Вручение 2007 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2007 г.


Джон Коннолли 4.2
Притча, которую нам рассказывает автор международных бестселлеров англичанин Джон Коннолли, вполне в духе его знаменитых детективов о Чарли Паркере. Здесь все на грани — реальности, фантастики, мистики, сказки, чего угодно. Мир, в который попадает двенадцатилетний английский мальчик, как и мир, из которого он приходит, в равной мере оплетены зловещей паутиной войны. Здесь, у нас, — Второй мировой, там — войны за обладание властью между страшным Скрюченным Человеком и ликантропами — полуволками, полулюдьми. Само солнце в мире оживших сказок предпочитает светить в полсилы, и полутьма, которая его наполняет, населена воплотившимися кошмарами из снов и страхов нашего мира. И чтобы выжить в этом царстве теней, а тем более одержать победу, нужно совершить невозможное — изменить себя...
Диана Сеттерфилд 4.3
Маргарет Ли работает в букинистической лавке своего отца. Современности она предпочитает Диккенса и сестер Бронте. Тем больше удивление Маргарет, когда она получает от самой знаменитой писательницы наших дней Виды Винтер предложение стать ее биографом. Ведь ничуть не меньше, чем своими книгами, мисс Винтер знаменита тем, что еще не сказала ни одному интервьюеру ни слова правды. И вот перед Маргарет, оказавшейся в стенах мрачного, населенного призраками прошлого особняка, разворачивается в буквальном смысле слова готическая история сестер-близнецов, которая странным образом перекликается с ее личной историей и постепенно подводит к разгадке тайны, сводившей с ума многие поколения читателей, - тайне "Тринадцатой сказки"
Сара Груэн 4.3
Старику Якобу Янковскому, обитающему теперь в доме престарелых, есть что вспомнить: во времена Великой депрессии судьба забросила его, студента-ветеринара, в передвижной "Цирк Братьев Бензини". Парад-алле, клоуны, дрессированные львы и слоны, карлики и силачи, кровь и пот, фанфары и крики "браво!". Закулисье цирка оказывается вовсе не таким чарующим и прекрасным, как представлялось Якобу сначала. Однако именно здесь он встречает лучших друзей, злейших врагов и ту единственную, ради которой можно вытерпеть любые унижения и пойти на подвиг.
Дэвид Митчелл 4.3
Митчелл вновь удивляет читателя. «Лужок черного лебедя» отличается от всех его романов. Эта книга наполнена аллюзиями на все значительные произведения мировой литературы и все же стоит особняком.

И прежде всего потому, что главный герой, Джейсон Тейлор, мальчик, тайком пишущий стихи и борющийся с заиканием, хотя и напоминает нам героев Сэлинджера, Брэдбери, Харпер Ли, но в то же время не похож ни на одного из них. Тринадцать глав романа ведут нас от одного события в жизни Тейлора к другому.

Тринадцать месяцев — от одного январского дня рождения до другого — понадобилось Джейсону Тейлору, чтобы повзрослеть и из мечущегося, неуверенного в себе подростка стать взрослым человеком. Из утенка превратиться в лебедя.
Майкл Д'орсо 0.0
n the tradition of Friday Night Lights, an extraordinary journey into the basketball-crazed culture of remote Arctic Alaska.

The village of Fort Yukon sits eight miles above the Arctic Circle, deep in Alaska's "bush" country. The six hundred men, women and children who live there—almost all of them Athabascan Gwich'in Natives—have little to cheer for. Their traditional Indian ways of life are rapidly vanishing in the face of a modern culture that is closing in on all sides, threatening to destroy their community and their identity. The one source of pride they can count on is their boys' high school basketball team—the Fort Yukon Eagles.

Eagle Blue follows the Eagles, winners of six regional championships in a row, through the course of an entire 28-game season, from their first day of practice in late November to the Alaska State Championship Tournament in March. With insight, frankness, and compassion, Michael D'Orso climbs into the lives of these fourteen boys, their families, and their coach, shadowing them through an Arctic winter of fifty-below-zero temperatures and near-round-the-clock darkness as the Eagles criss-cross Alaska by air, van, and snow machine in pursuit of their—and their village's—dream.
Иван Дойг 0.0
Can't cook but doesn't bite." So begins the newspaper ad offering the services of an "A-1 housekeeper, sound morals, exceptional disposition" that draws the hungry attention of widower Oliver Milliron in the fall of 1909. And so begins the
Памела Картер Йорн 0.0
In the Nebraska Sandhills, nothing is more sacred than the bond of family and land—and nothing is more capable of causing deep wounds. In Pamela Carter Joern's riveting novel The Floor of the Sky, Toby Jenkins, an aging widow, is on the verge of losing her family's ranch when her granddaughter Lila—a city girl, sixteen and pregnant—shows up for the summer. While facing painful decisions about her future, Lila uncovers festering secrets about her grandmother's past—discoveries that spur Toby to reconsider the ambiguous ties she holds to her embittered sister Gertie, her loyal ranch hand George, her not-so-sympathetic daughter Nola Jean, and ultimately, herself. Propelled by stark realism in breakneck prose, The Floor of the Sky reveals the inner worlds of characters isolated by geography and habit. Set against the sweeping changes in rural America—from the onslaught of corporate agribusiness to the pressures exerted by superstores on small towns—Joern's compelling story bears witness to the fortitude and hard-won wisdom of people whose lives have been forged by devotion to the land.
Джон Хамамура 0.0
Growing up in a time between wars, Sam Hamada finds that the culture of his native Japan is never far from his heart. Sam is rapidly learning the code of the samurai in the late 1930s on the lush Hawaiian Islands, where he is slowly coming into his own as a son and a man.

But after Sam strikes out for California, where he meets Keiko, the beautiful young woman destined to be the love of his life, he faces crushing disappointment—Keiko's parents take her back to Japan, forcing Keiko to endure their attempts to arrange her marriage. It is a trial complicated by how the Japanese perceive her—as too Americanized to be a proper Japanese wife and mother—and its pain is compounded by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which ignites the war that instantly taints Sam, Keiko, and their friends and family as enemies of the state.

Sam himself is most caught between cultures when, impressed by his knowledge of Japanese, the U.S. Army drafts and then promotes Sam, sending him on a secret mission into a wartime world of madness where he faces the very real risk of encountering his own brother in combat.

From the tragedies of the camps through to the bombing of Hiroshima, where Sam's mother and siblings live, Sam's very identity both puts his life at risk and provides the only reserve from which he can pull to survive. In this beautifully written historical epic about a boy in search of manhood, a girl in search of truth, and two peoples divided by war, Sam must draw upon his training, his past, and everything he has learned if he's ever to span his two cultures and see Keiko, or his family, again.
Michael Lewis 4.3
When we first meet Michael Oher is one of thirteen children by a mother addicted to crack; he does not know his real name, his father, his birthday, or how to read or write. He takes up football, and school, after a rich, white, Evangelical family plucks him from the streets. Then two great forces alter Oher: the family's love and the evolution of professional football itself into a game in which the quarterback must be protected at any cost. Our protagonist becomes the priceless package of size, speed, and agility necessary to guard the quarterback's greatest vulnerability: his blind side.
Ron Rash 5.0
Travis Shelton is seventeen the summer he wanders into the woods onto private property outside his North Carolina hometown, discovers a grove of marijuana large enough to make him some serious money, and steps into the jaws of a bear trap. After hours of passing in and out of consciousness, Travis is discovered by Carlton Toomey, the wise and vicious farmer who set the trap to protect his plants, and Travis's confrontation with the subtle evils within his rural world has begun.

Before long, Travis has moved out of his parents' home to live with Leonard Shuler, a one-time schoolteacher who lost his job and custody of his daughter years ago, when he was framed by a vindictive student. Now Leonard lives with his dogs and his sometime girlfriend in a run-down trailer outside town, deals a few drugs, and studies journals from the Civil War. Travis becomes his student, of sorts, and the fate of these two outsiders becomes increasingly entwined as the community's terrible past and corrupt present bear down on each of them from every direction, leading to a violent reckoning—not only with Toomey, but with the legacy of the Civil War massacre that, even after a century, continues to divide an Appalachian community.

Vivid, harrowing yet ultimately hopeful, The World Made Straight is Ron Rash's subtlest exploration yet of the painful conflict between the bonds of home and the desire for independence.