Вручение 2015 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2015 г.


Энтони Дорр 4.2
"Весь невидимый нам свет" — последний роман от лауреата многих престижных литературных премий Энтони Дорра. Эта книга, вынашивавшаяся более десяти лет, немедленно попала в списки бестселлеров — и вот уже который месяц их не покидает. "Весь невидимый нам свет" рассказывает о двигающихся, сами того не ведая, навстречу друг другу слепой французской девочке и робком немецком мальчике, которые пытаются, каждый на свой манер, выжить, пока кругом бушует война, не потерять человеческий облик и сохранить своих близких. Это книга о любви и смерти, о том, что с нами делает война, о том, что невидимый свет победит даже самую безнадежную тьму.
Селеста Инг 4.2
"Лидия мертва. Но они пока не знают..." Так начинается история очередной Лоры Палмер - семейная история ложных надежд и умолчания. С Лидией связывали столько надежд: она станет врачом, а не домохозяйкой, она вырвется из уютного, но душного мирка. Но когда с Лидией происходит трагедия, тонкий канат, на котором балансировала ее семья, рвется, и все, давние и не очень, секреты оказываются выпущены на волю. "Все, чего я не сказала" - история о лжи во спасение, которая не перестает быть ложью. О том, как травмированные родители невольно травмируют своих детей. О том, что родители способны сделать со своими детьми из любви и лучших побуждений. И о том, наконец, что порой молчание убивает.
Роман Селесты Инг - одна из самых заметных книг последних двух лет в англоязычной литературе. Дебют, который критики называют не иначе как "ошеломительный", проча молодой писательнице большое будущее.
Энди Вейер 4.4
Всего шесть дней тому назад Марк Уотни был в числе первых людей, ступивших на поверхность Марса. Теперь он почти уверен, что станет первым человеком, умершим на Красной планете. Брошенный своими товарищами – экипажем космического корабля "Гермес", которые сочли его погибшим, Марк лихорадочно ищет способ выжить на планете, где нет ни воды, ни воздуха, ни возможности получить какие-либо продукты питания.

Роман о борьбе и надежде, о всепобеждающей вере в лучшее, придающий новый смысл понятию Человек.
Кейт Раккулия 0.0

Fifteen years ago, a murder/suicide in room 712 rocked the grand old Bellweather Hotel and the young bridesmaid who witnessed it. Now hundreds of high school musicians, including quiet bassoonist Rabbit Hatmaker and his brassy diva twin, Alice, have gathered in its cavernous, crumbling halls for the annual Statewide festival; the grown-up bridesmaid has returned to face her demons; and a snowstorm is forecast that will trap everyone on the grounds. Then one of the orchestra's stars disappears-from room 712. Is it a prank, or has murder struck the Bellweather once again? The search for answers entwines a hilariously eccentric cast of characters - conductors and caretakers, failures and stars, teenagers on the verge and adults trapped in memories. For everyone has come to the Bellweather with a secret, and everyone is haunted.
James A. Levine 0.0
Meet Bingo, the greatest drug runner in the slums of Kibera, Nairobi, and maybe the world. A teenage grifter, often mistaken for a younger boy, he faithfully serves Wolf, the drug lord of Kibera. Bingo spends his days throwing rocks at Krazi Hari, the prophet of Kibera’s garbage mound, “lipping” safari tourists of their cash, and hanging out with his best friend, Slo-George, a taciturn fellow whose girth is a mystery to Bingo in a place where there is never enough food. Bingo earns his keep by running “white” to a host of clients, including Thomas Hunsa, a reclusive artist whose paintings, rooted in African tradition, move him. But when Bingo witnesses a drug-related murder and Wolf sends him to an orphanage for “protection,” Bingo’s life changes and he learns that life itself is the “run.”
Канаэ Минато 4.2
Учительница средних классов и мать-одиночка Ёко Моригути переживает смерть своей четырехлетней дочери. По результатам следствия девочка погибла в результате несчастного случая, утонув в бассейне.
Однако Ёко уверена, что её дочь не могла беспечно подойти к кромке воды - нет! - Её хладнокровно убили. И сделали это ученики её же, Ёко, класса.
Ёко вычисляет убийц и решает отомстить, добавив в школьное молоко кровь, зараженную вирусом иммунодефицита...
John Scalzi 4.2
Fifteen years from now, a new virus sweeps the globe. 95% of those afflicted experience nothing worse than fever and headaches. Four percent suffer acute meningitis, creating the largest medical crisis in history. And one percent find themselvs “locked in”—fully awake and aware, but unable to move or respond to stimulus.

One per cent doesn't seem like a lot. But in the United States, that's 1.7 million people “locked in”...including the President's wife and daughter.

Spurred by grief and the sheer magnitude of the suffering, America undertakes a massive scientific initiative. Nothing can restore the ability to control their own bodies to the locked in. But then two new technologies emerge. One is a virtual-reality environment, “The Agora,” in which the locked-in can interact with other humans, both locked-in and not. The other is the discovery that a few rare individuals have brains that are receptive to being controlled by others, meaning that from time to time, those who are locked in can “ride” these people and use their bodies as if they were their own.

This skill is quickly regulated, licensed, bonded, and controlled. Nothing can go wrong. Certainly nobody would be tempted to misuse it, for murder, for political power, or worse....
Зак Ибрагим 3.8
An extraordinary story, never before told: The intimate, behind-the-scenes life of an American boy raised by his terrorist father—the man who planned the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

What is it like to grow up with a terrorist in your home? Zak Ebrahim was only seven years old when, on November 5, 1990, his father El-Sayed Nosair shot and killed the leader of the Jewish Defense League. While in prison, Nosair helped plan the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. In one of his infamous video messages, Osama bin Laden urged the world to “Remember El-Sayed Nosair.”

For Zak Ebrahim, a childhood amongst terrorism was all he knew. After his father’s incarceration, his family moved often, and as the perpetual new kid in class, he faced constant teasing and exclusion. Yet, though his radicalized father and uncles modeled fanatical beliefs, to Ebrahim something never felt right. To the shy, awkward boy, something about the hateful feelings just felt unnatural.

In this audiobook, Ebrahim dispels the myth that terrorism is a foregone conclusion for people trained to hate. Based on his own remarkable journey, he shows that hate is always a choice—but so is tolerance. Though Ebrahim was subjected to a violent, intolerant ideology throughout his childhood, he did not become radicalized. Ebrahim argues that people conditioned to be terrorists are actually well positioned to combat terrorism, because of their ability to bring seemingly incompatible ideologies together in conversation and advocate in the fight for peace. Ebrahim argues that everyone, regardless of their upbringing or circumstances, can learn to tap into their inherent empathy and embrace tolerance over hatred. His unique, urgent message is fresh, groundbreaking, and essential to the current discussion about terrorism.
Michael Koryta 3.7
When 13-year-old Jace Wilson witnesses a brutal murder, he's plunged into a new life, issued a false identity and hidden in a wilderness skills program for troubled teens. The plan is to get Jace off the grid while police find the two killers. The result is the start of a nightmare.

The killers, known as the Blackwell Brothers, are slaughtering anyone who gets in their way in a methodical quest to reach him. Now all that remains between them and the boy are Ethan and Allison Serbin, who run the wilderness survival program; Hannah Faber, who occupies a lonely fire lookout tower; and endless miles of desolate Montana mountains.

The clock is ticking, the mountains are burning, and those who wish Jace Wilson dead are no longer far behind.
John Darnielle 3.5
Welcome to Trace Italian, a game of strategy and survival! You may now make your first move. Isolated by a disfiguring injury since the age of seventeen, Sean Phillips crafts imaginary worlds for strangers to play in. From his small apartment in southern California, he orchestrates fantastic adventures where possibilities, both dark and bright, open in the boundaries between the real and the imagined. As the creator of Trace Italian—a text-based, role-playing game played through the mail—Sean guides players from around the world through his intricately imagined terrain, which they navigate and explore, turn by turn, seeking sanctuary in a ravaged, savage future America.
Lance and Carrie are high school students from Florida, explorers of the Trace. But when they take their play into the real world, disaster strikes, and Sean is called to account for it. In the process, he is pulled back through time, tunneling toward the moment of his own self-inflicted departure from the world in which most people live.
Brilliantly constructed, Wolf in White Van unfolds in reverse until we arrive at both the beginning and the climax: the event that has shaped so much of Sean’s life. Beautifully written and unexpectedly moving, John Darnielle’s audacious and gripping debut novel is a marvel of storytelling brio and genuine literary delicacy.