Вручение 2013 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2013 г.


Робин Слоун 3.6
Книжный магазин — идеальное место, чтобы спрятать концы в воду. На пыльных дальних полках мистер Пенумбра хранит книги, которые, если верить Гуглу, не существуют. Вереница странных символов, тисненные золотом переплеты, редкие читатели и ночной продавец, которому эксцентричный владелец ясно дает понять: не задавай вопросов, а главное — не читай.

Но паутина загадок уже оплетает героя. Пара неосторожных фраз — и вот уже целый батальон друзей: книжники и программисты из Гугла, знатоки античности и фанаты «Звездных войн» — пытается разгадать шифр полувековой давности.
Кэрол Рифка Брант 4.2
Книга, которую сравнивают с «Убить пересмешника» Харпер Ли. Удивительный роман о людях, знающих все о надежде, любви и боли. О том, как непросто подростку вписаться в мир взрослых.

Джун Элбас четырнадцать лет, и она из тех, кто живет мечтами. Ее дом – средневековый замок, но никак не американский коттедж, ее друзья – герои старинных сказок и легенд, ее будущее – в прошлом. Неудивительно, что общий язык она находит только со своим дядей, талантливым художником Финном Уэйссом, который посвятил себя творчеству и наотрез отказался от громкой славы.

Когда дядя ушел из ее жизни, на память о нем остался только портрет Джун и ее сестры. Но это не просто портрет – холст, который разыскивают все музеи Нью-Йорка, содержит загадки, и именно Джун предстоит их разгадать.
Мария Семпл 3.8
Бернадетт Фокс бесследно исчезла за два дня до Рождества. За день до отъезда в обещанный дочери в награду за отличную учебу семейный круиз в Антарктиду…

Окружающие привыкли к странностям Бернадетт: она почти не выходит из дому, не ухаживает за газоном, отказывается заседать в родительском комитете, школьных мамашек называет не иначе как "мошкарой" и сорит деньгами так, как будто они ничего не значат.

Еще она не снимает темных очков, однажды заснула на диване в аптеке и… организацию всех бытовых дел поручила удаленному виртуальному помощнику в Индии! Ее муж Элджи - компьютерный гений из "Майкрософт" - честно пытается понять, что происходит с женой, но слишком редко бывает дома: совещания, командировки и вечный аврал на работе не оставляют времени на семью. Куда же пропала Бернадетт? Стала жертвой несчастного случая?

Покончила с собой? Никто не знает, что с ней случилось, но все уверены: ее больше нет в живых. Все, кроме пятнадцатилетней Би, которая в поисках мамы готова добраться до самого Южного полюса…
Дэвид Циммерман 0.0
Fifteen-year-old Lynn Marie Sugrue is doing her best to make it through a difficult summer. Her mother works long hours as a nurse, and Lynn suspects that her mother’s pill-popping boyfriend has enlisted her in his petty criminal enterprises. Lynn finds refuge in online flirtations, eventually meeting up with a troubled young soldier, Logan Loy, and inviting him home. When he’s forced to stay over in a storage space accessible through her closet, and the Army subsequently lists him as AWOL, she realizes that he’s the one thing in her life that she can control. Meanwhile, her mother’s boyfriend is on the receiving end of a series of increasingly violent threats, which places Lynn squarely in the cross-hairs.
Tupelo Hassman 0.0
Rory Hendrix is the least likely of Girl Scouts. She hasn’t got a troop or even a badge to call her own. But she’s checked the Handbook out from the elementary school library so many times that her name fills all the lines on the card, and she pores over its surreal advice (Disposal of Outgrown Uniforms; The Right Use of Your Body; Finding Your Way When Lost) for tips to get off the Calle: that is, Calle de los Flores, the Reno trailer park where she lives with her mother, Jo, the sweet-faced, hard-luck bartender at the Truck Stop.

Rory’s been told she is “third generation in a line of apparent imbeciles, feeble-minded bastards surely on the road to whoredom.” But she’s determined to prove the County and her own family wrong. Brash, sassy, vulnerable, wise, and terrified, she struggles with her mother’s habit of trusting the wrong men, and the mixed blessing of being too smart for her own good. From diary entries, social worker’s reports, half-recalled memories, story problems, arrest records, family lore, Supreme Court opinions, and her grandmother’s letters, Rory crafts a devastating collage that shows us her world while she searches for the way out of it. Girlchild is a heart-stopping and original debut.
Ричард Росс 0.0
Winner of the 2012 Best News and Documentary Photography Award from the American Society of Magazine Editors for a selection published in Harper’s Magazine, the photographs in Juvenile in Justice open our eyes to the world of the incarceration of American youth. The nearly 150 images in this book were made over 5 years of visiting more than 1,000 youth confined in more than 200 juvenile detention institutions in 31 states. These riveting photographs, accompanied by the life stories that these young people in custody shared with Ross, give voice to imprisoned children from families that have no resources in communities that have no power.

With essays by Ira Glass of National Public Radio’s This American Life and Bart Lubow, Director of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Justice Strategy Group
Дерф Бакдерф 4.0
My Friend Dahmer is the hauntingly original graphic novel by Derf Backderf, the award winning political cartoonist. In these pages, Backderf tries to make sense of Jeffery Dahmer, the future serial killer with whom he shared classrooms, hallways, libraries and car rides. What emerges is a surprisingly sympathetic portrait of a young man struggling helplessly against the urges, some ghastly, bubbling up from the deep recesses of his psyche. The Dahmer recounted here, although universally regarded as an inhumane monster, is a lonely oddball who, in reality, is all too human. A shy kid sucked inexorably into madness while the adults in his life fail him. The crimes Dahmer committed are incredibly depraved, infamous and unforgettable, but in My Friend Dahmer Backderf provides profound (and at times, even strangely comic) insight into how, and more important, why Jeffery Dahmer transformed from a high school nerd into the most depraved serial killer since Jack the Ripper, coming as close as anyone yet has to explaining the seemingly unexplainable phenomenon of Jeffery Dahmer.
Крис Баллард 0.0
"One Shot at Forever is powerful, inspirational. . . . This isn't merely a book about baseball. It's a book about heart."
--Jeff Pearlman, New York Times bestselling author of Boys Will Be Boys and The Bad Guys Won

In 1971, a small-town high school baseball team from rural Illinois, playing with hand-me-down uniforms and peace signs on their hats, defied convention and the odds. Led by an English teacher with no coaching experience, the Macon Ironmen emerged from a field of 370 teams to represent the smallest school in Illinois history to make the state final, a distinction that still stands. There the Ironmen would play against a Chicago powerhouse in a dramatic game that would change their lives forever.

In this gripping, cinematic narrative, Chris Ballard tells the story of the team and its coach, Lynn Sweet: a hippie, dreamer, and intellectual who arrived in Macon in 1966, bringing progressive ideas to a town stuck in the Eisenhower era. Beloved by students but not administration, Sweet reluctantly took over the ragtag team, intent on teaching the boys as much about life as baseball. Together they embarked on an improbable postseason run that buoyed a small town in desperate need of something to celebrate.

Engaging and poignant, One Shot at Forever is a testament to the power of high school sports to shape the lives of those who play them, and it reminds us that there are few bonds more sacred than that among a coach, a team, and a town.

"Macon's run at the title reminds us why sports matter and why sportswriting has such great power to inspire. . . . [It's] one hell of a good story, and Ballard has written one hell of a good book." --Jonathan Eig, Chicago Tribune
Julianna Baggott 3.9
We know you are here, our brothers and sisters . . .
Pressia barely remembers the Detonations or much about life during the Before. In her sleeping cabinet behind the rubble of an old barbershop where she lives with her grandfather, she thinks about what is lost-how the world went from amusement parks, movie theaters, birthday parties, fathers and mothers . . . to ash and dust, scars, permanent burns, and fused, damaged bodies. And now, at an age when everyone is required to turn themselves over to the militia to either be trained as a soldier or, if they are too damaged and weak, to be used as live targets, Pressia can no longer pretend to be small. Pressia is on the run.

Burn a Pure and Breathe the Ash . . .
There are those who escaped the apocalypse unmarked. Pures. They are tucked safely inside the Dome that protects their healthy, superior bodies. Yet Partridge, whose father is one of the most influential men in the Dome, feels isolated and lonely. Different. He thinks about loss-maybe just because his family is broken; his father is emotionally distant; his brother killed himself; and his mother never made it inside their shelter. Or maybe it’s his claustrophobia: his feeling that this Dome has become a swaddling of intensely rigid order. So when a slipped phrase suggests his mother might still be alive, Partridge risks his life to leave the Dome to find her.

When Pressia meets Partridge, their worlds shatter all over again.
Louise Erdrich 3.8
A mother is brutally raped by a man on their North Dakota reservation where she lives with her husband and thirteen-year-old son, Joe. Traumatized and afraid, she takes to her bed and refuses to talk to anyone - including the police.

While her husband, a tribal judge, endeavours to wrest justice from a situation that defies his keenest efforts, young Joe's world shifts on its child's axis. Confused, and nursing a complicated fury, Joe sets out to find answers that might put his mother's attacker behind bars - and make everything right again. Or so he hopes.

The Round House is a poignant and abundantly humane story of a young boy pitched prematurely into an unjust adult world. It is a story of vivid survival; and tt confirms Louise Erdrich as one of America's most distinctive contemporary novelists.