Вручение 26 сентября 2004 г.

Лауреатами премии также стали:
Художник - Лес Эдвардс (Les Edwards);
Независимое издательство - PS Publishing.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: FantasyCon, Уолсолл Дата проведения: 26 сентября 2004 г.

Лучший роман (Премия Августа Дерлета)

Кристофер Фаулер 3.9
"Темный аншлаг" - мировой бестселлер, бесспорно, самая известная книга модного английского писателя Кристофера Фаулера.
Успех сопутствовал книгам Фаулера всегда, но "Темный аншлаг" побил все предыдущие рекорды. Роман о детективах Брайанте и Мэе из Отдела аномальных преступлений лондонской полиции читают по всему миру.
Эта история начинается в наши дни со страшного взрыва, уничтожившего штаб-квартиру Скотланд-Ярда, но своими корнями уходит в прошлое, когда два молодых детектива только начинали службу в полиции и под немецкими бомбами расследовали свое первое преступление - загадочную гибель прима-балерины, репетировавшей главную роль в оперетте Жака Оффенбаха "Орфей в аду".
Питер Страуб 3.4
Преуспевающий писатель Тимоти Андерхилл приезжает из Нью-Йорка в родной город Миллхэйвен на похороны Нэнси, жены своего младшего брата Филипа. Нэнси покончила с собой, и никто не может объяснить причину ее поступка. По ходу дела выясняется, что Нэнси перед своей необъяснимой кончиной посещали зловещие видения. А племянник Тимоти, пятнадцатилетний Марк, сделался одержим старым заброшенным домом, расположенным по соседству. В окнах этого дома и на улице рядом с ним мальчик видит Черного человека. Между тем в городе начинают пропадать дети, и скоро Андерхилл узнает об исчезновении своего племянника. Все говорит о том, что в Миллхэйвене объявился маньяк-убийца, но вот только странное дело - как весточки с того света, по электронной почте писателю стали приходить письма с одной и той же пометкой: "Потерянный мальчик, потерянная девочка"...
Джонатан Гримвуд 0.0
No longer El Iskandryia's Chief of Detectives Ashraf Bey is taking stock of his life, but now a revolt is breaking out across North Africa and Raf comes out of retirement to investigate an assassination attempt on his Excellency. Going underground in the dangerous back-streets Raf is hunting a man and a past that he knows he will not survive for a second time. And all the while the fox haunts him, whispering cryptic messages. Felaheen is set in an alternate 21st Century where the Ottoman empire never fell. It is a stylish ands elegant novel that will appeal to crime and SF fans alike.
Лиз Уильямс 0.0
Liz Williams is one of science fiction’s boldest new writers and this novel is one of her most profound speculations on freedom, love, and human destiny. On a distant world ruled by an alien race, humanity is enslaved, having forgotten its own past and condemned to have no future--until one woman is offered a choice that could restore humanity’s freedom.

The Poison Master

On the planet of Latent Emanation, humans are the lowest class, at the mercy of their mysterious alien rulers, the Lords of Night. But Alivet Dee, an alchemist, can’t help but question the Lords’ rule ever since her twin sister was taken to serve in their palace. Alivet saves every penny to pay her sister’s unbonding fee, but her plan is destroyed when one of her potions kills a wealthy client--and Alivet finds herself wanted for murder. Her only hope is the darkly attractive man who may have engineered her downfall but who still offers her a last chance of salvation.

A Poison Master from the planet Hathes, Arieth Mahedi Ghairen needs an alchemist of Alivet’s expertise to find the one drug that can take down the Lords--and free the universe from their rule. Sequestered in Ghairen’s fortress laboratory, lied to by both her new ally and his daughter’s enigmatic governess, Alivet doesn’t know whom to trust or where to turn for answers. But driven to undo her sister’s fate, Alivet races to hone her skills in time--even as time runs out.
Саймон Кларк 0.0
Lazarus Deep is a lake that sits like a blot of darkness in the valley. Eighteen-year-old Dylan Adams is on the verge of leaving his hometown for a life in the city, but his plans are dramatically changed when his old school friend Luke Spencer goes missing. A search finds nothing. All anyone knows is that he was last seen at Lazarus Deep. Then, in the dead of night, Dylan's old friend comes calling. But he's not the same boy that everyone once knew. Once more David Leppington, Bernice Mochardi and Electra Charnwood are drawn together to face the vampiric creatures that are Nosferatu: the undead. The desolate North Yorkshire Moors have held their secret for more than a thousand years. Now it is the turn of Lazarus Deep.

Специальная премия (Премия им. Карла Эдварда Вагнера)

Питер Джексон
Питер Джексон
2 книги
1 в избранном

Лучший сборник

Рэмси Кэмпбелл 0.0
Spectral terrors abound, and monsters who might live next door or in our own heads. We learn why we should never play cards with strangers, and the perils of attending press shows of films. We glimpse a book that may render all others redundant, and encounter another that is too full of ghosts. A roadside mirror contains more than a reflection, and a bedroom mirror shows what may be in store for us all. Telephone advertising gives rise to a nightmare, and so does a Mediterranean holiday. A nostalgic train journey ends in dread, but leaving a train leads there too. Two street musicians may make the reader anxious to placate such entertainers with at least a coin. The author's wife exerts a calming influence in a collaboration, but his delirium is irrepressible, and readers with recherché preferences will be rewarded by a troupe of rampant midgets.

All this, of course, is in the best possible taste.

The contents range from immediately after the completion of DEMONS BY DAYLIGHT thirty-five years ago to the beginning of this century. Here is a book not just for aficionados of horror but for anyone who relishes wit, language and the imagination Stephen King describes as "so uniquely Campbell that it might as well be trademarked."
Кристофер Фаулер 3.7
Как замечает автор, "странные вещи происходят не только, когда ты спишь. Они случаются при дневном свете, на заполоненных толпами улицах большого города, и люди, сначала казавшиеся вполне невинными, ведут себя словно одержимые дьяволом". Все герои рассказов Фаулера, от домохозяек до студентов и банковских клерков, попадают в доневозможности странные ситуации, которые не доставляют ничего, кроме немыслимого беспокойства, разрушают их размеренное существование и приводят к непредсказуемым последствиям.
Michael Marshall Smith 0.0
In this stellar retrospective collection, Smith (Spares, etc.) proves that effective horror fiction depends as much on solid grounding in the ordinary as on the evocation of the extraordinary. Most of the 30 stories (including four original to the volume) feature characters so believably common and unassuming-"emotionally homeless, culturally pointless" is the way one describes himself-that the nightmares that overtake them hit with the unexpected force of a sucker punch. In the title story, a friendly infotech type finds his tediously clinical work on computers slowly drawing him into a voyeuristic hell of Internet pornography. "A Place to Stay" conveys the strange experience of a man's vampirization through the disorienting fragmentation of his daily routines. The protagonist of "Being Right" leads a life so seemingly humdrum that the reader is disarmed to discover it's the manifestation of a repellent psychopathology. Smith's skill at presenting emotionally credible characters gives him easy access to a wide range of themes, from "To See the Sea," a Lovecraftian tale with a flesh-creeping surprise, to "To Receive Is Better," an O. Henryesque shocker. Most of these stories have been available only in the author's native U.K., and this omnibus gathering will introduce American readers to one of the best writers of short horror fiction to emerge in the 1990s.
М. Джон Харрисон 0.0
'Like all good literature, Harrison's stories are worth reading again and again; the more you read, the more you understand.' Iain M. Banks.

Over the last thirty years, M. John Harrison has been inspiring readers and writers alike across the world. His return to science fiction in 2002 with the magnificent space opera LIGHT was a monumental triumph, shortlisted for every major award in the genre. He combines brilliant storytelling with complex plots and evocative, mesmerising writing.

THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN is M. John Harrison's definitive collection of short fiction, twenty-four dazzling stories of science fiction and fantasy; the perfect introduction to one of Britain's most brilliant writers.
Mark Samuels 0.0
This is the first collection of strange stories by contemporary writer Mark Samuels. The themes that thread through these nine accomplished stories are drawn from the great tradition of the twentieth-century weird tale, and they are suffused with a distinctly cosmopolitan, European feel. Mark Samuels writes about the fundamental fears of modern life, especially the effects of isolation and the dislocation that city dwellers can experience in their inhospitable, man-made environment. H.P. Lovecraft wrote about entities beyond human comprehension that might be summoned from beyond the stars, but did he ever consider that they would feel quite at home in the sodium glare of some run-down inner-city? When one of Samuels’s characters stands alone looking up at the vast, illimitable darkness of space, the reader is forced to wonder if there is much difference between the hopeless emptiness of eternity and the bleak interstices between the concrete and steel of their daily life?

Лучшая антология

"The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror" is an annual compilation of contemporary horror fiction, showcasing the talents of the finest writers working in the field of terror. This volume includes the best stories by up and coming stars of the genre.
Thirteen stories of the mystery and terror that wait beneath the ground.
signed by the author unnumbered PC 1st edition 1st print 2003 PS Publishing hardcover fine book in fine dw In stock shipped from our UK warehouse
Джефф Вандермеер 0.0
From Delusions of Universal Grandeur to Twentieth Century Chronoshock, this amusing pocket guide to concocted diseases - designed and illustrated by John Coulthart - features an anthology of slightly morbid, darkly humorous ailments and prognosis srved up by such renowned luminaries as Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, Michael Moorcock, Gahan Wilson, Brian Stableford, and Michael Bishop.
The sun has died. Not a planet, not a star, shines in the black heavens. The Days of Light are less than a legend, their stories moldered to dust amid the chaos of the ancient Libraries. Yet, within their vast arcology, the last Millions of humanity live and thrive. Outside, the huge entities of the Night Land watch - and wait. The Last Redoubt has stood ten million years, and may stand ten million years more, but its final fall is inevitable. The Land is as unknown as the depths of space. It holds life, some of it remotely akin to humanity. Fires burn and shadows creep; cities and lights lie still; clothed and shrouded walkers glide forth. Other Creatures, vaster than hills and slower and more ponderous than glaciers, wait eternally. Forces stir in the darkness. Messages pass across the Land. From the tower above the Redoubt, the Monstruwacans keep record. To this Land go the explorers of the Redoubt. Rarely, rarely, they return.