Вручение 1997 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1997 г.


Victor Koman 0.0
Tammy Reis, beautiful NASA Space Shuttle commander, works for the most highly funded, technologically advanced space program in the world. So why do nightmares of the Challenger disaster haunt her sleep? And why is NASA incapable of recapturing the stunning successes it once achieved? Visionary spacecraft designer Gerry Cooper struggles at his tiny rocket company in the Mojave Desert. Who in the world wants him stopped -- or dead? One-armed billionaire playboy Laurence Poubelle hopes to build his own orbital X-15. Can his keen marketing skills overcome a nation hostile to wealth and contemptuous of adventure? Meanwhile, the horror of the Challenger tragedy threatens to repeat itself on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral. Standing at ground zero, NASA engineer Jack Lundy races the countdown to prevent the deadliest space disaster of all. While bureaucrats and businessmen publicly battle for the high ground, a young descendant of the legendary Davy Crockett secretly constructs a single-stage-to-orbit rocket deep inside an abandoned warehouse in the South Bronx. Will he and his NYU classmates survive when NORAD detects the launch that blows the lid off the greatest conspiracy in the history of mankind? Tammy Reis -- stripped of her astronaut wings for defending herself against a congressman's zero-gravity rape -- is recruited by the National Security Agency to infiltrate the stronghold of a er-rich smuggler who schemes to place a massive space station into orbit with a single, spectacular launch. When she discovers the true nature of his secret plan, she faces an impossible choice between duty to her government or freedom from her -- and humanity's -- nightmare.
Michael Flynn 0.0
It is the dawn of the twenty-first century, and America is in trouble. Our public schools breed apathy and ignorance. Politics has become the art of the quick fix. But one woman has the vision and money to leverage change. Mariesa Gorley van Huyten, heiress to one of the great American fortunes, founds an educational subsidiary - Mentor Academies - and begins to subcontract public school systems in order to raise a new, less cynical generation. But her clandestine program is much larger, including the founding of a private space program, the eventual construction of an orbital power station, and supporting technological innovation on Earth.
Firestar is a chronicle of private enterprise and individual initiative - the story of one woman's quest that becomes the focus for a whole new world of the future. Her program lets teachers strive to teach, hires astronauts who have no government space program to fly for, and provides productive outlets for the idealistic desires of the rich and powerful - at least those who remain sane enough to have such desires in the face of a crumbling America. And it just might work.
James P. Hogan 0.0
In the face of planet-wide economic disaster, two totalitarian empires rise in China and Japan, threatening the world with a devastating war, and the police states of the U.S. and Europe place their hopes in a team of DNA scientists.
Brad Linaweaver 0.0
Quinn Mallory and his friends are about to find out what it's like to take the ultimate "slide" through parallel dimensions of Earth. Each time they step through the strange portals that Quinn discovers, a new present-day San Francisco awaits. At times it will be fascinating, at times frightening--but always dangerous.
Based on the Universal Television series.
Ken MacLeod 0.0
Life on New Mars is tough for humans, but death is only a minor inconvenience. The machines know their place, the free market rules all, and only the Abolitionists object.
Then a stranger arrives on New Mars, a clone who remembers life on Earth as Jonathan Wilde, the anarchist with a nuclear capability who was accused of losing World War III. That stranger remembers David Reid, New Mars's leader...and the women they fought over and ideals they once shared.

Moving from twentieth-century Scotland through a tumultuous twenty-first century and outward to humanity's settlement on a planet circling another star, The Stone Canal is idea-driven science fiction at its best, making real and believable a future where long lives, strange deaths, and unexpected knowledge await those who survive the wars and revolutions to come.
Steven Gould 0.0
A teenager holds the key to a gateway that leads from an overpopulated, polluted Earth to a mysterious parallel planet untainted by humans.

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Роберт Хайнлайн 4.0
Фонд Говарда, поставивший своей целью стимулировать долголетие людей с помощью создания и поддержки семей, в которых оба родителя предположительно несли в себе гены долголетия, добился-таки своей цели: столетие спустя в человечестве скрытно образовалась новая каста долгожителей, чьи дети жили всё дольше и дольше... Только вот случайная утечка информации поставила всех «детей Мафусаила» на грань гибели — перед завистью и ненавистью простых людей они были бессильны... И единственным выходом для них стал захват первого из строившихся на орбите межзвездных исследовательских кораблей — и бегство на нём за пределы Солнечной системы — приключениям навстречу...
Джек Вэнс 3.8
На планете, в жутком закосневшем и лишенном свобод обществе, которым правили Финансово независимые утонченные, изысканные лорды, рос мальчик Гил, сын резчика по дереву. Его бунтарский дух не угас с возрастом и, облетев многие планеты, Гил нашел истоки легенды об Эмфирионе и выяснил, что его родная планета многие века изнывает под игом инопланетян, хотя никто и не подозревает этого...
Х. Бим Пайпер 0.0
В лагере независимого старателя солнечников Джека Холлоуэя появилось симпатичное существо — невысокого роста примат, полностью покрытый серебристой шерстью. Существо добродушное и забавное сразу растопило сердце старого Джека. И он даже начал считать, что оно разумно, несмотря на отсутствие таких признаков как «говорит-добывает огонь». Вот только он и его друзья не учли, что наличие на планете разумных аборигенов ставит крест на лицензию Компании на планету Заратуштра...
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