Вручение 17 августа 2018 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Worldcon 76, San Jose Дата проведения: 17 августа 2018 г.


Travis J. I. Corcoran 3.7
Earth in 2064 is politically corrupt and in economic decline. The Long Depression has dragged on for 56 years, and the Bureau of Sustainable Research is hard at work making sure that no new technologies disrupt the planned economy. Ten years ago a band of malcontents, dreamers, and libertarian radicals bolted privately-developed anti-gravity drives onto rusty sea-going cargo ships, loaded them to the gills with 20th-century tunnel-boring machines and earthmoving equipment, and set sail - for the Moon. There, they built their retreat. A lunar underground border-town, fit to rival Ayn Rand's 'Galt's Gulch', with American capitalists, Mexican hydroponic farmers, and Vietnamese space-suit mechanics - this is the city of Aristillus. There's a problem, though: the economic decline of Earth under a command-and-control economy is causing trouble for the political powers-that-be in Washington DC and elsewhere. To shore up their positions they need slap down the lunar expats and seize the gold they've been mining. The conflicts start small, but rapidly escalate. There are zero-gravity gun fights in rusted ocean going ships flying through space, containers full of bulldozers hurtling through the vacuum, nuclear explosions, armies of tele-operated combat UAVs, guerrilla fighting in urban environments, and an astoundingly visual climax. The Powers of the Earth is the first book in The Aristillus series - a pair of science fiction novels about anarchocapitalism, economics, open source software, corporate finance, social media, antigravity, lunar colonization, genetically modified dogs, strong AI...and really, really big guns.
Энди Вейер 3.6
Артемида — единственный город на Луне. Люди здесь занимаются теми же делами, к которым привыкли у себя на родине. Строители и ученые, владельцы небольших лавочек и представители крупного бизнеса — и самым доходным, конечно, является туризм. Десятки тысяч любопытных прибывают на Луну, чтобы пройти по поверхности чужой планеты, поиграть на корте или даже заняться любовью при силе тяжести в 1/6 от земной. В общем, город как город. И жители его подвержены обычным человеческим страстям. Девушка-курьер по имени Джаз мечтает когда-нибудь заработать достаточно, чтобы приобрести скафандр и лицензию гида. Водить туристов по поверхности планеты, быть уважаемым членом общества. Но не так-то просто совершить скачок с одной социальной ступени на другую... С присущим ему мастерством и вниманием к мельчайшим деталям Энди Вейер, автор великолепного «Марсианина»,- открывает новую главу бесконечной саги об освоении Солнечной системы!
Sarah A. Hoyt 0.0
After winning the civil war in Eden, Athena returns to her calling, collecting powerpods with her husband Kit. Now weeks away from Earth, she goes into labor. To make matters worse, a strange ship attacks Athena and Kit’s Cathouse and kidnaps Athena’s husband. That ship is called Je Reviens. It’s a named steeped in history—and not the good kind of history.

Hot on Kit’s trail, Athena discovers that you shouldn’t name a ship Je Reviens unless you intend it to return. The genetically modified Mules are back, and they have a plan to prevent themselves from being exiled ever again. And if the Mules win, the best thing humanity can hope for is slavery.

The worst is death.

While a bio-engineered plague wreaks havoc on the forces of liberty, Athena must risk herself, her husband, and her child for the survival of humanity.

The Mules may be about to find out what revenge truly is: one angry mother.
Дуг Кейси, Джон Хант 0.0
Charles Knight returns to the United States after seven years traveling the world. He embarks on two concurrent professions: one as a major investor in a small pharmaceutical company, and the other as the head of a black market drug smuggling and distribution operation. Charles has to sort through the legal and illegal, moral and immoral, and right and wrong as he navigates the war on drugs and the crony pharmaceutical industry.

Meet Tristana Dubocher, CEO of Charles’s company (Visioryme Pharmaceuticals), and her sniveling husband, Donald, an FDA minion. Meet Seth Fowler of the DEA, whose criminality is exceeded only by his quest for power. Get to know Rainbow, a teenage girl living on the street who runs drugs for the Alphabet Men. Their careers in the drug world are forever altered when they meet Charles.

Most importantly, meet Naked Emperor, Charles’s street drug. It prevents people from lying to themselves, and it’s gone viral. To anyone who thrives on deception, this new drug is an existential threat. Mobs of politicians, environmentalists, academics, tele-evangelists, jihadists, journalists, central bankers, Deep State actors, and crony parasites gang up on Charles to wipe Naked Emperor off the face of the planet.

Everyone wants him dead. But Charles Knight intends to start a revolution.
Ken MacLeod 0.0
Ken MacLeod concludes the Corporation Wars trilogy in this action-packed science fiction adventure told against a backdrop of interstellar drone warfare, virtual reality, and an A.I revolution.

And the ultimate pay-off is DH-17, an Earth-like planet hundreds of light years from human habitation.
Ruthless corporations vie over the prize remotely, and war is in full swing. But soldiers recruited to fight in the extremities of deep space come with their own problems: from A.I. minds in full rebellion, to Carlos 'the Terrorist' and his team of dead mercenaries, reincarnated from a bloodier period in Earth's history for one purpose only - to kill.
Karl K. Gallagher 0.0
A captain who'll take any job if there's enough money in it.
A pilot with an agenda of her own.
And a mechanic with an eye on the pilot.
The crew of the "Fives Full" are just trying to make enough money to keep themselves in the black while avoiding the attention of a government so paranoid it's repealed Moore's Law.
They're not looking for adventure in the stars... but they're not going to back down just because something got in their way.
Karl K. Gallagher 0.0

The crew of the freighter "Fives Full" want to enjoy the profits of their dangerous voyage, but when war breaks out they're pressed into service for missions a warship can't do.
Winning the war demands pilot Michigan Long act ruthlessly... and may cost her her conscience and her marriage.
Karl K. Gallagher 0.0
Michigan Long blackmailed her enemies into joining the war against the AIs. Now the secret she used is leaking out and the Fusion is shattering. Caught in the middle of a civil war, she will have to use any weapon that comes to hand—her wits, her ship, her mate.

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Джек Уильямсон 4.2
Землю наводнили черные гуманоидные роботы с Винг-IV и быстро вытеснили с рынка обыкновенных андроидов. Из-за этого Андерхилл, торговец андроидами, разорился. В его доме появился постоялец Следж. Именно он изобрел этих гуманоидов, которые управляются из единого центра и чересчур усердно служат людям, тем самым обрекая любое общество на застой и вымирание.
Редьярд Киплинг 5.0
Середина двадцать первого века. Район Северный Иллинойс внезапно отключился от планетарной сети, его представители предъявляют прибывшим из Лондона представителям Воздушного Контрольного Совета странные требования — что-то о свободе собраний и волеизъявлении посредством сбора каких-то бумажек с какими-то пометками...
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