Вручение 7 сентября 2014 г. — стр. 2

Лауреатами премии также стали:
Художник - Джоуи Хайфай (Joey Hi-Fi);
Нехудожественное издание или сайт - Джастин Лэндон, Джаред Шурин "Speculative Fiction 2012: The Best Online Reviews, Essays and Commentary";
Независимое издательство - The Alchemy Press (Peter Coleborn);
Периодическое издание - Журнал "Clarkesworld" (ред. Нил Кларк и Шон Уоллес);
Фильм - Игра престолов (реж. Брайан Кирк, Даниэль Минахан, Тимоти Ван Паттен) 9-ый эпизод 3 сезона "Рейны из Кастамаре"; сценаристы - Дэвид Бениофф и Д.Б. Уайсс (David Benioff & D.B. Weiss).

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: FantasyCon 2014, Йорк Дата проведения: 7 сентября 2014 г.

Лучший сборник

Stephen Volk 0.0
A giant ape... A heartless priest... A descent into depravity under London... An immortal hound... A baby thrown up by the sea... A Voodoo prayer... A legend made flesh in the eyes of a terrified child... Monsters come in all shapes and sizes... From human individuals with an evil streak or deeply aberrant nature, to those who are simply physically wrong. From beasts of the imagination to modern myths from the big screen... In these 15 stories representing the very best recent fiction by the writer of TV's GHOSTWATCH and AFTERLIFE and the acclaimed novella WHITSTABLE, you will meet all the things that made our childhoods terrifying - and bearable... "Others had Bobby Moore or Elvis. We had Christopher Lee and Quatermass. We had monsters in our hearts forever..." ... Containing two never-before-published stories.
Натан Бэллингруд 4.0
Это истории о монстрах, истории о поисках иных измерений, шокирующие и необычные, странные и откровенно жуткие. Это полное собрание рассказов Нейтана Баллингруда, творчество которого сравнивают как с работами Клайва Баркера, так и Реймонда Карвера. Здесь полярники находят расселину, ведущую в мир, достойный воображения Лавкрафта, бармен находит у себя на работе забытый клиентом телефон и тем самым превращает свою жизнь в настоящий кошмар, в обыкновенном городке открывается проход в ад, а вампиры, мертвецы и демоны проводят ярмарку с самыми неприятными последствиями для простых смертных. Здесь строители сталкиваются с оборотнем, мальчик хочет заключить договор с вампиром, и любой контакт с непознанным и страшным приводит к самым неожиданным последствиям. Парадоксальные и непредсказуемые, зловещие и потрясающие своим психологизмом — все это истории Нейтана Баллингруда, одного из самых талантливых и необычных писателей, работающих сейчас в жанре хоррора.
Рэмси Кэмпбелл 0.0
One of the most respected living horror writers in the world, Campbell has more awards for his horror tales than any other author, and "is likely to be remembered as the leading horror writer of our generation," according to S.T. Joshi. One of the heirs apparent to early-twentieth-century American author H. P. Lovecraft, Campbell's horror stories are often set in contemporary Merseyside, England, his own hometown, and involve quite ordinary characters. His unsettling, dreamlike prose, however, transforms his work into very effective horror fiction.
Анна Таборска 0.0
What are you afraid of? What are you haunted by? What waits for you in the dark? Face your fears and embark on a journey to the dark side of the human condition. Defy the demons that prey on you and the cruel twists of fate that destroy what you hold most dear. A sadistic baker, a psychopathic physics professor, wolves, werewolves, cannibals, Nazis, devils, serial killers, ghosts and other monsters will haunt you long after you finish reading FOR THOSE WHO DREAM MONSTERS by Anna Taborska.

Лучшая антология

The critically acclaimed editor of Magic, The End of The Line and House of Fear has brought together the contemporary masters and mistresses of the weird from around the globe in an anthology of travel tales like no other. Strap on your seatbelt, shoulder your backpack, or wait for that next ride... into darkness.Each step will lead you closer to your destination, but who, or what, can you expect to meet at journey’s end?

Here are stories of misfits, spectral hitch-hikers, nightmare travel tales and the rogues, freaks and monsters to be found on the road.

The critically acclaimed editor of Magic, The End of The Line and House of Fear has brought together the contemporary masters and mistresses of the weird from around the globe in an anthology of travel tales like no other. Strap on your seatbelt, or shoulder your backpack, and wait for that next ride... into darkness.

An incredible anthology of orginal short stories from an exciting list of writers including the best-selling Philip Reeve, the World Fantasy Award-winning Lavie Tidhar and the incredible talents of Sarah Lotz, Ian Whates, Jay Caselberg, Benjanun Sriduangkaew, Zen Cho, Sophia McDougall, Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, Anil Menon, Rio Youers, Vandana Singh, Paul Meloy, Adam Nevill, Helen Marshall.
Нил Гейман 3.7
В самом начале XIX столетия немецкие лингвисты братья Якоб и Вильгельм Гримм начали собирать во всей Европе народные сказки, чтобы сохранить истории, устно передававшиеся из поколения в поколение. Братья Гримм стали авторами одной из первых антологий хоррора. В наши дни, когда эти сказки обрели небывалую популярность, Нил Гейман, Гарт Никс, Ремси Кэмпбелл и другие мастера ужасов представляют свою трактовку классических сказочных сюжетов. Каждая из этих историй пугает и очаровывает по-своему, но объединяет их одно — все они написаны на основе самых ранних, не приглаженных цензурой версий знаменитых сказок. Перед вами 15 уникальных авторских сказок, от которых волосы встают дыбом.
Trains occupy a special place in the human psyche. The twin threads of the rails forge ahead from place to place, the ultimate symbol of travel and connection and all the hopes, fantasies, fears, reasons, romance and excitement that come with that. The links between points, the bridges and tunnels, are always so much more profound than borders or walls. And yet you travel these links through a world that is isolated from normal life and unique to itself. The railways are so mundane and taken for granted, passing through the backs of your cities and towns, yet they are worlds that cannot be visited, cannot be known. Worlds that can only be glimpsed from blurred windows or from the far end of the platform. Hidden places. Private places. Places where the ordinary and the secret meet. This was the mood in which Rustblind and Silverbright came into being - a book of railway stories that aimed to look far beyond what you might expect from classic horror or sci-fi. Like any good journey, the scenery of this book is ever-changing. You will ride the rails of language and imagination through many and varied places - some almost unendurably disturbing, some bleak and miserable, some surreal and strange, some touching and moving, some absurd and comical, some exquisitely beautiful. This is a collection that ranges widely from the almost-familiar double-track line of slipstream fiction to the grungy metro of sci-fi and the dark and sparsely served branch line of pure horror, while the squawking locomotives of absurdism jostle with still stranger trains that ride to - other places.
Weird Science, Stepford Wives, that episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Genre fiction abounds with tales of men creating (or attempting to create) the perfect woman.

Now it's the woman's turn.

But being female, she's flexible. She doesn't just want to create the perfect man. She wants the perfect companion, be it man, beast or washing machine.

This collection brings together both established scribes and the up-and-coming for a journey into the female mind, with all the desperation, adoration, commitment, creativity and love that you would expect. From contemporary science fiction by Juliet McKenna, to high fantasy from the pen of Adrian Tchaikovsky, and every degree of speculative fiction in between, join us in this exploration of what a woman's perfect partner can be in these, our Tales of Eve.
The tenth volume of Mortbury Press's Black Book of Horror anthology series contains 15 new stories.

Лучший комикс / графический роман

Бекки Клунан 0.0
A fisherman's wife tends the garden and animals while her husband is at sea, but secrets buried under the waves begin to bubble to the surface revealing a secret treachery and forgotten truth. The third and final book in a trilogy of critically acclaimed stand-alone stories by award winning creator Becky Cloonan.
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