Вручение 2001 г.

В 2001 году, 25-27 мая, в дуэте с конвентом «Marcon 36», в Колумбусе (штат Огайо) была проведена Первая национальная конференция Либертарианского футуристического общества (LFScon). Там объявили, Полу Андерсону присуждена специальная премия «за пожизненные заслуги» (вместо недавно умершего писателя награду получила его вдова). Там же в «Зал славы» внесли антологию Джерри Пурнелла «The Survival of Freedom».
Лучший роман назван 2 сентября во время 59-го Всемирного конвента (The Millennium Philcon), проходившего в г. Филадельфия (штат Пенсильвания, США).

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2001 г.


L. Neil Smith 0.0
"Capitalist Monsters from Outer Space!"
Just when the 21st century thought it was safe to throw Marxism on the ash heap of history once and for all, a worldwide economic collapse suddenly made freedom seem less desirable than security, and the Total State turned out to be the comeback kid. In the US, where the power elite had long shown heartfelt affection for collectivism and making the trains (nationalized, of course) run on time, communism had a second coming. Which meant that Earth was now the Red Planet. The few holdouts and counterrevolutionaries would be dealt with in good time.

Of course, collectivization only made the worldwide depression worse. But then the People's Astronomers noticed an asteroid with unusual spectrographic properties, seemingly a treasure trove of valuable minerals that might rejuvenate the Earth's economy. So three aged NASA shuttles were pulled out of mothballs, crewed by a team of hand-picked misfits whom no one would miss, and sent to the asteroid.

However, someone else was there first, under an airtight canopy made by genetically engineered trees. And they weren't human, even if they were from Earth. The Elders were "nautiloids," like intelligent squids in Volkswagen-sized shells, from a parallel universe where they were Earth's dominant species. Worst of all, they were CAPITALISTS!
Steve White 0.0
When the Lokaron discovered Earth, they picked America to use as their puppet in dominating the planet. They weren't evil; they just insisted, backed up by irresistible weapons, that we trade with them. They played fair -- by their rules -- but if they didn't own something, it would mean they didn't want it. At first we tried to fight, but when the ones with the guns say "Let's trade!" it means "Trade or bleed, " even if you eventually aren't going to have a country -- or a planet -- left. But worms turn, and like the Europeans a century ago, the Lokaron were going to learn a hard lesson from their victims....
Michael Flynn 0.0
In the early years of the twenty-first century, humanity has progressed into space, having established a permanent presence with LEO (Low Earth Orbit) Station. Science and commerce in space are booming and humanity's future looks bright. But one man's desire for vindication and revenge could end it all.

Lodestar chronicles the complex conflicts-political, personal, and scientific-on Earth and in orbit, that must be resolved if humanity is to claim its destiny among the stars.
Ken MacLeod 0.0
Centuries after its catastrophic Deliverance, humanity is again reaching into space. And one young scholar working in the space ship yard, Clovis colha Gree, could make the difference between success and failure. For his mysterious lover, Merrial, has seduced him into the idea of extrapolating the ship's future from the dark archives of the past.A past in which, centuries before, Myra Godwin faced the end of a different space age - her rockets redundant, her people rebellious, and her borders defenceless against the Sino-Soviet Union. As Myra appealed to the falling empires of the West for help, she found history turning on her own dubious past - and on her present decisions. Decisions which, centuries later, will determine the future of the new space age. Merrial's people, the itinerant computer engineers, know this. And they know that the truth they seek lies within the secret files left by Myra Godwin.
Терри Пратчетт 4.6
Слух прошел по Анк-Морпорку — гномы научились превращать свинец в золото! И действительно, научились. Но трудным путем. Однако отличие трудных путей от легких в том, что трудные пути иногда срабатывают. Сработал и этот. Первая газета Анк-Морпорка продается всего за 5 центов! Анк-Морпорк Таймс — правда сделает тебя свободным! Пословица гласит — ложь обежит вокруг света, пока правда надевает башмаки. Правда надела башмаки — и теперь намерена серьезно попинать кой-какие задницы!

Зал славы

Editors: Jerry Pournelle, John F. Carr

Science fiction tales by writers including Robert Heinlein, Poul Anderson, Norman Spinrad, and Ursula Le Guin look into the future and speculate on the concepts of freedom and individual liberties.
Синклер Льюис 3.9
В романе известный американский писатель обличает фашизм. Ситуация вымышленная, но близкая к реальной жизни США в 1930-е годы: что могло бы произойти, если бы к власти пришли фашисты.
Пол Андерсон 3.8
Над Землёй огненной бурей пронеслась война Судного Дня, в одночасье уничтожив цивилизацию. Минули века, прежде чем начали возрождаться народы и страны, среди которых ведущее положение заняла Маурайская Федерация, раскинувшаяся по бесчисленным островам Тихого океана и правящая, опираясь на биотехнологию. Но, кажется, человечество не научилось ничему... Удастся ли наследному Капитану Скайгольма Иерну, нозеланнскому разведчику Тераи и красавице Ронике из Северо-западного Союза предотвратить новую разрушительную войну?
L. Neil Smith 0.0
Earth was destroyed in 2023 and only Lunar colonists survived. Nine hundred years later, in a star-spanning "nation" without conscription or taxation, "The Parkinson" is transporting famous entertainer Chelsie Bradford on a tour of the galaxy to raise funds for a very unpopular interstellar war. Captain Nathaniel Blackburn of Coordinated Arm Intelligence must find out who's killing rock musicians raising money for the War Against the Clusterian Powers.
Then the deaths begin.

Blackburn knows the killer will strike again. But he doesn't know why. Are the murders acts of sabotage--or acts of twisted love? Political passion, or personal fury directed at the beautiful, enigmatic Chelsie? . . . the woman who is--the WarDove!