Вручение 1998 г.

Лауреатами премии также стали:
Художник - Джим Бёрнс (Jim Burns);
Независимое издательство - Журнал "Interzone" (ред. Дэвид Прингл).

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1998 г.

Лучший роман (Премия Августа Дерлета)

Chaz Brenchley 0.0
Ben's back - and this time, he means business. Family business...

Benedict Macallan, wonder-worker malgré lui, has travelled the length and breadth of Europe and still discovered no family like his own. Maybe Macallan blood really is a biological sport, a freak of evolution.

What Ben does discover is that he can't escape his birthright. He can run to the sun and hide among strangers, but he can't hide his powers from himself, and when a friend asks for help, he has to use them. With blood on his hands once more, it's farewell la dolce vita: he gets on his bike and goes home.

Home is no sweeter than it was before, but it has changed. His gangster relatives have lost control somehow, of themselves and their city; more than one evil is at work here now, and even Ben's unique talents may not be enough to save the one he loves.

If he can work out who that is...
Рэмси Кэмпбелл 0.0
A rebellious teenager's tense relationship with her father liberates fearsome monsters of English history. Amy Priestly has always dreaded 'the spider house, ' as she privately calls the abandoned Nazareth Hill monastery. When she and her father, Oswald, move into an apartment in the newly gentrified 'Nazarill, ' her fears are reinforced by the building's gloom--crawly things seem to crouch in its shadowy hallways. Worse, her father is becoming increasingly tyrannical
Тим Леббон 0.0
Rick's girlfriend from years ago was dead. Murdered. Buried. Or was she? Who was the girl he'd seen at the motorway services? Why was he so sure he knew her? And who had started calling him in the night ... whispering his dead girlfriend's name? In the world of the Mesmer, 'alive' and 'dead' are ambiguous ... the only certainty is pain. And when Rick enters that world he must confront everything he has ever held true, all those comfortable and naive beliefs, if he wants to gets out alive.

Специальная премия (Премия им. Карла Эдварда Вагнера)

Д. Ф. Льюис
Д. Ф. Льюис
3 произведения
1 в избранном

Лучший рассказ

Terry Lamsley 0.0
Отец забирает на выходной день сына из дома его бывшей жены. Вместо обычного похода в боулинг, он решает свозить сына за город, на природу. Так они оказываются в незнакомой им деревне, внешне идеалистической, но скрывающей некие темные тайны, где им предстоит стать свидетелями странных событий и ритуалов.
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