Вручение 1995 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1995 г.


Poul Anderson 0.0
The Stars Are Also Fire begins in the early days of the next century—at the dawn of a new era of space exploration and colonization. Dagney Beynac, descendant of the legendary Anson Guthrie, becomes a heroine of a new Lunarian civilization that, over the course of a lifetime, struggles to break free of the influence of Earth.

Centuries later, the entire solar system is dominated by the cybercosm, a vast network of machine intelligences. On Earth and Luna, splintered fragments of humanity search desperately for some way to survive in a system that no longer seems to hold a place for flesh and blood. The only solution lies in the distant past and the forgotten discovery of Dagney Beynac.
Дин Кунц 3.8
Загадочного человека, сменившего имя, уничтожившего все документы, свидетельствовавшие о его прошлом, разыскивает таинственное и беспощадное Агентство. А он в это время увлечен поисками женщины, с которой был знаком всего лишь один вечер. Внезапно вспыхнувшее чувство заставляет его безрассудно устремиться навстречу смертельной опасности.
Орсон Скотт Кард, Kathryn H. Kidd 0.0
The bestselling author of Ender's Game teams up with a talented newcomer to launch this epic new SF saga. When the Earth's most famous planetologist volunteers for a one-way voyage across the stars, no one pays much attention to her companion, a mentally-enhanced monkey, who's smart enough to feel the bonds of slavery--and to want freedom.
F. Paul Wilson 0.0
Quinn Cleary has always wanted to be a doctor. Yet the only way she can afford it is to win acceptance to The Ingraham, an exclusive, privately funded medical school and reasearch center reputed to be the nation's finest. The few selected students chosen by The Ingraham receive a completely free medical education: tuition, room. board, and lab fees all paid by the school.

Once accepted to the school of her dreams, Quinn dives into her studies and into a steady realationship with a classmate. At last, her life seems perfect.

Or is it? Quinn begins to notice subtle changes in her classmates: the way they act, the way they think -- all seem to be falling eerily into line with the messanic verison of the school's director. She confides her concerns to her boyfriend, who laughs them off -- until he finds a suspicious electronic monitoring device in his room.

Then he disappears.

...Alone on the deserted campus during midyear break, Quinn finally encounters the dark truth about The Ingraham -- the true purpose of the institute's seemingly humane medical research, the motives that have determined the school's policy, and the secret mission of the hospital's intimidating security force, a small private army that is drawing an ever tighter net around her with each passing minute.

What she dicovers is immense and terrifying -- a conspiracy that exposes her to a danger more frightening than death -- a cynical plot that undermines everything she has ever believed about the healing arts.

This is suspense fiction at its grandest: instantly and relentlessly compelling, and touching directly on an issue that heads the list of our national and personal priorites.
A. A. Attanasio 0.0
A science fiction adventure story from the author of the RADIX TETRAD series. Set a thousand years in the future, a man who had his head frozen upon his death in the 21st century awakens to find himself in a technocracy that uses his revived brain to operate complex machinery.

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Пол Андерсон 3.8
Флибустьер космических просторов — Гуннар Хейм, бывший служащий флота всемирной Федерации. Снова обосновавшись на Земле, оставив военную карьеру, он решает вернуться на Новую Европу, где развернулась партизанская война против сил Федерации, но уже в другом качестве. Мучимый вопросом о том, живы ли еще люди на Новой Европе, где остались близкие ему люди, Гуннар Хейм уходит с головой в бурные авантюры полные приключений. К тому же ситуация для Гуннара осложняется тем, что на Новой Европе пытаются хозяйничать алероны...