Вручение 19 сентября 2009 г.

Лауреатами премии стали:
Художник - Винсент Чонг (Vincent Chong);
Нехудожественное издание или сайт - Бэзил Коппер "Basil Copper: A Life in Books"
Basil Copper "Basil Copper: A Life in Books";
Независимое издательство - Elastic Press (Andrew Hook);
Периодическое издание - Журнал "Postscripts" (ред. Питер Краутер и Ник Дживерс)
Postscripts (ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers).
Телепостановка -Доктор Кто (реж. Грем Харпер, Колин Тига, Адам Смит)
Фильм -Темный рыцарь (реж. Кристофер Нолан)/ "The Dark Knight" (dir. Christopher Nolan)

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: FantasyCon, Ноттингем Дата проведения: 19 сентября 2009 г.

Лучший роман (Премия Августа Дерлета)

Грэм Джойс 3.8
Есть люди, в чьем прошлом скрыты поступки, обрекающие их на проклятие — в их собственных глазах. И даже долгие годы спустя их терзает бес неудовлетворенности. Таков и Уильям Хини, но с одной поправкой: он действительно уверен, что видит бесов. Тысяча пятьсот шестьдесят семь, ни больше ни меньше. Уильям твердо знает, что бесы любят скапливаться на пожелтевших страницах и в рваных корешках старых книг. Поэтому настоящим старым книгам он предпочитает подделки. Собственно, он большой мастер по их изготовлению. Уильям, крупный специалист по старым пабам Центрального Лондона. Он ненавидит нового мужа своей бывшей жены — модного шеф-повара — и старается не допустить в свою жизнь беса влюбленности. Он не понимает, что нашла в нем красавица Ясмин, и уверен, что ей лучше подошло бы имя Анна. Он тщательно выстраивал свою жизнь, искупая одну, но непростительную ошибку бурной студенческой юности, — однако с таким трудом возведенное здание дало крен, когда шапочно знакомый с Уильямом бродяга приковал себя к решетке Букингемского дворца, угрожая взорвать бомбу…
Впервые на русском — удивительная история удивительной одержимости.
Нил Гейман 4.4
В ночь, когда погибла вся его семья, крошечный мальчик каким-то чудом оказывается на улице и даже добирается до старого кладбища, где находит приют на долгие годы. Обитатели кладбища, призраки, вампир и оборотень, дают мальчику имя, воспитывают и опекают его. На кладбище — и в большом, человеческом мире — его ждет множество приключений, которые помогут ему повзрослеть и полюбить мир живых, опасный, волнующий и манящий.
Саймон Кларк 0.0
Van Gogh paints works of transcendent genius, while in London a killer launches a reign of terror . . . - Nidabi is attacked by her master but is rescued just in time by Pastor Hux, a man who befriended Van Gogh many years ago. A decade later the men live different lives. But soon a deadly momentum will draw the two old friends together into a withering storm painted in madness and death.
Гари Макмахон 0.0
Guy Renford is fresh out of prison. His life in ruins, he is estranged from his wife and daughter. So he returns to the Yorkshire town of Stonegrave to try and recover what he once held dear. But a presence is watching from behind the endless rainstorm, something that wants revenge... and has not come alone.

Rosie sees ghosts. She has since childhood These sorrowful visions of drowned schoolgirls are linked to a past she fled to America to escape. But you can never run from destiny, and something is calling Rosie back to rainy Stonegrave, the home of her worst nightmares...

Slowly, the lives of these two people are drawn together in a town cut off by floods, and at the height of the storm they will be forced to battle a relentless foe that uses the deluge as cover, stalking them from within a merciless onslaught of rain..
Рэмси Кэмпбелл 0.0
Charlotte Nolan and her cousins may not have ended up in the jobs they hoped to have when they were teenagers, but they've made their way in life. Charlotte works for a London publisher, Ellen cares for the elderly, Hugh has left teaching to work in a supermarket while his brother Rory is a controversial artist. Then more than their jobs begin to go wrong as something reaches out of the past for them. What has it to do with the summer night they spent on Thursaston Common? If the dreams they had that night are catching up with them, how is the Victorian occultist Arthur Pendemon involved? Before the nightmare ends more than one of them will have to enter what remains of Pendemon's house and confront what still lives there in the dark.
Christopher Fowler 4.0
One night, Arthur Bryant witnesses a drunk middle-aged lady coming out of a pub in a London backstreet. The next morning, she is found dead at the exact spot where their paths crossed. Even more disturbing, there's a twist: the pub has vanished and the street itself has changed. Bryant is convinced that he saw them as they looked over a century before, but the elderly detective has already lost the funeral urn of an old friend. Could he be losing his mind as well?
Then it becomes clear that a number of women have met their ends in London pubs. It seems a silent, secret killer is at work, striking in full view...and yet nobody has a clue how, or why - or where he'll attack next. The likeliest suspect seems to be a mental patient with a reason for killing. But knowing who the killer is and catching him are two very different propositions. As their new team at the Peculiar Crimes Unit goes in search of a madman, the octogenarian detectives ready themselves for the pub crawl of a lifetime, and come face to face with their own mortality...

Премия им. Сиднея Дж. Баундса лучшему дебютанту

Джозеф Д'Лейси 3.7
"Бог превыше всего. Плоть священна". Эти слова, как заклинание, повторяют забойщики скота - самые уважаемые люди городка Эбирна. Эти слова заповедовал им их эбирнский бог - тот, кто дал людям главное - избранных, а значит, дал им еду. Дал им мясо.
Мясо - то, что они любят больше всего на свете. Мясо - то, ради чего они существуют. Мясо - то, без чего их не станет. Мясо вечно. Оно было, есть и будет всегда.
По завету Бога избранные жертвуют собой, чтобы люди были сыты. И кажется, что установленный порядок незыблем и вечен. Но однажды он нарушается...
Леденящий душу триллер, получивший наивысший балл от самого Стивена Кинга.

Специальная премия (Премия им. Карла Эдварда Вагнера)

Хаяо Миядзаки
Хаяо Миядзаки / 宮崎駿
99 книг
17 в избранном

Лучшая повесть

Майкл Маршалл, Тим Леббон 0.0
Daniel is ten years old when his mother dies. She dies young, and with so much left to give. He does not understand. He cannot let her go.

After the funeral, his father begins talking to a large wooden box that he keeps beneath his bed. And when Daniel whispers to the box one day when his father goes out … it answers back.

It’s a voice he does not know. But this voice knows so much.
Саймон Кларк 0.0

It beats but has no heart
Calls without voice
Desires yet is void of emotion
And waits to destroy anyone unlucky enough to grant it freedom

Stone Cold Calling
It may well be the end of us all

Лучший сборник

Allyson Bird 0.0
2009 British Fantasy Award Winner for Best Collection

The twenty-one stories collected in Bull Running for Girls are widely varied, both in setting and subject. From small town life in Madison County to the dangers of bull running in Pamplona, the stories seem, at first blush, unrelated. They are bound, however, by Allyson Bird’s strength. She is a remarkable woman, the stories collected here as personal as they are unsettling. The atmosphere, the tone and mood invoked by the author aside – it is the humanity at the heart of each tale that is so disquieting.
Mark Samuels 0.0
In the introduction to this collection Ramsey Campbell states that the two modern masters of urban weirdness are Thomas Ligotti and Mark Samuels. Inside this book you will find weird things indeed, not least the likes of:

The fungus-riddled mannequin in the lunatic asylum

The reconstruction company that works with life and death

The legal nightmare where the sane are guilty

A horror writing convention taken over by black magic cannibals

The Punch and Judy show broadcast live after death

The strange fate of the reincarnation of H.P. Lovecraft
Гари Макмахон 0.0
Since the dawn of mankind, we have always made our own monsters: the terrors of capitalism and corruption, the things between the cracks, the ghosts of self...terrible beasts of desire, debt, regret, racism...of family ties, and the things that get in the way of our aspirations...the familiar monsters of our own faces, of tradition, rejection, and the darkness that lives deep inside our own hearts... Can you identify the component parts of your own monster? Can you afford to pay the dreadful price of its construction?
Пол Мелой 0.0
Paul Meloy published his first story in The Third Alternative (now Black Static). 'The Last Great Paladin of Idle Conceit' was a truly remarkable debut, and he followed it with stories like 'Raiders', 'Don't Touch the Blackouts', 'Dying in the Arms of Jean Harlow' and the British Fantasy Award winning 'Black Static'. We decided to publish a later story, 'Islington Crocodiles', in Interzone, which gained Paul a lot of new fans (as well as, it's fair to say, leaving some IZ readers slack-jawed!).

All these stories are collected here, along with several others published elsewhere and three that are previously unpublished: 'The Vague', 'The Last Place on Earth for Snow' and 'An Ocean by Handfuls'.

Cover art is by Vincent Chong. Introduction is by David Mathew. Foreword is by Graham Joyce.
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