Вручение ноябрь 2014 г.

Страна: Швейцария Место проведения: город Монтрише Дата проведения: ноябрь 2014 г.

Премия Яна Михальски

Сергей Жадан 4.0
Роман "Ворошиловград", как и все тексты Жадана, полон поэтических метафор, неожиданных поворотов сюжета, воспоминаний и сновидений, и в то же время повествует о событиях реальных и современных. Главный герой, Герман, отправляется на Донбасс, в город своего детства, окруженный бескрайними кукурузными полями. Его брат, владелец автозаправки, неожиданно пропал, а на саму заправку "положила глаз" местная мафия. Неожиданно для себя Герман осознает, что "продать все и свалить" - не только неправильно, но и невозможно и надо защищать свой бизнес, свою территорию, своих женщин, свою память.
Марк Гевиссер 0.0
As a boy growing up in 1970s Johannesburg Mark Gevisser would play 'Dispatcher', a game that involved sitting in his father's parked car (or in the study) and sending imaginary couriers on routes across the city, mapped out from Holmden's Register of Johannesburg. As the imaginary fleet made its way across the troubled city and its tightly bound geographies, so too did the young dispatcher begin to figure out his own place in the world.

At the centre of Dispatcher is the account of a young boy who is obsessed with maps and books, and other boys. Mark Gevisser's account of growing up as the gay son of Jewish immigrants, in a society deeply affected - on a daily basis - by apartheid and its legacy, provides a uniquely layered understanding of place and history. It explores a young man's maturation into a fully engaged and self-aware citizen, first of his city, then of his country and the world beyond. This is a story of memory, identity and an intensely personal relationship with the City of Gold. It is also the story of a violent home invasion and its aftermath, and of a man's determination to reclaim his home town.
Марси Шор 0.0
An inventive, wholly original look at the complex psyche of Eastern Europe in the wake of the revolutions of 1989 and the opening of the communist archives.

In the tradition of Timothy Garton Ash’s The File, Yale historian and prize-winning author Marci Shore draws upon intimate understanding to illuminate the afterlife of totalitarianism. The Taste of Ashes spans from Berlin to Moscow, moving from Vienna in Europe’s west through Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw and Bucharest to Vilnius and Kiev in the post-communist east. The result is a shimmering literary examination of the ghost of communism – no longer Marx’s “specter to come” but a haunting presence of the past.

Marci Shore builds her history around people she came to know over the course of the two decades since communism came to an end in Eastern Europe: her colleagues and friends, once-communists and once-dissidents, the accusers and the accused, the interrogators and the interrogated, Zionists, Bundists, Stalinists and their children and grandchildren. For them, the post-communist moment has not closed but rather has summoned up the past: revolution in 1968, Stalinism, the Second World War, the Holocaust. The end of communism had a dark side. As Shore pulls the reader into her journey of discovery, reading the archival records of people who are themselves confronting the traumas of former lives, she reveals the intertwining of the personal and the political, of love and cruelty, of intimacy and betrayal. The result is a lyrical, touching, and sometimes heartbreaking, portrayal of how history moves and what history means.
Жауме Кабре 4.4
Роман выдающегося каталонского писателя Жауме Кабре «Я исповедуюсь» переведен на двенадцать языков, а его суммарный тираж приближается к полумиллиону экземпляров.
Герой романа Адриа Ардевол, музыкант, знаток искусства, полиглот, пересматривает свою жизнь, прежде чем незримая метла одно за другим сметет из его памяти все события. Он вспоминает детство и любовную заботу няни Лолы, холодную и прагматичную мать, эрудита отца с его загадочной судьбой. Наиболее ценным сокровищем принадлежавшего отцу антикварного магазина была старинная скрипка Сториони, на которой лежала тень давнего преступления. Однако оказывается, что история жизни Адриа несводима к нескольким десятилетиям, все началось много веков назад, в каталонском монастыре Сан-Пере дел Бургал, а звуки фантастически совершенной скрипки, созданной кремонским мастером, магически преображают людские судьбы. В итоге мир героя романа наводняют мрачные тайны и мистические загадки, на решение которых потребуются годы.
Рана Миттер 0.0
In Rana Mitter's tense, moving and hugely important book, the war between China and Japan - one of the most important struggles of the Second World War - at last gets the masterly history it deserves

Different countries give different opening dates for the period of the Second World War, but perhaps the most compelling is 1937, when the 'Marco Polo Bridge Incident' plunged China and Japan into a conflict of extraordinary duration and ferocity - a war which would result in many millions of deaths and completely reshape East Asia in ways which we continue to confront today.

With great vividness and narrative drive Rana Mitter's new book draws on a huge range of new sources to recreate this terrible conflict. He writes both about the major leaders (Chiang Kaishek, Mao Zedong and Wang Jingwei) and about the ordinary people swept up by terrible times. Mitter puts at the heart of our understanding of the Second World War that it was Japan's failure to defeat China which was the key dynamic for what happened in Asia.
Максим Рэймонд Бок 0.0
Réalistes, fantastiques ou spéculatives, les histoires d’Atavismes, reliant les voix contemporaines à celles du passé, redessinent la carte d’une Amérique où la sauvagerie des forêts millénaires se mêle aux vertiges isolés de la grande ville.

Dans ce recueil d’histoires, Raymond Bock s’intéresse à l’Histoire, notre histoire. À une filiation tragique depuis les origines sanglantes de la colonie jusqu’à son abandon devant la télévision, c’est à la fois épique et pathétique, et le regard, lui, est impitoyable.
Фанни Хоу 0.0
The new poetry collection by Fanny Howe, whose “body of work seems larger, stranger, and more permanent with each new book she publishes” (Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize citation)

People want to be poets for reasons that have little to do with language.
It’s the life of the poet that they want.
Even the glow of loneliness and humiliation.
To walk in the gutter with a bottle of wine.

Some people’s lives are more poetic than a poem,
and Francis is certainly one of these.

I know, because he walked beside me for that short time
whether you believe it or not.
—from “Outremer”

Fanny Howe’s poetry is known for its lyricism, fragmentation, experimentation, religious engagement, and commitment to social justice. In Second Childhood, the observing poet is an impersonal figure who accompanies Howe in her encounters with chance and mystery. She is not one age or the other, in one time or another. She writes, “The first question in the Catechism is: / What was humanity born for? / To be happy is the correct answer.”
Пол Хардинг 4.5

The Wall Street Journal - American Library Association - Kirkus Reviews

A stunning allegorical novel about one man’s enduring love for his daughter

Hailed as “a masterpiece” (NPR), Tinkers, Paul Harding’s Pulitzer Prize–winning debut, is a modern classic. The Dallas Morning News observed that “like Faulkner, Harding never shies away from describing what seems impossible to put into words.” Here, in Enon, Harding follows a year in the life of Charlie Crosby as he tries to come to terms with a shattering personal tragedy. Grandson of George Crosby (the protagonist of Tinkers), Charlie inhabits the same dynamic landscape of New England, its seasons mirroring his turbulent emotional odyssey. Along the way, Charlie’s encounters are brought to life by his wit, his insights into history, and his yearning to understand the big questions. A stunning mosaic of human experience, Enon affirms Paul Harding as one of the most gifted and profound writers of his generation.

Praise for Enon

“Harding conveys the common but powerful bond of parental love with devastating accuracy. . . . [He] is a major voice in American fiction.”—Chicago Tribune

“Paul Harding’s novel Tinkers won the Pulitzer Prize; its stunning successor, Enon, only raises the bar.”—O: The Oprah Magazine

“Extraordinary . . . a darkly intoxicating read . . . [Harding’s] prose is steeped in a visionary, transcendentalist tradition that echoes Blake, Rilke, Emerson, and Thoreau.”—The New Yorker

“So wild and riveting it’s practically an aria . . . Harding is a superb stylist.”—Entertainment Weekly

“[Charlie’s grief], shaped by a gifted writer’s caressing attention, can bring about moments of what Charlie calls ‘brokenhearted joy.’”—The Wall Street Journal

“Astonishing . . . a work of fiction that feels authentic as memoir.”—Financial Times

“Read Enon to live longer in the harsh, gorgeous atmosphere that Paul Harding has created.”—San Francisco Chronicle
Войцех Новицкий 0.0
Salki to niespieszna podróż w czasie i przestrzeni. Wojciech Nowicki wyłuskuje z przeszłości dzieje swoich kresowych przodków, ich wspomnienia, obawy i krzywdy, tworząc uniwersalny obraz tęsknoty i lęku. To także zapis podróży do światowych metropolii, miast, wsi i przysiółków, opowieść o ciągnącej w daleki świat włóczędze „z domami w głowie i poczuciem bezdomności”. Znakomita refleksyjna proza.
Dragan Velikić 0.0
„Nesvakidašnja porodična priča, sa odviše odsutnim očevima i suviše prisutnim majkama...“ Vreme

Izvanredan roman koji potvrđuje da se ovaj autor i dalje razvija unutar koordinata svog književnog sveta i da demonstrira izuzetnu pripovedačku i jezičku kulturu, gotovo savršeno izbrušen stil i fascinantan osećaj za slikovit, upečatljiv detalj. Pisac verno prati i „nadograđuje“ svoje autorske opsesije, od „malih“ opredmećenih simbola svakodnevice, preko vozova i tramvaja, i dakako gradova: Beograda, Zemuna, Budimpešte, Beča, Bostona...
Teofil Pančić

Novi roman Dragana Velikića je ljubavna i životna priča iz vremena tranzicije i postjugoslavenskog očaja, lijepo pogođene atmosfere, pomalo obilježen onim kunderijanskim fluidnim osjećajem litosti (riječ neprevodiva, ali se prenosi kroz europske jezike). Bonavia je dobra, univerzalno komunikativna knjiga, čiji je naslov posvećen istoimenome, slavnom riječkom hotelu, a njezin autor još jednom se zasluženo potvrđuje kao jedan od europski poznatijih i prevođenijih južnoslavenskih pisaca, koji uživa veliki ugled na Starom kontinentu.
Miljenko Jergović

Bonavia (što, uzgred, znači „srećan put“) priča je o odlascima, o ratu u kojem nismo učestvovali, o posledicama raspada Jugoslavije koje se danas svi stide, o sudbinama onih koji izlaz vide u odluci da ostanu ili pobegnu što dalje od „rodne grude“, „ognjišta“, „dedovine“... Jezički besprekorno napisan i, istovremeno, najličniji roman jednog od naših najprevođenijih savremenih autora, dobitnika najvećih domaćih literarnih priznanja.
Srđan V. Tešin
Наджем Вали 0.0
Nach dreiundzwanzig Jahren Exil kehrt Harun in seine Heimatstadt Amaria im Irak zurück. Zwischen den Ruinen, die der Krieg hinterlassen hat, stößt er auf der Suche nach der eigenen Vergangenheit auf eine Inschrift, die er als Kind hinterlassen hat: "Der Engel des Südens". So nannte er das Idol seiner Jugend, eine Jüdin, die für ihn das goldene Zeitalter verkörpert, als die Ethnien und Religionen noch friedlich zusammenlebten. In dieser und unzähligen anderen Geschichten bringt Najem Walis historisch profunder und märchenhafter Roman die dramatische Vergangenheit aus Krieg, Diktatur, aber auch Sehnsucht und Hoffnung einer einst multikulturellen Stadt ans Licht.