Вручение 17 августа 2011 г.

Лауреаты объявлены 4 июля 2011 года.

Страна: США Место проведения: 69-й Всемирный конвент (Renovation), Рино, штат Невада Дата проведения: 17 августа 2011 г.


Sarah A. Hoyt 0.0
Athena Hera Sinistra never wanted to go to space. Never wanted see the eerie glow of the Powerpods. Never wanted to visit Circum Terra. Never had any interest in finding out the truth about the DarkShips. You always get what you don't ask for. Which must have been why she woke up in the dark of shipnight, within the greater night of space in her father's space cruiser, knowing that there was a stranger in her room. In a short time, after taking out the stranger - who turned out to be one of her father's bodyguards up to no good - she was hurtling away from the ship in a lifeboat to get help. But what she got instead would be the adventure of a lifetime - if she managed to survive...
L. Neil Smith 0.0
In the 22nd century people have spread into the Solar System. Born and raised in a twentieth of Earth's gravity on the asteroid Pallas, young skater Llyra Ngu is grimly determined to compete and win on mankind's homeworld—an ambition that many say will cripple or kill her.

Her older brother Wilson is equally set on quitting his job as a surveyor's apprentice to become an asteroid hunter, a calling fraught with the promise of fabulous riches and the danger of sudden death. He will find a full share of romance and disappointment, love and loss, and pursue the asteroid hunter's holy grail, the legendary Diamond Rogue.

Llyra's training will require years, and a journey that will take her to Ceres, at one tenth Earth's gravity, where her father bosses the Ceres Terraformation Project, to the one-sixth gravity of the Moon, to Mars and one third gravity, and finally to Earth. Along the way, she will survive jealous rivals, a hostile press, terrorist attacks, and the hijacking of a spaceliner in order to achieve her goal.

In the end, Llyra and Wilson will hear the call of the stars, themselves.
Cory Doctorow 3.2
In the virtual future, you must organize to survive

At any hour of the day or night, millions of people around the globe are engrossed in multiplayer online games, questing and battling to win virtual "gold," jewels, and precious artifacts. Meanwhile, others seek to exploit this vast shadow economy, running electronic sweatshops in the world's poorest countries, where countless "gold farmers," bound to their work by abusive contracts and physical threats, harvest virtual treasure for their employers to sell to First World gamers who are willing to spend real money to skip straight to higher-level gameplay.

Mala is a brilliant 15-year-old from rural India whose leadership skills in virtual combat have earned her the title of "General Robotwalla." In Shenzen, heart of China's industrial boom, Matthew is defying his former bosses to build his own successful gold-farming team. Leonard, who calls himself Wei-Dong, lives in Southern California, but spends his nights fighting virtual battles alongside his buddies in Asia, a world away. All of these young people, and more, will become entangled with the mysterious young woman called Big Sister Nor, who will use her experience, her knowledge of history, and her connections with real-world organizers to build them into a movement that can challenge the status quo.

The ruthless forces arrayed against them are willing to use any means to protect their power―including blackmail, extortion, infiltration, violence, and even murder. To survive, Big Sister's people must out-think the system. This will lead them to devise a plan to crash the economy of every virtual world at once―a Ponzi scheme combined with a brilliant hack that ends up being the biggest, funnest game of all.

Imbued with the same lively, subversive spirit and thrilling storytelling that made LITTLE BROTHER an international sensation, FOR THE WIN is a prophetic and inspiring call-to-arms for a new generation
Kevin MacArdry 0.0
It is a time of breathtaking Singularity technology. A time when most human beings spend the majority of their lives in the alternate worlds of the cyberverse, the global mesh of full-immersion virtual realities. Traditional social and political structures are breaking down under the enormous weight of absolute creative freedom and terrestrial immortality. The invention of a device for resurrecting the dead is the catalyst which catapults the world into a struggle that will determine the shape of the future, the fate of government and religion, and even the nature of life itself. Virtual adventure and meatspace drama. Intrigue and suspense. Romance and bullet ballet. High ideals and low cunning. War of weapons, war of values. A brilliantly imagined technological backdrop. Vivid, vibrant characters. And something to make you think on almost every page.
John Ringo 0.0
First Contact Was Friendly
When aliens trundled a gate to other worlds into the solar system, the world reacted with awe, hope and fear. But the first aliens to come through, the Glatun, were peaceful traders and the world breathed a sigh of relief.

Who Controls the Orbitals, Controls the World
When the Horvath came through, they announced their ownership by dropping rocks on three cities and gutting them. Since then, they've held Terra as their own personal fiefdom. With their control of the orbitals, there's no way to win and earth's governments have accepted the status quo.

Live Free or Die.
To free the world from the grip of the Horvath is going to take an unlikely hero. A hero unwilling to back down to alien or human governments, unwilling to live in slavery and with enough hubris, if not stature, to think he can win. Fortunately, there's Tyler Vernon. And he has bigger plans than just getting rid of the Horvath.

Зал славы

Джордж Оруэлл 4.5
Притча, полная юмора и сарказма.
Может ли скромная ферма стать символом тоталитарного общества? Конечно, да. Но... каким увидят это общество его "граждане" - животные, обреченные на бойню?
Редьярд Киплинг 5.0
Середина двадцать первого века. Район Северный Иллинойс внезапно отключился от планетарной сети, его представители предъявляют прибывшим из Лондона представителям Воздушного Контрольного Совета странные требования — что-то о свободе собраний и волеизъявлении посредством сбора каких-то бумажек с какими-то пометками...
Лоис Макмастер Буджолд 4.0
Действие романа происходит за 200 лет до рождения Майлза. Методами генной инженерии созданы квадди — существа, приспособленные к жизни в условиях невесомости. Главный герой, специалист по сварке в космосе, прибывает на космическую станцию для обучения квадди, но в итоге оказывается, что это совсем еще подростки, которых нагло и беззастенчиво эксплуатирует галактический «империализм». Под руководством главного героя квадди должны обрести свободу...
Эдвард Морган Форстер 4.1
Когда-то люди строили машины, чтоб сделать свою жизнь как можно более комфортной. Теперь они не могут и представить себе существование без всемогущей Машины, обеспечивающей их пищей, водой, воздухом, книгами, связью и вообще всем, что только можно себе представить. Мало кто задумывается над тем, что Машина полностью подчинила себе людей, а того, кто задумается, ждет неминуемая кара — лишение крова и изгнание на безжизненную поверхность Земли. Но однажды Машина ломается...
Харлан Эллисон 3.9
В один прекрасный день мы перестанем быть хозяевами времени, время станет нашим хозяином. Мы превратимся в рабов расписания. С 2389 года каждый человек будет иметь индивидуальную карточку времени и кардиопластинку. Это позволит сокращать жизнь человека — опоздал на десять минут на работу, потерял десять минут жизни. Если кто-то опаздывает систематически, то в один прекрасный день к нему придёт уведомление, что время его жизни вышло, и в понедельник он будет «отключён», его сердце остановится. «До понедельника закончите Ваши дела, Сэр…» Это было очень удобно, это было рационально. Это было точно по расписанию. Но нашёлся один бунтарь, который пошёл против системы… Конечно, он свой бой проиграл. Но система уже начала давать трещину…