Вручение 25 января 2019 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Сиэтл, штат Вашингтон, Washington State Convention Center Дата проведения: 25 января 2019 г.


Наоми Новик 4.2
Зима в Литвасе давно затянулась и, кажется, не собирается уходить, сея повсюду болезни и голод. И только сильные и храбрые могут противостоять жестокому холоду и злу, которое принесла с собой стужа. Но ни Ирина, ни Мирьем, ни Ванда никогда себя такими не считали. Три девушки с разными судьбами, из разных сословий – но всех их объединяет одно: в их дом пришла беда. Мирьем и её семье грозит жестокий король Зимояров, владыка загадочного опасного народа. Ванду хочет погубить её же отец. А Ирине прочат выйти замуж за огненного демона, который пожирает всех и вся на своём пути. Но когда опасность нависает над теми, кого они любят, все трое принимают вызов. Невидимые нити свяжут три судьбы – и так у девушек появится шанс спасти друг друга. Наоми Новик – лауреат Мифопоэтической премии и Британской премии фэнтези, обладатель премий Nebula и Locus. Роман "Зимнее серебро" стал бестселлером New York Times и заслужил восторженные отзывы критиков и читателей в разных странах.
P. Djèlí Clark 3.0
Creeper, a scrappy young teen, is done living on the streets of New Orleans. Instead, she wants to soar, and her sights are set on securing passage aboard the smuggler airship Midnight Robber. Her ticket: earning Captain Ann-Marie’s trust using a secret about a kidnapped Haitian scientist and a mysterious weapon he calls The Black God’s Drums.

But Creeper keeps another secret close to heart--Oya, the African orisha of the wind and storms, who speaks inside her head and grants her divine powers. And Oya has her own priorities concerning Creeper and Ann-Marie…
Meghan Maclean Weir 3.8
A debut novel of family, fame, and religion that tells the emotionally stirring, wildly captivating story of the seventeen-year-old daughter of an evangelical preacher, star of the family's hit reality show, and the secret pregnancy that threatens to blow their entire world apart.

Esther Ann Hicks--Essie--is the youngest child on Six for Hicks, a reality television phenomenon. She's grown up in the spotlight, both idolized and despised for her family's fire-and-brimstone brand of faith. When Essie's mother, Celia, discovers that Essie is pregnant, she arranges an emergency meeting with the show's producers: Do they sneak Essie out of the country for an abortion? Do they pass the child off as Celia's? Or do they try to arrange a marriage--and a ratings-blockbuster wedding? Meanwhile, Essie is quietly pairing herself up with Roarke Richards, a senior at her school with a secret of his own to protect. As the newly formed couple attempt to sell their fabricated love story to the media--through exclusive interviews with an infamously conservative reporter named Liberty Bell--Essie finds she has questions of her own: What was the real reason for her older sister leaving home? Who can she trust with the truth about her family? And how much is she willing to sacrifice to win her own freedom?
Мадлен Миллер 4.4
Американка Мадлен Миллер, филолог-классик и шекспировед, стала известна читателям всего мира благодаря своему дебютному роману “Песнь Ахилла”. “Цирцея” тоже уходит корнями в гомеровский эпос и так же завораживает неожиданной реконструкцией личной истории внутри мифа. Дочь титана Гелиоса, самого солнца, Цирцея растет в чертогах отца одинокой и нелюбимой. Божественное могущество ей недоступно, но когда дает о себе знать ее непонятный и опасный дар, боги и титаны отправляют новоявленную колдунью в изгнание на необитаемый остров. Лишь изредка внешний мир врывается в ее одинокую вечность, пока не пристает к берегу избитый штормами корабль Одиссея. И далеко не всем последствиям этой встречи суждено остаться в легендах…
Тара Вестовер 4.4
 У Тары странная семья.
Отец готовится к концу света — консервирует персики на случай массового голода и скупает оружие, которым можно уничтожить целую деревню.
Мать лечит ожоги и раздробленные кости настойкой лаванды, а братья и сестры не ходят в школу и работают на свалке.
Тара знает, как обращаться с винтовкой и управлять строительным краном, но с трудом может читать и писать.
Но однажды ее жизнь меняется. Втайне от родителей Тара готовится к поступлению в колледж...
Clemantine Wamariya, Elizabeth Weil 0.0
Clemantine Wamariya was six years old when her mother and father began to speak in whispers, when neighbors began to disappear, and when she heard the loud, ugly sounds her brother said were "thunder." In 1994, she and her fifteen-year-old sister, Claire, fled the Rwandan massacre and spent the next six years wandering through seven African countries, searching for safety--perpetually hungry, imprisoned and abused, enduring and escaping refugee camps, finding unexpected kindness, witnessing inhuman cruelty. They did not know whether their parents were dead or alive.

When Clemantine was twelve, she and her sister were granted asylum in the United States, where she embarked on another journey--to excavate her past and, after years of being made to feel less than human, claim her individuality.
Сэм Грэм-Фелсен 0.0
"This isn't some Jedi bull****; the force I'm talking about is real, and its energies are everywhere, working on everyone."

Boston, 1992. David Greenfeld is one of the few white kids at the Martin Luther King Middle School. Everybody clowns him, girls ignore him, and his hippie parents won't even buy him a pair of Nikes, let alone transfer him to a private school. Unless he tests into the city's best public high school--which, if practice tests are any indication, isn't likely--he'll be friendless for the foreseeable future.

Nobody's more surprised than Dave when Marlon Wellings sticks up for him in the school cafeteria. Mar's a loner from the public housing project on the corner of Dave's own gentrifying block, and he confounds Dave's assumptions about black culture: He's nerdy and neurotic, a Celtics obsessive whose favorite player is the gawky, white Larry Bird. Together, the two boys are able to resist the contradictory personas forced on them by the outside world, and before long, Mar's coming over to Dave's house every afternoon to watch vintage basketball tapes and plot their hustle to Harvard. But as Dave welcomes his new best friend into his world, he realizes how little he knows about Mar's. Cracks gradually form in their relationship, and Dave starts to become aware of the breaks he's been given--and that Mar has not.
David Small 0.0
Wildly kaleidoscopic and furiously cinematic, Home After Dark is a literary tour-de-force that renders the brutality of adolescence in the so-called nostalgic 1950s, evoking such classics as The Lord of the Flies. Thirteen-year-old Russell Pruitt, abandoned by his mother, follows his father to sun-splashed California in search of a dream. Suddenly forced to fend for himself, Russell struggles to survive in Marshfield, a dilapidated town haunted by a sadistic animal killer and a ring of malicious boys who bully Russell for being “queer.” Rescued from his booze-swilling father by Wen and Jian Mah, a Chinese immigrant couple who long for a child, Russell betrays their generosity by running away with their restaurant’s proceeds. Told almost entirely through thousands of spliced images, once again “employ[ing] angled shots and silent montages worthy of Alfred Hitchcock” (Washington Post, on Stitches), Home After Dark becomes a new form of literature in this shocking graphic interpretation of cinema verité.
Н. К. Джемисин 0.0
In these stories, Jemisin sharply examines modern society, infusing magic into the mundane, and drawing deft parallels in the fantasy realms of her imagination. Dragons and hateful spirits haunt the flooded city of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In a parallel universe, a utopian society watches our world, trying to learn from our mistakes. A black mother in the Jim Crow south must figure out how to save her daughter from a fey offering impossible promises. And in the Hugo award-nominated short story “The City Born Great,” a young street kid fights to give birth to an old metropolis’s soul.
Jonathan Evison 4.5
For Mike Muñoz, a young Chicano living in Washington State, life has been a whole lot of waiting for something to happen. Not too many years out of high school and still doing menial work—and just fired from his latest gig as a lawn boy on a landscaping crew—he knows that he’s got to be the one to shake things up if he’s ever going to change his life. But how?

Jonathan Evison takes the reader into the heart and mind of a young man on a journey to discover himself, a search to find the secret to achieving the American dream of happiness and prosperity. That’s the birthright for all Americans, isn’t it? If so, then what is Mike Muñoz’s problem? Though he tries time and again to get his foot on the first rung of that ladder to success, he can’t seem to get a break. But then things start to change for Mike, and after a raucous, jarring, and challenging trip, he finds he can finally see the future and his place in it. And it’s looking really good.