have invoked, and the inhuman future they may have made inevitable . . .

The Way of the Worm is the final volume of Ramsey Campbell’s Brichester Mythos trilogy, in which he returns to his original themes and develops them in his mature style. The first volume, The Searching Dead, received the Children of the Night Award from the Dracula Society for the best original Gothic fiction of the year.
Simon Bestwick 0.0
Helen Damnation’s rebellion against the Reapers has spread. All across post-nuclear Britain, the fires of revolution are beginning to burn. But her old enemy Tereus Winterborn still intends to rule supreme, and has a new ally in Dr Mordake, the creator of Project Tindalos – now monstrously transfigured by the forces he unleashed at Hobsdyke.

Their target is Helen’s closest ally: the last Grendelwolf, Gevaudan Shoal. The worst tortures of all await him in the cells of the Pyramid. At Hobsdyke, in the tunnels beneath Graspen Hill, the legacy of the Night Wolves is waiting for him – along with secrets about Helen that threaten to tear both Gevaudan and the resistance apart.

With the Reapers poised to strike at the first sign of weakness, a series of brutal killings breaks out behind rebel lines – and the evidence leads back to Gevaudan’s door. With all those closest to Helen turning against her, she faces her greatest challenge yet as Winterborn begins his bid for ultimate power.

Премия им. Сиднея Дж. Баундса лучшему дебютанту

Tasha Suri 4.5
The Amrithi are outcasts; nomads descended of desert spirits, they are coveted and persecuted throughout the Empire for the power in their blood. Mehr is the illegitimate daughter of an imperial governor and an exiled Amrithi mother she can barely remember, but whose face and magic she has inherited.

When Mehr’s power comes to the attention of the Emperor’s most feared mystics, she must use every ounce of will, subtlety, and power she possesses to resist their cruel agenda.

Should she fail, the gods themselves may awaken seeking vengeance…
Томи Адейеми 3.7
Когда-то Ориша была страной, где счастливо жили люди, наделенные магией. Каждому из десяти кланов боги даровали способность управлять силами природы. Одни маги властвовали над водами, другие - над огнем. Встречались и те, кто умел читать мысли, и даже те, кто мог видеть будущее! Они использовали свои таланты, чтобы заботиться об оришанах, и были почитаемы народом. Но в одну ночь магия исчезла... По приказу жестокого короля Сарана многие колдуны были убиты - так Зели Адебола потеряла мать, а жители Ориши - надежду.

Спустя одиннадцать лет у Зели появился шанс свергнуть тиранию жестоких монархов и возродить магию. Но для этого она должна вступить в противоборство с принцем Инаном, который держит в страхе оришан.

Опасность таится на каждом шагу: свирепые леонэры рыскают по лесам, мстительные духи поджидают в темных водах, дворцовая стража ведет охоту. Но что, если самую большую опасность представляет сама Зели, пытающаяся взять под контроль пробудившуюся в ней древнюю силу.
Ребекка Куанг 4.1
Когда Рин блестяще сдала Кэцзюй, общеимперский экзамен по отбору талантливой молодежи для учёбы в Академиях, это стало шоком для всех: для экзаменаторов, которые не могли поверить, что сирота из Петушиной провинции смогла пройти без обмана ; опекунов Рин, которые верили, что наконец-то смогут отдать её замуж с выгодой для своего преступного бизнеса; и для самой Рин, которая внезапно освободилась от рабского труда и отчаяния, составлявшего её повседневное существование. То, что она попала в Сайнгард, самую элитную военную школу в Никане, стало ещё большим сюрпризом. Но сюрпризы бывают не только добрыми. Потому что темнокожей крестьянке-южанке в Сайнгарде приходится нелегко. Преследуемая с самого начала одноклассниками за цвет своей кожи, бедность и пол, Рин обнаруживает, что обладает смертоносной, неземной силой - способностью к почти мифическому искусству шаманизма.

Исследуя глубины своего дара с помощью безумного, на первый взгляд, учителя и психоактивных веществ, Рин узнает, что боги, почитаемые давно умершими, очень даже живы, и что овладение этими силами значит намного больше, чем просто выживание в школе. Ибо, пока империя Никара почиет в мире, Федерация Муген за узким морем готовится к прыжку. Военизированная Федерация на десятилетия оккупировала Никан после Первой маковой войны, и с большим трудом была изгнана с континента во время Второй. И пока большинство благодушно дрейфуют по течению жизни, немногие знают, что Третья маковая война вот-вот вспыхнет...

Шаманские силы Рин, возможно, единственный шанс спасти её народ. Но когда она узнает больше о боге, избравшем её, о мстительном Фениксе, она начинает бояться, что победа может стоить ей человеческой сущности... и, может быть, уже слишком поздно.
Кэмерон Джонстон 0.0
After ten years on the run, dodging daemons and debt, reviled magician Edrin Walker returns home to avenge the brutal murder of his friend. Lynas had uncovered a terrible secret, something that threatened to devour the entire city. He tried to warn the Arcanum, the sorcerers who rule the city. He failed. Lynas was skinned alive and Walker felt every cut. Now nothing will stop him from finding the murderer. Magi, mortals, daemons, and even the gods - Walker will burn them all if he has to. After all, it wouldn't be the first time he's killed a god...
Marian Womack 0.0
These stories explore place and landscape at different stages of decay, positioning them as fighting grounds for death and renewal. From dystopian Andalusia to Scotland or the Norfolk countryside, they bring together monstrous insects, ghostly lovers, soon-to-be extinct species, unexpected birds, and interstellar explorers, to form a coherent narrative about loss and absence.
Micah Yongo 0.0
In this extraordinary fantasy debut, a young assassin finds himself hunted by the brothers and sisters he has trained alongside since birth.

Neythan is one of five young warriors trained and raised together by a mysterious brotherhood of assassins known as the Shedaím. When Neythan is framed for the murder of his closest friend, he pursues his betrayer - and in so doing learns there's far more to the Brotherhood, and the machinations of the rulers of the warring kingdoms, than he'd ever thought possible. His journey will lead him across the five realms, from the Forest of Silences to the Ash Plains of Calapaar, and reveal the breaches that lie beneath the world, and the hidden truths of his oath.

File Under: Fantasy [ Brothers at Arms - The Faceless Ones - Kings and Keepers - Creed of Assassins ]

Лучший роман в жанре фэнтези (Премия Роберта Холдстока)

Йен Уильямс 3.0
The Ninth Rain has fallen, the Jure'lia have returned, and with Ebora a shadow of its former self, the old enemy are closer to conquering Sarn than ever.

Tormalin the Oathless and the Fell-Witch Noon have their hands full dealing with the first war-beasts to be born in Ebora for nearly three hundred years. But these are not the great mythological warriors of old; hatched too early and with no link to their past lives, the war-beasts have no memory of the many battles they have fought and won, and no concept of how they can possibly do it again. The key to uniting them, according to the scholar Vintage, may lie in a part of Sarn no one really believes exists, but finding it will mean a dangerous journey at a time of war...

Meanwhile, Hestillion is trapped on board the corpse moon, forced into a strange and uneasy alliance with the Jure'lia queen. Something terrifying is growing up there, in the heart of the Behemoth, and the people of Sarn will have no defence against these new monsters.
Питер Маклин 3.4
Война закончилась, и армейский капеллан Томас Благ держит путь домой вместе с остатками своего отряда. Когда-то, еще в мирное время, он заправлял бандой и своих навыков не забыл. Но теперь его криминальная империя разрушилась, родные места захватили чужаки, а люди Эллинбурга — его города — голодают, оставшись без крова и надежды. И тогда Томас вместе с другими потрепанными жизнью ветеранами решает вернуть то, что потерял. Любыми средствами. Но начав борьбу за передел власти, он попадает в хитроумную сеть политических интриг и понимает, что ставки в затеянной им игре будут гораздо выше, чем казалось на первый взгляд. Ведь в этом мире святость — не пустой звук, а за тонкой пеленой реальности таится нечто такое, с чем даже отъявленные головорезы не хотели бы столкнуться в темном переулке.
Tasha Suri 4.5
The Amrithi are outcasts; nomads descended of desert spirits, they are coveted and persecuted throughout the Empire for the power in their blood. Mehr is the illegitimate daughter of an imperial governor and an exiled Amrithi mother she can barely remember, but whose face and magic she has inherited.

When Mehr’s power comes to the attention of the Emperor’s most feared mystics, she must use every ounce of will, subtlety, and power she possesses to resist their cruel agenda.

Should she fail, the gods themselves may awaken seeking vengeance…
Robert Jackson Bennett 4.5
In a city that runs on industrialized magic, a secret war will be fought to overwrite reality itself--the first in a dazzling new fantasy series from City of Stairs author Robert Jackson Bennett.

Sancia Grado is a thief, and a damn good one. And her latest target, a heavily guarded warehouse on Tevanne's docks, is nothing her unique abilities can't handle.

But unbeknownst to her, Sancia's been sent to steal an artifact of unimaginable power, an object that could revolutionize the magical technology known as scriving. The Merchant Houses who control this magic--the art of using coded commands to imbue everyday objects with sentience--have already used it to transform Tevanne into a vast, remorseless capitalist machine. But if they can unlock the artifact's secrets, they will rewrite the world itself to suit their aims.

Now someone in those Houses wants Sancia dead, and the artifact for themselves. And in the city of Tevanne, there's nobody with the power to stop them.

To have a chance at surviving--and at stopping the deadly transformation that's under way--Sancia will have to marshal unlikely allies, learn to harness the artifact's power for herself, and undergo her own transformation, one that will turn her into something she could never have imagined.
Джульет Э. Маккенна 0.0
A hundred years ago, a man with a secret could travel a few hundred miles and give himself a new name and life story. No one would be any the wiser, as long as he didn’t give anyone a reason to start asking questions. These days, that’s not so easy, with everyone on social media, and CCTV on every street corner. So Daniel Mackmain keeps his head down and keeps himself to himself.

But now a girl has been murdered and the Derbyshire police are taking a closer look at a loner who travels from place to place, picking up work as he goes. Worse, Dan realises the murder involves the hidden world he was born into. When no one else can see the truth, who will see justice done?

A modern fantasy rooted in the ancient myths and folklore of the British Isles.
Алия Уайтли 0.0
When people shed their skin every seven years, it’s just a fact of life that we will cast off all the attachments of our old life. And when our loves are part of us, those memories of love can be bought, if you know the right people.

Introducing the new drug, Suscutin, that will prevent the moult. Now you can keep your skin forever. Now you never need to change who you are.

But it’s not so simple for celebrity bodyguard Rose Allington, who suffers from a rare disease. Her moults come quickly, changing everything about her life, who she is, who she loves.

Meanwhile, her former client, superstar actor Max Black, is hooked on Suscutin, because he knows moulting could lose him everything. When one of his skins is stolen, and the theft is an inside job, he needs the best who ever worked for him on the job - even if she’s not the same person.

The Loosening Skin peels away the layers of these stories, exploring our definitions of love, sex and friendship, and what it means to love.

Специальная премия (Премия им. Карла Эдварда Вагнера)

Лучшая повесть

Альетт де Бодар 3.8
Добро пожаловать в Пояс Рассыпанных Жемчужин – обитаемых орбитальных колец, где правят изгнанные ученые и могущественные семьи. Их сплачивают живые разумные корабли, перевозящие между звездами пассажиров и грузы. В этом обществе в коридорах и конференц-залах люди смешиваются с аватарами разумных кораблей, переплетаются физический и виртуальный миры, а окружающую обстановку легко модифицировать и приспособить под собеседника или под настроение.
Дочь Теней, транспортный корабль, снятый с военной службы после повреждения, теперь влачит жалкое существование, занимаясь изготовлением изменяющего сознание чая для комфорта космических путешественников. Между тем жесткой и эксцентричной ученой Лун Чау понадобился труп для научных исследований. Когда Лун Чау заходит в офис Дочери Теней, ту ждет неприятное, но несложное задание. Обследовав найденный труп и обнаружив, что произошло убийство, Лун Чау вынуждена провести расследование, втягивая в него и Дочь Теней.
По мере того как они углубляются в прошлое жертвы, Дочь Теней обнаруживает, что расследование связано и с мрачной биографией Лун Чау и, в конечном итоге, с невыносимо темной межзвездной пустотой…
Ннеди Окорафор 3.9
The concluding part of the highly-acclaimed science fiction trilogy that began with Nnedi Okorafor's Hugo- and Nebula Award-winning BINTI.

Binti has returned to her home planet, believing that the violence of the Meduse has been left behind. Unfortunately, although her people are peaceful on the whole, the same cannot be said for the Khoush, who fan the flames of their ancient rivalry with the Meduse.

Far from her village when the conflicts start, Binti hurries home, but anger and resentment has already claimed the lives of many close to her.

Once again it is up to Binti, and her intriguing new friend Mwinyi, to intervene--though the elders of her people do not entirely trust her motives--and try to prevent a war that could wipe out her people, once and for all.

Don't miss this essential concluding volume in the Binti trilogy.
Simon Bestwick 0.0
Breakwater by Simon Bestwick is a science fiction novelette about an engineer, who, with her late, marine biologist husband, designed an underwater research platform, and is caught up in the war between humans and mysterious creatures beneath the seas that are destroying coastal cities around the world.

At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
Хэл Дункан 0.0
In this remarkable novella, Hal Duncan has comjured a tale of The-Borribles-meet-Nazi-spies-and-run-headlong-into-the-occult.

The Land of Somewhere Safe: where things go when you think, “I must put this somewhere safe,” and then can never find them again.

The Scruffians: irreverent foul-mouthed street urchins, older than their years, waifs who have been Fixed by the Stamp, frozen so that they are immortal, providing perpetual slave labour. But now the waifs have nicked the Stamp and burned down the Institute that housed it, preventing any more of their number being Fixed and exploited.

Peter and Lilly: two school kids orphaned by Nazi bombs, who find themselves thrown together by circumstance and evacuated from London during the Blitz. Sent far further north than intended, all the way to the Isle of Skye, they are taken in by Clan Chief Lady Morag MacGuffin of Dunstravaigin Castle. With them are the four Bastable children – a jolly queer bunch – who prove to be far more than they seem.

The Reverend Blackstone: no real reverend at all, but an occultish Nazi spy determined to get his hands on the priceless Stamp, even if he has to raise hisself a demon to do so…
Джон Ллевеллин Проберт 0.0
Six Years Ago…

The city of Bristol is rocked by a series of horrific murders, each more gruesome and outrageous than the last, and all in the style of horror films starring Vincent Price.

Four Years Ago…

The journalists who wrote about the case begin to die horribly, this time in the style of Hammer horror movies.


A Hollywood film company has arrived in Bristol to make a movie about the murders. Nicolas Cage is planned to star, and the screenplay bears little resemblance to what actually happened.

And someone isn’t happy about any of that. Someone who plans to use some of the most creative death scenes in classic British horror films to show these modern
film-makers just what a terrible mistake they have made.

The world’s most resourceful and flamboyant maniac returns…
Brooke Bolander 3.5
In the early years of the 20th century, a group of female factory workers in Newark, New Jersey slowly died of radiation poisoning. Around the same time, an Indian elephant was deliberately put to death by electricity in Coney Island.

These are the facts.

Now these two tragedies are intertwined in a dark alternate history of rage, radioactivity, and injustice crying out to be righted. Prepare yourself for a wrenching journey that crosses eras, chronicling histories of cruelty both grand and petty in search of meaning and justice.
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